
Cosmic Professional Gladiator

In 2036, mankind steps foot on Mars for the first time. In 2052, Earth holds the first World Martial Arts Tournament, a global martial arts competition watched by the entire planet. Top professional gladiator, “Spear Demon” Xu Jingming, retires at the prime age of 26 with a body ridden with injuries. One day, the United Nations announces that mankind would be ushering in a new era for human evolution. Advanced technology had been found on Mars, a secret kept to this day. Research had been carried out to use science to augment human evolution. All of mankind can now evolve themselves by partaking in this VR experience using the freely distributed VR headset. How will Xu Jingming use this opportunity for all mankind to his advantage?

I Eat Tomatoes · Romance
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813 Chs


Translator: CKtalon

North River Boat Master and the mighty Ancient Tree World Lord, shockingly, treated Xu Jingming as an equal! This unexpected behavior left not only Xu Jingming, but also the dean, Tower Master, and Island Lord, utterly bewildered and increasingly curious.

What could make them so deferential to Jingming? Even if a new half-step third-realm cultivator emerged, the esteemed Ancient Tree World Lord wouldn't typically pay a personal visit for congratulations, mused the dean.

Tensions and factions were known to exist among half-step third-realms.

Ancient Tree World Lord was undeniably the most powerful half-step third-realm being in the dominion, with a reputation extending across neighboring dominions. North River Boat Master himself had shown humility before Ancient Tree World Lord.

But now… Ancient Tree World Lord was displaying great humility towards Xu Jingming.