
Corruption of a good man

A young beggar was taken in by a newly anointed aristocrat family. The young boy was fed and treated like one of their own. Growing up, he wanted to repay the family that took care of him as much as he could. However, during the coming age ceremony, in which inhabitants of this world can be granted a 'class' when they reach 16, the hope for his first step for reciprocating the goodness that was showered to him starts to be out of reach. * Class Granted * Netori Slow paced story 1 chapter every 3 days

ClicheMuncher · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 2 : Parting (2)

*cling* The doorbell chimed as two people walked in.

"Welcome!" A young and cheerful voice exclaimed. "Oh, it's Ray's Parents" She said as she took a clear look at the couple who just walked in.

"We're back, sweet little Maple" Lexia said as she ruffled Maple's brown hair.

Maple is the daughter of the Biglodge tavern owners. They were former solo 'A' rank Adventures, and was quite popular during their active days.

Maple, though only 6 years old, time tries to help out her parents. She waited tables, and deliver payments and change. She is quite popular to the customers. There was one time that a customer joked that she will wait for Maple to get older so he can marry her, however, the other customers drowned that man with vicious stares that he did not dare come back again.

"I'll call Ray" Maple said as she ran behind the counter and through the door.

The tavern is spacious with round wooden tables scattered around the dining area with a front side bar. The area could hold 50 people at a time and this place is usually packed at night. Though it may become rowdy, nobody is willing to cause trouble as they have respect and fear towards the owners. While their lodging only has 10 rooms, it's roomy and comfortable for a fair price, not to mention the food is unbelievably good.

"Ray, your parents are back" Maple said to Ray as she walks into the kitchen.

Ray was helping the kitchen by chopping up vegetables. "Really? Let me finish this up first." He said while pacing up his chopping speed.

"That's enough Ray." Said a man with a rugged look. "Go meet your parents first."

"Okay, Willie" Ray smiled and went out of the kitchen with Maple.

Willie picked up what Raymond was doing and started to chop, then suddenly got embraced from behind. "It's going to be lonely when they're gone." A woman said sadly.

"Yes, especially Maple. They grew up together after all" Willie sighed. "I don't even know how to comfort her when they're gone, Masie"

"Mmm" She let out a sound agreement. "You know… Raymond." Masie continued.

"I know. Such a young boy but, deep in his eyes is an ambition that seem to always keep on burning. Masie will need to change her humble dream of succeeding this tavern if she wants to be beside Ray." Willie sighed.

There was a short pause and just the sound of chopping could be heard.

"Shall I do the maintenance then?" Masie broke the silence.

"Let's wait for Maple's decision first". Willie answered as he continued to chop the vegetables.

The Biglodge tavern is slowly getting costumers as Maple takes their orders, while Glidal, Lexia, and Raymond went upstairs to their room and started to pack.

"Everything ready?" Glidal asked his son.

"Yes dad!" Raymond enthusiastically replied.

"Good" Glidlal ruffled his son's hair.

"I thought Maple will be more upset than I thought she would. She seems fine as if nothing happened." Lexia said and pondered for a moment. Then she saw her son suddenly become meek fiddling his hands while his eyes darting around the room.

"Raymond" Lexia said with an authoritative mother's tone.

Raymond suddenly felt chills and water automatically fill his eyes.

"Did. You. Tell. Maple?" Lexia emphasized slowly word by word as she crouched to meet her son's eyes.

Raymond just looked down shivering while tears slowly drop down the floor.

"I repeat, Di-" before Lexia can finished her sentence, Glidal tapped her shoulders and lightly shook his head.

"Okay" Lexia reluctantly stood up. "Make sure you dry your tears before I get Maple here" Lexia said as she stormed out the room.

"Son, was that scary?" Glidal approached his son trying to comfort him.

Raymond nods.

"I was scared too. Now, dry your tears before your mother comes back with Maple." Glidal continued as he comforted his son.

After a few minutes, three knocks on the door was heard.

"Okay son, make sure to tell Maple properly okay?" Glidal said as he was checking his son's eyes if there were tears left.

"Yes dad, I'm ready" Raymond said confidently.

The room was filled with Maples excessively shouting at Raymond as she only knew that they were leaving for good at the exact day that they will be gone. Maple was crying as she yelled and screamed until her voice got hoarse. This got Raymond crying again, but he was just standing still not uttering a word. But soon, it stopped as the adults in the room comforted the two, and let Raymond explain. It took quite some time but the two eventually reconciled.

"Pinky swear" Maple sniffles as she raised her pinky.

"Pinky swear" Raymond smiled while snot slowly drops from his nose as he entwined his pinky to hers.

Suddenly, there was another three knocks on the door. "Hey, former Dawnsteel, your ride to the Royal Castle is here." Called out Masie.

Glidal opened the door. "Thanks Masie" He said as he saw her.

Masie took a peek inside the room and saw Raymond and Maple sniffling while still holding on to the pinky swear. "I guess everything is sorted out?" She asked.

"Luckily, yeah" Glidal replied. He then turned around and said "Let's go."

Outside the Tavern was a high-class carriage designed for royalty. The carriage was made by the highest class wood, designed by gold and silver engraved emblems - a sword and shield crossed each other with a crown on the top. The horses are the finest stallion in the kingdom, some even argue that they are fed better than some of the commoners.

In front of the carriage door, a short haired blonde man wearing a regal red military clothes adorned with gold epaulet designed for nobility was standing tall with hands behind his back. It was sunny, but he didn't seem to mind. He didn't sweat but instead the sunshine made his skin reflect his fair skin better and accented his good looks. The women bystanders can't help but stop and admire the man, even some men stopped for a moment to look.

*cling* The doorbell chimed. Glidal opened the door and saw the carriage and the man.

He opened his arms for a hug as he walked towards the man. "Rostri-" Glidal was about to shout the man's name but suddenly halted when he felt his waist getting violently pinched.

"Glidal, we are in public" Lexia whispered behind Glidal as she twists her fingers more. Glidgal's face contorts in an extremely unsightly manner, way worse than when he was hit on the stomach by the earth dragon he fought.

"Ye-ye-yes" He slowly said while tapping the hand that tortures him.

"Good" She released her grip, and walked towards the blonde man, who seems to be biting his lower lip.

Lexia raised the sides of her dress and bowed. "Lexia Raldime greets the first prince."

After this, Glidal also bowed "Glidal greets the first prince."

Massie and Willie followed suit.

"Massie greets the first prince."

"Willie greets the first prince."

"You may rise. Greetings to you as well". The first prince said. He spotted two children in front of the tavern door not knowing what to do. "The children are?" He asked.

"The boy is my son, Raymond. While the girl is Maple, the tavern owners' daughter." Lexia explained. "Children, greet the prince" she beckoned the two.

The two children slowly went up to the man. Maple was first, she copied what Lexia and her mother did. "Maple greets the first prince." She bowed.

"Raymond greets the first prince." Raymond followed.

The prince smiled. "At ease." He walked towards the children and ruffled their hair. "Very smart children." He said, then looked at Glidal and Lexia. "I figured it will be only the two of you, are you ready?"

"Yes prince, we are here to follow the decree." Lexia said.

"Let's go then." The prince said as He opened the carriage door. "After you." He gestured smiling.

Lexia squinted and said. "Prince, this isn't appropriate."

"It's fine Lexia, even if I'm a prince, I'm still your guide to the Castle today." The prince said while smiling.

Lexia sighed and said. "We'll do as you like, prince." She then went in the carriage.

"Say your farewell's now" Glidal said to his son.

Raymond, nodded and ran to Massie and Willie and gave them a hug. "Thank you for everything." He said with a smile.

"Good luck kid." Willie said as he slapped Raymond's back.

"Make sure to visit us when you come back here, okay?" Massie said as she bent down and kissed the kid's forehead. "There's one more right?" She said as she turned him towards Maple.

Maple hugged him crying. "Don't forget our promise right, we did the pinky swear." She cried while talking.

"Yes, of course, I will never forget." Raymond replied while crying as well.

After a while, Raymond let go and ran inside the carriage. The carriage started to move and He looked outside and see them waving, he waved as well. He felt a hand ruffling his hair, but he still kept waving until he couldn't see them anymore.

Maple stopped waving when she couldn't see the carriage anymore. She wiped her tears and looked at her parents. "Mom, Dad, teach me how to be an adventurer." She said while her eyes gleamed with conviction.

The couple, surprised, looked at each other and chuckled. "I guess we don't need to ask" Masie smiled. "I'll go do some maintenance." She said and walked inside the tavern.

"Maple, From now on we will only open the tavern at night time. You need to work really hard if you want to be an adventurer." Willie knelt down and held his daughters hand. "No quitting, okay?" He said.

"Mm" Maple nodded.

"Okay then, we start tomorrow" He said.

As they were walking towards the tavern, Willie asked. "What was the promise that you made with Ray?"

Maple let go of Willie's hand and ran inside the tavern and shouted. "It's a secret!"