
Uhm, Excuse me?


—Water, so full of potential, each drop seems to hold its very own universe—



—A spark, A sudden fury of life bursting forth, Burning with vigor, Impudence against the very universe —


   "Shiiiiiiiiiiitah, I feel like a blob of Playdoh"

—The Furious storm slows into a Stable Thrum, slowly pulling you Forward from the nothing—

   "Agk, I knew I was sick but what the Fuck, Benidren has Never done THAT to me"


   "Hah, cold what the-" 

Snapping his head around and then up, the poor fool, who we will call Fifteen for now, is very quickly realizing this is not his class's Desk where he fell asleep but a sad excuse for a bed in a poorly made wooden room

   "Excuse me But what the He-HAAAH"


Leaping to his Feet he stands before a tear in his wooden room vomiting forth what tastes like snozzberries and smells like seawater, I wonder what it is?

   "Welp FUhak, Questions later I guess"

He springs toward the doorway to his right, stammering to the other side and slamming it shut, how cute, he even locks it, -How do you think a locked door is going to stop a ship from flooding you twat-

   "Hooh-kay I suppose it's time to leave"

Half Panicking half Wandering, up the hall a little ways he finds a room off to the side

   "Well come on, I can't just NOT take a peak"

Awkwardly shuffling towards it and entering, inside Fifteen finds an axe, some wood and nails, a waterskin someone left, along side some Lunch

   "Hmmkay I can only hope nobody minds"

Taking up the Axe, it says Made in America, and the water skin he is reminded that the ship he is on, is, in fact, Quickly Sinking 


   "Ah, that's my ticket to excuse myself"

Running up the Hall and then up a subsequent pair of stairs he finds himself on the deck of the ship, to which he isn't happy about cause he witnessed a man get his essence sapped and another had their Own soul evicted with immediate notice, and several more "dealing" with a minotaur Poorly, which much to his own Chagrin was hungrily looking around, ontop of all that, not one of these fuckers were human

   "Uhhhhhhhuh, i'm certainly not Fucking welcome Here and will be Promptly fucking off

Sprinting off Starboard, Fifteen is met with the Ugliest fucker he's ever seen


Before him is a Flapping mess of "Harpy" or at least was one



The Harpy, not understanding what is being said, flew up, and in that brief moment Fifteen dove underneath and off the side of the Boat towards land, into the deep dark below

Alright this my First story, I will not ask for Mercy, But simply bear that in mind

Wandomness_Rowlcreators' thoughts