
Corrupt Creations

The Ancient Era has come to an end. Gods, demons and ancient beasts strong enough to rule anything with power and roam free in the universe... All vanished mysteriously. No one really knows how it has ended and what actually have happened. Some records state that it was the constant war between gods and demons that caused their demise, or even the conflicts they had against members of their own race that ended that golden age. Greed, pride and selfish motives could have been the catalysts for that ending. Who can precisely tell what happened? It has been 2 million years since the last record of those times and in this gap of time, other races made their appearances. Still, those considered God's and Deities of those old times, didn't let their names be erased from history. There are a lot of legacies they've left behind for the new races. Some are already claimed as people make them their sect treasure or family heirloom, but It's speculated that there are lot more legacies left behind that were still not found yet. This is a cruel world where power reigns, so people do everything to get what they want. It has to be known, that there were six supreme beings that were above the ranks of Gods and Demons, and they were called True Gods. Dauntless and unstoppable. They attained the peak of power and could only be feared and respected. Till this day no one has really found any True God legacy, so people have forgotten about their existence. Although, there were a lot of god legacies, since they were constantly searching for the best inheritors for their bloodlines and their teachings. However, it is highly unlikely for a person to fully attain it, because Gods are Gods and humans are mere humans. Their marks are all over the universe and they are treated with utmost respect until the present age. Still, there is no Deity alive to enjoy such treatment.

DanTeNL · Fantaisie
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425 Chs

8 years later 

Human Territory, Blazing Phoenix Country.

This country was famous for being the hottest one from the human territory, there was another fact that made this place famous as well, it was ruled by the Blazing Phoenix Sect. An entire sect focused on flame arts. There were all kinds of flame cultivation practitioners on this place, but it's said that the Royal Family that controlled the sect, had the legendary Phoenix Bloodline running inside their veins. Even if it was just a minuscule fraction of drop of blood, such a holy beast bloodline would make the person who had it, turn into a master among masters of flames.

This place was the outer court of the Blazing Phoenix Sect, the ruler of the country. People wearing red robes could be seen everywhere, walking left and right.

Under the shadow of a tall tree, there was a tall boy with raven black hairs and a great build that didn't seem to be bulky, but still muscular and well outlined enough to impress anyone who happened to see him. His eyes were black and he had a penetrating gaze.

His robes were red too, not sparkly like the robes of some important disciples, but a plain shade of red, symbolizing his status as an outer court disciple of the Blazing Phoenix Sect. They fit normally for his good build, but they were a bit off from his normal clothes preferences.

He was currently looking at the skies, absent-minded, as if recalling his past. It has been eight years since his life got turned upside down and all those distant memories still tormented him from time to time. But suddenly, he heard a voice...

"Senior Brother Seth."

"Senior Brother..."

That cheerful voice, rang beside his ears and he  quickly snapped back to earth and looked at the lively girl who was calling for him.

"Meiyi... You look cute today as well. You make me feel refreshened, like a cheerful spring day had suddenly arrived."

"Come on... Stop teasing me!" The girl looked flustered, but he could see her cheeks blushing for a bit. She tried to hide it, but Seth was able to see she seemed a bit happy.

In fact, he was actually telling the truth as she looked adorable and cheerful.

She had a light purple hair that was really smooth and a green butterfly ribbon tying her hair behind her head. Her hair at shoulder length, gave her all the necessary youthfulness for a heathy and beautiful lady.

Her hair moved along the wind, trying to show how lively her personality was.

Her light pink skin seemed smooth and silky, her brown eyes were really vivid and always sparkling when looking at him. She was petite and fit, as her body was still maturing. She was 17 years old, but her youthful appearance would make many people mistake her as a 15 years old girl. Donned on the same red robes for outer disciples, her slim figure was really cute and neat.

"Senior Brother, the inner court disciple exam is approaching, can we t-train t-t-together today as well?" She asked stuttering and getting red for a bit. They were close friends, but she was still uncomfortable to ask for something.

The boy had to admit... Teasing her always made his day better. At least, when he saw her naivety, he would forget about the intricacies around him.

"Of course. I would totally clear my schedule today just to train with you if I had one to begin with." He said while having a devious grin all over his face.

She didn't let that pass unnoticed. "You're not allowed to do that again today!" She added hastily.

"Do what? What am I not allowed to do?" In a straight face, he asked. But in reality, he was laughing on the inside, already enjoying the situation.

"T-To carelessly t-t-touch me while we are training!" The girl called Meiyi seemed to have some difficulties to express herself when it came to that topic. She was indeed naive and the boy knew how to exploit that.

"Hey, how am I supposed to teach you, if I can't direct you up close? We're bound to touch each other on these kinds of situations."

"And why would you need to touch my legs while we train our elemental control?" She asked with a face full of doubts.

"Posture! I was just correcting your posture!"

"Humph!" She snorted doubting his statement.

His eyes were glinting as if it was already another victory for him.

The girl suddenly walked ahead some meters, turned around with a quick spin in a lively way and looked at him.

"Anyway, I will wait for you at the same place" After that she just ran away, but when she was turning around the corner of the street a few meters away, she said in a barely audible tone. "Yay."

Shortly after that, she was no longer in his line of sight.

"Ahahahaha! I will never get tired of this."

Preparing to leave the spot he was, he suddenly heard four different voices mocking in a disrespectful tone.

"Isn't that girl the "failure" people are talking about?"

"Yeah! And she was even talking with that weakling over there."

"Like people usually say, trash tends to bundle together."

"Ahaha it seems so. She's cute though. A pity."

"How about we do "that" Tao Yong? No one is going to bother with what happens with a "failure"."

Their voices were not loud, but nonetheless, it could be heard by anyone that had progressed a little bit on their cultivation. It showed that they weren't bothered with other people hearing them.

Tao Yong. One of the strongest disciples at the outer court of the Blazing Phoenix Sect, attaining the Qi Gathering Middle Stage Cultivation Realm at the age of 18. With his cultivation level he would have it easy on the upcoming tests.

Maybe his group confidence came from him and his achievement of being one of the top 3 disciples in the entire outer court, but his fame was not that bright. He had done some evil acts lately, but people actually feared him more for his connections with some inner court disciples and his brother.

He looked at the girl distancing from them and said back to his three underlings: "That sounds good. Let's go make some preparations so we can have some fun tonight." While grinning in a creepy way, he started signaling for them to move.

His friends started laughing and following him towards the same place Chun Meiyi left for. They didn't seem to be hasty in any way.

Seth followed after them slowly, not attracting any attention towards him. He made sure to not stand too close, so they don't suspect anything, but not so far as well. They were busy planning their next course of actions, unaware they were being followed by a weaker practitioner that should never have escaped their perceptions.

Tao Yong checked his equipment's and confirmed he was ready.

"Everything is ready guys. We just need an opportunity to strike. It would be better if she goes to some secluded place, where no one can find out about anything."

His underlings nodded and proceeded with his instructions.