
Demonstration celebration.

At one minute past the dawn of the first light of the day. Prince Corllion awoke to a since of calm that rarely he had ever know, before this day he was filled with a unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a longing to explore and experience the world with his own eyes. And avoid a life of learning from only second hand retelling of acts and deeds of heroism and devoted prayer to his god.

It's not that the prince was not devout in his beliefs in his god, he was just so Confident, that his life was ment for more than religious pursuits. He felt it. Every time how picked up his sword that he had commissioned to be built, it was as if it was an Extension of his self , he had the greatest elven smiths make the long sword with 12 small holes running at odd angles to each other all along the blood Trough of the blade. And when he let go and followed the will of the blade and just moved with it the would sometimes seem like the sword would play a weird song. The only other time the prince ever felt this whole or centered, is where he practiced the arcane arts. Being of elven descent magic came easy to him , but he never focused on earth shattering fire balls or calling down lighting storms, nor did he study in depth and transmutation spells. He focused on magica that would aid him in physical battles.

And he further went as far as to modify on his own without letting his arcane turors know he was attempting to cast these one handed.

The young prince had no idea that these were core skills of a Bladesinger. He had never heard of the guild or the art form know as the blade dance.

As he climbed out a bed, And he Prepared himself for the day. he packed a travelers pack, made one more look around his room, stepped out and close the door behind him, knowing it would be long long time before he ever saw this room again. He did not know why this was a comfort, and not a sorrow in his mind.

As he walked the Corridors of the castle, he Espied his young page, he called the boy over handed off his travelers pack and told the boy to ready his horse. Then proceeded to the throne room to find his father the king.

Along the way corllion ran into many people that where gathering to see his demonstration of skill, it was widely know that he was a most extraordinary young man, it seemed he could achieve great success in any area that he took a notion to try his hand at. It was rumored, that he was more skilled ,intelligent, level headed and wise beyond his years. It was secretly whispered, that he should be a far better fit for the throne and the crown than either of his two older brothers.

This was know by the crown prince, but he harbored no ill will towards his youngest brother, having long ago discovered where corllions heart lied. He had no desire for the crown. In fact the Crown prince also knew Corllion planed to take to the road as soon as the ceremony was concluded to day. And was waiting outside the throne room for him.

Ahh my dear brother, so I see you still plan on going through with this! Said Crown Prince Veilar.

Yes Veilar I much follow my own heart in this, and I will not be swayed. Father will understand, Corllion said, then chuckled, or father will order me to the cloth and I will have to take my vows with irons clapped on my limbs.

Veilar shook his head and reach out both hands one landed on Corllions left shoulder, the out pushed something into his right hand.

Then put this to good used my brother and wish you well in all endeavors. And i suspect, and hope to be reading about you one day in a newly inked volume of our races heroes.

Corllion opened his hand and looked upon a black metal ring with a red ruby, and white diamond set on opposite sides from one another, they where inset so that they sat flush with the band.

As Corllion looked at the ring , Veilar told him this ring will keep you warm at night , can start your cook fire for your sup and light your way in the darkest of nights. And that the lesser of its abilities, since you are fond of the arcane, the ruby and diamond can be used as components to your spells, but will not be consumed by the casting.

Brother, Corllion exclaimed, this is far to much a gift! I will cherish it always. And one day when my Weary bones no longer wish to travel the land, I will return this to you. And treat you with tails of wonder from my travels, since I know you love a good tale or two and at the same time hate having to read in the first place.

Veilar laughed out loud, which is very un common for him, oh you do know me so well my little brother! I wish you all the good fortune, and hope the god deliver you home to us one far off day.

With this the crown prince , gave the family's personal salute and a slight bow , and took his leave.

Corllion once again inspected the black band while remembering all the days of youthful fun and baby adventures inside the castle walls him and his brothers Embarked on when they where children, then slipped it on his pinky finger and walked into the throne room.

The king was talking directly to one of the attendance that was always in the throne room, riding every spoken word that was said, upon seeing his son enter he stopped and waved the man away, the scrib took a few steps back.


Ahh my son, I see you are up and about as is your norm. What do you wish to speak to me about?

Father, as is custom, all eldar may ask there liege lord for there second century boon! From speaking to my brothers, I know someone will be attending the demonstration to evaluate me and my skills, I also know being that I am a royal prince you have chosen my path for me, as you have for my brothers, and for them that was the proper thing for each of them.

I only ask you keep an open mind when making the final decision, for I truly believe that my gifts are god given yet not Divine in nature. And I believe it would be an injustice to not use these skills. They're fullest ability out in the world, where they would serve me best, and not prostate in prayer all my days and squandering these abilities.

With this Corllion went silent, and awaited his father's response.

The king sat in silent contemplation, until he finally spoke, my son first let me speak as your father and not your king. Any man would be immensely proud to have you as their son, you are a fine young man , to have the courage to speak Unabashedly the way you just spoke to a king. It speaks well to your metal. The king looked to his left and waved a young girl who was holding up something under a large green cloth. The girl walked before the prince. As Corllion reached out and uncover the obscured item his father spoke. I had these commissioned, and made for you by the finest wood elf craftsman. They are fabled boots of elven kind. They allow your passage to go unnoticed, and your movements to be silent. Corllion could feel the elite craftsmanship with his fingers as he inspected the knee high boots, the material was dyed a dark black color and on the front the royal emblem of his family's coat of arms was pressed burnt into the leather. The soles of the boot felt hard and normal like his boots he wore every day but he knew they would make no sound when striking the heel on a stone underfoot.

Now as your king, I need to think of the kingdom first even if it means doing something that may displease me or my family, I must think what's best to setup the kingdom for the future generations to come. And as you are my son you are expected to do the same even if it means a personal loss.

Hearing this made Corllion's shoulders slump, fearing what was to come next!

Having said that I know what is in your heart, and I don't believe forcing you to be the spiritual leader of our people, would be in either the kingdom or our family's best interest.

Know this I have invited a few distinguished guests to the demonstration today. Impress them and you may have offers for a more fitting life, for you!