
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Princes of the Kingdoms

Seraphine yanked her hand out in anger, and was about to scold him , for grabbing her . But before she could even speak , he placed his hand on her mouth, to prevent her from speaking, then staring deeply into her eyes , he signaled her to be quiet . She complied , not caring about the reason why . Not long after , a very cold yet somewhat divinely majestic voice called out , "Damian where are you" , "aha there you are" , the voice said , as man very handsome, man appeared in front of them . Seraphine immediately noticed , the distinct features. He looked life the most handsome fantasy Spanish prince , that can ever be imagined . he was dressed in splendid Gothic apparel , that was embroiled with gemstones and golden threads . she also noticed his hair colouring, was similar to that of the man who interrupted her ease-dropping , except this man's hair had black and purple edges and two golden horns, that rested on his head like large braids .

"I hope I was not interrupting, any exciting activities Damian" the man asked , the other man , who was standing with Seraphine.

"Hello ,I'm Dracula Bloodstar , but you must address me as Prince of Darkness" Dracula proudly stated , speaking to Seraphine .

Seraphine was in a shock of doubt ,for a moment . But she soon noticed his fangs, when he smiled at her . His smile changed in to a terrifying frown ,as he commanded Seraphine , to bow before him . she bowed in terror , acknowledging that, she was in the presence of a being , who could easily harm her , even with her supernatural abilities , she knew she was no match for him .

"come on now brother , let's not terrify the poor girl any further . I found her, spying on us during the meeting . I spared her life ,because I understood that she was doing this not out of bad intentions , but rather out of foolish childish curiosity. Leave her now , and let her be." Damian spoke addressing Dracula.

Dracula looked at Seraphine and said , " listen you worthless insect , you would have died today ,if my brother had not intervened . However , if I ever see you trespassing in my presence again , I will not be so merciful ."

He then looked at Damian and Said "come on now little brother , the council of elders and our Elder Brother ,are demanding our presence , in the meeting".

Seraphine , still bowing down watched , until both men were gone , she then quickly ran back to the temple , to tell her friends and teammates , what she had just witnessed .

I'm just soo excited to finally start writing this part ,

There are soo many new upcoming Exciting mind blowing characters , yet to be revealed .

but to be honest with you , it's really exhausting to write , after a long day of hard work .

however for the sake of my readers , i'll make time for daily , or at least once in every two days update.

enjoy the novel , and have a great day.

Humble_Angelcreators' thoughts