
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

chapter two(PRIME STONE ,the tests of faith)

The room lit up as the PRIME STONE trans teleport-ed Arufa into the dream realm (which is a realm within ones own mind ). "were am I Arufa wondered" , a female voice replied "you are in the dream realm inside your subconscious ,you are here to be tested by the PRIME STONE" . Arufa recognized the voice, to be the same one that introduced herself earlier on as Nova, his spirit guide from the Prime Stone . Nova took the form of a crystal-like blue transparent female in an attire resembling an ancient armor . but before Arufa could ask her any questions ,the sound of screaming children caught his attention. He turned to see what was happening ,he then noticed that he seemed to be in a city full of people, and that a school bus full of children had gotten an accident and was tipping over a bridge that was closing a very deep valley. He was very alarmed by this and quickly rushed to try to safe the children .But after pulling most of them out , the bus begun to tip over with two children still inside . he managed to pull on of them out easily,but the last child`s leg was stuck . Without second taught he jumped into the the bus and tried to safe the child ,even though every one told him to come out while he still can and be happy that at least he saved almost everyone of those children. but against all the odds he untangled the child and threw him out of the bus right before it fell,even though he could not save himself he was satisfied that against all hope he still believed and saved everyone in the bus. Arufa taught that he was falling to his death , but right before he hit the ground everything disappeared into an endless void space. Then a powerful voice proclaimed like thunder saying "Well Done Arufa you have passed the test of faith, the test of Heart is next".

Arufa was once again taken to a different place, the the powerful voice proclaimed "for the test of heart choices would tell, if you faced your fears what would you do".

Arufa quickly realized that this was his old home, before it was burnt down by the one who murdered his family . "why have you brought me here" Arufa asked in pain after remembering the painful memory. the powerful voice calmly replied "a second chance you have been given ,even though what will happen must surely happen".

All of a sudden time seemed to fast forward to when his house was burning and the murderer was escaping,he wanted to rush in haste and attack the murderer but Nova appeared and stooped him. In the anger of grievous pain he asked nova , "why are you stopping me from taking revenge ,don't you know that this is the person who killed my parents ,my lovely wife and ma- my innocent little girl ,please let me go" Arufa spoke , as he burst into tears of grieve and anger. Nova replied a "leader must not be rash in taking action and must never ,make emotional decision .

This not real ,it is just a simulation formed from the memory of your greatest pain .understand that it is all in your head, and that the stone is trying to test if you will follow your emotion and Be rash ,think Arufa don't feel ,you must find an inner peace within the chaos and make the right decision."

Arufa after wiping his tears and calming down , said "you are right this is not real ,I know what to do"

"what will you do" nova asked

"nothing" yes nothing said Arufa " because if i revenge on this man ,i will achieve nothing , and if i spend my life in my past i will never see the beauty of my future"

"yaei Arufa woo hoo" cheered Nova in excitement.

"Well done Arufa you have passed the test of Heart " said the powerful voice,now only the test of Spirit remains .

Before Arufa could celebrate , he found himself in a pitch black place. it was so dark, he could not see his own hand in front of his face . He called out to Nova but there was no reply ,he then heard a silent telepathic voice in his head that said, "trust in the prime stone ,do not see with your eyes see with your spirit" .how he asked , "close your eyes and see the silent voice said" .when Arufa closed his eyes , nothing happened at first but after a short moment every where seemed to lit up around him and he could see ,he looked to his side and saw his body sitting with his eyes closed. "how is this possible" Arufa asked, "you are using your spirit ,which connects you to all that exists in creation , you have passed the final test. now you are worthy" a voice replied as he was teleport-ed back to the earth realm, right were he was standing before his test had started.

"well done" said the old man "you have archived level one of your power, you will advance in level as I train you and your team and you get stronger".

"MY team, which team" Arufa asked

"i told you that the PRIME stone makes you the leader of the leader of the (Seven Great Warriors of Glory)." the old man said "there are six others with stones of faith like yours but each one is different ,i will take you to meet them but first i will tell you about their stories and how they were chosen ,so that as their leader you would know all about them"

"what exactly are my new powers"Arufa asked

"super strength,super flight ,super speed and 360 degrees super vision is the first and general power of any stone of faith and they will grow stronger as you advance to higher levels of your power ,but the special power of the Prime Stone is (Creation Power),you will be able to form anything that you can imagine,your mind is the only limitation ,the more creative your mind becomes as you advance levels the more your power will grow. Your spirit guide will will be your intellectual support like a very advanced personal( A.I )system ,and will also be your emotional support as a friend" the old man answered

"by the way i would prefer that you call me Astarael or Astar" the old man said

"OK" Arufa replied to Astar (the old man).

Astar said " there are seven different stones of faith ,the first one is the Prime stone which has chosen you Arufa a young half Japanese half Chinese CEO to be its champion , the second is the Dragon's Heart Stone which it chose a white American girl name Seraphine .The third stone which is the Time Stone chose a young man called Kumar Singh Mohamed an Arab Indian ,the fourth stone known as the ore of Life chose Kweku Ibueze an African American man , the fifth stone is the royal emerald and it chose Charles English an European viscount . the sixth and seventh stones are named fire and ice must always be together so they chose Lina and Luna twins from Korea .this is the summary of the Seven great warriors of glory, but i will tell you detailed information about each one of them,their life stories and how they were chosen.