
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

chapter three (Seraphine)

(Seraphine Woods) is an American lady , studying Law in the University of Pennsylvania . she is nineteen years of age and five feet seven inches in height . Seraphine was born into a middle class family ,so i would not say she was privileged ,but she was her mother favorite daughter .Although her mother only treated her special because of how her step father hated her ,he would constantly maltreat her any time he had the chance .She found Law school to be an escape from home and her step-father's wrath . she hoped to persevere and graduate with all things going normal and smooth in the school until one day, she heard that her mother the only family she had left had died in an accident .The news broke her heart ,but she encouraged herself and went home to attend her mother's funeral ,but when she got there her step father locked her outside the house door and would not let her in .He falsely accused her to be a witch and the cause of her mother's death .This grieved Seraphine very much she could not bear the pain any more ,so she decided to go to a remote forest and take her life . But when she got deep in the forest she slipped and hit her head on a rock and was knocked out. She woke up after some time ,only to see her mother calling face watching her . "Mom i missed you" Seraphine cried out , "i missed you too my little angel her mother replied" . "Am i dead" Seraphine asked , "no replied her mother" you just asleep wake up her mother whispered to Seraphine . her eyes opened and she saw that she was laying down on the ground all of a sudden the forest around her was on fire but the trees seemed not to burn . She was immediately frightened by the sight but there was no where to run because the fire had surrounded her every where .Just when you would think it can't possibly get any worse ,it did . A very huge dragon that stood up to fifty meters high at shoulder length or may be more emerged from the flame .The dragon had a golden colored chest and stomach and a read colored head , limbs and back. it had four huge wings and and three large horns that resembled sapphire stones . Skin of the dragon looked liked it was armored ,and it had a large purple flaming gemstone in between his chest .the dragon was both terrifying and majestic . Seraphine could not believe her eyes ,she was also very scared at this moment .she turned to find where to run ,but the voice of her mother gently calling her name stopped her .she turned around and saw that the voice seemed to come from within the dragon . She replied in tears "mother where are you" . suddenly the figure of her mother appeared from a flame that was released by the dragon . her mother hugged her with in the warmest way possible , and said to her "the dragons heart stone brought me here to be your spirit guide" .but you must first pass the test to earn its power

"what power" Seraphine asked

her mother replied "the dragon along side man was created, it was given the power to control the core energies of the universe . The core energies are the forces that govern the universe .There are four energy cores ,the first is the strong force: which allows you to have the power to bind any creature or thing in the universe and reshape its form and state of matter. The second is the gravitational force which allows you to control the movement of all that exists in the universe. The third force is the charged force which allows you to harness the energy of of all matter and antimatter in the universe ,which you can released in the formed of a nuclear blast toward an enemy army. and finally the fourth is the radioactive force which allows you to re-create or disintegrate the the molecules of any object or being in the form of an explosion. but you must first pass the test of healing in order to unlock the first level of your power other level will be achieved through training and experience. do you accept this power."

"i accept" Seraphine replied

"then let the test begin" said the dragon as her mother disappeared saying "do not be afraid my spirit will guide from within through it all"

Seraphine was told that her test will start at her step-father's house.