
Core Essence

As he puts himself through hardship to find the his family, he finds himself entering the greatest academy on Earth. This academy was created to make powerful protectors for the future of earth but now John who is still learning to control his power is now faced with powerful students ready to destroy competition to make a name for themselves. _____________________________________________________ I have absolute no idea what I’m doing lol.

Riddlerr · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


John and Andrew roamed around the halls looking for the cafeteria. They even followed some kids thinking they'd know where it was but they were just as clueless as them.

"We've been walking for 10 minutes and we haven't found anything." John groaned and turned around and noticed 4 students picking on one another.

John taped Andrew, "Look at them bullying one kid and theirs 4 of them." John started walking towards them with rage. He couldn't understand why people would do such a thing.

Andrew grabbed John's arm, "It's best to not intervene with things like this, it'll just cause problems for you and they won't stop bullying that boy even if we help him."

"It doesn't matter. If they try bullying him again I'll be there to help him and if anything I'll have him follow me around the academy to ensure his safety."

Andrew sighed, "And how long do you think that'll work for? I mean once they see him alone they'll hurt him even more since he's been hiding behind you the whole time."

John bite his teeth, he didn't know why but seeing things like this angered him even though it was his first time seeing such a thing.

Andrew looked John in the eyes, "Once you do this you'll create enemies, not from just those students but their families and you'll have tireless days and days of pain, all because you helped one boy who wouldn't do the same for you no matter how much times you help him all because the fear they installed in him and at your darkest, you'll do something you'll regret."

John clenched his hands tightly and walked to the bullies. Andrew sighed and walked with John. One of the bullies pointed at John and Andrew and the 3 others looked over.

"Stop," John said in a demanding tone and it made one of them make an ugly face. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"His hair is purple. I guess he's a Monclay."

Student 1 said. Student 2 looked at John and then glanced at Andrew from the corner of his eyes. He smiled widely and spoke to his other colleagues.

"Connor, Grant, Luke, look who we have here."

Connor who told the others about John's hair also smiled, "Andrew. Oh how much we've missed you."

Dylan the middle student looked at Andrew, "Why are you here with a Monclay? Aren't both of your families in a not-so-friendly relationship?"

Andrew stayed silent. "Oh, the quiet game."

John ignored Dylan's remarks and walked past them and grabbed the student on the floor bleeding.

"If you don't drop him in the next 5 seconds, you'll join him on the ground."

Dylan wasn't looking at John and still had his eyes on Andrew, "1…2….3…4…5."

John was waiting for them to attack but nothing happened.

"Dylan if you do anything to him you'll make enemies with the Monclays and I don't think your family could afford to do that."

Dylan thought about it for a few seconds and agreed with Andrew. "Your right I shouldn't anger the Monclays but that doesn't mean I won't hurt you."

John put the boy over his shoulders and walked towards Andrew but one of the students grabbed his arm. "Grant let him go."

Grant let go of John's arm, and John continued walking past the group. Standing beside Andrew he put the student down and told him to leave. The boy quickly ran away and they all stared each other down.

Dylan walked towards Andrew with both his hands in his pocket and stood right in front of Andrew's face. He leaned towards Andrew's ear and whispered something.

John tried listening in but he couldn't. Dylan moved away and smiled but the same wasn't for Andrew. His expression was full of anger. "John let's go."

Andrew grabbed John's arm and forcefully pulled him away from the group the way they came. John didn't fight back and followed Andrew. The group of 4 also turned around and went away. John was curious about what Dylan told him and asked, "What's he say?" Andrew stayed silent for a few seconds and responded, "Nothing."

John didn't pester Andrew and stayed silent. John knew Andrew for a few hours and he was always bright but what Dylan told him made him very angry. John was following Andrew and he didn't know what to do but he noticed a huge entrance with so many students sitting down and eating.

"Andrew we found the cafeteria." John smiled and speed walked to the entrance, he was finally going to see his friends after a few hours apart.

"Go on without me," Andrew said those few words and left John to enter alone. John didn't say anything, as it was better to let him cool off alone. John walked in and looked around for Aurora, Shawn, and Shin.


[In The Cafeteria]

Shawn slammed his head on the table multiple times attracting the attention of the students nearby, "What's taking him so long?"

Shawn quickly raised his head from the table, "Don't tell me… HE FAILED!" Shawn shouted at the top of his lungs and Shin said, "He wouldn't fail those easy tests, so shut up and stop making a scene."

Aurora ignored the 2 and was looking around to see if she could find John, she's been doing this for 45 minutes and her efforts didn't betray her as she saw John wandering around mindlessly. She smiled and said, "I found John." She pointed towards a table near the entrance. Shin and Shawn looked over and saw John the only person standing up. Shawn stood up and waved his hands up in the air to grab John's attention.

John noticed and ran to them. John got there and sat down. "What took you so long? I've been through 10 plates of food waiting for you." Shawn said.

John said hi to Shin and Aurora and told them about what he's been up to all this time.