
Chapter 20

Ethan Junior's POV

"Don't do this. Just please go back into your seat and lets continue our dinner."

My brother placed a firm grip on my shoulder, stopping me in my path and putting an end to the flaming temper I had intended to release on?that guy.

I went back into my seat, scrapping the chair on the floor as I pulled myself up to the table. My temper slowly decreased as I stabbed my fork into the bed of vegetables in front of me.

"Are you okay EJ?" Mom asked me.

"I'm fine, mom." I answered short.

Mom had wanted us to have a family dinner ever since the beginning of summer. But everyone always seemed too busy.

Dad was being dad, always had something to do.

Evan was the same old Evan, CEO of Hollen Tower and always used that as an excuse to get away from family bookings.

Jasmine was busy planning her wedding and being a mom but tonight, my mom had managed to capture us all and dragged us to this restaurant for a family dinner.