
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

The Chaos continues.

Sunny and Moon sat across from each other on the dining room table, with rolled up tissues up their bloody nose. Between them sat everyone else, awkwardly sharing glances as the two stared each other down. Eliza started to nod, pursing her lips together, and trying to hide a smile. "Don't say anything." Adrianna whispered. "You don't find it funny, that he fell in love with a girl named Moon and then Sunny?" "He was in love with her." Sunny corrected. "He never stopped loving me." Moon said. Everyone's eyes darted back and forth between them. "This is the best birthday party ever." Alexander whispered. "Shh!" Sakura hissed.

"Why don't we put our differences aside for tonight, and celebrate Zeke's birthday? Yeah?" Raven said awkwardly. Everyone stared at her in silence. "Or we could sit here awkwardly and discuss who is a better match for Zeke." "Oh that's easy. Raise your hand if you think Zeke should end up with his best friend." Han said. Alexander, Brianna and Sakura raised their hands. "And who thinks, Zeke should end up with his perfect soul mate?" Skye said. Edelgard, Constantine, and Adrianna raised their hand. Sakura looked to Constantine. "Why wouldn't you want him to end up with Moon?" "Because new is ALWAYS better.....except you!" He leant in for a kiss, with her leaning away. "Raven. Tie breaker for us." "I don't think, this is for us to discuss." "Oh stop being a kiss-ass and answer." "Fine! I raise my hand for Zeke to be happy." Red leapt onto her shoulder, joining her proudly. "This isn't some anime or kdrama. Zeke is clearly going through something right now. Maybe we don't force 'teams' onto him." "Well said." Eliza said. "I can't help but notice, you're uncharacteristically quiet." Adrianna said.

"Because there's a solution that none of you have said yet." Everyone stared at her attentively waiting the solution. "Share him." They all slumped into their seats with grumpy faces. "Really? That was your solution?" Adrianna said annoyed. "Who here can name another Demon that acts as compassionate and endearing as Zeke?" Everyone lowered their heads. "How about a Demon, that's as selfless as him?...Any takers? No? No one? Then maybe you two should consider sharing him, before you drive him into the arms of another woman." Sunny and Moon scoffed at the same time. "Zeke doesn't go looking for women." "Ezekiel doesn't go looking for women. Everyone paused at their oddly synced lines. "No, he just has women flocking to him." "He does not!" Sunny and Moon snapped. "Count the amount of dicks currently at the table right now." The two stood up at the same time, ready to run after Zeke. "Sit down!" Eliza snapped. "The men are talking work." "Why am I taking orders from a woman, without no feet? I'll just-"

Everyone except, Edelgard, Brianna, Han and Skye cringed and winced, filling the room with a hissing sound. Sunny tried to stomp past, when she felt the cold edge of Choppy pressed under her throat. "You'll listen to me, because I could kill you, before you even realized it. Now. Sit. Down." Sunny took a gulp sliding back into her seat. Eliza banished Choppy. She clapped her hands together. "Now! Why don't you two take a good long break, and think about why Zeke should be with you. Rather than thinking you already have him." "Listen lady. I don't know who you are, but those two have been destined for each other since birth." Han declared. "That so? Tell me what, the only Human in this house knows about destiny?" "Uh well..." "Have you ever been a part of a prophecy?" "No...but..." "Have they ever seen a prophet?" Han shrunk at Eliza's questioning. "See! My sister is clearly the better match. She's his soul mate." "Really now? They're soul mates?" Eliza asked annoyed. "...yes?" "Is that why, she gave him an ultimatum, like an insecure fat girl in high school?" Skye shrank down.

Eliza pinched between her brow, letting out a sigh. "Children and their drama." "Young love is filled with it." Adrianna said. Sunny and Moon pouted folding their arms. "Um, I hate to ask, but may I ask why you three are here?" Edelgard asked. "Doing a favour for Weaver, and she misses Zeke." "I do not! Shut it crow's feet." Adrianna gasped covering the corner of her eyes. Weaver and Zeke's footsteps down the stairs caught everyone's attention. Zeke took a sigh at the sight of Sunny and Moon, his face stuck in a permanent frown. "Do you mind if I clear the air, before we discuss business." "Please do." Weaver said. "Brianna, what did she do?" "I can tell you-" Zeke scowled at Moon. His anger startled her. He had never given her that look before. Brianna gulped. "Well, when we landed. She was told the contract would be extended, so we would be over there for four months. She got angry and just flew off to find the camp." "You did what?" Zeke growled at her. "I was-" "You could have gotten yourself killed! I was okay with not coming, because I thought Brianna was by your side! Eugh.....What happened next?" "Well, reports say she went crazy, when it came to splitting the loot, and she attacked the others."

"Oh that's bullshit! Zeke that's not what happened. I swear!" "Then explain. Now." Zeke ordered. "Is anyone else a little turned on right now?" Han whispered. Raven slapped Han on the head. "Shut up!" She hissed. "Yes, I took off, but I knew where I was going. I had a map. I found the camp around the Broodmother. They were stuck in a deadlock with that thing for months. I went in and killed it in a day!" "I have hundreds of reports-" "Edelgard. Let her finish." "When we engaging, I pushed in first, and-" "You did that alone. With no one to look after you." "But I wasn't alone. Selena and Violetta were with me." "What are the odds of them running into you again?" "Well turns out, Soul-Taker is named literally. Every time this thing kills something with Mana, it eats it right up. Killing all those spiderlings juiced it up, to the point they could sense me. They came rushing to my aid and helped me take it out. You know how strong those two are." "What happened next?" "Well, we were exhausted afterwards, and they cast these sleep spells on us. Then I woke up later. Selena and Violetta were being tortured and abused, so I went out and saved them. In order to save those two, I traded the reward of killing the Broodmother to get us to safety."

"Zeke?" Edelgard asked. "She's telling the truth." Moon let out a sigh of relief. "Parts of it. What were you doing for the 3 months?" "I was...I was kind of helping Selena and Violetta hunt down criminals?" She said with a nervous smile. "You were being a killer." "For good reasons! They were rapists and sex traffickers." "Cool motive. Still murder." Sunny said. "Oh shut up! No one asked you." "You realise I'm a cop right? You just admitted to murder." Eliza raised a finger to her lips at Sunny. "Let them finish. You'll get your turn." Sunny bit her tongue. "Tell Edelgard, what you brought over." "I didn't..." Moon summoned Spark. "WOAH! You got another weapon bonded to you!?" Han exclaimed. "That weapon is brimming with power. Where did you find it?" Adrianna asked. "It was, the source of the Broodmother's power. That's why they were having such trouble killing it, but once I did. It bonded to me." "What else?"

Moon pulled the tissues out of her nose, and handed Zeke his present. Unwrapping the bow tie, it revealed a small folded parchment. "Happy Birthday Zeke." She said shyly, sticking out her chest and biting her lip. Sunny glared at her. "This is...this is a magic spell." She nodded excitedly. "It is. Now you can finally become a C grade with me." Weaver leant over looking at the magic spell. He looked up to Moon. "Where did you find this magic spell?" "I didn't steal it or anything. I bought it from a merchant." "For how much?" "50...50 chips? Is that bad? He said it was a good deal." "It was. For him." Sunny scoffed, smirking at Moon. "Mind showing us the spell Twig?" He handed Eliza the sheet who snorted at the sight. Moon cringed and felt her heart sink. "Dumbass. Did you read who this is an offering to?" "Of course I did. It's the...Jod...of lightning. That son of a bitch!" Sunny covered her snicker. 'IZIEL! You said this was a good spell!' 'I won't lie to you. I was not paying attention at the time.' Moon snatched the sheet of paper tearing it into pieces. "Stupid piece of shit. Motherfucking ass hat." She angrily muttered stomping into the kitchen.

Moon slumped into her seat with a pout folding her arms. "Alexander." "Me? I didn't do anything." "My floor says otherwise. Now go clean it up." "That was a present, and it's not my fault that you didn't-" Zeke summoned Shadow, with it reaching over the table. It rested on Alexander's clavicle. "You know my mum, is right next to you. She'll stop you from killing me." "Killing you, yes. She won't stop me from wounding you, and teaching you a lesson." "Mum?" "He's right dear. Go clean up his floor, you'll be dealt with after." "But!" "Now." Alexander sulked out of his seat. "If it's sticky after you leave, I'll make you come back and lick the floors clean." Zeke growled. "This is a real good look on you-" "Han, you say another witty or stupid remark. You'll go back to living with your parents and making coffee's in an instant." Zeke snapped at her. "Ohoho, snap-" "Skye, you aren't in the clear either." She gulped. "You're still 3 months from completing and passing the course. So I don't know why you aren't studying right now."

"Well I don't have a room-" "Red, go show Skye her room." Red saluted Zeke and nipped at Skye's ankles till she ran up the steps. "Raven, go take Han upstairs and make sure she learns to not fuck with other people's houses." She nodded at him and did an awkward bow. "Just go." Zeke sighed. "Sakura, I'm very glad you came to surprise me, and thank you, but could I ask you two to leave the room?" "Done." Alexander said sliding out of his chair. Sakura placed a small gift wrapped box into his hands, and kissed him on the cheek with her hug. "Happy Birthday Zeke. We'll talk later." "We're gonna go. Happy Birthday Zeke...you'll get your gift in the mail." Edelgard said, with Brianna joining her. The two left in silence, awkwardly walking backwards out.

"Before you get to your women. Would you mind answering a question for me Twig?" "What is it Sword master Pendragon." "Ahh, you're not even my student anymore, and you still greet with me the proper title. Unlike a certain someone." Weaver let out an exasperated sigh. "That thing you did outside. Where you seemingly stepped on air. What was that?" "I sent you an email about that. You did read it right?" "...Yep." "I took a lot of time to send you that email." "Why not call if it was important?" "I tried! I kept getting a message saying, and I quote, who the fuck leaves a voice message? Leave us an email like a normal person." Adrianna and Eliza rubbed their heads. "Yeah that's on us." Adrianna said. "Anyway spill. What was that?" "I managed to translate a few pages of that black tome you sent me. It's a manual on different applications of Demonic Mana." "Someone sent you a book, about how to manipulate the cold?" Zeke rolled his eyes. "Just read the email. It's more detailed." "Could you sum it up?" "By releasing Mana in a condense spot, I can make a platform to jump off." "Much better. Alright go on with your drama."

"Sunny, you don't have to be here." "I'm here for you." "If you want to be with me. Moon stays in my life." Sunny sucked on her teeth. "Ha! That's right." "I want Sunny in my life as well, could you accept that Moon?" "No! She tried to split us up." "So what are you gonna do Twig? You've got two women, who can't stand each other, but both want you. Who do you want?...Ah. You want both." "I can't have both, but it doesn't. If I pick either one of them now. No one will be happy." "I'll be happy if you pick me." "But he and she won't." Eliza said. Zeke balled his fists up letting out a frustrated grunt. "That's why I'm not choosing anyone. You both deserve someone better." "Son of a-" "Ha!" Eliza cackled at Adrianna. "I told you he wouldn't try to have both of them. He's too much of a softie to try and keep two women in his life." "Because you're not meant to have more than one." Sunny said firmly. "Petey. How many orgies have you been invited to?" "It's not Petey, and...more than I can count." "And of those people who invited you. How many of them were Demon Hunters?" "All of them."

"What does that prove? Ezekiel is the exception. He doesn't act like a Demon at all." "How about you stop calling him that name? His name is Zeke." Moon growled. "I'm allowed to call him that." "He went through a damn name change, to escape his shitty parents name. You should at least respect that choice and call him by his REAL name." "I call him Ezekiel, because he's my Angel!" Sunny yelled blushing. "Well isn't that just sweet?" Eliza said. "My point is that you should let him have this one Demonic trait. Let him have his harem." "I'm not trying to build a harem." "Shhhhh, I'm trying to help you. Now, both of you girls be quiet. Petey has to get something off his chest, before he explodes." Weaver rolled his eyes, unfurling large parchment in his suit. "What is that?" Moon asked. "This is the most comprehensible map of Hell that we have."

"Can you hear anything?" Han whispered, watching around the corner. "Yeah. They just said. Can you hear anything?" Raven mocked. Edelgard and Brianna watched from around the door. Alexander, Sakura and Constantine watched from the other room. Hell was mapped out as a gigantic landmass, with nine separated sections marked out. Two of which, on opposite sides, were blotted out black. "I require Zeke's help in going through a red Rift." Weaver said. "Oh no! No! NO!" Moon shouted slapping the table. "Zeke does not go through red Rifts." "Moon. It's fine." "Zeke...you're gonna break your promise..." "If it wasn't for Weaver, we wouldn't have any of this right now. We'd be on the streets pan handling again, and living in our shit hole. I'll pay him back." "I would rather we do that! Screw this house. It's just us...and Red." Zeke stood firm with his resolve to leave. Moon's eyes teared up. "Well, I won't let you go! I forbid you from going!" "I'm not asking for your permission, and you can't stop me." "The fuck I can't!" Moon declared. "Moon-" "Find another Demon Hunter! Why does it have to be Zeke anyway!?" She snapped at Weaver, her voice breaking.

"Because I'm a Child of the Nine." "The Demon, we're going to go see, is known as one of the Nine Monarchs of Hell." "Then you're not going alone! I'm coming with." "I'm going as well." Sunny said. "This wasn't a recruitment. I was letting you both know, where I was going." Zeke said. "Too bad! I'm coming along." Moon declared. "This is incredibly dangerous! I won't let you come." "I'm not asking for your permission and you can't stop me!" "If you're going into Hell, bringing an Angelic Hunter is just the smart thing to do."

Zeke looked to Weaver. "We could use all the help we can get." Zeke let out a sigh. "I'm guessing this needs to be a hush job." "If I could do without having to bother you, I would." "Should we prepare anything?" "I'll resources and transportation sorted for us. I ask only that you study as much as possible, before our trip. What do you know of Hell?" "Not much. It's a been place I avoided." "Unlike Verdancia and Heaven. When we travel through the Rift, we don't land in a central point. We'll end up in one of the Monarch's kingdoms." "What about those two black points? What happens if we land there?" Sunny asked. Weaver pointed to the black section at the top of the map. "That is Lucifer Morningstar's kingdom The Fallen Angel Monarch. No one has ever charted it correctly." "And what about that one?" Moon asked. "That is the kingdom of Samael, the Destroyer." "In other words. Your Mana daddy." Eliza remarked.

"What happens if we arrive in one of those two areas?" Zeke asked. "We run. We run and we don't look back." The three looked at Weaver concerned. "You can protect us right? You're a World Ranker. You're the best World Ranker." Sunny said. "You know how to count right? He's number 10. There's nine stronger ones. I mean one of them is literally sitting next to you." Moon said pointing at Adrianna. "Weaver, Sunny has an obsession with you." "I do not have an obsession with him!" "Tell me again, what you called me in bed the other week?" "You got an obsession over Petey? What for?" "He saved my life." "When?" Zeke asked. "I was a young and trying to learn how to fly. I messed up and-" "You were the girl, I caught out of the sky." She nodded eagerly. "I wanted to thank you ever since that day, and I then found out you were, up and coming Hunter. I've been following your career with-" "*Cough* Stalker! *Cough*" Moon interrupted. "Thank you for your vested interest, and I'm glad you have done very well for yourself. However I must warn you, that joining us on this for your interest in me and Zeke. Is ill advised. Hell is incredible dangerous, especially for an Angelic Hunter."

"You heard him. Go home. Me and ZEKE got this." "Did you forget, you're suspended from all Rift travel? But by all means go through, I would love to arrest you on the Agency's behalf." Moon stood up summoning Iziel, with Soul-Taker and Spark in each hand. "You want to go bitch!?" Sunny leapt up drawing both daggers and summoning her wings. "Bring it dumbass!" "Well this is gonna be fun." Eliza said, reclining in her wheelchair. "ENOUGH!" Zeke roared. The entire house became covered in a layer frost. Moon and Sunny tucked away everything. Han fell back covering her eyes, feeling them freeze over. Zeke looked to Moon, with his Spectre looking to Sunny. "I don't want either of you going!" As he looked to Sunny, the Spectre looked to Moon. "Now, since I can't stop you two from coming. Go ahead and join, but I'm not gonna have you two fighting. When we go, we leave all this emotional and personal bullshit right here! If you two cannot do that, you're going to get each other killed!" "Where have you been hiding this amazingly manly personality?" Eliza said.

Zeke let out a frustrated sigh. "Weaver, can you please continue explaining, what will we be doing?" "We'll be going to go see the Bone Monarch." Han snorted, trying to cover up her snickering. Moon raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Kim?" "Why are we going to go see him?" "He has information I need, and he will only talk to me, if I bring him a Child of the Nine." "What is this information do you need?" Sunny asked. "It's personal." "Ezekiel, I know you can sense he's hiding something." "I owe him, and I'll pay him back. So it doesn't matter what he's doing this for." "Thank you Zeke. The Bone Monarch resides here to the east. Now he may be considered the weakest of the Nine Monarchs, but that does not mean he is not incredibly powerful." "Is he the one that broke your arm?" Zeke asked. Adrianna, Eliza and Weaver shot Zeke a glance. "Your fingers normally always twitch and move, to spread your webbing, but they haven't moved once. You're injured." "Ahh, I've missed you Twig." "Yes, he defeated me. I won't lie."

"Then why the fuck are we going!?" Moon exclaimed. "If you can't beat him, what hope does Zeke have?" "We're not there to fight him. I simply need Zeke to get a proper audience with him." Sunny looked at Weaver askance. "Did...Did you pick a fight with him?" Eliza chortled. "He sure did. You shoulda seen your hero. Shambling in, with his arm shattered to bits, and like any man. He hasn't learnt his lesson and is going back in again." "We shouldn't have to fight. Zeke's...heritage carries weight. I will contact you when a red Rift appears. Until then...I'll let you go and uhhh, settle these affairs." Eliza cleared her throat. "We'll also get you a present." "A proper one, unlike dumbass over there." Eliza said, with Moon sulking. "I'll get him a better present." She muttered. "Well if that's the case. Here's your present Ezekiel." Sunny handed him her small gift. Zeke gave a small smile seeing what was inside. "How did you know I wanted this?" "I saw how you looked at it, when were on OUR DATE." Moon snarled at her, letting out a quiet growl."Had to ruin it." Zeke said. He took out a small necklace, with a cross sitting atop a pentagram. "

"My present was at least going to be practical. What is that even supposed to be?" "Something between them, and something you threw in the bin is not a present anymore." Eliza said. "Fine! You want a practical present? I'll get him one right now." Moon took out her phone, rapidly twiddling her thumbs away. "There! I just got him a better present." "Which was?" Adrianna asked. "I just got him a deli-slicer that he always wanted. What do you think about that!?" "Uhh...Moon." "Oh no..." "I never wanted a deli-slicer. You wanted a philly-cheese steak, and I said we needed a deli-slicer for it." Moon cringed and groaned, slumping into her seat. "Another gift to use and abuse him?" "Sunny!" Zeke scolded. "You've got your hands full. We're gonna go." Adrianna said. The three left with a nod. Sunny, Moon and Zeke stood awkwardly in the dining room. "Everyone watching us right now, go home or to your rooms." Four doors slammed shut. Zeke took a deep inhale through his nose. "I know you're still outside, I can feel you watching me." Four doors opened and closed again.

Sakura, Constantine and Alexander held their breaths. "Sakura, I know you're still there." "We just got lost in your magnificent house and..." Alexander trailed off with Zeke still keeping his back to them. The three quickly left. "Out of curiosity. What did you give him?" Constantine asked. "Naked pictures of me." He glared at her. "Ha-Ha. What did you really get?" "New is always better as you say. I showed him a new pair." "Sakura, that's not funny." "Aww, are you getting jealous?" "Mmmmmm...." "Relax, I gave him a cheque with a lot of money on it." He let out a small sigh of relief. "Under the photos that is." She muttered picking up her pace."Sakura!" The house fell to complete silence with crickets chirping in the night. "We should turn in and deal with...us later." "Great, let go sleep in your room together Zeke. Just like last night." Moon said rushing to grab his arm, and pulling him in close. Sunny snatched his other arm. "You'll go to sleep in YOUR room and Ezekiel, and I will go to his room."

He blushed feeling his arm sandwiched between them both. "What the fuck does a Angelic prude like you know about pleasing a man?" "One that put him to sleep for a day after a good fuck. Now let him go." Sunny said pulling on Zeke. "You let go. You should already know how to do that." Moon said pulling on him. "Stop!" Zeke raised his voice, pulling his arms free. "Sunny, you'll take my room." She gave Moon a smug smile. "Moon, you'll sleep in yours. I'll take the couch." As the two tried to speak, Zeke raised a finger. "I don't want to hear it. It's been a LONG day, and I want to sleep." Zeke gestured for the two, to head up stairs. The two walked side by side up the stairs. "Suck it, I get his bed." Sunny muttered. "That's okay, you can enjoy the smell of me and Zeke on it." Moon said sliding into her room. Sunny snarled slamming the door shut.