
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

Make up Birthday.

Han, Raven, Red, and Skye came out into the hallway, in the early morning, rubbing their eyes and squinting at each other. They heard shouts and metal clanging. "Will you fuck off!? I'm trying to make Zeke breakfast!" "You fuck off! I'm making him a cake, for the birthday YOU ruined!" "YOU MOTHER-" The house shook violently with metal clashing. The four sprinted down with the clashing growing in size. They found the two in a deadlock. Sunny held back Soul-Taker with both Rend and Tear. Moon pushed Sunny down to her knees. "So much for an S grade." She grunted, forcing her down. Spinning on her knee out of the way, she spun to slice Moon's leg. Iziel appeared blocking the attack with a violent screeching ring coming out. The two reeled back to blast each other. "NOT IN THE HOUSE!" Raven shouted shaking the windows. Han, Red and Skye slapped their ears falling to their knees. Moon and Sunny winced dropping their weapons. "What the fuck is wrong with you two!?" She yelled marching over. "Do you not remember how hard you two worked to even afford this place?" Moon lowered her head ashamed. "You! You say you care for Zeke, and here you are trying to kill her." Sunny looked away.

"She started it." Moon muttered. "I did not start it! You were the dumbass trying to make burnt toast and bacon, with a side of raw eggs as a breakfast." "At least, I wasn't trying to make him some ridiculous cake. If you knew him. You'd know he doesn't even like sweets." "I know he likes being inside my sweet ass more than yours." "THAT'S IT!" Moon summoned Spark and Soul-Taker to her hands. Raven slapped her helmet, ringing her ears. "YEOW!" Moon shouted falling to her knees. Sunny chortled at the sight. Raven slapped Sunny's breast. "KYAH!" She squealed clutching her chest in pain. Raven let out a frustrated huff. "Now both of you stop fighting. Zeke clearly doesn't want that. If you two can't stand each other, stay away from each other." Red leapt up onto Raven's shoulder nodding along. "Oh don't you join in." Red's jaw dropped at Raven. "You think, I didn't hear you with those two idiots last night?" "Hey!" Han and Skye said. "Both gossiping about who the better love interest is." Red skulked away.

Sunny stood up rubbing her chest and frowning at Raven, with Moon rubbing her ear and doing the same. "The answer is obvious. It's me." They said in sync. Both snarled at each other. "Back me up here." They said to Han and Skye. Han scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Actually, we were talking about it last night, and this idiot actually thinks you and Zeke are better." "Wait what? Why aren't you on my side?" Moon and Sunny asked. "Don't you have some insane bet on us ending up together?" Moon asked. "Yeah, I don't care about that anymore." Moon gave Han an offended glare. "Oh don't give me that look. You've seen this story play out before. Guy meets new flame and immediately hits it off. I'm sorry, but your childhood friend status doesn't win against that." Skye scoffed. "Please! Everyone knows the guy always ends up with the childhood friend. There's just so much history there. Through thick and thin, they've stuck together. That's an unbreakable bond." "Will you two stop? You're not helping the situation." Raven scolded. "Well only way this gets settled is when Zeke makes a choice. Hey Zeke, come make a...choice....Guys where's Zeke?" Han asked.

The six of them moved into the living room, finding a note pinned under Zeke's phone. 'Need to focus my head. Will be back later.' "Well...that's a first." Han said. Moon sprinted for the door. "Where are you going?" Han asked. "I know where he is!" She exclaimed taking off into the skies with Iziel. "See? An unbreakable bond." Skye said with a smug attitude. "Woman. You know Zeke as well. Your bond is straight fire and ordained by DESTINY! Now where would Zeke be?" Sunny went into a deep thought, her mind racing a mile a minute. "When Zeke is upset...he goes to see dogs!...and....he wanted to take a walk...I got it!" Sunny sprinted out leaping into the air flying off at top speed. "Where the hell are they both heading?" Raven asked. "Moon's gone to go check the dog park nearby, and she's probably gone to the lake." Han said. Raven, Skye and Red gave her a suspicious look. "What? I don't need to be in love with the guy, to know him well."

Moon crashed landed at the fourth dog park with no sign of Zeke. "Shit! Where the hell is he?" 'Why do you care so much? It is obvious he is in love with that other amazing woman.' "Iziel! If he goes with her, you'll never have any of his food again." 'Check the lake! GO! GO! GO!" Iziel roared. Sunny flew over the lake seeing no sign of Zeke, she dropped down in front of a young couple, walking their malamute husky. "Did an average height man come by here?" They shook their heads still in shock at Sunny's abrupt landing. "Shit!" Sunny said sucking on her teeth. "Are there any dog parks around here?" The couple pointed awkwardly in the opposite direction. "Thanks!" Sunny smiled at them and took off. The two crossed paths in the air, both hovering in the air. The two hovered in silence, their beating wings and huffing the only sound between them. They flipped each other off at the same time, and took off.

Raven, Han, Skye and Red sat in the house cleaning up the kitchen. "Seriously, how did those two even make such a mess? We left them for a few minutes." Han asked. "Oh, Sunny's always been a terrible cook. It's why mum was so happy, when she found out Zeke loved to cook for her." "Huh, Moon's also a terrible cook. Can't follow a recipe for the life of her." The door swung open. "How can you not know where he is? You're in his friend zone." Sunny yelled. "Fuck you! How can you not find someone? Aren't you a detective? Or did you just fuck your way up?"

Raven rolled her eyes, walking into the living room. "Couldn't find him I take it?" The two sat at opposite ends of the couch, crossing their arms and wearing a tired pout. They shook their heads. "If you two can't find him, where the hell would Zeke even be?" "Maybe he got abducted through a Rift?" Skye said. Everyone turned to her slowly, with a fierce stare. "What? It was just a suggestion." A knock on their door caught their attention. Moon and Sunny scrambled over the couch, shoving and pushing each other. The door swung open. "ZEKE!" They cried out. Weaver and Adrianna stood in front of them, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say you two can't find him." Adrianna said. They nodded. "Hmm, I'll let Eliza know, think you can handle them?" Weaver nodded. "Hello? Twigs missing? How the fuck am I supposed to know, where he is? Eugh....fine. Fine. Fine! What are the clues? Ah huh...Ah huh...And what did dumbasses check? Ah huh...hmmm....I have an idea. I'll be back."

Eliza looked over to the alarm beside her bed. 8:47am. She reached up to the cross dangling on her headboard. Tapping it gently, a bright blue fire singed her. Eliza winced, and slipped on another necklace with two rings on it. Hoisting herself down onto the wheelchair, she draped the cross on. "You better not be there Twig." Adrianna and Weaver sat in the living room with the others. Moon and Sunny sat at opposite ends glaring at each other. "I can see that things are still tense between you two." "It wouldn't be tense, if she acted like her age and lets Zeke go." "Oh snap." Skye said. "Is this coming from the stupid little girl, who couldn't admit her feelings?" "Oh damn." Han said. Adrianna let out a sigh. "Weaver, would you mind?" "Sure." He waved his hand in the air, and they were cocooned in golden webbing in an instant. Han, Skye, Raven and Red reeled in their seats, as the other two thrashed in their mummified state. "Alright enough of that now." Adrianna said clapping her hands together.

"Weaver requires Zeke's help for this job. Zeke requires you two to stop fighting. Now if you two cannot behave like adults. Zeke will run into the arms of another woman." Han and Skye scoffed. "Who's Zeke gonna find that's better than these two?" Han asked. "You're not aware of this, but Zeke marked a Succubus, as his servant. Now I don't have to tell you this, but there isn't a woman alive on Earth. That can satisfy a man or woman, better than a Succubus." "It's honestly a miracle, he isn't a husk buried in her right now." Weaver said. "My words exactly. Now, if you want Zeke to choose you, give him a reason. Don't eliminate one another for something that is ultimately his choice." Weaver waved his hands releasing the two of them. "Was it necessary to wrap us up?" Moon asked rubbing her mouth. "For once I agree with the dumb blonde." Moon stood up raising her fist. "Answered your own question didn't you?" Adrianna said. Adrianna's phone vibrated. "Ah, excellent. Eliza found Zeke." "SHE DID!?" The two leapt to their feet stunned. "Yes, and she's bringing him back...soon." Adrianna turned to Weaver with a concerned look. "I'll pay for it." He said dejected. "Excellent." She said replying. "What's going on?" Raven asked with a troubled look. "Oh, judging by the text. I'm going to guess that, she just put Zeke's father in the hospital." "SHE DID WHAT!?" Han and Moon shouted.

A few minutes ago. Eliza wheeled herself through the front gate of an immaculate white church. She wore a simple pair of jeans over her sneakers, and loose flowing blouse. She found Zeke in the back row, head down with his hands together, his entire body trembling. "You know most people, just raw dog a hooker to feel this kind of burn." Eliza whispered. Zeke flinched startled at Eliza sitting beside him. "Wha-" He quickly wheeled Eliza out of the church, checking her arms and skin. "Are you okay? Do you need water?" Zeke asked frazzled. She giggled at the sight. A Demon Hunter worried about her safety. "I'm fine Twig. Come on, your girlfriends are worried about you." "How-how did you even find me?" "Your girlfriends told me they checked your usual spots, and you left a clue. You didn't say clear your mind like a normal person, you said focus. I know nothing focuses your mind more than-" "Ezekiel, come to repent for your sins?" Michael said with a cocky smile. "Anger."

Zeke clenched his fists. Eliza spun around seeing Michael in his clergy robes. She chortled. "Ooof! I can't believe you can get laid wearing those." "Sword Master Elizabeth Pendragon. To what do I owe this displeasure?" "Ohoho? You know who I am? I don't know whether to feel flattered or throw up." "Demonic blood has that effect on your stomach." He said staring at Zeke. "Twig, wait outside. I need to have a word with this Father." Michael scoffed with a smile across his face. "We have nothing to talk about." "Oh we do. It's about the fee to install that sky light." "What sky-" Eliza activated her Demon's Blood and summoned Choppy. She released a slashing wave, splitting the church roof open. Zeke's jaw hit the ground with his eyes bulging out of its socket. "That sky light." Eliza said turning back to normal, wearing a grin from ear to ear. "Should we discuss in your office or do you want to do this outside?" Michael seethed snarling at her. "Inside." He growled. "Twig, give me a bit. I'll be out soon."

She wheeled into Michael's office with him furiously riffling through his desk. She inspected his pristine office, everything laid out perfectly symmetrical. She threw her legs up up onto his desk knocking a few items over. "Get your feet off my desk." He snarled. "I would, but-" She kicked off her sneakers, showing empty stumps. *Gasp* "Oh no! Where are my feet? Now how does one take their nonexistent feet off a table? Quite a tricky question." Michael took out a large vial of clear fluids in a spray bottle. Eliza broke out into a chuckle, covering her mouth. "Are you seriously gonna spray me like a cat?" "If I have to." "Don't threaten me with a good time. Do it." Michael raised the bottle out of Eliza's reach. She activated her Demon's Blood freezing the room, and snarled at him. He squeezed once to no effect, and tried again frowning with each squeeze. The water completely frozen. She reached over grabbing his shirt and slammed his face into the table. His nose crunched with the solid ring. Eliza returned to normal throwing him back. Dazed, with tears welling up.

He clutched his broken nose pointing at her. "Yo-you-you-you can't hit me!" "Just did." Eliza pushed herself onto his desk, staring down at him. "You know, when Weaver told me about you. I honestly thought, holy fucking shit! No one could be 'that' evil, but fuck me!" She scoffed throwing her hands into the air. "You're more of a Demon than Zeke will ever be." "DO NOT COMPARE ME TO-" Eliza threw the frozen bottle into his genitals. He gasped straining to take his next breath, curling into a foetal position. "I don't know how many gods, prophecies, and fucking miracles came together to make Zeke. I do know one thing. You never deserved a son like him. You deserve every waking nightmare and curse to be placed upon you, and so help me God, I will rain those down upon you. Take this as your first and final warning Michael Chen. You will drop your lawsuit against Zeke. Never antagonise him again, and if you ever just feel so damn compelled to torment him again. I will find you, and I will ram that cross, you wear in hypocrisy. Right through your fucking skull."

Michael snarled at her, snivelling and straining from his injuries. She shook her head, looking at him with nothing but disdain and disgust. "I wondered what would compel someone to be so cruel towards their child." She looked around the office. "But seeing this office, I get it now." "He is a Demon, I do as God commands and punished him." "God does love punishing his own son, but that's not the real reason you do it. My first guess was that you were jealous of Zeke being the only Hunter in your family. It does happen, not everyone is so lucky to become one." "I would rather die than have that accursed Mana and blood flow through my veins. I punished Ezekiel because he is an abomination to God's name." He spat. "Lies in the house of God, is frowned upon. Zeke is more an Angel than you ever will be 'Michael', and the part that pisses you off the most, is that you know I'm right. You're only problem is the source of Zeke's Mana. You see I did some digging about you as well, and CHRIST ALMIGHTY! Are you a piece of shit." She said with a smile.

"You almost killed your wife, by tying her legs together when she was in labour for Zeke. All so you could make sure he would be affected by that blue Rift in the sky that day." "Ezekiel nearly killed her trying to claw his way out." "Was this when he used his umbilical cord to tie his mother's legs together? Or when you wrapped her thighs together? Because one sounds less plausible." Michael let out a growl. "See, I think I finally understand why you despise your own son so much. You planned everything down to the very last detail and when Zeke came out. Your plan got fucked harder than a groupie being passed around like a bong." Eliza snickered grabbing a nearby fountain pen. "Am I close?" "I will destroy your entire life!" He roared. She let out a delighted shiver smiling at him. "How are you gonna do that? Let me guess? Sue me?" She threw the pen like a throwing knife, piercing through his foot. Michael screamed doubling over to grab his foot. "Unlike Zeke, the law doesn't really apply to me." "No...no one is above the law." He grunted. She pursed her lips into a line. "True, but what sounds like the more reasonable thing to do? Punish a S grade Hunter, that teaches a new generation of Hunters, which helps keep our economy going and the monsters out of Earth. Or simply pay a Healer to fix the little dipshit?"

Michael balled his fists up, his entire body brimming and trembling with rage. "You're angry. Good. Remember that rage. It's how Zeke felt when his own father sued him at the ripe old age of thirteen." "As a Hunter he was legally declared an adult." Eliza summoned Choppy raising her arm ready to behead him. "HE IS YOUR SON!" She roared, covering the room in a layer of frost. She shook her head composing herself returning to normal. "The attack happened when he was ten. You spent three years building a case against your own son, and let him have some stupid public defendant. I've met real Demons, and none of them are as vile as you are." She spat on Michael and left with a frown. Zeke paced nervously around, before lighting up seeing up. "What's wrong Twig? You look worried." "Well, he has Holy Water and Consecrated items in there. "I'm offended beyond belief, that you were worried about me." "But-" "I'm fine Twig, but I won't be if I have to spend another minute here. Wheel me back to your home." "I can get us-" Eliza reached for her cross. Zeke hurriedly pushed her out the gate.

"The next time you feel like punishing yourself, you come to me and I'll slap the shit out of you." "I'm not..." Eliza gave him a doubtful glare. "Take the scenic route.. I want to enjoy the sights." "But you said-" He went quiet seeing her reach for the cross. He diverted off the path going through the local park. "Stop here. Sit with me." Zeke awkwardly took a seat next to Eliza on the bench.

The two sat under the shade of a tree looking to children playing on the jungle gym. "I read your email last night Twig. It was incredible work." Zeke sat up. "Oh I was just translating..." "Not a stance, but techniques used by each Demon Monarch. A specialty to each Sovereignty." She chuckled. "I really fucked that translation up." "Uh well you didn't have that book." "How long did it take for you to learn that Mana step?" Zeke rubbed the back of his head. "About a month, but I can only do four of them." She nodded looking a couple kiss watching their kid play on the swings. "You could have what that guy has but with two women." "What! I can't have two women." "Why not? Because you only have one dick?" "No, my tongue is-" Zeke stopped himself seeing Eliza's surprised face. "Never mind. I can't have the two of them, because they hate each other, and I should just get out of their way to find someone-" "Twig. Why do you believe you don't deserve good things?"

"What? I-" "Just now, I tried to compliment you on translating Enochian, a language we barely know, and you shrugged it off. Now two women are in love with you, and you believe you can't have either one. Then the best course of action is to not have any of them. Why do you believe you don't deserve good things?" "Because...because I don't...I took away Moon's childhood..." Zeke sighed rubbing his face. "I was too scared to run away by myself and I begged her to come with me. I took away her chance to make proper friends, to live a normal life..." "If you're with her because of guilt. Why did you fall in love with her?" Zeke lowered his head turning red. "Stop lying to me. You can fool the others, but not me." She cupped his chin up. He felt her gaze stare right past him. "Zeke. You're a good person. No matter what anyone tells. No matter what the world tries to tell you. You're a good person." Zeke looked away nodding awkwardly. She let him go. "Come on, you're wives are probably worried sick." "Now they're my wives?" "They would if you acted like a cocky asshole."

Zeke gave her a wry smile. "What would I even say? Both of you shut up, I'm having you both?" Eliza shrugged. "Give it try." He shook his head smiling, pushing her along. "So what made you fall in love with Sunny anyway?" Zeke was silent. "Don't think I won't check you in the dick for being silent." "Mmm...She's...she's amazing. Hard working, caring, sweet, she loves solving puzzles like I do, and I can just talk with her about almost anything and have fun. I mean there were days we spent together on a stakeout, and we lost track of time, every time." "And what about Moon?" Zeke grumbled. "Answer the question Twig." "I don't know...You know how they say, that you don't know exactly when you fall in love with someone, and that you kind of just appreciate every little thing?" "Mmmhmm, and what else?" "Ah....I don't know. I grew to love everything about her. From her smile, to her laugh and just the way she was always there." "I can see why you're having trouble picking just one." "It feels like trying to pick between having only my brain with no heart, or vice versa." "So have them both. If they love you, they'll understand how you feel, and deal with it among themselves." "And what? Share me?" "You never know."

Zeke wheeled Eliza in through the front discretely. "BEHOLD! I HAVE BROUGHT BACK THE PRODIGAL SON!" Eliza declared. He flinched looking around scared. Everyone sat in the living room quietly sipping on tea and drinks. Zeke looked at them askance, noticing Moon and Sunny missing. "You're back. That's good." Adrianna said. "Where's Moon and Sunny?" Zeke asked, before hearing muffled sounds above him. Looking up he found the two of them mummified on the ceiling. "What the shit!?" "They wouldn't stop fighting. So I put them on a time out." Weaver said placing his drink down. He waved his hands and the two of them fell to the ground. "He called my name first. I'm more important." "He just did that for alphabetical reasons." "Oh bullshit!" "Stop! If you two have enough energy to fight each other, get on my damn bed. Shut the fuck up, and wait for me to fuck you both to sleep. " Zeke yelled standing in between them. The whole room fell silent, completely stunned. Zeke turned to Eliza bright red. "There I tried it. Now I feel stupid as hell." "Twig, turn around." "I'm sorry! I was just..." He trailed off, seeing Moon and Sunny blush. "Oh my god! Are you both turned on right now?"

Moon and Sunny scoffed, shrugging and shaking their heads. "Pfffft, not me. Maybe that weird cop who's dating an under-aged boy." "He's a Hunter, he's of legal age." "Words of a paedophile." "Real bold talk, coming from the girl, who couldn't admit her own feelings." "Ooooooh snap!" Han added. "Who's side are you on!" Moon yelled. "Enough!" "Tell em twig." "I'm in love with the both of you!" He declared going bright red. "I know I can't have you both, but I can't lose you two either. So I don't know how we move on from here." "You put a pin in it. They're both adults, and you've made your feelings clear." Adrianna said.

"Why are you here?" "Well we dropped by unannounced on your birthday, so we bring presents." "My birthday is passed. There's no need-AH!" Eliza's crossed bounced off Zeke's head. "Shut up and take the presents." He rubbed his head frowning at her. "Also bring that back." Adrianna tossed Zeke a set of keys, with a car fob on it. "Are we driving somewhere?" "So you can be slow. No Zeke, I'm giving you the keys to that Mercedes outside. It's brand new and driven out from the lot. Insurance and registrations have been paid for the next ten years." Everyone else gasped. "I-I-I-I can't this!" Zeke stammered. "Yes you can. Now Petey where's your gift?" "Will you stop calling me that?" "You're welcome to make me." "Mmmm. I haven't had time to get him a proper gift." "You really don't need to-" "Yes he does. Now give me a few days, and I'll have yours. Right now though. Dumbass!" Moon stood at attention. Sunny snorted. "Ha, you respond to dumbass?" "You're not in a position to talk either idiot." Eliza snapped. Sunny's smile disappeared.

She wheeled over to Zeke, elbowing him in the stomach to bend over. She cupped his cheeks, squeezing them till he had fish lips. "You both hurt Twig. Now, you're both fighting each other, because you both did something stupid." "Can you let me go now?" Zeke asked. "When I'm doing making my point." She hissed. "You two figure out your situation with Zeke. Until then, we're going to be borrowing him." "Wait what?" Zeke asked. "We have things to discuss." "No, I need to make it up to Zeke. We're going to go have dinner." Moon pouted. "Let's make it lunch then. I'm hungry." "We don't have to make up for-" Eliza shook his face. "Stop. You don't get a say in this. Dumbass. Where did you have in mind?" "It was meant to be a surprise for Zeke." "Petey, do you mind?" "Eugh." Weaver rolled his eyes flexing his fingers. A band of golden webbing covered Zeke's eyes. "AH! GET IT OFF!" He shouted clawing at it. "Zeke, calm down! It's not from a real spider." Moon said. "If you continue to scream, I will call Harry out." "Who or what is Harry?" Sunny asked. Weaver held out his hand and the giant golden orb weaver skittered out. Sunny, Skye, Raven, Han and Red let out a scream. Zeke went dead quiet letting out a tiny whimper. "Good, let's go."

Zeke sat in the back seat with Adrianna, Eliza and Weaver driving. His web blindfold still bound In the other car Han drove, with Skye beside her. In the back Raven sat between Sunny and Moon. The both of them wore an incredibly revealing sun dress. "Is it safe for them to be in the same car?" Zeke asked. "They're fine." "How much am I paying?" Weaver asked in Quenderin. "Mmmm, at least over 5 million." Eliza responded. "Why are you guys speaking in Quenderin?" Weaver let out a sigh. "I need him in fighting condition, those two are already posing a problem." "Relax. Zeke's gotten stronger." "I heard my name. Are you talking about me?" "Strong enough to live up to his title?" "Let's not go crazy. I mean how many Demons you know have a soft heart? Especially one that was made from THE king of Demons?" "Mmm, he will need to play the part." "Is that why you're letting those girls come along?" Adrianna asked. "He activated his Demon's Blood in rage before." Eliza scoffed. "I thought I was meant to be the Demon. You're gonna let his loved ones come into danger, just to keep him on his toes." "It's necessary. Convergence has the strongest powers in all the realms held to secrecy and myths." "Fine, but if he gets hurt. I'm coming for you."

Moon and Sunny's group arrived first at the Korean BBQ buffet. Moon went up first with Sunny following behind. Moon greeted the shop owner with a bright smile and happy wave. The old shop owner frowned at the sight of her. "Oh no! You go away. You too fat!" Sunny broke out into a snort. "What? I'm not fat." "No! You eat too much. You pay ten times this time." "Okay, I'll pay you five chips." The shop owner snorted. "HA! Your boyfriend pay me that last time, I only make ONE HUNDRED! No! You pay fifty or go somewhere else." "Boyfriend...Wait Zeke paid you five chips last time?" "Yes, he always pay first." "That sounds like something a real girlfriend would notice." "Shut up!" Han and the others came up. "We got a table?" Han asked. "No, because apparently Zeke has been pre paying for us." "That makes sense." Han shrugged. "I told you she was too nice for only being paid $120." "Of course I nice. Skinny boyfriend always pay in advance. You all go somewhere else. I already feeding three Hunters." The others turned to see Constantine, Sakura, and Alexander sitting at a table.

"Can I take this thing off yet or what?" Zeke asked. "Skinny boy. Take your fat girlfriend away." "Oh no." Zeke summoned Shadow startling the staff, and cut off his blindfold. "You've been paying in advance? For how long!?" Moon exclaimed. "Uh...since we found this place." Moon's jaw dropped. "I honestly thought you would figure it out, I always went up first to get the table." "That's so easy to find out, only a Dumbass, wouldn't be able to tell." Sunny said slyly. Moon let out frustrated grunts at her, biting her tongue. "Okay you all leave now." The owner shooed away. Weaver entered in last. The owner gasped. "I'll pay the bill. Let's eat already." "Of course! Of course! Please sit! Sit!" She said with a cheery smile. Zeke was forced to sit at the end of the long table, with Moon and Sunny sitting next to him. They slapped the tongs out of his hand. Sakura gave Zeke a hug from behind, raising the blood pressure of both Sunny and Moon. She pulled a seat next to him. "What are you doing here?" "This was meant to be a make-up dinner." "But it's lunch." "I know!" She snapped.

"You two seem tense. Did you two not get any, meat last night?" She asked taking a piece of cooked steak from Zeke's bowl. The two gave her a dirty look. "I guess they couldn't come to terms with sharing you?" Zeke let out a nervous laugh, trying to push Sakura away. "You know Zeke. If it was me. I'd share you with anyone, because I know you're more than enough to satisfy me and another other woman." "Sakura, please stop." He asked, seeing the two of them grow angrier. Sakura leaned into Zeke's ear, whispering quietly before giving the two of them a wink and smirk. "What did she say?" They asked. "Nothing important." Zeke rubbed his ear, thinking of Sakura's words. "They need an enemy. You're welcome." Alexander and Constantine approached Weaver and Adrianna. "We'd like to make a proposition." "You can't join them on their job." "But mum!" "Don't but mum me. It's not safe." "What about them?" "Who won the tournament?" "We beat them, but we just didn't finish the job." Constantine said. "The answer is no. It's not safe, and you're under aged." "It will be a short trip anyway. You will get another chance to join us." Weaver said. The skulked away grumbling.

Red entered into Zeke's room placing her paw onto the black tome. A Black Rift emerged in front of her swirling with the most vile and malicious Mana. She ventured through, appearing before Samael sitting upon his throne. He rested on his knuckles, before perking up at the sight of Red sauntering to his throne room. He pulled himself out of his throne taking a knee in front of her. "To what do I owe this auspicious honour?" Red waved her hand. He snickered rising up. Red sat in front of him tapping the black tome. She frowned at him. "A gift to the only Nephilim strong enough to handle my Mana." Red let out a small hiss. He chuckled. "I am in no way attempting to be his father. Even I have limits in my cruelty." Red curled her paw. "Forgive me. I did not wish to be the target of your wrath. However I have not broken any of the Creator's terms. It contains no information of Convergence inside." Red glared at him. "Do not fret. I have not and will not break my oath. Should I come into contact with Zeke, it will be from his own volition." Red nodded and walked off.