
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

Job offer

Moon laid on her bed talking with Han. Footage had already circulated of Zeke meeting with Alistair. "I can't believe he got to touch him." Moon sighed. "I know...lucky piece of shit." She screamed into her pillow rolling around frustrated. "I should have gone to class! I would have gotten to touch him as well!" "What are you complaining about woman?" Han snapped. "Just go and have sex with Zeke, you'll get him and Alistair's essence. Meanwhile I'm stuck with regular people." "HAN! I'm not going to do that!" "If you won't that Raven girl will." "You don't even know her." "I searched her up. She's totally his type. A nerdy weeb, who's hot. Practically found his bigfoot." "I think they preferred to be called beast people." "Whatever! I'm saying if you don't tell him soon. Someone is gonna snatch him up. You can't rely on the 'Oh no even finds him hot' excuse anymore. I mean read those thirst comments on his video." "Half of those are yours." "Untrue. I just agreed with their comments." Moon let out a sigh. "What if he says no to me? He sees me as his sister. Then what? It's awkward and I ruin our friendship, because I think he's hot now." "Which implies you found him ugly before." "Exactly! I...I don't AHHHHH!"

"MOON!" Zeke yelled. "Yes!?" She called out. "Why the fuck is Red drunk on soju!?" "AH SO CUTE!" Raven shrieked. "Uhhhhh, didn't realize?" She winced at her lie. She could hear Zeke sighing. "Hey no wait don't hug her!" "BLUERG!" "GROOOOOSSS!" Raven screamed sprinting past, covered in chunks of vomit. Zeke ducked his head in, wearing a frown. "You feeling better?" Moon nodded. "Good, I got good news. Let me clean this idiot up, and we'll talk about it over dinner. She nodded, putting the phone to her ear, as he left. "I swear to every living god. If you don't husband him, I'm going to." "Will you shut up!" She hissed hanging the phone up.

The three sat around dinner. "Seriously, you should think about opening a restaurant." Raven said slurping down a bowl of pasta. 'Damn it Zeke...where you always like this? Why didn't I ever see you like this before?' "So what's this big news?" Moon asked. "Well Raven tells me, that she wants a job to move out, and hates going through Rifts." Raven nodded. "You want her to work with us?" "I'll be good!" Raven said. "What would she do?" "Receptionist. Look after our house, while we're gone." "Mmm, we do need someone to do that." "I can clean and cook as well." Zeke and Moon eyed cabinet filled with packaged rice. "Leave that to Zeke." "Leave that to me." "Well, can I work with you guys?" "Well our pay isn't great...and we kinda live pay check to check." "Actually I think I know a way to ensure we have constant clients." Zeke said. "What's that?" "I saw this stuck to the bulletin board." Zeke said placing down a flier. "Hunter Games? Are we even allowed to participate in this?" "It says all are welcome. We are 'all'." "First place is 1000 chips!?" Moon exclaimed. Zeke pointed to the bottom of the flier. "This is what the best thing is." 'Live broadcast.' It said at the bottom. "Fans..." "Exactly. We win this shit, get some money to fix our house, and set ourselves up." "Let's do it!"

The two stood up high fiving. "Uhh guys...I think you missed a key detail on the form." Raven said. The two froze staring down. "Applicants must apply in groups with a minimum of three. No exceptions. Without a third, you guys can't enter." The two said nothing staring at Raven. "What? Do you guys not understand the terms and conditions or something." They were completely silent. "OH NO! I am not joining in the Hunter Games." "Come on Raven! You don't even have to do anything. You can just be our third." "There's a reason they want three! And it means I'll have to do things. No deal." "Red formation B." Zeke said. "There's nothing that she can do to convince me-" Red leapt onto the table, curling into a ball, batting puppy dog eyes at her. "I....will not...." Red let out a whimper. "Participate...." She grunted, trying to look away.

"Red move to level two." Zeke said. Red sat back on her hind legs, pleading with her paws together. "AWWW! NO! I....I..." Red shied away, her ears folding down. Raven reached to comfort Red. Her hand was swatted by her tail. "Ow!" "You help us, or she does that, but never lets you pet her again." "BUT! You three are evil!" "Well?" Moon asked. "Fine! I'll join, but you can't blame me for losing." "Red formation S." Zeke said. Red leapt onto Raven snuggling into her shoulder. "I can't believe you found a way to weaponize her cuteness." "Had to make her useful in combat somehow." "When does this start anyway?" Moon asked. "Next week. I'll put our names in." He said taking out two notebooks. "Zeke...what is this?" Moon asked anxiously. "He placed two pens down. I got pulled aside by Adrianna, to make you two study, because in her words. You're both dumb." "Hey! We're not dumb!" Raven yelled with Moon nodding. "Is this coming from two girls, who got a 16 out of 100 multiple choice questions?" Both bowed their head in shame. "Statically, if you guessed every question, you should still get 25 at least." "We're special?" Moon said with a nervous smile. "And now you're in Special Education." He said leaving them a text book. "Oh that was mean!" Moon pouted. "Study up!" He said down the hallway.

"Let's just bail. He can't make us do this." Raven whispered. "You're right. Let's just ditch-" Red cleared her throat. "Red, you're cute, but there's nothing you can do that would make me study." Moon stopped Raven. "Don't antagonise her. She has her ways." She said opening her book. "She's a red panda. What could she do to force our hands?" Red wrote a message with her nail onto Raven's notebook. 'Body pillow dreams.' Raven went bright red. "You wouldn't say anything right Red? You're a cute sweet and greatest-" Red tapped her notebook, writing 'study'. She sulked opening her notebook, filled with Zeke's notes. "What does she have on you?" Red gave Moon a sly smirk. "I don't want to talk about it." She blushed. "Red. They don't get any snacks till they've answered the questions." "Zeke, you're being childish!" Moon yelled out. "If you want to leave this place together, you need to pass." She grumbled and angrily copied his notes. "Stupid school. Already graduated. Bullshit. Older than everyone here." "Only by one year." Raven mumbled.

Standing atop the dormitory overlooking the horizon and city lights. Zeke received a phone call the moment his new phone switched on. "Han?" "Sup Immortal!" He blushed and groaned. "God, I'm never gonna hear the end of that name am I?" He chuckled. "Nope. You've become quite the badass since you got there. Guess I should add deflowerer of Drows to your list of achievements?" "Please don't do that." "So I've been meaning to ask." Moon perked up. With a shiver down her spine."I sense a disturbance." "What?" "Oh no Han!" Moon sprinted off. "What's with her?" Raven asked Red. She shrugged tapping her book. "Why doesn't she have to study?" Raven whinged. Red angrily tapped her notebook. "This is bullshit." She pouted. Moon raced around the entire dormitory unable to Zeke. "What's up?" Zeke asked. "Would you ever date Moon?" "This again?" "Answer the question." "I think you should ask, would Moon ever date me? I'm not her type." "And you know her type?" "She never stops gushing about her type, when she sees them. Tall, with muscles, and a cocky bad boy that she can convince to be a prince to her." Han rolled her eyes through the phone. "I mean you're already half of those things." "Still not her type completely."

"Alright, well I have something to tell you." "ZEKE!" Moon called out panting at the door way. "Who are you talking to?" "You should be studying." She stomped over. "Is that Han?" "Yeah how'd you know-AH!" He screamed being tackled by Moon. "HANG UP THE PHONE!" She screamed wrestling for control. "AH get off! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Zeke yelled. Han looked at her phone askance hearing the screaming and phone jostling around. "Stop it's a new phone!" The phone jostled around. "Well, I'll just say it, and hope you hear it. Moon is in love with you!" She yelled. The other end of the phone was silent, before hearing heavy breathing on the other end. "Zeke, did you get my message?"

Another heavy breath wheezed over the phone. Han chuckled. "Are you in complete shock from the news? You're probably like, whaaaat! She's in love with me? But yeah, she told me herself that she's been petting the cat over you." Another heavy breath was on the end. "You alright Zeke?" "I'm coming for you Han." Moon growled. "Eh! Moon?" The phone call disconnected. A shiver ran down her spine. "Moon? Moon? It was a joke! Uh-oh." Moon looked over the edge of the dormitory, seeing Zeke pull himself out of the shrubs. "What the hell was that about!?" He yelled up at her. She leapt down. "Han was doing a dumb prank." She said handing his phone over. "Could have just lead with that, instead of throwing me off the roof." He said pulling the leaves off. "Geez what was the prank even meant to be?" "Uhhh..." her eyes darted wildly side to side, with sweat beads forming instantly. "Um...well..." "Had to be a pretty good prank, for you to tackle me." "Um, it's embarrassing to say." "Why?" "It has to deal with our lady time and-" He raised a hand. "Don't want to know. I'll remember that Han is doing weird stuff. Got it." He said walking inside. 'Oh thank god he's still uncomfortable around that.' She thought taking a giant sigh of relief.

"Wait, how exactly was that prank meant to work?" She cringed. "She was gonna describe her...blood." "Never mind! Forget I asked." "Aish...giving me a heart attack here Zeke." Zeke sat down with the two of them. Looking over their answers. The two of them kept their heads down. "Alright, looks like Red is sleeping with me tonight. "No!" Raven cried out. "Do better and you get to sleep with her." Fine, I didn't want her anyway." Raven pouted. Red wagged puffy tail. "MMMM I'll do better! Give me another chance!" Raven pleaded. "Tomorrow night. Get some rest." "This sucks." "Tsk. Weak. You can't bribe or manipulate me Zeke. I know all your tactics." "Tell me. Can you find your Chanel Black rose lipstick?" "Zeke...what did you do with it?" "I didn't do anything to it." Moon rushed into her frantically searching her room for it. "Alright, where is it? You know how expensive that lipstick was? If you do anything to it, it's just a waste of money." "I haven't done anything to it...yet." "No. This won't work on me. Even you wouldn't waste money for this." She said walking away.

"You ever press lipstick down onto a table, really, really hard?" Moon stopped in the hallway. "It starts off trembling and shaking, as if it knows. Terrified that it's going to break into a thousand little pieces. To never be used again." "Fine! I'll study harder! Now where is it?" "Top left drawer in my room." Moon quickly checked his room, finding it without the cap. "Zeke, it's gonna dry out if you take off the lid! Where's the lid?" "You'll get the lid, when you finish the work." "But it's drying out now!" "Then I guess you better finish them fast then." Zeke said with a smug smile. Moon shoved past him quickly burying her face into the book. "Stupid quiz. Stupid homework. Stupid other world studies." She grumbled. "Just so you know. This won't work again." Zeke placed the lid down of her favourite moisturizer. "It's quite funny that without a lid. That a moisturizer no longer becomes moist?" "Zeke! You know how hard it is to get that cream." "Don't worry, this was just a warning. Do the work Moon. Faster we get out of here the better." "But studying sucks!" "Yeah I know, but they're not gonna let you copy off me, and make it look a little different here." She pouted at him. "Fine! But we better win that Hunter games." "How hard could they be?"

The three of them stood stunned and concerned in front of Adrianna the next morning. Seeing the complete itinerary for the Hunter Games. Cursed item marathon. Endurance lift. Team duel. Escape room. Their final challenge made the three of them cringe and reconsider. Three v one against random World Ranker. "I'm so glad, you three signed up. It will really show the students, how it means to work in a team." "Uh huh...that last challenge...do we have to beat them?" Zeke asked. "Not in a standard duel. Simply whatever game they may choose." They let out a sigh of relief. "Although some of them do choose to have a standard duel." The three reeled back groaning. "Not to worry. There's only one Hunter that would ever pick that option, and he never comes here anyway." They took a breath of fresh air. "Out of curiosity. Which one would that be?" Moon asked. "Number two in the world. Kenji Serizawa. Or I believe you all know him as-" "Berserker." The three shuddered at the thought. "Well, I'll have you three signed in right away. Hunter Games are a great way to learn and develop your powers." "Or be a compulsory third." Raven muttered.