
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

A new beginning

The four appeared on a moist lawn covered in morning dew, with the sun breaking a new day. Fiona gasped in delight feeling the grass and seeing suburban homes. She squealed and leapt onto them. "I'M BACK! WE'RE BACK! I'M HOME! I'M HOME!"

Moon and Sunny shoved her aside. "Stop! Zeke's arms are broken don't move him anymore." Moon yelled. "Shhh we're on someone's property. We need to leave now." "But I'm finally-" "I HAVE HAD IT!" The home owner shouted.

She pumped the gauge on her shotgun pointing it at them. "Get the fuck off my property or-" Moon and Sunny summoned their wings and drew their weapons. They glared at the woman. "Else, I'll do whatever you want. How can I help?" She said tossing the gun away with a nervous smile. "Call us an ambulance right now." Moon growled. "Right away."

Raven, Red and Skye were woken up to loud banging and Han shouting at them. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THEY'RE BACK! THEY'VE GOT FIONA!" The three stumbled out still trying to wake up. "LET'S GO! LET'S GO! INTO THE CAR! GO! GO!" Han ordered. Skye and Red fell asleep in the car with Raven sitting anxiously in the front seat.

"Told you they'd bring her back. You can trust Zeke when he makes a promise. One of his best qualities. Although it normally causes a lot more problems afterwards." "He always does surprise people doesn't he?" "Mmhmm, he's been like that since we met." "How did you two meet?"

"He was the punching bag at my boxing classes." "He was...he was what?" "The punching bag." Han said casually. "You mean like he was holding-" "No, he was the punching bag." "Like he wore padding-" "Raven. He was literally the punching bag."

She gave Han a sceptical look. "How old were you two?" "He was ten." "Who's punching a ten year old!?" "You ever see a little shit kid, running around throwing a tantrum, and just wanted to hit them?" "I mean...yeah, but-" Han shrugged. "Zeke just found a way to capitalize on that."

"Fifty bucks for 30 minutes to beat him with whatever they wanted. Hundred for the hour, and if I remember it was....300 to shoot him." Raven looked at her mortified. "How much did Zeke make from that?" "On a bad day, he could make up to $2,000 a day." "That's on a bad day!? Why'd he stop?"

"He wanted Moon to become a Hunter, and have an actual career, you know instead of pan handling in the streets with Red. So he left it all behind to follow her." "Has Zeke always been so..." "A goody too shoes?" "Um...that's not quite the word, I was thinking of." "Righteous." Skye added snuggling with Red.

"Righteous! That's the word. Has he always been-" "Yep. Anything he saw that pissed him off, he'd walk head first into it, and tell it to fuck off. It's the one of the things I love about him." Raven looked at Han stunned. "Did...did you just compliment Zeke?" "He'll never believe you even with Skye."

Han and Raven sprinted off first with Skye and Red lagging behind still trying to wake up. They found Moon and Sunny sitting in a waiting room with several pizza boxes and soda bottles. Before they could open their mouths. Sunny handed them a notepad devouring her next pizza slice.

"Zeke's arms shattered getting cast and rest. Fiona is also on bed rest, doing tests and blood work, before discharging...You couldn't just text me this? Why did you call saying, protocol E?" Han asked Moon annoyed.

Moon slugged a bottle back letting out a long vulgar belch. "Phew...sorry, but I sent that when we were in the ambulance. Turns out Fiona fainted trying to use her powers without any Mana." "Wait...Zeke's arm shattered? From what?" Raven asked concerned.

"Some new weapon he got from a giant locked up in Heaven." Sunny added casually grabbing another slice. "I swear one day, you're gonna take me along. I am sick of missing out on this shit." "Can we go see them?" Raven asked. "Zeke's asleep and so is Fiona. Don't wake her, she's still a little...jumpy." Moon said.

The four entered the room with Zeke and Fiona sleeping in separate single beds. Both of his arms were bound in thick white casts from shoulder to finger tips. "Anyone got a permanent marker?" Han asked. "You're not drawing a dick on his cast!" Raven hissed. "Wow, I am hurt, that you think me so childish...I was gonna turn his arms into pussy lips and...well you get the rest."

Raven rolled her eyes standing over Fiona. She stroked her hair as she slept. Her eyes welled up with tears and her entire body trembled. Han and Skye shuffled over to Zeke, standing over him. Red leapt out of Skye's arms, curling into a ball atop Zeke's chest.

"Geez...what do you think he did to break his arms?" Skye asked. "No idea, but looks like he did it for a good reason." Han said looking over Raven sitting by Fiona's side. "We should probably leave those two, Zeke isn't going anywhere." "Watch over him Red." Han said giving her a pat.

Morning came with a chorus sung from a flock of birds, and bright rays from the sun. A blood curdling scream rung throughout the corridors of the hospital. Zeke bounced and jumped in his bed, with Red leaping off his chest. He instinctively summoned his suit and Shadow leaping out of bed. He fell to his knees gasping in and squeaking pain.

The others sprinted in with nurses and doctors. "What's going on!?" Moon asked holding Soul-Taker. Everyone turned to Fiona and Raven wailing and weeping uncontrollably in their embrace. Tears and snot ran down their faces. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

They shuffled into the room with the nurses and doctors closing the door behind them. Han pulled the curtains around the two as they continued to weep. Moon and Sunny helped Zeke into his bed, as his suit and Shadow disappeared. He groaned being set down.

"What do they have you on?" Skye asked. "Nothing." Zeke said. "Nothing? Is this some stupid macho man thing? Thinking you don't need painkillers or something?" Skye asked annoyed. "No. It's a I'm immune to anything they give me reason." "You're immune to painkillers as well!? Wow, your powers is just...annoying."

"No, annoying is you running face first into danger against a World ranker." Moon said frowning at Zeke. "Or forcing yourself to use your new untested powers and weapons in combination to destroy an island." Sunny said also frowning at him. "Did you just say World Ranker?" Han asked. "You're not more curious about how Zeke shattered an island?"

"Former World Ranker, and I got the gist of what my new weapon does, and I know what my new magic does." "Tell us then. What does your lightning do?" Moon asked. "It's not super speed or time dilation. I'm cranking my body up to 100% of its capabilities." "Isn't that whole, using ten percent of your brain thing a myth?" Skye asked.

"It is, but all Humans, Hunters and other living things alike. We never use 100% of our strength unless its life or death. Otherwise we'd rip our muscles off the bone, and if we did move and stop that fast, it would rupture our organs from the stress." Han said. "Exactly that. Except I don't have problem." "That's why the last person who used that magic exploded." Moon said.

"They what now?" Zeke said stunned. "That's still no excuse for trying to fight Gregory alone. We could have helped you." Han and Skye and reeled backed stunned. "The former World Ranker was Gregory Barnes?" "You saw what he was doing. If you got caught in those barriers he would have crushed you into a ball." "Could you guys back up a little bit?" Han asked.

"That still doesn't mean you should run head first into things Zeke." "What's the difference between me going head first and you throwing me in?" "That was clearly before we knew your durability had limits." Sunny held his face. "You're not unbreakable. You have limits Ezekiel, and if you keep pushing those limits. One day you're going to go too far, and when that happens. You'll lose everything."

"I have powers to help people, and I'm going to use it to help them." "You've always had powers Zeke, but you never ran head first into danger." "Look, I'm not going to stop-" "Ezekiel! You need to understand that-" "You two don't understand!" Zeke snapped dropping his head.

"You both have had powers that can do amazing things. Moon can stop bullets and blow things away. You can create fire strong enough to melt steel in a second, and fly. All I've ever had was getting punched and hoping it hurt them."

They fell silent. "And now you're killing the same former World Ranker Gregory Barnes?" Han asked breaking the silence. "Yes, it was the same one, but I didn't kill him. I broke his bones, and may have liquefied his organs, but I did castrate him and leave him to the Angels." Han and Skye stared back at him with bulging eyes.

"Look, I know it was extreme, but-" "That's amazing!" Han exclaimed. "Huh?" "You beat Gregory? Was it a one v one, like they said? Did you cheat?" "Did I what?" Han snatched Zeke by his collar. "Did you cheat!?" She said through her teeth shaking Zeke.

Moon and Sunny pulled her way. "Kinda? We helped like for one attack? Maybe?" "Yes, but was Zeke the one who finished him off?" "Yeah...?" Zeke reposnded. Han let out a sigh of relief. "Han...what's going on? What happened while we're gone?" Zeke asked.

Han, Skye and Red all cringed and winced scratching their heads. "We were gone for like 6 days. What could have happened?" Moon asked. "You guys went on a journey as well." Han sulked. "Han, what happened?" Zeke asked.

"WEELLLL!" Han squeaked. "Oh no." Moon and Zeke said. Han took a deep breath. "We're getting sued for 100,000 chips. Raven got disowned and lost all her connections. Your piece of shit dad isn't actually leading the case, and is only 'consulting' so the conflict of interest play doesn't work." Han stopped catching her breath.

Moon and Sunny's jaw dropped. "What's the good news of Zeke beating Gregory then!?" Sunny exclaimed. "They changed how promotions work, with Zeke's new weapon and big name fights. He could apply to be a Contender rank, and we could charge at an S grade Hunter." Han said.

"You can't honestly expect us to pay off 100,000 chips! We don't have that kind of money!" "Knock, knock." Edelgard said entering the room. She wore an elegant red and black business suit, with her hair tied into a low pony tail. "Sorry to interrupt, I'm-" Moon and Han latched onto Edelgard's collar.

"Edelgard! Please tell us it's good news! Is it good news!? Please?" Moon and Han asked with desperate eyes. "Uhhh..." She looked up to Zeke. "Lay it on us." Zeke said exhausted. "I've got a report from Zack. He's billing you for 100 chips." "FOR WHAT!?" Moon yelled.

"Well...it's to cover the cost of materials bought for his party, and the fact that Zeke. In his words not mine. Fucked me in the ass and stole the fucking hammer for himself...." Zeke sniggered. "Zeke, this is more of a civil dispute, but I heard-GOOD GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARMS!?" Edelgard shouted. "You just noticed?" Skye asked confused.

"Long story, I'll get a report to you soon, my secretary however is currently busy." Zeke said looking over to the curtain. Edelgard pulled the curtain back seeing Fiona and Raven embracing on the bed. Edelgard threw the curtain back. "Is that the missing daughter of Mister Linette?"

Zeke nodded. "Did she have anything to do with how your arms got broken?" "That was from me beating Gregory Barnes." Edelgard froze taking a moment to process everything. "I...I'd like that report from all three of you as soon as possible." "Before you go. What's the process to become a Contender?" Zeke asked.

"Um...A meeting with a Truth Seeker, records of your powers, abilities, and equipment. Then if you meet them all, you'll need to pick a rank you want to fight for, and see if you get accepted. I mean that part is easy, every World Ranker's ego is so high they don't care who they fight. Is this for Moon?"

"No. It's for me." Zeke swung his legs off the bed. "I'll get an application to you after, I'm out of these. Han, I'm guessing he scheduled the preliminary hearing and case management quite soon?" "It's in two hours..." Zeke nodded with a smile. "You're oddly calm about this Ezekiel."

"Edelgard, is the Frost Empire a public trading company?" "It is, but I mean their shares go for like three million for a percent." "Are we going into investing?" Han asked. "Are we gonna Wolf of Wall Street people?" Moon asked. Zeke shook his head getting out of bed.

"Han bring the car around. Raven, Fiona." The two sat up looking Zeke. "You two want anything to do with your parents?" They shook their heads at him. "Good. Follow Skye to our house and get changed. Moon, Sunny go place an order for six Hunters at the KFC to be picked up in two hours and fifteen minutes." Zeke summoned his suit walking out, leaving everyone stunned and silent.

Zeke sat behind Han as she drove glancing back at the confident gaze he had out the window. "Hey Zeke...you've got a plan right?" he nodded. "Something good happen to you? Even after getting a threesome you didn't wear a smile that confident."

"After this meeting all our earthly problems are gonna disappear." Han gave him a concerned look through the rear mirror. "Zeke...are you gonna-" "I'm not going to kill us." "You sure? That's the exact phrase, every cult leader says, right before they spike the punch with poison." "Han, don't you think if I was gonna kill us all, I would just do it with my bare hands?" "That is a...fair point. Still incredibly concerning to hear..."

Zeke and Han stood outside the large office building of Chen Attorneys. A giant cross of Jesus hung above the statue of Lady Justice. The foundations pillars were covered in sealing runes, with a gentle mist being sprayed at the door entrance. Zeke scanned the familiar building with disdain.

Zeke entered first, with Han noticing the mist sizzling his skin. "Zeke-" "It's fine." He said walking towards the front desk. Zeke stood over his little sister Muriel working as the receptionist. "Hello, sir how may I-" her smile instantly turned to disgust at the sight of him.

Zeke smirked. "Almost made me believe you could actually be nice. I'm here to for the meeting." "You know where dad's office is." Zeke shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. What a poor reception. What will father say about that?" "He doesn't care about your opinion, or a liar that pretends his arms are broken."

"They are actually broken. Please make sure my party is shown to the meeting room." "I'm not-" Zeke walked off with Han following after him, flipping Muriel the bird. The two entered the elevator with quotes from the bible etched onto the inside of the doors.

"Christ, this place is a fucking nightmare." Han said frowning at the door. "It's gonna get worse." Zeke said walking off at the top floor. Every attorney stopped to stare at Zeke and Han. "Why is everyone staring at us?" Han whispered. "Look at their necks." "Huh? What's that mean..." She trailed off seeing the crosses hanging off their access cards.

Han jogged after Zeke as he stopped in front of another desk that sat before a large glass screen room. Sabriel froze in her chair reaching one arm under her desk. "I'm here for a meeting mother, you can take your finger off the gun. Not that it would do anything to do me. Set three pitchers of ice water in the meeting room, and seven cups."

Her eyes darted around the leering attorneys. "All the water here is consecrated, it wouldn't be pleasant for you-" "Shut the fuck up." Han craned a stunned expression to Zeke's callousness, with Sabriel dropping her jaw. "Don't act like you ever cared about me. You didn't care when you forced me to have cold showers with Holy water, or when I had to drink it for my dinner. So drop the act and get my fucking water. Go be the good little obedient bitch you are."

"Holy shit...." Han said stunned. Zeke pushed the door open with his foot. Michael, the other Attorneys, Mister Linette and a thin demure man wearing a collar sat on the opposing side of the long table. Michael and Zeke locked eyes. "You. You're back." Mister Linette growled standing up with all his wounds gone. Michael set a hand onto his shoulder helping him down.

"Hoping to find some sympathy points Ezekiel? Thought I taught you better than to lie." "No my arms are broken, medical reports are with my secretary, if you need proof. Also you shouldn't lie about being able to give out sympathy points." Zeke said taking a seat. "I'm guessing you're the Truth Seeker they hired."

"Ye-ye-" "What's your name?" "J-j-...Jason Abernathy." He stuttered. Han pulled a chair out. "Miss So Hee, this doesn't concern-" "She stays." Zeke said cutting off Michael. "She was complicit in helping to capture and torture Mister Linette." "Dude!"

"So you admit to your crimes?" The Attorney asked. "I do. I'm sure Mr Abernathy has already seen what he's needed to see." Zeke said eyeing him nervously jittering. "Or you've paid him to see what he needed to see. Unless they've scared you in talking another way." "We would never rely on such a underhanded tactic." Michael added.

"You're above scare tactics?" Zeke asked him with an incredulous look. "Talking some mad shit now aren't we?" "Language." Michael said sternly. "Sorry, the Chen in me came out. Why don't you go ahead and list out your settlement demands." Michael sniggered taking a seat.

"We are not going for a settlement. You, and by extension everyone close to you, will be punished by the full extent of the law." "What happened to no scare tactics?" Zeke let out a sigh. "Alright, go ahead and tell me the charges and costs. We've got a little bit more time till the others show up." Han leant into Zeke's ear.

"Dude, please tell me you're crazily confident because you have a plan and not that, you have no plan which is making confidently crazy right now." One of the attorneys slid Zeke a large binder. "Here are all the charges." "Holy fuck!" Han shouted. "That's all charges?"

"Mister Linette is seeking both, physical and emotional damage claims. As well as a betrayal of trust between client to agency laws. You have failed in completing the job to bringing back his only daughter. Because of the injuries our client suffered, he was forced to spend an exorbitant amount to pay for a Healer. Also because of this incident and the time it will take for this court case, you will have to cover the potential losses in revenue."

"He's the CEO. He doesn't do jack shit!" "What's the estimation?" Zeke asked. Michael slid a piece of paper towards Zeke. Han opened the paper her eyes bulged and jaw hit the table. "10 billion!? Go fuck yourself!" "If you raise your voice one more time, I will call security."

"What for? You know better than anyone else here. That all the sealing runes and Consecrated items in the world aren't going to suppress my Mana. Remember one thing, the only reason I haven't activated my Demon's Blood and killed you all. Is that I'd rather not go back to the hospital to get re-casted. So don't throw empty threats again." "Gawd damn Zeke..."

Sabriel entered into the room with a tray of ice water. The others behind her, dressed in nice dress suits. Raven and Fiona were the last to enter holding hands. She glared at her father. "I would like to start off by saying we did find your daughter. Han could you please write our settlement agreement."

"I told you that we weren't going to settle." "Oh you don't seem to understand. I'm here to talk about my potential lawsuit, and what compensation is required to make us stay quiet." Michael scoffed and chuckled. "You're lawsuit? You have breached several felonies. Whatever socially apprehensible actions Mister Linette has potentially done. You all committed the felonies before any concrete information was found. You have no legal ground."

"I used a poor choice of words. Consider this an ultimatum. You should know that word. Taught it to me when I was ten. Mr Abernathy please go see inside Fiona's head, and see what atrocities have happened to her." He apprehensively approached Fiona, touching her hand. He jumped and screamed scurrying away from Mister Linette.

"See, fuck face over there did some very bad things. Our several felonies don't equal his bullshit. Denial of several civil liabilities, hate crimes on the LGBTQ community, and freedom act violations of Hunters. So I'm going to make a list of everything you need to pay in one weeks time. 80,000 chips. All our taxes paid in full. A complete separation of all connections and ties to Fiona and Raven. Lastly, a minimum of an S grade visitor charm."

A vein bulged on Michael's forehead, with the other attorneys rubbing their faces. "We won't be falling to your scare tactic-" Zeke broke out in a giggle. "This isn't a scare tactic. Fuck face over there is quiet for a reason. Your company is a public trading company, specializing in detecting the Mana radiation of blue Rifts in particular. The world finds out that both CEO's are lesbian, Hunter xenophobes. Well that would destroy him."

"Two groups of society hating on his company is not worth what you are asking for." "Isn't it? Let me ask you fuck face. What's gonna happen when this goes public?" He sat there with his head down clenching his jaw. "Sunny, he seems a little lost. Would you like to fill in the potential details?" She smiled.

"Shareholders and investors will either pull out, or give the majority vote to Mr Frost. Ousting you as CEO." "As for just the two groups? Edelgard is both a lesbian and a Hunter. I wonder how she would feel about letting you install your company equipment around Australia, let alone the world. Hmmmm, lose your position, rank and billions for your company? Or pay us the hundred million dollar hush money now?"

"There's no guarantee that you would keep your silence, even if he paid." "You're right. There is no guarantee. Currently everyone sitting on my side is thinking about how they're going to kill you the moment you leave this building." They all nodded glaring at him.

"Except we all have a price. I've given you the price for my silence. Go ahead and negotiate the price of their silence. Oh almost forgot. I believe my older brother has also started to consult on a civil law suit against me. Add that to my bill as well. I'll be waiting for you guys down stairs." Zeke sauntered out with a grin stretched across his face.

Michael slammed his hands onto the table. "Ezekiel! This is extortion! You will be punished for this and pay for your crimes!" "Anger isn't a good look on you, dad. Besides this isn't extortion that would imply I'm stealing by threatening him. This is Mister Linette coming to a sudden realization that he's fucked and the only way to unfuck himself, is to pay us a lot of money. Consider it a medical expense that cannot be done by a healer. Isn't that right?"

Michael turned to Mister Linette seething and boiling over with anger. "Sir, do not listen to him. He is-" "Your demands will be meet in one week." Zeke smiled at Michael's mortified expression. "Pleasure doing business with you. Dad, better luck next time."