
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
79 Chs

A long day.

Han and Raven woke up at 7am. They found Moon gazing out the kitchen window into the backyard. Her jaw hanging, and salivating. "What's she staring at?" Raven asked. "No idea, but whatever it is. It has her motor running." The two crept behind Moon. The three of them cocked their head to the side. Zeke was training shirtless, his body glistening in a layer of sweat, each repetition he made a deep grunt. "Since when does Zeke work out?" Han asked. "He doesn't work out normally? He did it every day on Chiron Academy." "It's a good look on him." Moon let out a yelp. "How long have you have two been watching!?" She hissed, pulling them down. "Did you honestly just notice us?" Han asked. "Shut up." She blushed. "Stop being greedy, let us all watch." Han shoved Moon. The three stood up watcinhg Zeke practice Sovereign stance one. "Hey, something just occurred to me." Raven said. "What's that?" Han asked, cocking her head to the side. "Doesn't Zeke, have an uncanny ability to know when people are watching him?" "Yeah, why?" Moon asked, wiping her mouth. Zeke spun around to them, with an annoyed stare. "Because that." The three awkwardly waved at him.

Zeke came back inside wiping himself down with an old towel. "Not gonna even ask, why you two joined Moon in watching me." "Wait, you knew I was watching?" "Moon, I could see you through the window the whole time. I even waved at you." "You did?" He looked at her confused. "You waved back at me." "I did?" "Good grief girl." Han face palmed. "Since we're all awake. Red!" He called out. "Bring the chips down." Red sleepily trotted down the stairs with a large pouch in her mouth. "God that's adorable." Raven melted at the sight. She dropped the pouch at Zeke's feet curling up between his legs. "Right. Inside here, is 150 chips. Counted them twice before I went to bed. I'm trusting you two, to buy us two cars, of relative pricing. None of this 99% into one car, and 1% into the other. Got it?" Han and Moon lit up with joy, taking the pouch. "We can buy any car!?" "Yes." The two of them hugged him, jumping up and down in joy. They sprinted up the stairs with squeals ringing out in their rooms. Zeke picked up Red, placing her into Raven's arms.

Moon and Han sprinted past them like a storm, flying out the door. "Is it wise, to leave them with that amount of money and energy? They're gonna make an impulse buy." "What time is it?" "6:30. Why?" "The dealers don't open till ten." He said walking upstairs. Raven snickered, following him upstairs. "You have any plans for me?" "Get security measures installed in this house. Red can't watch this entire house by herself." He said entering the shower. "Anything else?" "Call me an Uber to be here in 20 minutes." She nodded and left hearing the shower turn on. Han and Moon sat angrily in their car in front of the dealership, slumped in the seats, with their arms crossed. "I can't believe he got us with that." Han said. "We should totally buy him a crappy car." "No...he got us fair and square. Let's just go back and wait. Maybe he'll have breakfast for us ready." The two returned sulking, with Raven greeting them wearing a smirk. "Not a word." Han growled. She sniffed the air. "I don't smell breakfast." "Zeke, said get some take out." "Where is he?" Moon asked. "Shopping for groceries?" "We don't have a fridge yet." "Don't know, he asked me to get him an Uber, and left this note saying D.N.D 5? That mean anything to you two?" "It means do not disturb for the next 5 hours. Hmm, that's weird. Where do you think he went?" Han asked. Moon anxiously bit her lip.

Zeke wore his baggy clothing, with his dishevelled hair flowing with the breezy spring day. He stood in front of an old church, leaning against the gate. Edelgard and Brianna emerged from the church, greeting Zeke in their nice flowing dresses. "You could have at least dressed a little better for the meeting." Brianna said looking at his clothing concerned. "You could be a little less lesbian for the Christian faith." "Touché." "Come on, he's waiting for you." Edelgard said. The three sat down in a dusty and dreary office space. A young Father walked in, loosening his clerical collar, revealing his bulging his muscles. He sat with perfect posture and wiped his brow, rustling his military buzz cut hair. "Father Pat-" He snatched a flask from under his desk, and threw it onto Zeke's face, with a loud shout. "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" Zeke wiped his face, pursing his lips to a line, trying his best to keep his composure. Edelgard and Brianna stared him with wide eyed. "Father Patrick!" Edelgard snapped.

"I gotta say. I just feel more compelled to sin and say fuck Jesus at this point." "Father Patrick, please you agreed to this meeting." Brianna said. "Fine..." He growled, clasping his hands together. He sucked on his teeth. "I'm sorry." "Could you say it with the same conviction, like when you have the lord and saviours dick in your ass?" "Zeke!" Edelgard snapped. "I'm sorry, I was told to come here, because I was owed an apology and reward. Instead the asshole throws water in my face, and 'tries' to exorcise me." "Father Patrick, aside from his rude remark. He is right. You called us here personally to settle this. So let us settle it." Father Patrick begrudgingly laid a small stack of ten chips onto the table, and took a deep breath. "Thank you, for your work Mr Chen. Here is your reward of ten chips for dealing with the hoodlums around the church." Zeke reached out taking the stack. Father Patrick drove a golden cross into his hand, letting out a primal scream, as he drove it into his hand. Zeke stared back at him completely unfazed and annoyed.

Zeke turned back to Edelgard and Brianna, both of them face palming, and shaking their heads. He snatched Father Patrick's wrist. "Let go." He grunted. "Listen here you cunt. If you want a Demon monster, like me to kill you. You just ask me very nicely." "Zeke..." Edelgard said pulling on his shoulder. He tossed Father Patrick's hand away, throwing him back into his chair. Zeke activated his Demon's Blood staring him down with both his crimson eyes and the Spectre over him. He cowered in absolute terror falling out his seat. "Remember that no Consecrated item, Jew on a cross, Holy Water, or exorcism will stop me. If I want you dead. You'll be dead." He growled with an echo. Zeke reverted back, walking out the room. "Well...that could have gone worse." Brianna said. "Seriously. What is wrong with you? He did a good job, and thanks to him your daughter cunt isn't being passed around like a bong!" Edelgard left in a huff. Brianna awkwardly waved him goodbye, as he cowered in the corner wetting himself.

Zeke stood outside the church pacing around agitated, his hands clearly balled into a fist in his pockets. "Zeke, I'm sorry about him." "It's fine. I never expect anything any good to come from people who believe in that stupid cross. Whatever, I'm gonna walk to my next one." "Well at least let me drive you to your next bounty, and-" "Edelgard. You're about to manage every Hunter in Australia. You can't be playing favourites." Zeke walked off, shaking his head. Brianna followed out afterwards. "Hey if a Father, pisses himself, while begging for God to save him. Do you think he made Holy piss?" Edelgard let out a sigh, face palming. "It only becomes Holy, if they do the proper blessing." "But you could make Holy piss right?" "Yes." She said pinching between her brow. "You make it hard to love you sometimes." Brianna hugged her. "Yeah, but you do love me. So is Zeke gonna be okay?" "Not sure. I'm worried about him." "I'm sure he'll be okay." The two watched as Zeke disappeared over the hill, trudging along. "Come on, I have a lot of work to do."

Zeke entered an aged care facility, sitting in front of an elderly woman. Her smile, accentuated every wrinkle on her face. "Miss Charles." "Mrs." She corrected. "Mrs Charles, I've come to collect the payment for your sons protection." "Where is that lovely blonde girl?" She asked with a warm smile. "She's not here, you can pay me the two chips." She spat at Zeke's feet. "I'm not paying you Demon. This money is to help that lovely girl. She'll make a great wife for my son." "She's not here, now pay me what is due." She flipped Zeke the bird, giving him a smug smile. He let out a sigh, grabbing her by the shoulder. "HELP! HELP! RAPE!" Zeke jostled her around finding a small velvet pouch. "THIEF! THIEF!" She screamed thrashing in his grip. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" A man's voice roared. He turned around to be struck in the head by a wooden baton being sent across the room with a crash. A middle aged overweight man with wisps of hair hugged her. "Mum! Are you okay?" "That man was trying to rape me!"

Zeke stood up dusting himself off, and picking the wooden splinters from his hair. "Mr Charles, do you recognise me?" "..No..." he lied. "You can pay me what is due, or I can go the Agency and we can take this up the legal proceedings. Which will result in you not only doubling my pay, but paying the fines for striking a Hunter. So what's it gonna be?" Mr Charles fished out two chips and threw them at Zeke's feet. "Alright there! Go away, and leave my mum alone." "Fuck off you rapist!" The orderlies rushed in, scanning the room seeing Zeke. "What happened Sir?" "He tried to rape me!" "It's true!" Zeke gave them a tired look. The orderlies bowed at him. "Sorry sir, we'll sort this out. Come on Mrs Charles, let's get you back to your room." "No! That Demon stole my money. Stop him!" Zeke stopped in front of Mr Charles. "If I see you again, I'll break your legs. If you hit me again. You'll be living here, while they feed and change your shit filled diapers. Am I clear?" He whispered. Charles nodded terrified and fell back covered in a sweat.

Zeke was walked out with a nurse, she was a demure lady with a tied pony tail. She fidgeted around him. "What is it?" She jumped startled. "Oh...I uhh, just wanted to say that I don't think you're a Demon or Monster." "Thank you, but what did you really want to say?" She brushed her hair behind her ear, and shied away. "I saw your fight with Alistair, and...does he smell as amazing as he looks?" "Uh....didn't get a chance to smell him." She bowed her head disappointed. "You know he's huge right? Like almost three metres. He would crush you, even if you were a Hunter." She swooned in delight. "What a way to go." He looked at her concerned and left in a hurry. He received a text message from Moon. 'Stuff is on its way. Hope you're okay.' "Should have enough time to get dressed and make the meeting." Zeke hailed a taxi from the drop off zone.

Moon, Han, Raven and Red excitedly stood in the driveway as the truck reversed into their drive way. "I can finally get Soul-Taker bonded to me." Two tall muscle bound Korean men hopped off the truck, wearing tight Hi-Vis shirts, and shorts. "Man, they both look like K-pop models, even got that scruffy hair at the top and shaved sides. "Bae-Dal?" Moon asked approaching them. "Holy shit. Moon this is your stuff?" "Bae-Taeyang?" "Oh hey! Moon!" The three hugged. "Fuck." Han growled. "Friends of yours?" "Exes..." Raven grimaced.

"Oh my god, you two look great. Didn't know you guys worked for transport now." "We look great? You live here now, and have that S grade weapon sitting in there." Bae-Dal said. "Hey Han." Bae-Taeyang waved. She raised a middle finger at him. "She's never gonna forgive me is she?" "You dumped her a day after birthday." Bae-Dal said slapping him across the head. 'You just love making bad choices in men.' Iziel said. 'Shut up.' "So you finally ditched little Z huh?" Bae-Dal said carrying a box of Moon's clothing. "Of course she did, why else would she be living here." "I didn't ditch Zeke." "Get the fuck out. As if that cheap midget, would let you live here." Bae-Taeyang said shocked. "So you and little Z are still doing the dynamic duo thing. Where is the guy? I kinda miss him." The two barged in through the front door, dropping the boxes haphazardly. "He's doing something." "Woah, where's all your stuff?" "We're still furnishing. The delivery said 2 – 3 business days." "Delivery? I'm surprised he didn't cheap out and just build everything himself. So how'd you two afford this place? He suck some dick?" "Can I take a guess to why you two broke up?" Raven asked, glowering at them.

"Hey, I know we haven't spoken since we broke up." "You dated each of them?" Raven asked. "Yes, and it was a complete mistake." "But, I was wondering if you wanted to catch up. For ol' time sake." "I shouldn't..." "Why? Do you need that midget's permission?" Bae-Taeyang jabbed, grabbing another box of clothing. "No, we just have to go buy some cars today, and-" "It doesn't have to be today. We could always get drinks some other time." Han waved at Moon signalling her 'No'. "Here, look if you want to give me a second chance to be friends. I'd like nothing more than that." "How about you do your job?" Han snapped. "Hey dude, you're not gonna believe this!" Bae-Taeyang chuckled grabbing another box. "What is it?" "This box actually says property of Zeke Chen, handle with care." "You're kidding! What's in there?"

"Hey! Don't look in there!" Raven snapped. "Who is she?" Bae-Dal asked. "She's our secretary." "No way. You guys are doing super well huh. What'd you do, finally open an Onlyfans account?" He chuckled. "Why does everyone think that would work?" Raven stomped over shoving them away from the box. It dropped with a loud thud and the tape broke open. "Holy shit, are those suits?" Bae-Taeyang said grabbing a blazer out. "Fuck nice quality as well." "Hey! Don't touch those. They aren't yours." "Oh relax, little girl. We're not gonna damage it." "Moon, what happened? How did you afford all of this?" "Zeke, won us a lot of money, and now we're starting our own Agency." "You're kidding! Can we join? I'd put these suits to better use than him." Bae-Taeyang said forcing his arm into the sleeve. "You're gonna stretch it!" "That's his fault for being so damn small." "Guys, can you put that down. Zeke needs those for a meeting today." Moon said awkwardly. "Why are you so scared of little Z? What's he gonna do, kill us with his 'Hardness'." He cackled.

"Can I help you two?" Zeke asked walking past the truck. "Oh shit! It's little Z!" He spotted Bae-Taeyang wearing his blaze, Raven's distress, Han's irritation and Moon's uneasiness. "Do you mind doing your job, and carrying my stuff into my house? Or should I call the Agency?" Bae-Taeyang tossed the blazer onto the ground "Ooohoho, did someone finally grow a pair?" He lifted Zeke into the air with one hand, raising his fist up. "Put him down!" Bae-Dal snapped. He nervously chuckled breaking them apart. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. We we're just playing." "Just do your jobs." He growled taking his blazer. "Raven, can you pick a suit out for me?" He said tossing her the blazer. She nodded rushing inside. "Moon, Han, the dealers are open. Go get the cars, and get Soul-Taker bonded to you. You'll find Damien's card under my pillow." Moon and Han walked inside, hearing Zeke's commanding tone. "Oh, shit. Look at you giving orders." He turned back to Bae-Dal, with a furious stare. "Get your brother in line, or I will."

Bae-Taeyang created circular blades of wind surrounding his arms. "You want to go you little shit? What are you gonna do?" "Hey, I said cut it out! You want to lose another job?" "I don't care! Fuck this guy!" "I said stop!" Bae-Dal snapped. "Get in the truck! Now!" He let out a grunt, walking away in a huff, the blades disappearing. Bae-Dal bowed rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that. He's just on edge, he's got his Hunter exam up soon. You know how it is." "No I don't. Now finish the job, or leave and I'll do it." "Yeah...sure thing man." Zeke walked in cracking his neck. "Can't believe you let that little midget boss you around." "You got other job prospects? No, because your dumbass failed the first Hunter's exam. Now you're gonna shut the fuck up, and carry in his shit professionally. You're also gonna shut the fuck up, so that I can fuck Moon again. Once I've done, feel free to do whatever you want to him." Bae-Taeyang snickered. "Fine, but hurry it up, can't stand that guy."

"God, I can't believe, you didn't just blast them into another life." Han snapped. "Look, just because he's brother is an asshole, doesn't mean he is." "Wrong. It means they're both assholes, only one is better at hiding it. I really hope you aren't considering meeting up with him again?" "Dal isn't that bad, besides it's just drinks, as friends." 'I am eons old, with no reference to your culture, or interest in your kind, and even I know that's stupid.' 'I said shut up.' "That's dumb as fuck!" 'Listen to your friend. She's wise.' Raven barged in. "I cannot believe you two dated those two idiots!" She hissed. "Yes, and I regret it every day." "I hope you aren't considering-" "She is." "Why!?" Raven exclaimed. "It's a friendly drink. Besides, Dal didn't dump me like Tae did to Han. It was a mutual breakup." "You two broke up why?" "He didn't like that Zeke was always around me. Said it felt like having an unnecessary third wheel. I said we're a packaged deal, and he didn't like that." "Sounds like he wanted to isolate you, and take away Zeke." "What I've been saying." Han said throwing her hands up frustrated. "You guys are reading too much into it."

Zeke walked in wearing a black suit and tie, with his hair slicked up, and fixing his cuff. The three gawked at the sight. "Hey, I'm leaving for my meeting. Make sure that those two assholes are gone first." "You got it boss." Han said. "Zeke, I know that Tae-" He handed Raven six chips and Han the other half. "Uh what's this?" She asked. "Early payment for the month." He left without saying a word. "I cannot tell if he's in a bad mood or a good mood." Raven said. They heard whoops and cheers as Zeke went down the stairs. "Oh Christ." Han said, the three rushed out seeing Dal and Tae blocking the doorway. "Get out of my way." "Come on man. It's just a shock to see you looking so well." "Last and final warning. Do your jobs without bothering me." "Come on. How about we play Z ball!?" "Tae don't!" He picked up Zeke by the pits tossing him into the high ceiling. "TAE!" Moon snapped. Zeke landed on the stairs with a thud, taking a deep breath. "What? We use to play that all the time together." "Zeke, are you-" He grunted her arm off. Zeke stood up straightening his suit out.

Tae created the circular blades around his arm, ready to fight Zeke. "Alright fuck it, we're done the rabbit hole." Dal summoned fire from his hands. Zeke made his way down slowly, with his hair pulsing to each step. "I recall you were both great dancers. It's how you attracted those two." Reaching the bottom, his Spectre loomed over the brothers. The two of them froze in fear, as the Spectre wrapped its scaly spiked hands around them. "In any other circumstances, I would maim you both, but there's menial work that needs to be done. And you're the only two fucking idiots around." He growled with a hollow echo. He tossed them aside into the living room, reverting back to normal. "Get back to fucking work." He said leaving. The two trembled and quivered on the spot. "Wh-wh-wh-" Han and Raven leaned over the banister with a smug smile. "That's my boss, and you two should do your jobs, before you make him angry." Raven said. "Won't go well if you piss on the floor of his new house as well." Han said.

Moon rushed out after Zeke. "Zeke!" She called out stopping him in the street. "What was that? You didn't have to scare them like that. They were gonna do the work." "No they weren't!" He snapped at her, his eyes shimmer crimson with rage. She froze, seeing the anger. She had broken her own promise to him. He was never meant to have this side of him unlocked, or even have to rely on it. "I don't care what you still see him as. I hate that you've forgotten, how he treated you at the end. But if you want to go down that road again, I'm not gonna be there to pick up the piece of your heart again." "Zeke, it's not like that...How many times have you used that form today?" "Three." "Three!? What for?" She asked worried, cupping his face. He pushed her hand away. "Look, I'm having a shitty day, after collecting those two rewards. The two idiots aren't helping. I'm now attending a meeting I didn't need to go to, but now have to, to make sure our Agency gets started on the right foot. I'm not turning into a Demon, I'm just annoyed. And seeing how this day is playing out. I'm guessing it's only gonna be downhill from here." He sighed entering the taxi.

The brothers quietly and efficiently unpacked their belongings, afraid to make eye contact with anyone inside. "Man, it's a good thing that Zeke unlocked that Demon's Blood." Han said. Moon sat down with a concerned face. Red hopped onto the table hissing at the brothers. "Okay once they leave, we're going to be on our best behaviour, and to not only make Zeke happy, but he stays happy." "Can't you just fix his mood with a quick fuck?" The brothers froze in place. "Dude!" "What? They need to know that you're only having Chinese meat from now on." "DUDE!" She groaned. The two of them quickly left, to gather the last of their belongings. "Did you really have to say that out loud?" "Why, do you not want people to know you two are dating?" "We're not!-" Moon took a deep breath composing herself. "Look, I don't like when Zeke is like this." "You mean badass?" "No, I mean relying on that form. I don't want him to change, or become a Demon douche. So we're going to go buy him a nice black car, that's comfy. Got it?" Han nodded.

"Hey, that's the last of your stuff. I would just like to say-" "Save it." Moon cut Bae-Taeyang off. "Leave and don't come back. You as well." "What did I do?" "You and him are a packaged deal. Now get out of my house." The three begun unpacking Moon's belongings, and the kitchenware given by Adrianna. "Geez, didn't think Zeke had enough stuff to fit three boxes." Han said opening the last one. Red hissed at the box being opened. Iziel appeared over Moon, startling Raven and Han. 'Get her away from that box right now.' Moon gave Han a gentle blast, shoving her aside. "What the fuck Moon!?" Han screamed standing up. "There's something in that box, that's...evil." The three hesitantly approached the box with Red snarling and hissing at it. They peered inside the black tome with a note on top of it. 'Only for Zeke, do not attempt to open.' It read. 'Destroy that tome.' 'Why? It's for Zeke.' 'Can you not sense the pure malicious Mana, radiating from it?' 'Of course not.' "You blew me away for a book?" "I think Red is sensing something bad about it." "Well, it's meant only for Zeke to see. So we're gonna gently leave it on his bed, and not touch it. Agreed?" The two nodded at Moon.

Zeke entered in an office building in the heart of the city, not noticing the women and some men ogling him, and his new appearance. He looked at the sole of his new leather shoes, firm and sturdy, yet soft and comfortable. "Hmm, so this is what actual foot support feels like. It's nice." He entered the reception room, being greeted warmly by an attractive young lady. She smiled at him bashfully, playing with a lock of her hair. "Hi, just here for a contract meeting, at 12. Should be for a Zeke Chen." "He'll be with you soon. He's just in with the last owner of the contract." "Thank you." Zeke said oblivious to her lust. He took a seat looking at his phone. "Mr Chen...are you free for dinner tonight?" She asked. He looked around the empty office room, and then pointed to himself. "Me?" She snickered and nodded. "I hope it's not too forward, but I don't like beating around the bush." "That's...uh appreciated, but-"

"GIVE ME THE MONEY!!" A strained shout echoed out, startling the both of them, and shaking the room. A man dressed in an oversized dress shirt and pants, came flying through the sliding glass door. The receptionist screamed, cowering back. "Mother fucker..." The man groaned trying to roll onto his side. A burly and bald Demon Hunter emerged breathing a cold smoke, holding a metal war hammer etched with glowing red runes. He wore a white tank top and cargo shorts. "Give me the money." He growled. "You didn't finish the job, and took resources. You in fact owe us!" The man on the ground declared. "You piece of sh-" The Demon Hunter froze feeling the cold steel of Shadow under his throat. The receptionist watched on in complete awe. "Put the hammer down." He ordered. "You're not gonna cut-" He winced feeling it nick his skin. "I won't repeat myself. Put it down." The man obliged putting the hammer down slowly, and raising his arms into the air.

"Call security." Zeke asked, guiding the man towards the door. She quickly dialled the phone. Zeke took the hammer tossing it at the man's feet. "Does this cover his bill?" He inspected it briefly. "It will have to do." He said, straining to stand and hobbled behind Zeke. "Good, now go quietly." He said lowering Shadow. "Don't think I'll forget this. I'm gonna kill you both!" Zeke took the man's right palm seeing no mark. "You're not only indebted to this Contractor, but assaulted a Civilian, don't add premeditated murder to your charges. You'll be looking up to 10-20 years, with a stripping of all your assets. Walk away, while you still can." The Demon Hunter snarled and grunted at him, walking away in a huff. Zeke banished Shadow. "That was remarkable!" The man said offering out his hand. "What's your name son?" "Don't call me son. It's Zeke." "Please come into my office." He said limping towards his office. "To answer your question, thank you for the offer, but I have plans tonight. Besides you can do way better than me."

Zeke took a seat in the man's office, littered with mountainous stacks of paper work. He was a middle aged man, with streaks of grey hair in his comb over. He applied an ice pack onto his back, and let out an orgasmic moan, to Zeke's concern. "I didn't think Civilians were allowed to hand out contracts." "Nope, we're allowed. It's just ill-advised because of...well reasons you just saw." He said rubbing his chest with deep heat. "We can reschedule this if you'd like..." "Oh don't worry about me. I'm always sore." "You really shouldn't be." He said concerned.

"Alright, where are my manners?" He let out a deeply concerning pained scream reaching over the table to offer his hand to Zeke. "My name is Frank Scott." He wore a smile trying desperately to hold in his pain. Zeke quickly shook his hand, letting Frank sit down. "I have to thank you for dealing with that asshole." "What did he do?" "You don't want to know. Now enough of that asshole. How can I help you today?" "A friend of mine accepted a bodyguard contract in New York on my behalf and-" Frank riffled through a stack, knocking several over. "Shit. Ahhh, I'll deal with it later. Okay. Okay..." Frank broke out into a chuckle. "Oh kid. You don't want this contract. I'll cancel it free of charge." Zeke looked at him perplexed. "Why? What's wrong with it?" "No one has lasted more than two months. You probably just got given the email by accident. So all good. Don't worry about it." "May I know why?" "The person you're trying to protect is a Major Crimes Detective. A detective Shinsei." "He that bad?" "She's that bad. Before the Grading reassessment, she was a S grade Hunter."

"And what is she now?" "E grade." Zeke cringed for her. "So why did she need a bodyguard, or partner? She sounds like, she never needed help." "Legal requirements for any New York Detective, is to have a partner. She could get away with it before, but now-" "She's now forced to have it, because she's technically an E grade Hunter." "Bingo. Now take it from me, you don't want to trouble yourself with this contract." "What about a temp contract?" "I'm sorry?" "My partner will be gone for three months. I would like to do this job, for that time, and afterwards she can have another soul to scare off." "Are you sure about this? From what I've heard. She's more of a pain in the ass, than a cactus drenched in lemon juice, being rammed up there." "Yes, I'll handle it. I'll contact you when I'm ready to depart and start." "Sure..." Frank said watching him leave. He shook his head. "Don't say I didn't warn you kid."

Moon and Han returned with two brand new, glossy sedans one coloured a matte black the other a bright red. Raven greeted the both of them outside, noticing Han's glower expression, and Moon in a constant giggle. "Something go wrong?" "Nope." She snapped. "She tried to a get a discount by flashing the salesman." "Did it...work?" "He said if he could, he would have raised the prices after seeing them." Moon burst out into laughter, with Raven snickering along. "I'm telling you he was gay!" She pouted crossing her arms. "Hey, who's car is that?" Moon asked, pointing to a large brand new four wheel drive. "Oh, it's a new client. They wanted to meet you guys." "Oh sweet!" Moon said. "What do they want?" Han asked. "They're a lovely Catholic family, that want Moon's help." "With?" "Well-" Moon opened the door. "FUCKING SHIT!" she shouted angrily. Raven jumped being startled. "CODE BLACK! RED! GET UP! CODE BLACK!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "What's code black!?" Raven asked flustered.

Han and Moon pushed inside, with Red leaping onto the banister and sliding down onto Moon's shoulder, hissing at the family of four inside. "Get the fuck out of my house right now!" Moon ordered summoning Iziel. "You heard her get the fuck out!" Han followed with Red snarling at them. "What's going on!? Who are they?" The man of the family was a well dressed man, overweight with a buzz cut. He wore a nice blue suit and red tie, and stood taller than the average man with his lifted shoes. "We told you Miss Frost. We are the Chens. My name is Michael." Beside him his wife, Sabriel Chen was a demure woman dressed in a conservative way, with her hair tied into a taut pony tail, and two locks to cover her crow's feet. Their children stood by their side dressed the same way. Gabriel Chen, a tall lean boy with long raven hair that touched his shoulders. Muriel had her long hair braided over her shoulder and white dress. "Your name is fuck face, now all of you get out!" Moon threatened. "Do you intend to use your powers on us? We are only Civilians." He said with a smug smile.

Moon snarled engulfing herself in fire. "Last warning. Get out." "I figured after the law suit with my son, that you would know to not attack a Civilian." "You sued your son?" "He did a lot of things. Which is why I'm gonna do this." Han rushed into the kitchen grabbing a cleaver. "I'm not a Hunter, which means I can kill you for trespassing." "That's excessive force. We are not intruders or trespassing. Miss Frost was kind of enough to let us in." "Next time don't let them in." Han ordered. "How was I supposed to know they were his fucked up family!?" "They're Chinese and their last name is Chen." "Forgive me for not being a racist then!" Raven barked. "Next time be racist to them!" "Both of you shut up! You four will leave right now." Moon said taking out her phone. "Who are you calling Moon?" "The police. Now get out." Red hissed at the window, pointing urgently at it. "Uh, Moon bigger code black." Han said. Zeke stepped out of the Uber, wearing a smile and holding the folder. "Alright, you're all leaving out the backdoor."

"You would forbid us from seeing our own son?" He scoffed. "We will not be leaving until we speak with him." "Han go distract him. Raven help throw these idiots out." "Touch us, and that is assault. We will scream." Muriel said. Moon snarled clenching her fist into a ball, waiting for the call to be routed through the police. Han sprinted outside to meet Zeke as he admired the new car. "Heeyyyyy! How do you like the new car?" "Looks great." "You should give it a test drive. Wait here, I'll go grab the keys." "I can do that later." "But! But you'll lose that brand new car smell!" "I'm okay. I can do it later. I need to speak with Moon." He said walking up the driveway to the front door. Han sprinted in front of him. "I tried to get a discount on the car, by flashing my tits at the salesman. He said, he wanted to raise the prices. Ahahah! Can you believe that guy?" Zeke looked at her stressed smile with concern. "What's wrong? Why are you acting weird? It is something to do with the owner of that car?" 'Damn his over analysing brain.'

"You can't go inside!" "Why?" "Because we're cleaning..." "Cleaning what?" Raven came outside to check on Han. "We're cleaning Raven's period." "What!?" Both Zeke and Raven exclaimed. "It's alright girl. These things happen. You're body is just having a bad day. You know how that Hunter physiology works Zeke. Anyway! It's real disgusting inside, a bloody mess really. Looks like her vagina fell out. See you in say....six hours?" Zeke looked to Raven and back to Han askance. "What the fuck are you babbling about? Who's inside?" He pushed his way past Han and Raven to find his family staring at him, and Moon on the phone.

She watched solemnly as his expression changed to anger. "Ez-" "Zeke. My name is Zeke. It was legally changed." He cut off Michael frowning at him. "My dear-" "Get out." He growled at his mother. "All of you out of my house right now. Moon, E.T.A on the police?" "20 minutes." "Tell them, if they don't get here in 5. There's gonna be a homicide." "You want to go down that road again son?" Zeke transformed summoning Shadow, pointing at them, startling the three of them except Michael. He held his family in close. "Don't you ever call me that again. I am not your son. I refuse to be your son." He snarled, his hollow voice echoing out. "The footage really doesn't do it justice. You truly are a Demon. A soul beyond saving." He scoffed. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Raven snapped. "Why would you say that to him?" "I am free to speak to my own son, how I see fit! I fed him for 13 years, and he points a sword at me. How else would I address such an ungrateful leech." Zeke threw the folder aside marching over to his father.

He remained calm and stoic, staring Zeke down with a smug smile. Zeke pulled him down by the collar. "Go on. Hit me again. Do it. Prove me right. That you're nothing but a Demon." He hissed. "The family appreciated all your hard work, you can see your efforts parked outside. Maybe you would like to buy us a new house like this one as well?" Zeke released his father, turning back to normal and banishing Shadow. Police sirens wailed in the distance drawing closer. "Do you know what the hardest thing about Demon is 'dad'?" "What's that?" "That I have to wait so, fucking long to see you all join me in Hell." He walked rubbing his face. "So, what did you all come here for?" Zeke asked waving the others to stand down.

"Wait. Let me guess. You heard I was finally happy, and you came to suck that joy away? No wait! You've already done that, and you're still here. No, you saw the footage of me turning on my Demon's Blood for the first time. AHHHH! I GOT IT!" Zeke snapped his fingers. "You've come here to save my soul! Did I get it right Father Chen?" Michael chuckled, approach them. "No, you're too far gone. You will always be a blight to this family. The Demon, I am forbidden to kill, as a test of my devotion to the lord." Raven snarled clenching her fist till they shook. Han held her shoulder. He took out a folded letter handing it to Zeke. "I need you to sign this form, stating that you agree to be removed from my will of your own free will." Zeke chuckled. "Feel like this form needed to be in my life a long time ago." "You're...disowning your own son?" "No, I am giving him want he wants. To be separated from me, my wealth and everything else." He signed and shoved the paper into his father's breast pocket. "I don't want anything to do with you anyway. Now get out."

The police rushed in scanning the room. "What's going on here?" "Sorry officer, a misunderstanding. We were simply discussing a civil matter and it got heated. We'll be leaving now. Come on children." Michael stopped at the door, looking to the three of them. "Unlike my ungrateful son. It's not too late to save your own souls." He left with a twisted smile, his family following behind him. The officers awkwardly tipped their hats at Zeke and the others, closing the door behind them. The others looked to Zeke, his fists trembling and face scrunched up. He took a breath of air. "Zeke, I'm so sorry. If I had known-" "Don't. It's not your fault. You didn't know who they were." He rubbed his face trying to bury his frustration. "Zeke..." Moon called out. "Good job on the cars. Did you get Soul-Taker bonded to you?" "Zeke, it's-" "Did you get Soul-Taker bonded to you?" "They were busy." Han said. "Booked out till next week." "That's okay. Raven, how'd the security call go. Did you get a quote?" "Yeah....5000. Zeke we can-"

"Talking about my damn feelings isn't gonna fix, what a piece of shit they are!" He snapped, making them all flinch. "We're gonna move on. Because...Because-" He paused trying his best to compose himself. "Because there's no point in thinking about them, anything related to them. So! Raven, please call them back and let them know we accept. Moon, please follow up with the furniture and see if it's on the way." Zeke fished out two chips flicking them to Han. "Go buy us dinner." "Do you feel like-" "Just get whatever you want." Han bowed her head nodding. He check his phone. "Now, there's still 7 hours left in this shitty day. Is there anything else I should know today?" The three locked eyes. "They shipped a book over to you, said it's only for you. We didn't open it." Moon said. "Okay, I'm taking a shower." He said walking off. The three of them watched him in silence, with Red following after him. 'As much as I detest his kind. Even I wanted to kill that man.' 'Yeah get in line.'

Zeke sat down on his bed, with Red by his side, as he took the tome into his lap. He let out an exasperated sigh, patting Red. "Let's see how this fucks my day up huh." He opened the tome, seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs of old Enochian text. He looked at it completely disinterested and tiredly. "Old Enochian! An absolutely unreadable and nearly impossible text to translate. Hoooraayyyy..." He said sarcastically. Red backed away from the tome. He slammed the book shut, tossing it aside. "A problem for another day. Well there's nothing that could make this day any worse." Zeke said lying back on his bed. Red looked anxiously at the tome, before scurrying out the room. Zeke came down to see, Moon and Raven sat in the kitchen looking through the folder. "You're actually gonna leave for America?" Moon asked. "I'll leave once the house is sorted, and you're off on your job. We should be back at the same time to take different contracts." "This detective Shinsei, sounds like a real hardass." "I'm sure the others are just exaggerating. I mean how bad could she be?" He said sitting down.