

Nevian's POV

For the first time in history I felt super excited that I was heading home after a business trip.

The trip which was supposed to round off by the weekend, I got everything hastened and in four days I had wrapped up my business in Morocco.

Pulling my luggage towards the airport, I had a permanent smile on my face as my heart bubbled with joy.

Immediately after the last meeting I had, I had called Khloe, informing her I was heading to the airport so I would return home.

Her voice gave me tingles, making me wish I had superhuman powers so I would be able to teleport back home in a blink of an eye.

"Sir, you've been cleared." The receptionist on the table said, handing my ticket and passport to me.

"Thank you."

The thirteen hour journey back home seemed like it spanned for two long days. I kept tossing about unlike before when I would immerse myself into studying or flipping through magazines.