
Contract with a demon

In a world overflowing with mana, the existence of Witches, Mages, Dragons, Elves and beast people is nothing new. Life should be simple and easy enough, right?. Ask Quiv that question. Quivier, Quiv for short is born into a lowly family, living in a small village located at the outskirt of the kingdom. Due to his weak body, he barely has the ability to harness magic and is rejected at the royal academy time after time, despite being the highest scorer. Fast forward some years later, tragedy strikes as Quiv's village is burnt down and reduced to ash. His parents stampeded on at the heat of the moment. Leaving behind their two children, in a world ranked by class and strength. Quivier seeks to start a new life with his brother at the capital and move on. Fate decides to add a twist. The fire was planned, and by the nobles, who feared for the existence of the boy with the demon eye, prophesied to wield extraordinary power. Fuelled by revenge, Quiv accidentally summons a demon he had signed a contract with, in his early childhood. "I'll spill every last drop of their royal blood..." "And I'll happily help you wreck havoc on this world." Read through the story of Quiv's quest for revenge, and his new life with a narcissist demon Lord, who happens to share a body with him.

Riceballs_25 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


"My, you look terrible, won't you rest here for the night, it's far too chilly outside." An elven woman offered him, stepping aside so he could take a proper glance at her cozy looking cottage, resting on a hill.

"Thank you for the tempting offer, but am fine. My family is waiting at home for me you see." He kindly responded as he swiftly took the four copper coins she handed to him.

The old elven lady had sight issues and made an order to his shady business, looking for cheaper medication. Quiv who had been studying some medicinal plants since childhood knew exactly what medicine to prescribe to her.

"Your business is vast earning fame amongst us common folks, give this poor old lady a discount next time young lad." The woman said, showing her true colours to him.

'As if! I almost had my life taken just now, now more than ever I want to make it big in life.'

"Sure thing." He lied through his teeth, smiling widely as he turned to take his leave.

"Be careful out there lad, wouldn't want bandits attacking you." She called out to him as he took his leave, towards a much more crowded environment. Quiv sighed in relief as he walked back to his village, glad that he was able to make some more, which he planned on saving up.

It had been six long years since he had that weird encounter with that delusional child he saved at the market. Quiv did try to find the kid near all the swampy areas, but was told no child with such descriptions lived there.

The past six years also marked the last time he applied for the royal academy to learn magic and become a skilled mage. Quiv had made up his mind to save up enough money to buy himself a grimoire.

'Once I have my own book of spells, I'll practice all the knowledge of magic I've acquired and train myself to become strong.' he thought to himself, holding unto the straps of his sachel.

"Just past that mountain..." He said, cheering himself up for the rest of the journey. His village was so far from the home of his clients, that he had contemplated buying a travel animal for his journey.

"If I got myself even the smallest travel animal, that would cost me around a silver coin. I'd have to use an entire year to make up for that loss." Quiv let out a depressed sigh, thinking of money so late at night made him hungry.

It took him little to no time at all to reach the peak of the mountain, but the sight before him made him want to cough up his intestines.

"Smoke..." He said under his breath as his feet jumped over the large rocks, and his hands pushed back thick tree branches blocking his path. The closer he got, the more defined the scent of soot and ash became.

It didn't take long for Quiv to reach the foot of the mountain, and come to realise the source of the smoke.



"Sweetheart! Hold my hand!"

"Get out of my way woman!"



"This way!"

Chaos spread around like wildfire, as the fire swallowed cottages whole, failing to spare a single brick.

The older children were the first ones to evacuate the village to call for help. Following closely behind, were young men who used their height and build to force their way outside.

Little children and young women were left behind to save themselves or get eaten alive by the fire. The elderly were the first victims of the vast spreading fire that destroyed the vegetation and blocked all routes to the pond close by.

"Father?! Mother! Mother!" Quiv shoved past as many stampeding villagers as his frail body could, fighting his way towards their house, which sat at the edge of the village.

The intensity of the flames were strong enough to rip the clothes off a man's back. Despite people running away from the fire, Quiv ran headfirst into it, hastening his panicked steps towards their little cottage.

"Mom!. Dad! Malkin!" His calls could barely reach them, due to the cackling sound of the fire, burning the hay they had gathered to nothing.

'The doors and windows are all open, did they somehow escape? Do I run inside?'

Luck was on Quiv's side, because, right before he lunged forward into the flames, a beckon from his mother stopped him right in his tracks.

"Quivier! Come here! Get away from there." She called out to him, holding his younger brother who was too paralysed in fear to walk.

The young adult looked over his shoulder in a panic, only to have his anxious eyes meet with his mother's calming gaze. Behind her was their father, a man who had broken a leg last spring, hunting for treasures to trade in a dungeon.

"Mom! Dad! Malkin!" He hugged his soot covered parents regardless, crying into their shoulders, glad that the fire hadn't claimed their lives.

"Enough of that, the main entrance is engulfed in flames, same with all other exits. The only other path is the west gate, we'd best get a move on." His Stern looking father chided, breaking out of the group hug first.

He took the child from his wife and balanced him over his shoulders, allowing the woman run with the little supplies she was able to nab before the fire became this unstable.

Though his right leg was still healing, giving Malkin to a weak man such as his first born would only slow them both down. Hence, as the head, he knew all too well that saving everyone's life was main priority.

"Let's move!" He cried over the hustling and bustling, leading his family away from the fire, towards the West gate, ignoring the cramps that weighed him down.

Quiv took the bag of supplies his mother had wrapped into a cloth and tied across her neck. His priority was ensuring everyone made it alive, even if he would not be a part of the equation.