
Contract with a demon

In a world overflowing with mana, the existence of Witches, Mages, Dragons, Elves and beast people is nothing new. Life should be simple and easy enough, right?. Ask Quiv that question. Quivier, Quiv for short is born into a lowly family, living in a small village located at the outskirt of the kingdom. Due to his weak body, he barely has the ability to harness magic and is rejected at the royal academy time after time, despite being the highest scorer. Fast forward some years later, tragedy strikes as Quiv's village is burnt down and reduced to ash. His parents stampeded on at the heat of the moment. Leaving behind their two children, in a world ranked by class and strength. Quivier seeks to start a new life with his brother at the capital and move on. Fate decides to add a twist. The fire was planned, and by the nobles, who feared for the existence of the boy with the demon eye, prophesied to wield extraordinary power. Fuelled by revenge, Quiv accidentally summons a demon he had signed a contract with, in his early childhood. "I'll spill every last drop of their royal blood..." "And I'll happily help you wreck havoc on this world." Read through the story of Quiv's quest for revenge, and his new life with a narcissist demon Lord, who happens to share a body with him.

Riceballs_25 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


It was no secret that mystical beings such as demons existed and sometimes took human form to wreck havoc wherever they pleased.

But, Quiv, highly doubted the younger boy in worn out rags standing in front of him was one of such mystical beings.

"Right." Quiv replied him with an obvious amount of sarcasm interlaced in his weary tone. 'If I knew this kid had his head so far up in the clouds, I might have just went for my sachel instead.' He thought, pinching his temples miserably.

"Where do you live? Your parents must be worried sick over you. Judging by the dirt on your clothes, you must live close to the swamps. That's not too far from here, if you run you might make it back before night fall." Quiv sheepishly told him, assessing the kid from head to toe, searching for any injuries.

"Are you deaf or something? I told you that I'm a great demon Lord, at the peak of my power." He insisted, refusing to take another step.

Quiv combed his frustrated fingers through his hair, pissed off at how serious the kid took his role-playing.

"Fine, great demon Lord." He made sure to roll his eyes when he addressed him by his self proclaimed title. "What do you want?" Quivier believed that this child might have just ran away from home and decided to take a gentler approach.

"Finally, you've come to your senses." He rudely said, standing on top of a nearby stone, looking Quiv in the eye.

"I wanted to possess a human and wreck havoc upon this Earth, but none of the hosts I've tried were strong enough to wield my power and live. Frustrated, I tried to use magic and conjure up the perfect human, one that I could possess easily. But magic is a total rip-off and all my spells do is create little kids with no power level at all."

'Wow, hunger and starvation really does fuel the imagination.' Quiv thought to himself after half listening to the boy's tall tale.

"And my so called reward?. What do I get for saving your helpless ass, oh mighty demon Lord?." He asked, playing along with the overly creative kid.

The smaller child pinched his chin, blinking his blonde lashes as he pondered over what to reward his savior.

"Ah-ha!." He exclaimed, raising his index finger in the air. "For saving me today..." He took a pause to allow the older boy input his name into the conversation.

"Quivier." He inserted quickly, eager to hear what his make-believe reward would be.

"I'll make a pact with you, in your entire lifetime you get to summon me once when you need me. And I, the great demon Lord will dedicate all in my disposal to help you, sounds rather generous right?" The tooth grin on the child's face hinted at just how much he was enjoying himself.

Quiv did not mind having someone this dense around him, in truth he preferred this kid's company to the boys who usually bullied him.

"Ah!. I am not worthy of such kindness great demon Lord, that is your name, isn't it?" He took a small bow, offering his gratitude for such a generous reward.

The kid who failed to notice Quiv was only teasing took him seriously and smirked in contentment. "My name is Strages, but call me master." The kid told him, pointing at himself while he made his introduction.

"And how am I certain you won't go back on your word when I call on you for help?"

The younger boy didn't expect Quiv to figure out the loophole so easily. He turned around to try find a way to seal the deal with some sort of escape route.

Quiv rolled his eyes at the kid, "why don't we sign some sort of agreement or shake hands on it." He offered, stretching out his hand to Strages.

"Oh, you're a sly one I'll give you that, trying to sign a contract with a great demon Lord is no joke. But for your courage, I'll budge just this once and allow it." Strages announced in a lighthearted tone, bringing his thumb to his lips.

Without a second thought added, he bit hard on it, tearing into his skin mercilessly, blood trickled out from his wound unto the ground beneath him.

"That is definitely unsanitary, and unsafe if you make open..." Quiv's lecture was cut off by the younger boy who swiftly grabbed him by the left arm and brought his fingers to his teeth.

In the blink of an eye, Strages repeated the same barbaric act to him, but only this time, he took his own bloody thumb and pressed it unto Quiv's.

"Are you frickin stupid or something? This role-play is going way too far, Strages." The older boy told him, trying to retract his fingers from the smaller boy's grip. Pursuing his lips as he found himself too weak to fight off a ten year old.

Strages pressed his thumb allowing his blood to drip on Quiv's wound, sealing their deal. His crimson red blood turned charcoal black the second it touched Quiv's but mixed with his before the older boy could notice.

'That's odd, his body isn't reacting to my demon blood, perhaps he's too weak to even take notice of my blood. What a waste of human organs.' the younger one thought, releasing Quiv from his grip.

"Remember today lowly mortal, in your entire lifetime you have the right to summon me once, so choose wisely." Strages finally told him, prepared to find somewhere to wait out the remainder time till he converted back to his original form.

"Choose wisely? What the hell does that even mean? And you still haven't told me where it is you live, don't think I've forgotten you stole from..."

Strages stuck his right pinky in his ear and brought it to his nose to sniff it, terribly bored with Quiv's nagging. He made a face at the smell, then dusted it against his tattered shorts.

He was aware that Quiv would not let him go so easily, and not without good explanation. Which left the impatient demon Lord with limited choices.

"Look over there! It's your happy ever after floating away!" He cried out, pointing at absolutely nothing but air, in a bid to divert Quiv's attention.

"What, where?!" The gullible Quiv looked over his shoulder for a second, too eager to catch a glimpse of his so called happy ever after.

Little did he expect the tattered boy to pick up a stone and use it to hit the back of his head!.


Considering how small Strages was and the impact caused by the stone, Quiv should not have lost consciousness. But, considering the shock he went through as he fell forward, Quiv was sent into a panic and lost consciousness afterwards.

"That fixes that." Strages let out, tossing the stone to the side, clapping his hands against each other, a content smile spread across his pale cheeks.

He stood over the body, looking down at the weak human boy with pity. "I hope you die soon enough, it would be a hassle if you were to actually summon me."

The child turned to leave, certain that no one had seen them, till the corner of his eyes noticed the thumb he had savagely taken a bite out of.

"What's this?" He observed in a questioning tone, as he leaned in closer to take a good look at the thumb.

The cut on Quiv's thumb had sealed up completely and fully healed itself, failing to leave even the faintest scratch.