
Contract of Love

Ana Lucia Mendez is a young recent graduate of business administration, she has just submitted an interview to work in the prestigious company Enterprise Soler Ink. And she had never felt so happy, this was like a dream come true, this job would surely open doors in any job she wanted, so she had to do well, this was her dream, she swore to her mother that she would return everything she had done for her, being a single mother was not easy, so she had to make her proud. What Ana didn't count on was that her boss would be Alvaro Soler himself, president and owner of Enterprise Soler Ink and not only that, but he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth, one look from him made her legs shake like jelly. Alvaro Soler Intimidating, arrogant, master of his world and sexy like no other, Alvaro has built an empire in only 6 years and he is proud of it, he is lucky in business and that has made him earn a fortune at only 35 years old, a fortune that will be increased in a short time, his grandfather has died leaving him an immense fortune, But there is something that prevents him from taking it, a clause in the will of his grandfather, if he does not fulfill this clause before 1 year the fortune will be inherited automatically by his cousin Sirus, he does not care about that money he has enough for this life and the next, but his cousin and he have always lived in dispute and losing against him is not an option. Alvaro is lucky in almost everything he does, but there is one thing that no matter how hard he tries he is not able to reach commitment, with women specifically, his grandfather died worried that his beloved grandson will never find love, so he has left stipulated in his will that if Alvaro does not get married before the end of the year the fortune will pass to his other grandson Sirus Soler, the old man knows that they hate each other and compete for everything and therefore hopes that Alvaro find a woman to marry soon.

yandra_curvelo · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Without forewarning Alvaro decided to go to see Ana, she was not there, which was strange, she did not usually go out alone.

—I'll wait for her then, if you don't mind," he said to her mother.

—Of course not, come in and have a seat, I'll bring you a coffee.

—Thank you very much, ma'am.

—I think you should start calling me mom now that they are getting married —that woman was nice, he liked her, but calling her mom without knowing her and knowing that this marriage was just an arrangement was too much.

A few minutes later Ana arrived accompanied by the doctor who was carrying the market bags in his arms and these two? He greeted the doctor with a firm but unfriendly handshake.

The doctor put down the bags and then left.

—Hello, how are you? —Ana greeted him.

—Well, how are you and the baby?

—We are fine, thank you, did you talk to that girl, I'm sorry for everything that happened.

—Don't worry about it, it's already fixed, I apologize for everything she told you.

—Yes, the best thing to do is to pretend it didn't happen, but I won't see her again.

—Well, I'll try not to meet her, but I have a relationship with her, you must understand that.

—Do you plan to stay with her even if we get married?

—Yes, our marriage is a contract for the baby, after the baby is born we can go our separate ways, she understands that and supports me, or do you want me to break up with her?

—No, it's just that I didn't think she would accept something like this, it's difficult, but it's your life, you can do what you want, don't worry about me.

—I assure you that she won't treat you that way ever again.

—Please just be discreet, don't let anyone know or I'll be a mockery.

—I understand, don't worry about that, no one will know, but today I came for something else, I brought you this," he said taking some documents out of his briefcase.

—What is this?

—It's the ownership papers of a coffee shop that is near here.

—I don't understand.

—This will now be your family business Ana.

—This is too much, I can't accept it.

—Yes you can and you will, this will give them security and stability, I have to go, I was just coming to bring you this, you can go whenever you want to meet the people who work there and learn how to manage it.

Álvaro got up, left a kiss on Ana's forehead and left.

At Álvaro's parents' house his parents and grandmother were gathered.

—I want to apologize for what happened at Ana's mother's house," said the woman.

—I don't want to talk about it, I don't even want to remember it, it really drives me crazy.

—Everything is already solved, Alvaro talked to Sabrina and she really understood the situation.

—I want you to call that family and apologize again for that episode, and you are also going to invite her and her mother to go shopping.

—Why would we do something like that, I don't understand," Álvaro's mother argued.

—I really don't know what's going through your head, woman," answered the grandmother, "Your daughter—in—law is going to be part of this family, we should take her and buy her everything she wants, period, let's pick up the phone and make the call.

—Yes, mother, I will.

The woman stood up and called Ana's mother.

—Good afternoon, ma'am, how are you?

—Good afternoon, thank you very much.

—I am very happy, I just wanted to apologize again for the incident the other day.

—Don't worry, let's put it behind us.

—Thank you very much, thank you very much, my call is also because we want to take you and Ana shopping tomorrow, you know, to give you several gifts on behalf of the family.

Ana's mother and she who heard the call in a loud voice were surprised, Ana made signs to her mother to refuse, but she ignored her.

—You are very kind, of course you can count on us.

—Thank you very much, so I'll call you tomorrow to arrange the time and send our driver for you.

—Very kind, I will wait for your call then, see you later.

The women said goodbye and hung up.

—Mother, I told you to say no," said Ana.

Love, you are their daughter—in—law now, they are going to want to do many things for you, you have to get used to it.

—I don't feel comfortable with this, mother.

—Stop complaining and start enjoying it.

She would if it was really a legitimate union, full of love, but instead this was just a cold and calculated contract, she thought caressing her belly.

—We should also give Álvaro something, don't you think so?

—Mom, don't worry, we don't have money for that.

—Of course I worry, don't worry, I will find a way.

In his office at the end of the day Alvaro thought about the change in his life in just a few days, he always tells Ana to call him or write him anything but she never does.

—What will I really mean to her? —I am the father of her child, I hope she will take me into account for my baby's decisions.

He turned on his computer and began to research parenting and babies, it was best to be informed.

The next day he woke up early as he always did and went to train at the gym, what he didn't expect was to find Ana and the doctor there again and together.

—Ana? —he asked.

—Hello, did my mother tell you I was coming?

—No, I always come to this gym to work out.

—Oh sure, I came to do an exercise class for pregnant women, the doctor invited me," he explained, Alvaro looked at the doctor and nodded, he didn't like that man.

The doctor went away to talk to other participants and Alvaro took the opportunity to talk to Ana in private.

—I would have liked to know that you would be here, we could have come together.

—I'm fine, thank you, I know how to walk around the city by myself, don't worry," she said a little upset by his claim.

—Now you and my son are one, I would like to know where you are and what you are doing, I think it is my right.

—So I have to tell you my movements? —she asked incredulously.

—Yes, it would be very good indeed.

—If that gives you peace of mind I will do it.

—Thank you, I'm going to exercise, so let me know when you're done and we can leave together.

—That won't be necessary to come get me, I have plans.

—A ok, I understand — Ana's constant rejections he didn't understand, women were dying for a little of his attention.

While Alvaro was training he could see Ana in her exercise class, the doctor was the instructor, they were all women, but without a doubt Ana was the youngest and most beautiful, the guy was always on top of her explaining the exercises or helping her with the positions, was it necessary to touch her so much, that made him feel uncomfortable.

They couldn't help but look at each other all the time, when their eyes met they both turned around pretending that nothing happened.

When Ana finished looking for him with her eyes he was still exercising, some girls kept looking at him and she slowly approached to listen to them.

—He's a bombshell, I've never seen him before, I should talk to him.

—I don't think he's very interested in meeting you," Ana replied helplessly.

Both girls turned in her direction.

—What are you saying?

—He's my fiancé, girls," she explained, showing them her ring.

—Oh, we are so sorry, he is so handsome.

—I know, it's okay.

—You must train a lot to keep in shape, a man like him must be very attentive to that.

—Not at all, our love goes beyond that.

Alvaro saw her talking to a girl so he deduced that she had already finished, he took her things and approached her.

—Are you done? —he asked.

Ana walked towards him and took him by the hand.

—Yes, love, I'm done, we can go now.

Alvaro immediately noticed how Ana marked a little territory which pleased him and made him laugh, together they walked to the changing rooms to take a shower and change, in the men's changing room Alvaro met the doctor, they looked at each other for a few minutes and each went their own way.

They looked at each other for a few minutes and went their separate ways.

—So are they coming for you or shall I take you home? —he asked.

—I would appreciate it if you would take me home, I am calling my friend but she is not picking up the phone.

—Okay, let's go," he said, taking her hand and walking together to the parking lot, he opened the car door and helped her into the car.

Once inside, Alvaro put on some music and put the car in gear, while he was driving, a song started to play that brought back pleasant memories, he turned up the volume and Ana smiled.

—I like this song a lot," she said.

—I know," he answered.

—How do you know?

—Don't you remember when we met? You put your body out the window and danced and sang this song at the top of your lungs.

—My God, what a shame," she said, covering her face.

—Don't be sorry, it was fun, one of the best days I've ever had," she confessed.

Ana entered her house and her mother was waiting for her.

—How did it go, honey?

—Well, Mommy, although I ran into Alvaro, it was a coincidence, but I miss him.

—And why do I miss him? He is your fiancé, he should accompany you everywhere.

—Oh mother, we are in the 21st century for God's sake.

Alvaro returned home to get some things before going to the office but he saw that on the table in the entrance were the magazines and books he had ordered about the pregnancy, he took one of them and sat down to look at it, he was starting to feel really excited about being a father, he imagined the face of his son and that gave him a strange feeling in his chest.

The next day arrived and the women of both families were getting ready to go shopping, they sent a driver to pick up Ana and her mother to take them to the mall, just as they were about to leave her cousin appeared.

—Where do you think you are going without me, I am part of this family too.

—Oh my blessed God, let's go then, Maria, quickly," the three women got into the car.

When they arrived at the store, the grandmother and Alvaro's mother were already waiting for her, together with her aunt and Sirus' new girlfriend, whom the grandmother hated, she knew that he was only with her because of the inheritance clause and that disgusted her.

—Hello, welcome," greeted the grandmother of the family, "Ana dear, you can choose anything you want from this store, shirts, dresses, shoes, anything.

—What about me? I would also like something," said Sirus' girlfriend.

—Yes of course, for you also choose something," said the lady without paying much attention to him.

They were all looking at the clothes they were going to choose or try on when out of nowhere Sirus' girlfriend, Sapphire asked Ana a question.

—What are you going to choose for tonight?

—Tonight? —said Ana without understanding.

—Yes, the dinner we're having, Alvaro didn't tell you anything? It's something important.

Ana immediately felt bad, she didn't know anything about it, Alvaro didn't invite her, his grandmother noticed her look and intervened immediately.

—My girl, Alvaro asked me to tell you about the dinner, silly me, I almost forgot, he would have killed me, you will accompany him tonight, right? —She saw something in Ana that she liked, she was a sweet girl and her look transmitted kindness.

—Yes of course, if you want me to attend I'll be there.

—Of course, my love, you are now part of the family, the future wife of my favorite grandson— she said out loud without caring about the people present, Sirus' mother, her daughter—in—law, didn't like her very much either, she was a gossipy and mean woman.