
Contract of Love

Ana Lucia Mendez is a young recent graduate of business administration, she has just submitted an interview to work in the prestigious company Enterprise Soler Ink. And she had never felt so happy, this was like a dream come true, this job would surely open doors in any job she wanted, so she had to do well, this was her dream, she swore to her mother that she would return everything she had done for her, being a single mother was not easy, so she had to make her proud. What Ana didn't count on was that her boss would be Alvaro Soler himself, president and owner of Enterprise Soler Ink and not only that, but he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth, one look from him made her legs shake like jelly. Alvaro Soler Intimidating, arrogant, master of his world and sexy like no other, Alvaro has built an empire in only 6 years and he is proud of it, he is lucky in business and that has made him earn a fortune at only 35 years old, a fortune that will be increased in a short time, his grandfather has died leaving him an immense fortune, But there is something that prevents him from taking it, a clause in the will of his grandfather, if he does not fulfill this clause before 1 year the fortune will be inherited automatically by his cousin Sirus, he does not care about that money he has enough for this life and the next, but his cousin and he have always lived in dispute and losing against him is not an option. Alvaro is lucky in almost everything he does, but there is one thing that no matter how hard he tries he is not able to reach commitment, with women specifically, his grandfather died worried that his beloved grandson will never find love, so he has left stipulated in his will that if Alvaro does not get married before the end of the year the fortune will pass to his other grandson Sirus Soler, the old man knows that they hate each other and compete for everything and therefore hopes that Alvaro find a woman to marry soon.

yandra_curvelo · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Ana and her mother were ready to attend the lunch at Alvaro's parents' house, they were a little embarrassed to show up alone, so they invited one of Ana's cousins, Kristin, to go with them, at seven o'clock the chauffeur arrived for them.

When they arrived they were received in a very kind way, Alvaro had flowers for Ana which was a very sweet gesture on his part, the grandmother was delighted to finally meet her, the mother of my first great grandchild, she said excited to see her, in that meeting was all of Alvaro's family including his cousin Sirus and his parents, not only he had problems with his cousin, his mother did not get along with Sirus' mother either, so it would be something interesting this evening.

Alvaro approached Ana.

— You look beautiful, you shouldn't be nervous, just be yourself — he whispered in her ear to encourage her.

The butler informed that dinner was ready, everyone entered and took a seat in the dining room, once everyone was seated the grandmother and matriarch of the Soler family spoke.

— Mrs. Mendez, you know why we have invited you tonight, it is not only for the families to finally meet, but also to thank you that your beautiful daughter has accepted our Alvaro in marriage, let's hope they have a long and happy life together.

While Álvaro's grandmother was giving her speech there was a knock on the door, minutes later Sabrina, his fiancée, was standing at the entrance of the dining room, Álvaro stood up.

— What is this Alvaro? — Sirus told him what was going to happen that night, the show had begun.

— Sabrina, what are you doing here," said Alvaro.

— Explain to me what this is all about, you are my fiancé Alvaro, what are you doing?

There was silence in the room.

— You'd better leave Sabrina, we'll talk about this later," said Alvaro.

— I'm not leaving here until I get an answer from you, how dare you do something like this to me? And with that riffraff with no class and no status.

— Control your language, miss," Ana's mother refuted.

— I say whatever I want, I am the victim here.

— There are no victims here Sabrina, please come out and my driver will take you home.

Alvaro managed to get Sabrina out of the house and his driver took her away.

— I'm sorry about all this," said Alvaro's grandmother to Ana's family, "I hope you can forgive us for this awkward moment and let's continue with the evening.

Ana's mother was pale from the shock of what had happened.

— Mom, are you all right? — asked Ana.

— I need to get out of here and get some air — she answered, Ana helped her mother and they both left the dining room.

Alvaro returned to the living room and his grandmother told him that Ana and his mother had gone out, he went to meet them.

— Are you all right? I'm so sorry about all this — she apologized.

— It's not your fault Álvaro, but it's best that we leave, this is all too uncomfortable, I'm really sorry.

Ana and her mother returned to the dining room and apologized and left with her cousin Kristin.

— This has been a catastrophe Álvaro, you must fix it immediately, poor girl, pregnant and in her engagement meeting this happens, it is unforgivable — complained the grandmother.

— Who informed her that we were meeting? — asked Alvaro's mother — it is evident that someone in this house called Sabrina.

No one answered the question.

— Mother, you and I know perfectly well what happened, but don't worry, this will not tarnish my marriage to Ana, it will go according to plan — she said looking at Sirus and his family, evidently they were the ones to blame for what happened.

In the morning Alvaro got up early and went to Sabrina's house.

— We must talk — he said as soon as he saw her — it is difficult for me all this, I want you to know that I am sorry, I met her before you and I met.

— She is pregnant Álvaro, you are making a fool of me in front of everyone.

— I didn't want this to happen, but my family is pressuring me, I must marry her and do my part.

— I thought you loved me Alvaro, that we would get married and be happy.

— That was the plan, of course I love you, understand that this is out of my hands, you don't have to do it, but wait for me Sabrina, for a while while the baby is born and things become clearer, I promise you that this marriage is only for appearances and the name of my son.

— I love you, but I don't know if I will be able to do what you ask me to do.

— I know, honey, and I'm sorry, I just hope you can truly forgive me.

Meanwhile Ana was walking to the market for a list that her mother needed, suddenly a car stopped next to her.

— Hello Ana, how are you? — said the man from inside, Ana recognized him, he was her doctor, the one who was taking care of her pregnancy.

— Doctor, what are you doing here?

— I was just passing by and saw you walking, get in and I'll take you there.

Ana hesitated a little, but finally agreed, the doctor took her shopping and then invited her for a coffee.

— And tell me about yourself Ana, do you have a profession?

— Yes, I studied to be an administrator, that's my dream but I haven't had any luck.

— Don't worry, at some point you will make it, my passion is medicine but I love to travel, I think if I could study again it would be something related to history or cultures.

— That's wonderful, I haven't had the opportunity to travel, but I love watching videos of travelers on the internet it looks interesting.

— It is, I wish we could take a trip some day together, I'm sure you would love it.

— It would be my pleasure, really.

— How have you been feeling with the pregnancy, how is the baby going?

— Honestly, these have been stressful days for me, I have not been able to enjoy my pregnancy as I should.

— You shouldn't allow that Ana, the baby feels everything you feel, it must be a moment full of love and calm, you can count on me for whatever you need, don't doubt that, in fact today I have to teach some exercise classes for expectant mothers, why don't you come with me, I know you will like it.

The doctor was kind to Ana, maybe too much, would Ana like her doctor, maybe Alvaro was not her only option after all.