
Breakfast With Fu Jing

" Caicai, what's my schedule for today?" Xiuying turned attention to her assistant.

Shancai felt happy that her boss was casually talking to her. It meant their relationship won't be very stiff. She cleared her throat and brought out an iPad.

" I cleared your schedule for today and shifted it to tomorrow. You have a meeting with Mr Fu at 10:00 am. Mr Chen for a lunch meeting. The rest of your day tomorrow is free"

" Alright. " Xiuying gave a light smile. At that moment, the car came to a stop.

Xiuying raised her head to look at the house she would be residing with her son.

" This is where we would be living. Do you like it" She asked Yuxuan who was staring at the house with interest. He nodded his head at her with a smile.

" Let's go" She ordered Shancai that was patiently standing beside her. The three of them walked into the spacious house. It consisted of a large living room, a kitchen, along with two bedrooms.

" Please let me know if there's anything you aren't okay with. I will change it immediately" Shancai politely offered.

" Never mind. We won't live here for long anyway. " Xiuying replied indifferently with an underlying meaning.

Although Shancai didn't understand what her boss meant, nonetheless, she nodded her head in understanding.

" What would you like to order?" Shancai asked. She already figured out that they would be hungry after the long flight. Xiuying told Shancai what she and her son wanted to have. Not long after, the delivery man arrived and they ate to their fill.

* * * *

The next day.

Xiuying sat in the car with her son alongside her assistant.

" I will leave you to take care of Yuxuan. Make sure you don't stare at him too much or else you would make him upset." Xiuying warned her assistant.

" Xuanxuan, make sure you don't cause trouble for aunty Shancai okay?" She told him in a soft voice and kissed his forehead. She got out of the car and entered a restaurant.

" Hello, I reserved a room here" Xiuying flipped her purple hair backwards as she stood in front of the receptionist.

With widened eyes, the receptionist looked at Xiuying. She was mesmerised by Jiang Xiuying's beauty. She looked like a K pop artist from a girls group with her dressing and long purple hair.

Xiuying smiled slightly seeing the receptionist in a daze. She gently waved her hand in front of the receptionist.

The receptionist broke out of her daze. "Give me a minute." She said and after a while, she was done.

" This way please...." She offered to lead the way. Xiuying nodded and followed her towards the private room she booked.

Xiuying checked her wristwatch and saw that the time read 9:47am. She decided to wait a little more before she ordered food so it won't get cold when Mr. Fu arrives.

She heard some noise coming from outside. When the door opened, a man of about seventy years of age entered the room.

" You must be Mr Fu right?" Xiuying stood up and stretched out her hands for a handshake. Mr Fu laughed showing the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

" Yes I am. You must be Ms. Xiuying then. " He returned her handshake and they sat down.

Xiuying pressed a button under the table and a waiter entered giving them a menu.

" Let's eat first then we talk about business later" She ordered for both of them and returned the menu to the waiter. Not long after, the table was filled with foods with their aroma wafting in the air.

* * * *

Shancai had been trying to get the attention of the cute little boy but he kept on ignoring her.

" Hey, are you playing with Rubik's cube?" Shancai asked an obvious question. Yuxuan glared at her and showed her a card.


Shancai pursed her lips and faced her front. The little boy is cute but very cold. She had only seen him smile to his mother.

Yuxuan ignored her and concentrated with playing his Rubik's cube.

* * * *

" What do you mean by this?!" Mr Fu asked looking at the document on the table.

Xiuying smiled seeing the expression on his face. " Mr Fu, isn't it obvious that its the transfer of shares agreement?"

" Are you expecting me to transfer my shares to you? No way. Even if you give up your life, you can't force me to." Mr Fu stood up and walked away.

Xiuying scoffed. As she saw him approaching the door. She only uttered a name.

" Wang Xinyan "

Mr Fu stopped abruptly with his hand on the door shaking uncontrollable.

Xiuying didn't stop there but continued. " You are not worthy of my life. I wonder how Mrs Fu would feel when she finds out about your affair with your secretary." She clicked her tongue. " Tsk.....so pitiful"

" You can't just accuse people randomly just because you want something. I can sue you for what you just said right now" Mr Fu turned to her with his eyes blazing in fury.

" Oh? randomly accuse people? Oh right I understand. Mr Fu wants evidence. I can show you if that's what you want but i'm afraid you can't bear to watch it." She clicked on her phone and showed it to him. Not long after, lewd sounds echoed through their room from the video she played on her phone. She pursed the video.

" It's just a click away from being posted online. Also, don't you dare tell me it wasn't you because your face was very obvious in the video." In truth, she didn't watch the video at all but she trusted the source that sent the video to her. She couldn't waste her time watching two shameless adult making out.

" What do you want?!"

" Are you still asking? Come on, go ahead and sign it then your secret is safe with me " She pointed at the document lying on the table then proceeded to sit comfortably on the chair.

Mr Fu walked with heavy feet towards the table. He picked up the pen to sign but stopped halfway.

" Why should I trust that you would not send it to the media after i sign it?" He asked suspiciously. He couldn't afford his wife to find out about his infidelity. If she should divorce him, it would be over for him because it was all thanks to her that he was the director of the company he worked at.

" Whether you trust me or not is up to you" Xiuying replied briefly. A smile made way to her lips as Mr Fu finally signed the papers.

Xiuying retrieved the document from the table. " It was nice working with you. By the way, you can keep the pen. Thank you for your hard work" She smiled at him and elegantly walked out of the private room.

Who would have thought the meeting would go so smooth. Xiuying now owns 27% of shares in Zheng Cooperation without any sweat.