
Losing across the board

"Whoosh— Whoosh—"

The sound of the tide grew from gentle to loud, and the salty humidity in the air became gradually clearer.

"Whoosh— Whoosh—"

Although Noland Lee could not yet open his eyes, his senses were rapidly recovering.

He smelled the distinctive fishy scent of the ocean, heard the surging of nearby waves, and saw faint blue light swaying left and right behind his closed eyelids.

His cognitive abilities returned somewhat faster than his senses, and the question of where he was occupied his thoughts and mind.

"It seems I've left space, now on a beach, not far from the spray and sea water. There are no bird calls, no sounds of human activity, and it seems as if there's no wind at all... What place is this?"

With questions in mind, Noland struggled to regain control of his body and managed to weakly raise his right hand to rub his face a few times before he could open a tiny slit in his eyes.

"Is.. is this the ocean?"