
129. Cutting off Life_5

Screw the hates and grudges. Worst comes to worst, I'll activate the escape plan and bolt.



The motorbike flies on, the sun and moon alternate, and the starry night arrives.

After midnight, the convoy sped on, finally reaching the outskirts of the Savage Stone Wasteland.

They turned off all the lights and approached the route through which the Tatis Empire transports the Life Elixir in the dark.

A line marked on the map was, in reality in the Savage Stone Wasteland, an endless sea of sand.

With sand and dust lingering in the dry air, and a faint smell of the Aberrations mixed in.

Nothing but sand dunes.

Searching for the team of Military Intelligence Department Five transporting the Life Elixir in this environment was akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

If the Military Intelligence Department Five deployed special vehicles adapted for the sand sea, the difficulty in intercepting the Life Elixir would be even greater.