

This story follows Jon as he snaps and lets his other half Jonathan take over, can Jonathan "free" everyone before his brother, the authorities, and a kid who got caught in the mix stop him

Shattered_Samurai · Fantaisie
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The beginning of hell

Jr detective Connor was tagging along with his teacher to help the electricity company find out what vandal was responsible for half of the city's power going out. It was the fifth time in the past two months, the evidence had been discarded to fix the power so they were gonna get the pranksters this time.

"M-Mr.Lucas I don't think I'm seeing this right." said Connor, with a look of terror on his face.

The reason the power had gone out this time was different than the other times, a new anomaly, they had been expecting the work of kids but tangled in the wires hanging by their neck was a woman. She was covered in burns and it looked that she was pregnant, she hadn't been there too long since they rushed over to try and catch the vandals. She may still be alive.

"Get a hold of your shit Connor I know you're still a kid but stay in this line of work and you'll be seeing a lot worse than this." ordered Lucas turning around. "Hurry up, call for backup. We need an ambulance, we can save the child." directed Lucas. "WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE CUT THE POWER" yelled Lucas glaring at the workers. "Y-yes sir." said the workers in unison rushing to get to work.

Detective Lucas was a true master of the craft he didn't bat an eye though not expecting a murder he had the situation under control the second he saw it. In less than 10 minutes they had the situation under control and knew what happened and had the girl off to a hospital. Turns out the woman was Alice Wright and her boyfriend knocked her up and left. She had no reason to live in her mind so she tried to go out with a bang.

Lucas turned to Connor "I'm proud of you kid you saved a life and got a hold of yourself quickly, you're truly a natural." said Lucas, with a half smile he put his hat on Connor. "I'll be sure the higher ups know about this." said Lucas.

"You really think I'm ready? I've only had a few years of training and I'm just a ki-." Connor was cut off.

"Today you're a man Connor, I'm sure anyone would be happy to have you as a partner." said Lucas.

"Thanks teach the last 2 years have been fun." said Connor.

"Hey I trained you myself. You think I'll let that go to waste. I'll be sure to have you for a case or 2." said Lucas with a smile. "But don't get ahead of yourself I said I'd tell the higher ups but you still have lots to learn and you gotta grow up before I let you go on your own, now lets go get some food that's an order." said Lucas.

Connor smiled, "yes sir." he said jokingly.

They walked off into the night towards their car to get some food.

Meanwhile at the hospital.

Doctors and nurses rushing all around getting equipment ready to try and save this woman.

After 3 days they lost her. However they managed to save the child, he was premature and had no name.

"For some reason every time a child is born we have to submit a form, you know why." said a woman typing at a computer.

"No idea, haven't seen it myself but I heard that sometimes some men come and get the child if certain conditions are met." said a nurse

"So like if their mother died during birth or something." asked the woman

"No, that's the crazy thing, sometimes just the normal foster care agencies come, but it's above my pay grade to care why, Jesus all this school for peanuts." complained the nurse.

"True true, so anyway this kid got a name." said the woman.

"Nah I'll just think of something real quick, he's not my kid so it's not my job to make something good." said the nurse looking down. She was looking at a cheap silver engagement ring with no jewel, a reminder of her husband. He was a good man, worked hard and didn't complain about much; she just didn't love him. "What about Sliva?" asked the nurse.

"Sure I don't care, Sliva it is." said the woman.

A few days later, a man came to collect the baby Sliva Wright, Sliva was so young that he had no idea that this was the beginning of a horrible life for him.

Hours later, at the home of the nurse.

"Welcome home Sherry, dinner is on the table" called a man from the kitchen.

Sherry looked around and saw a candle lit dinner and a path of rose petals. "What's the special occasion?" said Sherry.

The man laughed. "Very funny, you know what today is." said the man, his tone had slightly changed.

"What are you talking about Jon? It's just Tuesday." said the woman walking away slightly annoyed. "I'm not hungry, I'm going to sleep and for the last time stop doing all this extra shit I hate it." said Sherry.

Jon took a deep breath. "She forgot our anniversary, it's like she hates me no matter what I do, I'll go talk to her." said Jon. "Sherry." Jon called, walking up the stairs to their room. "I wanna talk to you." said Jon.

"Shut up Jon, I'm not in the mood for your bullshit right now." said Sherry. "I really did love him at some point but what's happened did he change or did I, what the fuck am I thinking it was him I haven't done anything everything is his fault its all that soft piece of trash's fault." thought Sherry.

Years and years of repressed emotions were starting to resurface. Jon cleared his throat. "What." said Jon

"You heard me but just in case, I said said SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SO-" sherry was yelling but turned around, she had looked into Jon's eyes and saw pure rage.

"Who.. the hell.. DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO." Jon screamed. " you always say you had enough of my bullshit, I've had just about enough of yours, what the fuck did I ever do, every person in my life has mistreated me and I'm fucking tired of it I was nothing but nice to you, I cook your food, I'm there when your upset, and back when we were teens and you were making bad decisions I stopped you and when I couldn't I was right behind you. I was the shoulder you could lean on even though I had countless problems of my own, at one point you were my light now you're just another figure of darkness that haunts me every waking second of the day, today the cycle ends." said Jonathan, he turned to leave.

"WAIT, I'm sorry I know I've done so much wrong bu-." Sherry was cut off.

"Save it, you're way too late the Jon that needed to hear that is dead." said Jonathan, as he turned to leave again.

"Wait.." said Sherry, Jon stopped again. "I love you and I would do anything for you." said Sherry with tears streaming down her face.

"Really then what's today?" asked Jon, he was facing sherry now.

"I-its our anniversary," said Sherry. "Sorry for ruining it, I could make it up to you." said Sherry she was taking off her shirt.

"Stop, that won't be necessary. I can see you've had a change of heart therefore I will do this more civilly however if I hear one more word out of you I will revoke this kindness." said Jon, continuing down the stairs.

"What do-" Sherry stopped talking, she was petrified.

Jonathan stood before her holding a knife covered in his blood, he had deep cuts head to toe, he slowly moved towards, blood all over the floor coming out of him at an alarming rate. "Once again you stomp on my kindness, I gave you an out I guess you didn't want it." said Jonathan.

"Why.. Why would you do this to yourself." said a trembling Sherry.

"It's punishment.. For this" said Jonathan

Jonathan began to ruthlessly stab Sherry. She rejected his kindness in his mind so all was just he kept rewinding time over and over making her relive death again and again hours later he stopped. Jonathan had snapped so he regretted nothing he put on a black hoodie and began to wipe every trace of him ever being there. Everything with his name was gone and everything that he touched had been rewinded to a state where it was brand new, with this Jonathan Strangelove disappeared into the night.