
conquest online: rise of the dragon knight

Conquest game was a new and popular virtual game and the only objective of this game was conquer land. There are strong monsters and unexplored land. Sakura who was a member of knights guild found a unexplored dungeon entered with other guild members but suddenly, She was betrayed by her own guild although she defeat many of it's members. She was heavy wounded and her health points was in danger. Upon accepting it's fate, she found a hidden cave and received the blood of the dragon. now with the power of the dragons, she decided to explore the world alone.

Dragovish · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

chapter 4: preparation

When Sakura arrived at the town. A man wearing a full body armor stood at her way.

"Identification please."

This man was tall and his deep voice was enough to make people nervous, but Sakura also known as dragha look at him and gave the adventures card.

Each town and cities need identification card to know if the person has history of criminally.

Even a lord itself must know if a person is either wants to conduct business or something else.

When the guard returned her card. He then ask a question.

"What's business you want here in town?"

"I need to meet baron eris."

When Sakura answered his question. The guard starting to frown. Most people who spoke to the baron's name was either a official status or a random guy who wants to harm the baron.

"Can I ask why?"

Upon revealing the letter to the guard. He then inspected the letter causing him to raise his eyebrows and ask.

"Where did you get this?"

"From the goblin cave in the north side of the Forest."

As the guard gave the letter back. He then said "you can go now." With a serious voice.

When Sakura nodded and leave. The guard look at his colleague and spoke seriously.

"Call the others, I bet the lord will soon summoned us."

"Yes sir."

Walking in lively town. Sakura didn't when to tavern or even the adventures guild and when straight to the baron.

As she near the gate, one guard stop her to his tracks and ask.

"Do you have business to our lord?"

Giving the letter to the guard. The guard inspected the letter causing him to raise an eyebrow and said.

"Wait here."

As Sakura nodded. The guard hurriedly left the post.

After waiting for a couple of minutes. The guard came back and said.

"Come in, the baron wants to see you."

When Sakura nodded. She followed the guard to the mansion.

Inside the mansion, the place large and also has some of luxurious furnitures here. Some of the maids look at Sakura but they didn't say anything.

Upon reaching the office of the baron and knock. They both entered.

Inside was the baron itself. His in the middle 30's. Black hair, chestnut eyes and his muscular that his dress almost ripe.

Next to him was son, who wears a armor and holding the spear.

When the guard finally finish his ordered. The guard bowed his head and leave.

"Young Man sit down."

As Sakura obeyed. The baron spoke seriously and ask.

"Boy, let me ask you something about the letter, where did you get this?"

"In the forest called great woods in the north side. There was a goblin dungeon their and i defeated the hobgoblin. After that, I saw this letter and since I couldn't read it well. I decided to come and gave it to you."

Upon explain, the baron didn't gave a reaction but instead remain silent while giving a serious look.

For some reason, Sakura felt that there is something more than meets the eye in his letter.

She can see that the baron son was tightly holding his spear with a sharp gaze like he was prepared to fight.

"I see, anything else?"

"Yes, there are three man attacked me when I was about to go to your town baron eris."

When Sakura spoke, the baron's eyes you went cold and said.

"I see, as expected to that bastard. He surely never gave up."

As baron commented her words. She couldn't help but ask.

"Sir eris, can I ask who own a letter? I couldn't find any reason of why those three attack me for just a letter?"

Upon asking, baron eris only sigh and said in cold tone.

"Boy, do you know the third prince coup d'etat?"

Sakura knew the third prince coup d'etat. It was the biggest event of the conquest online. Involving multiple guilds and even the eSports players.

Moreover, this event was also the most hardest fight in boss leveled.

The reason of this was, the third prince was no ordinary. He was the great general of the kingdom and under him was 10 generals who made a name themselves.

The reason of the third prince coup d'etat was because he couldn't accepted that his second brother. was the next crown prince after the 1st died in battle.

As a result. The military when to coup d'etat and destroyed many of the nobles territory, even worst was the defeated soldiers was also converted to fight for him, making the event even more difficult.

This result made the king ask the players for help since players are freed adventures, and also. They came back even death.

Moreover, players are not stupid, they never fight for someone unless there's a reward on this.

The king was force to gave the players a 30% discount of all items the player's buy, and also the person who has the hight merit with get one items from the treasure vault on the castle.

As the result, this makes every players including Sakura joined the fight that took more than 3 days.

Some players didn't even when to sleep and continue to fight to get the highest merit.

When Sakura nodded after remembering that hellish event.

The baron continued.

"The letter said that the third prince's son was starting to raise an army to take the crown."

Hearing this, Sakura raise her eyebrows and suddenly said" what?!"

Her outburst didn't even offended the baron because he too was the same.

During the third prince coup d'etat, many of the nobles fall including their family just because they opposed him.

Not only that, many civilians died too in the war to the point the king even put a biggest bounty on his head.

The baron thought that if the third prince's son followed his father's footsteps. They surely be invaded by their neighbors.

"So young man, I have a quest for you."

"What is it?"

When Sakura ask, the baron became serious and said.

"I want you to find the son of the third prince and when you do, tell me."

"Huh? Tell you? Isn't better if his dead?"

"Sorry to tell this to you but you can't."


When Sakura ask in confusion. The baron only sigh and said.

"That boy's mother was the princess of the orc tribe."

When Sakura heard the orc tribe. She became frown even more.

Orc tribe was the most violent race in conquest online, and some of this orcs even became a war mercenary.

Both Sakura and baron eris have the same conclusion. The son probably respect and inspired by his father.

Since he has the royal family's blood. He too has a right to fight for the crown.

As Sakura sigh, a notification pops out.


[You have triggered the side main quest]

[Find the third prince's son and report back to the baron.

Reward: 100 gold]

[Option quest: find any useful information you get from the third prince's son.

Reward: ?]

Looking at the option quest, Sakura have two theories. The rewards was either a gold coins again or a useful items.

Most option quest was either are useful or trash and most players didn't bother to complete it.

But for Sakura, it didn't matter if the option quest are trash. The reason for this was option quest also gave exp which she desperately need.

"I accept the quest."

As the baron nodded. Sakura left the baron's office and make a few preparation.

Going into the auction house, she decided to buy a new armor for her character dragha. The reason for this was because of her armor has a symbol of Shinjuku's lion guild.

Since she was already kick out by the guild, it isn't worth it for her to help the guild.

Unlike before, where she find a suitable quest for the guild and gave it to the guild master.

This time she wouldn't do so.

"Oh? Dragha. I didn't expecting you here?"

The middle age man wearing a suit greetings her and gave a smile.

This man was ron.

The supervisor of the auction house. He sell anything from low to high tier items.

Of course unlike the items from the merchant. He sells the things that players sell and he even auction it. But the only thing he auction was the item with a higher grade like legend or unique.

"Hello ron, I want to buy a new set of armor and some thick cloak too."

When Sakura said in flat tone.

This makes Ron to be surprised.

"Oh? Is it because of the guild?"


Although Sakura didn't tell him what happened to her. Ron expecting this from the beginning.

Unlike Sakura who helps and priority the guild because of his kindness. Some of the guild members are the opposite of her.

Moreover, Ron never trusted the guild master since he was too focus on getting in the high rank for the guild. And never cared about the others.

Looking at Sakura without expression. Ron didn't say anything and showed the catalog for the items.

This catalog was just a list of items that didn't need to auction. In other words, it's a trash items that it won't even reach up to 10 gold.

As Sakura flipping the pages. Ron ask.

"Dragha, I want to ask why you need thick cloak? Are you going to the north hills?"

"No, am going to the orc tribe."

Hearing this From Sakura, this makes Ron frown a bit.

Orcs are violent race, most of the people avoiding this race to the point they never accepting them in their city.

"Hmm.... That's strange, why didn't I heard it from the adventures guild. Could it be you got a quest from the client?"

Sakura only nodded as she continues to flip the pages.

After confirming this, Ron's lips twitch.

He never expected that a client ask Sakura to go to the orc tribe. Of course he never knew this client since it was came from the baron itself.

As Sakura, pointed the items she wants. Ron gave her the items she need.

[Armor of the rogue

Grade: rare

Durability: 100%]

[Thick cloak

Grade: common

Durability: 100%]

When Ron showed the items, Sakura gave him a 50 copper coins and 3 silver coins.

When Sakura accepted the items, Ron showed two potions.

"This is?"

"This is the great potion heal. Don't worry it's in the house."

Sakura was confused why he gave those two potions. This potions can cost 1 gold coins but he only gave it away.

Little did she know, Ron was just invested it to her.

He knows that the trip she was going was a dangerous one, but he has a feeling that Sakura will gave him some big.

It also didn't matter if it's a waste since it doesn't affect it on him.

As Sakura accepted the potion. She went to the tavern and rent a room for a day.


Meanwhile in the gate of the abyss.

Sakuya also known as musashi was standing in the huge door carved with unknown runes.

Looking at the huge door, she couldn't help but smiled wickedly feeling that her greatest enemy was behind this door.

Her character musashi was a samurai but the different was the character was a woman.

It's appearance was just like the samurai with two katana on her waist. Although it looks ordinary. The items she possessed was no ordinary.

In fact, all of her items are legendary grades.

"President, everyone was ready."

Sakuya glance at her club member in the tea club.

She or rather he who wears a western style armor from British carrying a battle axe.

"Good, tell everyone to prepared the battle. I want that jerks from the lion guild to be rank down by us."

The Shinjuku's lion guild was a 5th strongest guild in the game, while the tea club or the tea party guild was just in 10th. The reason for their down rank is because they took the very important mission from the beast king.

Although it affected their guild's rank. That doesn't mean the members got low moral. Rather they are excited.

The abyssals world was the most difficult place in the game. The lower average of the monsters are level 500 while the highest was over 1000.

Not only that, the abyssal world has multiple debuff causing many players who challenge the abyssal lost their life.

Moreover, the abyssal world has 75 floors and each floor has 10 times the size of the continent. Most players called it. The impossible challenge.

Of course there are few players challenge the abyssal and the includes the tea party guild.

"I can't wait to see the look of the faces of the players especially Sakura."

Sakura knew that the tea club when to the abyssal world, but she didn't know that the tea club almost conquered the first floor making the tea club to be the first conquerer of the abyss.