
Conquest Of The Fallen: DARK DOMINION

[‱ WAR AND WOMEN ARE THE MAIN THEMES HERE ‱] [DING!] [Congratulations, APOLLYON. You have unlocked the Infernal System!] [NAME: Israfel BlĂŒdThĂŻrste.] [FACTION: DEMON Âą RANK A.] [DING!] [You have ascended to the realms of man.] [CITY: The medieval Empire of Eldoria.] [ALL HAIL THE BURNING ONE!] [CONQUEST: Level Up to NINTH INFERNAL CIRCLE.] [The battle for DOMINION begins.] [SYSTEM has graciously provided the most delicious and bosomy babes to compete for MC.] [ADDITIONAL TAGS: Ruthless MC – NSFW – BDSM – Cosplay – MILF – War Crimes – Unholy Trinities – Hybrids – BDE – Smut – EVOLUTION – Succubus – Slaves – Yandere – Ascension – Gore – ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE – Anal – Dominant MC – Hentai – Lust – Demon – Extreme violence – R18 – Faceslap – Fistfights – Bestiality – Bloodsport – Exorcism – LOLITA – Brutal MC – Magic – UNDERWORLD – Politics – Demonology – Necromancer – Old Gods – Fae – Sword and Sorcery – System – Hardcore – Mermaid – Cat girls – Dragon girls – DARK – Vulgar – Epic battle – Hell Ranking – Fallen Angels – DOMINIONS – Incest – Dungeon – Leveling up – Cold MC – Sibling Lust – Taboo sex stories – MONSTER GIRLS – Debauchery – Utter fuckery – Demented SC – MANA – Invulnerable MC – Elf – Vampire – Demoness – MATURE – Murder – Psychopaths – Luciferan Bloodlines – Corruption of virtue – Chivalry – Villainy – Death – LEGION – Clashing armies – Weapons system – Resurrection.] [WARNING: This book features detailed descriptions of female humiliation, hardcore sex and depravity. There is a guaranteed Adult Chapter one out of every five. NOT FOR CHILDREN! NOT FOR SOFT HEARTS!] ‱ FULL BLURB Israfel BlĂŒdThĂŻrste was born in Hel. He has lived in it all eighteen years of his life. As seventh in the bloodline of the Morningstar himself, Rafel has had a pretty fucking great life. There's spilled blood in excess. Violence to choke the gray skies. Abundant sex—depraved and hardcore. And more blood. Everything a Prince of the Abyss could desire. But Rafel has heard stories, of the world above. The world of the weak mortals whose damned souls fall endlessly through the red skies of his, to meet with perpetual torture. Stories of their fine carriages and legendary kings. Their golden sun and green earth. But mostly, their virgin women. He wishes to see it for himself. And so, when a lucky gambit with his dear Aunt, Lilith, opens up a way for him to explore the surface, Rafel hops to it. The deal is a hundred years before he has to return to his duties as Hell's Apollyon. Accompanied by his new slave, a voluptuous horned Succubus, Rafel journeys to the mortal realm, entering into the mythical lands of Eldoria as the enigmatic Earl of Emberfall, a haunted estate. But Rafel intends to rise, into the very courts of the Eldorian Queen. At least before his time runs out. And if corrupting, blackmailing, fucking, and murdering a few mortals gets in his way, so be it. This is until the haloed mess of Ravenna de Vries ends up on the grand steps of his Manor, soaking wet with a blood debt hanging over her head. Israfel had seen many beautiful women in his time, but somehow the little mortal girl is sufficient to make him rethink his gambit. Ravenna is owed to a powerful Hell Principality. And though Rafel convinces himself that building up his power ranking is solely selfish, it also has to do with going up against an ancient adversary from his home who is certain to appear just about anytime to collect what he is owed—Ravenna. She is not his responsibility, but why does Rafel feel exactly that whenever he looks at her? And suddenly for this Immortal, a hundred years is not enough to fall in love.

Staplehead · Fantaisie
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67 Chs

The Fixer

[đŸŽ¶ Not Afraid – Eminem.]

RAFEL SLEPT IN THE WOODS that night. And come morning, by the time the camp of wildlings were rousing from sweet night's slumber and the Fey Queen from recurring dreams of a particular redhaired lover, Rafel was just about making his way through the creaking gates of Emberfall and into the perpetual mist of his lordly estate.

Climbing out the splendid onyx carriage, Rafel figured it was a good enough punishment to let the women in his house sleep without him for one night. Let them entertain themselves for a change.

No sooner was he through the doors than CorazĂłn, the one he least expected, flinging herself right into his arms. She hugged him hard.

"My Lord Grace, we missed you. I missed you, dearly! Please don't ever leave us like that again. Her Eminence would flay me alive and curse me into a Wailing Widow if I ever lost sight of you. I'm sorry for my actions, if it drove you to seek out quieter places. I should be the bigger person. Please forgive me." And then she pulled back. "You smell like fairy...did you–"

"I thought you just resolved to let me have peace." Rafel stopped patting her back and Cora's grip loosened around his shoulders.

He pulled away from her, walking in and she swiftly shut the high doors. Rafel was moving through the expansive foyer which had the red-gold theme of a dragon's lair—it was Aya Naamah who dictated themes for every week, when Cora accosted him again.

"It's either you had a fun woody experience with the Fey Queen or you puppy-rolled amongst dandelions, which is it?" Cora's blue eyes were starkly shining as she asked.

Rafel didn't reply immediately. He stopped by the spiral staircase leading up to his private wing of the Manor. And once Cora was within a feet of him, he dragged her to him with a force that wobbled her feet. One strong arm snaked itself about her tiny waist, and the other held firm on her long, swan neck so she couldn't speak.

Rafel's amber eyes drew flames of carnage as he commanded darkly,

"Lilith may have instructed you to keep tabs on me. But I am Lord of this Manor. The Bloodthirsty One. Remember that! While I favor your androgynous looks and high intelligence, I can easily compel you to be nothing more than a mindless bodybag. I give the orders around here. Not Lilith. I am Emberfall. I go wherever I want. I stay however long I desire. I FUCK whomever I want.

I don't want no more questions of where I've been or what I'd done upon my return. And don't try to place a location spell on me. I will find out. And you will be punished. You are my Chamberlain, CorazĂłn Mortimer, and I feel your worship. But I can take care of myself. I ascended from Hel. Now, get Aya to my chambers! Walking barefoot in the Woods has left the soles of my feet chaffed."

Rafel smiled down to Cora. "No more questions, love, okay?"

She nodded humbly, and Rafel put a hand to her cheek, lifting her face to his. Her lips were parted. And when he dipped low, his kiss wasn't sorry or tame. He took her mouth forcefully, plunging his tongue in and tasting her lips fiercely.

Five seconds after, he pulled back. And Cora's lips were left raw and pinkened. She stood shivering in his arms. Rafel knew all his dominant talk had turned her on. He didn't need his System to tell him that. Cora never wore a corset, or the fancier brassiere, so Rafel's long fingers skirting her ribs could feel the sweet underboobs outlining her small shirt.

Girls with tomboy physicality like Cora needed a confident Alpha male to spark any type of sexual interest in them. Rafel knew all the sugar points to poke her.

It was working.

"Well, hop to it, CorazĂłn." He released her, grinning at her flushed cheeks. And when she was two steps across, he sent a large palm to her ass. The force made her jerk on her tiptoes, but she continued walking, chewing her lip to a smile she couldn't hide.

Rafel watched her swanky gait, reveling in the cuteness she hid under all those boy pants. Cora was the kind of girl who threw high-fives with the soldier boys down at the harbor for the Queen's Navy. But take away all those clothes, and you'd find an angel, creamy, slender, and pink, waiting on you to just give her some good loving.

Smiling to himself, Rafel turned and started up the stairs.

He was sitting on a high chair in his Master bedroom, reading from a particular salacious script of gossip that frequented the Eldorian newspapers, when Aya appeared with a bowl of warm water and a clean white towel draped across her left arm.

She settled herself on her knees at his feet, greeting.

"Good morning, My Lord."

Rafel closed the paper as she picked up one of his legs. He stared down at her as she pushed his trousers up above his ankles and dipped his foot in the bowl. He rubbed her head, patting her and loving the feel of her midnight hair against his palm.

"Morning, slave." He greeted back. "When was your last feed?"

Aya, knowing her Lord Master wasn't talking about tangible food, replied in effect. "Last night, as you'd expect. In a bar close by, at that village, GĆ«ndlheim. It took four of their finest to make me come. But it can't be compared to a good nosh from you, my Lord. Perhaps, this evening, I could strip-dance for you and we'll see if I garner your favor for some good fucking.

With those four farmers, I had to do all the work, because they were spilling before I could shimmy out my panties. Shit! I nearly killed them for it."

Rafel laughed out loud. Aya Naamah, always an impressive company.

He was about to say something when the sound of an explosion tore through the house.




It sounded like the strike of great thundering meeting with hard rock. It caused the whole Manor to shiver in its impact.

Rafel jerked off the chair to his feet, just as another hit again.


The deep red curtains in his opulent suite flew so high they brushed the domed ceiling. Aya was also on her feet now, and had to clutch the nearest bedpost for support as the Manor rocked again in the crashing thunder. Rafel stood tall. When the seismic waves halted, he barreled out his room and down the Landing.

He met with CorazĂłn and Ravenna in the foyer.

"What the shit is going on?" He called to Cora.

"It's the Wards, my Lord," she replied.

"What's wrong with the fucking wards?"

CorazĂłn sighed, the impatient fury in Rafel's eyes spurring her on. "We have an enemy at the gates, Your Grace. A-rank, by the looks of it."


The whistling fury of a descending air strike sounded a short second before the air was rent in another explosion. The ladies lunged for something to grasp onto as the Manor quaked. Rafel didn't bother. This wasn't his first rodeo. Many of his opponents in the arena used tectonic shifting to discomfit their enemies.

The house was doing its best to hold still. Expensive flower vases crashed to the floor. The mini bar keeled over, hundred of bottles shattering on impact and the fine wine running over. The aisles of books in his Library area was toppled and scripts lay upturned everywhere.

The house looked like a hurricane blew over.

Rafel gritted his teeth. "Do we know this bastard?"

"No, Your Grace. But I don't doubt it's one of the Princess's friends come to collect on her father's debt." Cora replied. "The wards won't hold for long, my Lord."

"No shit." Rafel strode out, kicking the doors open and pounding down the steps.

The women rushed out after his long strides, Aya yelling for him to be safe. Rafel stopped a good distance in front of the Manor's great rise, barefoot on the trimmed lawn that marked the estate's grounds. His large Rottweilers barked furiously in the west area. The air smelled like sulphur and ash, and up above, the skies were thick black with rolling fierce lightning clouds. The wind blowing in from the forest was sharp and cold. Rafel inhaled deeply. This was the first time Eldoria had come close to looking like Hel.

Whoever was behind the wards was no joke.

Rafel sent his eyes across the long grassy distance to the line where the invisible hex of sorcery kept back intruders. Just beyond it, he made out the grimy hairy forms of huge Minotaurs. About two hundred of these beasts stood behind the wards.

Rafel watched as they lifted up their horned bull heads as one, and then when a larger, shrouded figure in their midst lowered a raised hand, they all attacked the wards as one.


The same explosion as before echoed into the black sky. The earth shook visibly and Rafel cursed under his breath.

"Smelly hybrid cunts."

Rafel never did like Minotaurs. You couldn't get a single one of them to wash. The half-man half-bull oddities were mercs sold in Hel's black market to the highest bidder. They would soon turn to murder their own master if his adversary doubled their asking price. But something about the giant entity in the middle told Rafel this group of Minotaurs weren't working for money this time.

He could see the warbling of the witch magic spread over the dome of invisible cobwebs that kept the beasts at bay.

Suddenly, spotting Rafel too, the man in the center of the lunging Minotaurs drew back his shawl and Rafel growled low at the frightful white eyes.


Typhon was known in Hel as the Lord of Monsters. His shapeshifting abilities were to infinity. He could be a dragon. A viper. A cricket. A grey wolf. And what was worse was his capacity to mix them into each other; a malformation of a serpent with the head of a lion, or a cheetah with the tail of a scorpion.

Typhon was A-rank, Immortal, and like Rafel, lived for only one thing.


He was Hel's Fixer.

Finally, a worthy adversary, Rafel mused.

"Let down the wards!" He called back to Cora.

She regarded Rafel a moment before doing his bidding. Lifting up her hands, blue light shimmered at her fingertips as the dome surrounding the manor crackled and dissolved.

Rafel's amber eyes already blazed in fiery delight, anticipation of blood-borne war making him grow a few inches taller to seven feet. "You know what to do with the Little Raven," he said again to Cora.

When the witch lifted her glowing hands again, this time a summoned whirlwind lifted Ravenna right into the air, carrying her across back to the Manor in a whistling speed and shutting the door behind her. Her banging could be heard. But the house wouldn't let her out.

"Good. The battleground of demons is no place for a mortal." Rafel said.

And together, himself and the other two women took their stance.

A Hell Lord. A Succubus. A Dark Witch.

From beyond, Typhon stretched out his monstrous spear, whose arrowhead poured inky black poison.

"BRING ME THEIR FUCKING HEADS!" His roar tore across the grounds to Rafel's ears who stood with ease.

The horde of Minotaurs immediately rushed out. They weren't two hundred. They were a thousand.


Their bullheads frothed as they leapt and skipped across the darkened frontyard of the Manor. The grass under their hooves were flattened to ash and noises of terror filled the air. It should be noon. Yet the sky was dark as twilight.

"Equip Sphinx armor, embedded in one Dragonscale chainmail." Rafel spoke to his System.

The Minotaurs were now upon them, and he dodged the first one's club, slapping the head right off the smelly fucker's neck, just as his system chimed and his body began to glow.


[Sphinx armor and Dragonscale chainmail equipped!]

Rafel's transformation sent golden light spewing all across the battlefield, and behind him CorazĂłn and Aya Naamah fought with the feral intensity of Valkyries. Aya's horns were out. She was full, untarnished blue. So was her long serpentine tail that slashed at the heads of incoming Minotaurs. Her claws were long and black, and when she leaped up to the air, several severed limbs followed her descent.

CorazĂłn was whispering. Words no one could understand. But she was covered from head to toe in a halo of ocean blue. Her eyes were streaked like an angel's. And liquid blue fire poured from her hands. Any of the huge Minotaurs stupid enough to go close to her haloed form was quickly absorbed in her dark light and incinerated on the spot.

No longer were the Manor's lawn clean and green.

It was blackened by dirt. And reddened by monster blood.

As Rafel waited patiently in his gilded Epic armor for Typhon to reach him from his prancing over, he dealt single blows to the horned beasts that dared take a swing at him.

He punched one in the face, and his fist went right through his skull, crumbling bone and brain matter in a wet squelching sound.

He punched another in the chest, and when he pulled back his hand, a beating heart lay in the hollow of his palm.

Minotaurs were not his level at all.

Typhon on the other hand, was endgame.

The Lord of Monsters finally reached Rafel and halted ten feet away. He had a good two foot over Rafel even though the Earl in his Sphinx coat stood at eight feet tall. Both men were giants.

Typhon was ten feet, and built across like a damn mountain. He had legs big as tree trunks and arms of solid muscle that put steel to shame. He had on only dark combat pants stained in patches of drying blood, and behind him flowed a great black cape. It breezed in the cold wind like a Pirate ship's flag.

Typhon regarded Rafel with blinding white eyes, the spear at his side broader and heavier than three conjoined swords.

"You think your suit of armor is going to save you, Hell Prince?" Typhon smiled sinisterly, glowing in red demon mana. "My Master, who I'm sure you already know—as you currently have his property stowed away behind your luxurious mansion, spared no expense in gifting me all the runes you one-percenters use as an advantage over us. Your arena tricks won't work on me.

Unless you plan on calling on Auntie dearest to come save your skinny ass, I suggest you make peace with earth, because today is the last you'll ever see of it. Very few of my foes manage to make my cock hard before a fight. But not you, Lord BlĂŒdThĂŻrste. The moment I saw you... such a beautiful man by the way, I immediately knew you were the one. The one who'd make me finally cum on the battlefield.

Just seeing you in your golden armor right now has me sprung. Now come on, little Hell child. Come and make my day!"

Rafel said nothing. He had heard tales of Typhon. A necrophiliac. A Hellion with one of the most twisted minds ever. Who got hard only by fighting in death duels, and in the occasion of his eventual win, he would fuck the corpse of his slain opponent, rising to ejaculate on the unmoving body.

It had brought patrons of the Colosseum great roaring pleasure to witness this utterly vile act.

"Thinking of how I'd fuck your dead body?" Typhon teased sickly. "I see the girls too behind you. Damned good fighters, have taken out about half of my horde. They've got tight arses now, don't they? Come on, you can't tell me you've not fucked—"

Rafel sent his sword to Typhon's face.


He was aiming for his black lips, but his sword blade glanced off the man's cheek.

Typhon grinned and struck out too with his spear, missing Rafel's neck by mere inches. The force field following his attack pushed Rafel back five feet.

The two A-rank Immortals engaged in a ghastly one-on-one battle, with Rafel fencing off or dodging each one of Typhon's deathly blows. His hope was to tire out the man. He didn't underestimate him. Seeing this, Typhon slammed his spear's end into the dirt and drew dark mana to himself. His huge body folded in on himself, muscles overrun by shadows and his flesh growing in horrendous mass.

Out from the darkness of grave shapeshifting came Typhon, as an elephant with its trunk, a cobra.

All 15ft of the horrifying mammoth rushed out across the battleground to Rafel, stamping limbs of fallen Minotaurs and flattening heads and arms along the way.

Cora dove away from its path as it lurched for Rafel, its trunk spitting venom. Rafel was able to evade the serpent's bite but not the massive leg of the elephant that kicked him square in the belly, sending him high into the air to a dangerous fall that had him rolling a few more metres in the dirt.

"LORD MASTER!" Aya yelled.

She moved to help but was swarmed by a fresh troop of hairy Minotaurs.

[Ding!] Rafel's system chimed.

[Armor system: Critical.]

[Dragonscale defense: at 10%]

"Shit." Rafel pulled off his winged helmet.

He lifted up with strain off the cold earth. His ribs hurt. Typhon had some huge power backing his punches.

A Charm.

Only a Charm from an S-rank Principality could pummel through his Epic armor. Rafel looked down to where it was cleaved in the middle. Typhon after all did mention something about his Master sparing no expense in gifting him the runes to take him out.

Typhon had shifted back to himself and was walking for Rafel. He was wearing an evident smirk.

"Surrender the girl, Hell child, and I promise I'll go easy on your corpse."

Rafel stumbled to his feet, seeing his opening now that Typhon was mostly normal. "You and I both know I won't," said Rafel.

And before Typhon could react, he equipped his Serpent Symbiote telepathically.


[Hell Serpent Equipped!]

[Force: Cosmic Race.

Level: Ninth Lunar Circle.

Bite: Immobilizes Opponent for thirty seconds.]

With a burst of infernal red mana, the seemingly fragile tattoo on Rafel's back sprouted into the air, sweeping across for Typhon. Before the Lord of Monsters could react to the wicked swift assault, the great snake wrapped itself around his huge frame, breaking a few bones in the process.

And then came the bite.

The Hell serpent lunged, straight for Typhon's open neck.

The Lord of Monsters began to convulse, before going completely still. Rafel knew this was his moment and shouted behind to CorazĂłn who was cleaving apart a Minotaur's head.

"Send up a Dark Shield!"

Once he saw the black hexagonal shadow rise up between he and the part of the Manor where Cora and Aya stood fighting, he smacked his hands together and shot out both fingers, calling upon his secret Hell art.

"Apollyon Plasma Torch!"

He screamed on top of his lungs. Instantly, he lit like a beacon, glowing and glowing until he was a star on the earth. Still, mana kept flowing into his body. Behind the shield, Cora had to avert her eyes as he burned and radiated like a supernova.

And then, just when he couldn't get any brighter, he exploded.


It was a terrifying blast. It rocked Cora and Aya on their feet. The shattering light burst forward in all directions, incinerating everything with even a drop of demon's blood. It obliterated the remnant Minotaurs to passing ash. And when it passed over Typhon, still frozen from the Hell serpent's bite, it flayed the skin from his bones, exposing red raw muscle. But the plasma beams kept shooting out from Rafel's glowing body, dousing the Lord of Monsters in wave after wave of celestial cosmic flame.

Eventually, nothing remained.

When the great light calmed, Typhon was gone, smothered to dust, and all that rose from where he stood were the stumps of his feet, cut cleanly by the plasma energy at the ankles.

Even his ash wasn't recovered as the wind drove it skyward into the forest.

It was a complete annihilation in the battlefield.

No adversary remained.

The dark skies soon began to clear and slivers of sunlight pierced through the cold gloom.

The moment Cora was certain all of the plasma had radiated off the estate, she hurriedly lowered the shield and ran for the deep burned crater where she hoped her Earl still was. She found Rafel in the black hole, surrounded by heaps of hissing Minotaur flesh, burned to a crisp. His Grace was naked.

If not that he had being birthed from a pool of Hellfire himself, he too would be ash.

But he was whole. Healthy. Pale. And beautiful. His red hair swarmed down his neck and torso and Cora admired him a moment.

Aya was quick to appear, in company of Ravenna who stretched out a long black cloak to Cora. The silver-haired witch kneeled beside him and gently placed the robe over Rafel's shoulders. His skin was hot to the touch and nearly singed her palms.

"My Lord?" She moved forward to meet Rafel's eyes. "You did it, Typhon's gone."

Rafel lifted his amber eyes with a glowing smile that made all three women blush. His skin still sparkled with residual mana and Ravenna couldn't help ogling his nudity.

"No," said Rafel. "We did it."

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