
Conquest Of Dark Lord

Set in an age of destruction, this period is marked by economic crisis, inflation, famine, and deadly plagues. These calamities stem from four kingdoms waging war over territories they each seek to control. The magic they wield has devastating effects on both the environment and society. This turmoil triggers the rise of a being known as the "Dark Lord," the harbinger of ruin from the Age of Emptiness, about 250,000 years ago. The Dark Lord's essence awakens within a 15-year-old boy during his Elemental Awakening Ceremony. In order to destroy the power hierarchy that is worsening the situation on this continent, the Dark Lord must gather his strength again to destroy the power of the System that is used by someone to control all countries on this continent. But to get to that point is certainly not easy, it takes a high mentality and confidence to destroy the evil that has long existed on this continent.

AlFeetStudio · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

The decisive meeting

Eizan walked down the brightly lit, long corridor of Axeris Academy, his mind weighed down by his recent discussion with Director Emilia. The subtle scent of sandalwood lingered in the air, but Eizan's thoughts remained fixed on the decision he had just made.

As he turned the corner, he saw two familiar figures—Alex and Melvin, his close friends and classmates—deep in conversation. Their voices were muffled but clear enough for Eizan to catch a few words.

"This annual tournament is going to be much tougher than before," Alex said, his tone filled with concern. "There are many new entrants this time, and some of them are even stronger than the senior students."

Melvin nodded, his face serious. "I've heard that the Student Council is tightening the selection process. Only those truly worthy will advance to the next round. What's even more surprising is that they're allowing participants from outside the academy this year."

Eizan stopped a few steps away, trying to remain unnoticed. Curious about their conversation, he decided to listen in.

"This is a big opportunity for anyone looking to prove their strength," Melvin continued. "But it's also dangerous. We need to be careful, especially with the outside participants. We don't know their true intentions."

Alex sighed. "You're right. It's not just about physical strength. There's a lot more at stake. The academy's integrity, for one. We can't let anyone ruin it."

Eizan felt an urge to join the conversation. He knew this tournament would be the main focus at the academy in the coming weeks, and the topic was highly relevant to what was happening around him.

With a determined stride, Eizan approached them. "Are you two talking about the tournament?" he asked calmly.

Alex and Melvin looked surprised to see Eizan but quickly smiled at his arrival. "Yes, we're discussing the latest announcement from the Student Council," Alex replied. "Are you considering participating, Eizan?"

Eizan nodded slowly. "I'm considering it. But I'm also thinking about the risks you mentioned. Do you know more about the participants from outside the academy?"

Melvin shrugged. "Not much. But there are rumors that they have considerable power, maybe even surpassing some of the third-tier Knights at the academy."

"Some also say they might have hidden motives," Alex added. "They might not be here just to compete but for something bigger."

Eizan pondered these words. He had felt something was off about this tournament since he first heard about it. Hearing Alex and Melvin's concerns only intensified his worries.

"But, Eizan," Melvin said suddenly, his tone becoming more serious. "If there's anyone who can face them, it's you. You have more than enough power and skill to compete."

Eizan gave a thin smile, though doubts lingered in his heart. "Thanks, Melvin. But power alone isn't enough. There are many other factors to consider, especially when we're talking about the integrity of the academy."

Alex looked at Eizan with admiration. "You're right. It's not just about who is the strongest but also about how we protect what we've built here. Axeris Academy is our home, and we can't let anyone destroy it."

Eizan felt the sincerity in Alex's words. Despite knowing that great challenges awaited, he also knew he wasn't alone. His friends, like Alex and Melvin, were ready to do whatever it took to protect the academy's honor.

"So, what's your plan?" Melvin asked, curious. "Are you going to participate in the tournament?"

Eizan took a deep breath before answering. "I'm still considering it. But if I do, I won't just fight to win. I'll make sure the tournament remains free of malicious intent. We need to protect what we've built here at the academy."

Alex and Melvin nodded in agreement, inspired by Eizan's words. They knew that no matter what happened, they needed to stand together to face the challenges ahead.

With that, Eizan, Alex, and Melvin continued down the corridor, their steps filled with determination. Though the shadow of the tournament and its accompanying threats loomed over them, they were ready to face whatever came their way, for the sake of the academy they loved.



Abigail Cronola, a distinguished noble from the vampire nation, sat gracefully in a secluded meeting room on one of the highest towers of Axeris Academy. The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by candlelight that cast shadows on the aristocratic faces of other vampires present. The atmosphere was one of elegant restraint, yet it was filled with a tense silence.

Surrounding Abigail, the other vampires regarded her with a mix of respect and wariness. Despite her youth, Abigail was known for her intelligence and calm decision-making in crucial matters. Tonight, the topic at hand was the upcoming annual tournament—an event that had drawn the attention of many, including those from the vampire nation.

"This tournament is more than just an ordinary competition," Abigail said in a calm but meaningful tone. "It's an opportunity for us to showcase our strength and dominance before other races. But we must be cautious. Those overseeing the tournament are not easily deceived."

One of the vampires at the table, a man with a sharp face and glittering eyes, nodded in agreement. His name was Foster Grayon. "We know that participants from various nations will be competing, and some have rather frightening abilities. We mustn't underestimate them."

Abigail smiled slightly. "Their strength is not what we need to worry about. As vampires, we possess advantages that other races do not. But remember, the tournament is also rife with intrigue. There's more at stake than just victory. Axeris Academy is a place full of politics and hidden interests."

A young vampire woman with long black hair and blood-red eyes, known as Rhea, voiced her concern. "Should we be worried about the participants from outside the academy? There are rumors that some are mercenaries or spies sent by other nations."

Abigail considered the question for a moment before responding. "They are indeed a concern, but remember, we have sufficient resources and information to deal with them. What's more important is how we use our influence within the academy to ensure we remain in a favorable position."

Another vampire, an older man with a wrinkled yet still graceful face, spoke up. "Do you have a specific plan, Abigail? How will we ensure victory without drawing too much attention?"

Abigail looked at the man sharply. "We will proceed with caution, as we always do. The tournament will test us, but it's not a battlefield. We must ensure not only that we win but also that we maintain our dignity as vampire nobility. I have arranged for us to have information on every important participant. With that, we can devise a precise strategy."

Rhea nodded, beginning to understand Abigail's direction. "You're right. Physical strength and magic aren't the only deciding factors. Information is a more powerful weapon."

Abigail continued, "Moreover, we must be vigilant about the overseers and organizers of the tournament. Though they claim neutrality, we can't take that at face value. There are interests at play behind the scenes, and we must stay alert to avoid being caught in their schemes."

The meeting room fell silent once more, with only the ticking of the clock breaking the quiet. All the vampires in the room reflected on Abigail's words, realizing the gravity of the situation. The tournament at Axeris Academy was not just about who was the strongest, but also about who was the smartest and most cautious in playing their role.

After a moment, Abigail stood, signaling the end of the meeting. "Remember, we are vampires—a powerful and esteemed race on this continent. We will not only compete but also observe and learn. Every move, every word, every alliance formed during this tournament will give us an advantage in the future. We will win, not just through strength but through intelligence and careful planning."

The other vampires stood and paid their respects to Abigail before leaving the room one by one. As the door closed behind them, Abigail remained, gazing out the window at the bright full moon in the night sky. Inside, she knew a great challenge lay ahead, but she also knew she was ready to face whatever came.

For Abigail, this tournament was not just about power or prestige. It was about preserving her people's legacy and ensuring that vampires remained at the top, above all other races. With unwavering determination, she vowed to do whatever it took to achieve that goal, without compromising the principles and honor she held dear.