
Conquest of Ascendance

In a fantastical world where the line between hero and villain is blurred, Karma, emerges as a mysterious figure shrouded in enigma. He awakens with no memories, thrust into a infinite world gripped by turmoil. The world is divided, and the flames of power, prejudice and hatred burn bright. Karma's journey becomes a testament to the stark dichotomies that define existence, as he navigates the perilous paths of Abandoning humanity vs becoming human, Effort vs Talent, Hate vs Hate, and many other complexities. -The "Conquest of Ascendence" is an epic saga of grand proportions, where as Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. His quest to recover his lost memories, define his moral compass, uncover a meaningful goal or dream, and understand his own intrinsic value becomes a driving force that fuels the flames of destiny in a world dominated by chaos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The narrative delves deeper, exploring profound themes that resonate with the human experience. It unearths the turbulent waters of Hate versus Hate, as hatred breeds hatred in a world where differences are exploited and divisions run deep. The dichotomy of wanting to rid the unknown versus exploring the unknown becomes a central dilemma as Karma's quest takes him deeper into the heart of darkness. As Karma grapples with Accepting Your Flaws versus Rejecting Your Flaws, Racism and Identity play a pivotal role in a society torn apart by prejudice. His journey is a reflection of the internal struggle between Kindness and Self-Love, exemplified by a compassionate act that defies conventional wisdom. The tale ventures into the realm of Revenge versus Forgiveness, Dreams versus Reality, and Isolation, as Karma faces the consequences of his choices and battles his own inner demons. Fear and despair walk hand in hand in this gripping narrative, showcasing the profound struggle between Protection and Free Will. Karma's actions blur the lines between Grace and Justice, Truth and the Fall from Grace, and Innocence and Experience. Amidst the chaos, The Ascendant Conqueror explores the clash between Family and Coming of Age, Pride and Loyalty, Winners and Losers, Intent, and the perpetual tug-of-war between Fear and Despair. In a world where protection often battles with free will, the narrative unravels a tapestry of complexities that mirrors the human condition. As Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.

MeSoPyro · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 - Traversing Conversing

In the heart of the bustling tavern, the two enigmatic figures sat side by side, their paths having converged in a stroke of cosmic serendipity. The blonde man, who went by the name Urem, had been gazing at the one with striking purple hair next to him, whose presence emanated a peculiar aura, as if secrets and mysteries clung to his very essence. The penetrating stare of the purple-haired stranger had not gone unnoticed, for he too was well aware that the depths of his soul had been laid bare by those watchful eyes.

Urem couldn't help but marvel at the uniqueness that enveloped the purple-haired man, a sense of power and an air of enigma that drew him in like a moth to a flame. There was more to this encounter than met the eye. He mused upon the unknown origins of the sword hidden beneath the other's clothes, a foreign entity that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

A myriad of thoughts swirled within Urem's mind, a complex tapestry of observations and speculations, for he was not an ordinary wanderer. The path that had led him to this small, seemingly random town had been one fraught with peril and adventure, and the journey had been taken alone. It was a feat that few could claim, and it had undoubtedly honed his perception and instincts.

In the midst of his contemplations, Urem decided it was time to break the silence. He introduced himself, his voice calm and steady, and acknowledged the shared intrigue that bound them in this moment. He recognized that the purple-haired man was more than he appeared, and that there was a tale behind those amethyst locks that defied simple explanation.

"Hey, so like I said, my name is Urem," he began, his voice resonating with an air of warmth and camaraderie. "Sorry for staring at you like that, but you give off a unique vibe. I'm here in town for a test, a story that's as long as the journey itself. I came from very, very far away, traversing perilous adventures alone. But I think I've done well so far. What about you?"

Karma, who had been keenly aware of Urem's gaze, listened attentively to his words, his own gaze flickering toward the water in his mug. He considered how best to answer the questions that hung in the air, questions that he himself had long pondered. It was clear that the sword concealed in his clothing had not gone unnoticed.

He took a sip of the refreshing water, relishing the sensation of his body slowly being replenished. Then, placing the mug down, he leaned back on his stool, contemplating the foreign blade.

"The sword in my clothes is likely the source of your intrigue," he admitted, his voice tinged with nonchalance. "It's something that was given to me, or perhaps bestowed upon me. The circumstances are as mysterious as the blade itself."

Karma's words carried a weight that hinted at a journey filled with enigmatic encounters, a journey devoid of memories and marked by a thirst for answers.

Urem, his curiosity piqued, offered a wry smile, acknowledging the intrigue surrounding the mysterious sword. He noted the apparent contrast between his staff and Karma's concealed weapon, the two objects exuding entirely different attributes.

"Yeah, it was a bit intriguing," Urem replied, his fingers deftly twirling the staff in his grasp as if defying gravity itself. The staff's movements created a mesmerizing optical illusion, and its ethereal qualities were evident. "The attributes of this staff and your sword do seem almost polar opposites, don't they?"

Karma, now satisfied with the restoration of his physical well-being, let his thoughts wander. He had, after all, come to this tavern by chance, driven by the primal need for hydration. It was a desire that had led him on an unexpected journey, a journey filled with oddities and a quest for the restoration of his lost memories.

"I came here rather randomly, seeking a drink," he admitted with a casual shrug. "Or at least, that's one reason. The main reason for my travels is to gather information on how to cure my amnesia. You see, my memories are a blank canvas, devoid of any recollections."

Urem couldn't help but raise an intrigued eyebrow in response. His gaze bore into Karma, who seemed oddly calm despite the abyss of his lost memories. Urem was driven to probe deeper, his own insatiable curiosity guiding the conversation.

"That doesn't sound like amnesia," Urem mused, his expression a mix of fascination and perplexity. "You can't remember anything? You don't know who you are or anything else, for that matter? It's far more intricate than a simple case of memory loss."

Karma, with a hint of nonchalance, confirmed the truth of his situation. He recounted his awakening in a snowy forest, where he had been immediately set upon by shadowy figures in black robes who bore no words, only eerie silence.

With a pondering gaze, he added, "Ring any bells?" 

A contemplative pause lingered as the strangers found themselves entangled in a web of mystery. How could this guy remain so composed with a void where memories should reside? Also how could he converse and engage with the world while not remembering anything? Although I have heard those with amnesia and the like do keep their ability to speak and move the majority of the time… maybe it is amnesia?These questions, like the sword and the staff, held secrets waiting to be uncovered.

"Black robes?, pretty vague description basically everyone waiting to do something suspicious would where a black robe wouldn't they?... but you being attacked, maybe an assassination attempt and the memory loss was to weaken you or something, maybe you were like some young master or something in the past" he said jokingly.

Well whoever i was is dead, now that i notice it you don't seem to be surprised by this weird situation, is this thing normal?karma said intrigue in his voice.

"Well this world is beyond comprehension, a case like yours might even be considered mundane to some… as for your last question for the last couple days i've met with quite the lively bunch."

"Well, whoever I was is dead". His voice held a lack of care. "Now that I notice it, you don't seem too surprised by this bizarre situation. Is this... phenomenon common here?"

Karma's voice, tinged with intrigue, cut through the air like a silken blade. His words held a weight of realization that the person he once was had become a specter of the past, turning most people pale with fright. He turned his attention to his enigmatic companion and noticed the absence of surprise in their countenance, as though they had glimpsed this kind of peculiarity before. His inquiry spilled forth, a question that danced with curiosity and unease.

"Well," he replied, voice carrying recollection, "this world is beyond the scope of understanding. In this world, a case like yours, though extraordinary, might be perceived as routine. As for your last question, I've crossed paths with quite the colorful and vibrant assortment of characters in the last couple of days."

The response from his companion came as a cryptic revelation. The world they inhabited defied the boundaries of comprehension, where anomalies and enigmas were woven into the very fabric of existence. To some, the inexplicable might even be considered mundane, a mere footnote in a tapestry of fantastical tales. The speaker's words were imbued with a sense of worldly wisdom, hinting at the incredible diversity of experiences that had graced their presence.

But these words seemingly had no effect on karma who gave a nod and said "well anyone you know that can give any info for the situation?"

Karma's inquiry hung in the air, his voice a thread of curiosity woven into the tavern's vibrant tapestry. The words danced into existence, seeking knowledge amidst the intriguing uncertainty of his existence. Yet, in response to his query, Urem found himself caught off guard, his fingers rhythmically tapping the worn wooden counter as though his thoughts were racing in a frantic chase.

A mental tug of war began within him, his contemplative gaze piercing the distance as if trying to discern the best course of action. A soft sigh escaped his lips, while his bright emerald eyes, like pools of mystery, fixed their gaze upon the enigmatic figure sitting beside him. It seemed as though Karma's appearance and the decision to bring him along had set wheels in motion that had momentarily thrown him off balance.

With a sudden resolve, Urem pushed away from his stool, the chair's legs scraping softly against the tavern's rustic floor. His fingers grasped the ornate staff that leaned against his stool, while he continued to chew on the remnants of his fried fish. The staff, a work of art in its own right, seemed to be more than a mere weapon; it was an extension of his very essence, an instrument of unseen power.

As he straightened up, his words rang with purpose, the tone of his voice laced with a sense of urgency. "You know what," he began, "follow me. We'll head east from here, and in due time, we will see an abandoned church belonging to the Umpire." He adjusted his staff within its holster on his back with a fluid motion, the leather creaking in response.

Urem's emerald eyes shone with an unmistakable recognition, as though the prospect of introducing Karma to this "Umpire" held significant meaning. "This church," he continued, "is where you will learn everything you need to know... about the 'Umpire' and all." The mention of the Umpire cast an enigmatic shadow over their conversation, one that hinted at a deeper layer of complexity.

"One of the individuals there possesses knowledge that could be of assistance to your unique situation," Urem explained, his voice carrying a subtle note of caution. "But I would advise you not to appear too intimidating. They are on edge, quite jumpy, and our arrival may cause them to react with unease."

With those words, their fate was sealed, and a new chapter of their enigmatic journey was set to unfold as they embarked on a path that would hopefully bring clarity to the mysteries surrounding Karma's existence.


Amid the rhythmic cadence of their footsteps, the two once-strangers journeyed away from the bustling town, ascending into the heights of a sun-drenched mountain range. The landscape they traversed was a study in contrasts, with crisp, desiccated shrubs sharing space with lush, glistening flora. The wind, though somewhat brisk, couldn't ruffle their composed bearing.

In the wake of their newfound acquaintance, conversation flowed effortlessly. Karma, his hand nonchalantly tucked into the pocket of a well-worn, obsidian-hued hooded jacket of mysterious origin, complied with Urem's lead. He kept one hand on his exposed sword, a relic of enigma. Urem suggested a name for the weapon, "Blade of Samsara," but met with Karma's nonchalant dismissal and an eye roll.

From this vantage point, they still had a visual tether to the town below. Karma marveled at this new perspective, the aerial view unfolding like a tapestry of life's intricate weave within the town's walls.

Observing it from here unveils its inner workings, the ebb and flow of its people, Karma pondered, I wonder about its construction, its purpose, and the collective endeavor that brought these people together, why do people actively seek to be together?. The natural barrier of the mountain range seems logical, but perhaps I'm overthinking it.

His gaze shifted to the town's far side, where only a fraction was visible, yet even that fraction seemed immense. There sprawled a deep, sapphire pond, stretching to meet the distant horizon. The sheer scale of the water body was unlike anything he'd ever encountered, and the bustling activities of numerous boats and other ways of transport upon its surface resembled ants against the expansive sky. Nature's grandeur dwarfed human innovation, a juxtaposition that carried a hint of irony, however I would say they are about equal in valu-

His thoughts, however, were interrupted as Urem turned his head to address him while still in motion. "Yes, this view is a novelty for you, I can imagine," Urem remarked, his tone candid. "Adventures like this are filled with such moments. But, to be blunt, this is only a fragment of the extraordinary. On my way here, I encountered an apple the size of a house that could speak!" Urem's voice carried a sense of wonder, punctuated by a chuckle as he recollected the peculiar encounter.

Listening to Urem's anecdote, Karma, without breaking his stride, requested, "hold up, look at me for a sec". Intrigued by this sudden turn of events, Urem turned to face Karma as they ascended the steepening slope, his eyebrows twitched in curiosity. "Yes, what's up?" he inquired, his gaze meeting Karma's with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly, what's up?" karma said sarcastically and pointed at his own forehead saying, "The coloured diamonds on your forehead, what's up with them? I feel something coming off them". Gaining a look of understanding and simultaneous incredulity Urem smiled, "you saw people literally made of rock in the town and you're interested in this."

 "It's about what its emitting, but you know that"

Sighing with a wry grin, "Ah, yes, hmm... It's a quaint family tradition that helps with training, you know. We call it the 'Marks of Restraint.' Nothing too crazy, really. although it isn't really anything special just the accumulated Seignxi within."

Karma's eyes widened, his newfound curiosity ignited. "Seignxi... Is that the power I sense permeating the air, all around us?"

Urem nodded, his eyes gleaming with knowledge. "Precisely. But, as I mentioned earlier, the individuals we're meeting will offer you a more comprehensive explanation. It's a realm of understanding that transcends mere words."

Continuing their ascent up the grassy cliff, the two intrepid travelers beheld an eerie sight. Their gazes converged upon the distant roof of a derelict church-like edifice. Stained brown-orange bricks clung to the gray stone foundation, the structure rising like a relic from a forgotten era. It loomed just a stone's throw tall, a humble construction with perhaps no more than two rooms sheltered within its forlorn interior.

Perched upon the lonesome hill, nature waged a silent battle against the church's crumbling façade. Lush grasses sought to reclaim the land around it, weaving their tendrils around the decaying structure. It was a place where time had lost its meaning, a monument to memories long past.

The two wayfarers pressed on, their steps echoing on the routine stone path that spiraled around the hill's rear. This modest path led them to the unassuming wooden door, the only point of entry to this enigmatic place.

Karma couldn't shake the notion that this humble, decrepit structure held answers, secrets buried beneath its aging stones. He had been told that this unassuming building was where they would meet the individuals who could illuminate the shadows cast over his missing memories.

As they approached the door, a peculiar sensation overcame him. It was an eerie sense of déjà vu, as though he had trodden this path before, standing before this same door. The atmosphere was oddly familiar, but this familiarity was quickly swept aside, replaced by an intense surge of power that directs his intent behind the door and Karma found himself compelled to grasp the brittle oak wood door and open it.