
Conqueror of The Abyss

“I will destroy you—” the young man knelt down and embraced the lifeless, pale body. Small body, much smaller than the body of a stocky man. The girl had been killed by the curse, yet her face did not look tormented, as if she had died in a calm state. He killed this kid. “Lord Of The Abyss-Hades!” In the Abyss, no one knows. What is the height of the place, because-each floor of the Abyss connects between worlds. So the depth won't be measurable. But apart from that, the Abyss is ruled by an arrogant and evil god, Hades. A vile God who wants a holy soul, to be made an offering of his power. The mightiest God who ever tried to scorch the world with his hot fire. Although he failed to do so because the Lord Of The Seas managed to extinguish the fire. “Why must Chloe... why ... ” the man could do nothing but cry over the body of his sister, Chloe. He has sworn, to finish off Hades, or he who is finished off by Hades. But to get to the bottom of the Abyss, he had to train himself, because the Curse Of The Abyss awaited. If he can't withstand the curse, then he will die—or live eternally in the form of the undead.

Shiro_Nishikujou · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


"One, two, three." BRAK!! Cleon and Hestia break 2 iron doors at the same time. The door that Cleon broke he managed to break, but the door that was broken by Hestia did not change a bit. In the end, they will only go through one door. "You have to work your muscles again, Hestia."Don't say that to women." Hestia said while still continuing the investigation. But they hadn't gone too far, they were startled by a sudden attack from a door. This wave attack is very familiar to them. "WOW!"Surprised Cleon, he jumped while pushing Hestia backwards so as not to be affected by the sudden attack earlier. "Captain!" Call him, he knows that this is not an opponent's attack, but a typical attack from someone close, captain. "Heh, I thought you guys were big monsters, sorry." Captain, he appeared from behind the smoke of this building. "C-captain almost killed us!" "Haha, come on little girls, I know you guys won't die from something like that. I'm chasing something, you guys come with me, he seems to be coming out, breaking through this place." The captain pointed to a wall with a big hole. It's dangerous."Already identified, he is a monster that comes from the 4th floor of the Abyss, one of many top-tier monsters, codenamed Baphomet." A familiar female voice is heard again. Elysia's Voice.

"How come you're here, Mis—I mean, Elysia?"Cleon walked up to Elysia who was standing outside. Look at the broken part. "Baphomet is a dangerous creature, we have to eradicate it, but for that, I need your help, because I can't do it alone, understand?" She ignored Cleon's question. She raised her hand, and a large scythe came to her little hand. "Time to hunt." Immediately Elysia ran and showed them the way. The direction in which Baphomet fled. "That Monster seems to have been sent to this place on purpose, in this way, it should have become many times stronger than usual. Be careful, Cleon, and the others."

Not only Baphomet is there, but other monsters also confront them. Like Spider, Demon and so on. "Blood Dance." Elysia shot towards the horde of monsters, in one slash, the aliens instantly disintegrated, becoming pieces of flesh and blood. The monsters were not left, but Elysia did not care about it, she immediately continued her tracking. 'Baphomet is heading towards the settlement, a little late, everything can be serious.'Inwardly. She fears that more people will die as a result of this attack. "After all, why did that Baphomet get out" Cleon asked while still running, his position remained alert, He knew that the monsters in this region became more ferocious because of the influence of Baphomet. "That's because I attacked him, he tried to escape." Captain, I don't think that's the real reason. Why? The reason is simple, the monster that seemed to be feared by the strongest Conqueror would probably be subdued easily by the captain who had not stepped on the lower floors as far as Elysia. Some are awkward indeed. Or as if this creature was deliberately luring them - "well, what if this monster doesn't run away, but takes us to a dangerous place?" Hestia began to think badly. "That's impossible, this monster can't be trying to take us to the countryside."Replied The Captain. They lag far behind Elysia. But not long after, they could see a terrible sight. "This is not the creature I saw." The captain was in a cold sweat, a creature of this size-he had not seen it before. "It's horrible." The head of the goat remained the same, but the body became very large. Nearby was Elysia who was already kneeling, even Elysia was also overwhelmed. "This is still not!" She got back on her feet, swung hdr scythe and tried to cut down the giant creature.

"Do not force yourself!"Cleon drew his sword again, channeled Mana fire and burned the blade of his sword. It will help Elysia. "Who is forcing themselves? Elysia, or you?" Hestia looked at him clumsily. "Come on." The captain, too, he immediately ran, striking his greatsword against Bahomet's big and hard leg. "Knight Technique: River Flow Dance!"Cleon sped up, slashing randomly but neatly like water in a rushing river. On his slash marks, fire came out because he planted fire Mana on the monster's wounds so he couldn't regenerate easily. But it seems that this monster is quite intelligent, he cuts off the injured part and immediately regenerates again. "Baphomet is an intelligent, underrated monster." Hestia who was thrown back stood up. "Elysia, don't force yourself."Cleon saw Elysia badly injured in her leg, the wound was torn, it was very painful. But what Elysia said disgusted Cleon so much, she said, "I have to take responsibility!""What? You're not the one who called this thing, get lost!"Cleon looked at her intently. The wound was quite severe " sorry, step back, and treat your wound first. We'll hold him."

Cleon looks different, he's terrible. His words deeply hurt Elysia who came to his aid. But what Cleon wants is for Elysia to survive, and not die by this creature. Even though Elysia was a strongest Conqueror, it didn't mean she would survive if her injuries were that severe. "Hestia, please help Elysia." Cleon ran, striking his flaming sword. 'I'm just worried about you, I don't want to lose you—I'm sorry, Elysia." "You're too rude to woman, young man." The captain reprimanded him, his face was injured, but it was a minor injury. "I don't want to lose anymore, captain."

Although it was quiet, the voice reached the ears of Elysia and Hestia who were hiding behind a large tree. "Looks like I'm going to lose." Hestia smiled - yet like a pitiful smile, "What do you mean?"Elysia is confused. Tears rolled down his cheeks, even though she was unconscious. "Cleon likes you, it seems." Hestia cast magic to treat Elysia's wounds. "I don't understand, Cleon likes me? He scolded me like that." "He doesn't want to lose you, miss Elysia, Cleon seems to love you very much."Hestia Answered. It hurts so bad, why is this. Say it in your heart. She was afraid of losing Cleon, Cleon would definitely leave her if he had a special relationship with Elysia. "My wounds are getting better, thank you." Elysia stood up, "Cleon and your captain are very good, yes, they are able to survive with minimal injuries, unlike me who is only concerned with attack, while my defense is very sad. Elysia raised her scythe, "however, I don't want to lose."'does Cleon really like me? But why did the girl not accept it? Is she his girlfriend? Or does he like it? Whatever it is, I'm getting more excited.'Elysia ran at full speed, staring in all directions in search of a fulcrum. Then he saw a fallen tree, stepped on it and jumped. "O defender of truth—your power is a pity—if it is not used in good. So-lend me your beautiful glittering iron mortal, bind the villain with your beautiful and sturdy chains!" Elysia appears by casting magic, tying Baphomet with her chains. "Elysia?""Sorry to wait, take it easy, I don't take it to heart—and I also know that you like me!" She doesn't think much—she talks like that. Without realizing that back there, Hestia cried herself as she cast the supporting magic. "Why are you bothering me, man?"