
Conqueror of The Abyss

“I will destroy you—” the young man knelt down and embraced the lifeless, pale body. Small body, much smaller than the body of a stocky man. The girl had been killed by the curse, yet her face did not look tormented, as if she had died in a calm state. He killed this kid. “Lord Of The Abyss-Hades!” In the Abyss, no one knows. What is the height of the place, because-each floor of the Abyss connects between worlds. So the depth won't be measurable. But apart from that, the Abyss is ruled by an arrogant and evil god, Hades. A vile God who wants a holy soul, to be made an offering of his power. The mightiest God who ever tried to scorch the world with his hot fire. Although he failed to do so because the Lord Of The Seas managed to extinguish the fire. “Why must Chloe... why ... ” the man could do nothing but cry over the body of his sister, Chloe. He has sworn, to finish off Hades, or he who is finished off by Hades. But to get to the bottom of the Abyss, he had to train himself, because the Curse Of The Abyss awaited. If he can't withstand the curse, then he will die—or live eternally in the form of the undead.

Shiro_Nishikujou · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Push yourself!

He couldn't just sit by and watch Elysia do something that put his life in danger. In his first battle, Cleon must do something. At least to save the people he knew. He can't lose the closest person anymore,

"I'm sick of losing." He ignored Aaru's presence.

"Cleon. Before leaving, I ask you one thing." Aaru stopped his footsteps.

"Are you sure? It could be that the child is already lifeless when you arrive." "Aaru. I—if I didn't get to save Elysia from something bad—that means I made a big mistake."

Aaru again asked, "with your current strength, aren't you just going to burden them there? Your condition is so bad, you forced yourself to go to the 2nd floor, where I was born. Your determination is indeed so strong, that it can wake me up who is doing the release of Mana. But you can't win if you only capitalize on your determination and recklessness."

Aaru closed her eyes.

Light green energy enveloped her body. until a green light enveloped her body and changed his size.

"I am.."

Too long to answer.

"Hestia, I'll accompany Cleon. You don't worry. I'll protect him." Aaru know what was Hestia thinking, but she was worried when Cleon made his decision.

"Miss Aaru, please return safely. After that I will hit Cleon to my heart's content." Gestia is very anxious, of course. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Cleon.

"Take it easy Hestia."

Cleon walked back to the back, pproaching Hestia who looked away,

"after this battle is over, I will not only date Elysia, I will take you guys.

"You crocodile." Hestia, there's not much time left. Cleon asks his fairy to deliver him using the wind. Wind is used as a vehicle, doesn't it sound cool?

"Hold on tight, Leon."


"Your name."

"Since when is my name Leon?" the two of them still get to joke around at times like this.

The wind blows hard, Aaru back to her original form in order to optimize the strength she has.

"I'm leaving first, Max, if you touch it, our friendship will end." "What do you think I am?"

The two of them hurried through the air. In Cleon's mind now there is only Elysia, he must save her.

This mission must be completed, Elysia must survive.

Shs has to live.


That day he had promised Elysia a date in return for a state mission.

"They're the ones you like, Aren't they, Cleon? But as you know, you should choose one of them." Suddenly Aaru spoke as he set his eyes on Cleon. Can only answer,

"What do you mean?"

But it seems that such a question would have no effect on a genius like Aaru. "I've lived a long time, but this time I'm making a contract with a human. What I feel, is what you feel, Cleon. You feel like, me too, you're sad, me too. That's the Soul Contract."

This little fairy suddenly discussed something that is difficult to understand, but arguably also easy to understand.

"We have arrived. I'll support you from behind." They were down, down there-the fighting was terrible.

"The monsters are under control, just like Max said." Cleon said.

He jumped down while sticking his sword into the monster's head.

"Captain! Elysia, where is she?" Cleon happened to land in front of his captain. "Sorry, I can't stop her, she has entered the 2nd floor." He said.

"Damn, I have to hurry." "Hey, you want to die too?" The captain can't let him go now, he doesn't want Cleon to die either.

"Captain, Elysia is an important person for me, for all of us. I can't let her die from a monster like that. Let go." Cleon brushed aside the captain's stocky hand, which was covered in blood.

"You could die, you fool."

"I will protect him, if he dies, then I will destroy this world, take it easy." "Aaru, your words even make people worry." The young man smiled, but shortly after that his smile disappeared, he immediately entered the cave in front.

The cave where the monsters came out. Aaru's "wind blade" blows her sharp wind towards the front. She is above Cleon's head, so the accuracy will be excellent.

"For now, Cleon, save your energy. Let me get in front of them. It simultaneously continues the release of my Mana, this time will not be wasted."

Of course, Aaru is Sylph. What is clear is that he is made or created from where the wind is clumping.

So, at any time the Mana in his body will accumulate and need to be released, or it will explode and can destroy 1/6 of the world.

"Aaru, over there." Cleon can already see the way to the second floor. They must hurry. But the closer to the road, the more monsters also clustered. It was fortunate that a monster of this class was no match for a sylph great spirit.

"I can feel the energy of that kid, Cleon. Over there!" When they had climbed the solid ladder,

Aaru felt a weak energy, although it was weak but it was confirmed that it was the aura of Elysia. "Which side?"Going into that cave, her aura, she's dying." Aaru flew beside Cleon, she showed the way. And right before Cleon's eyes, he saw the figure of a girl covered in blood with a sickle that had already lost its blade.


Cleon ran towards her, while Aaru tried to repel the monsters that tried to approach Elysia. "Cleon, this kid is trying to destroy that thing."

Aaru pointed at a round black stone floating far ahead of there. The Stone seemed to be the monster Summoning Stone that Max had mentioned earlier.

"Aaru, can you?"

"Leave it to me." Aaru shot up, transforming his body into thousands of wind blades that destroyed the monsters around her.

"Elysia, hold on." Cleon caught Elysia, her body was filled with wounds, the Mana energy in her body was completely depleted.

She uses the last energy, or the last technique of the fighter.

"She's dying. But—she can still fight, or she means she forced herself to destroy the stone, Elysia." Cleon touched Elysia's lips with his forefinger. He had to find a way to keep Elysia alive.

"Cleon, I did it. Monsters shouldn't be popping up anymore." Aaru flew closer to Cleon and Elysia. The monsters don't show up anymore.

"I'll help you, you run out of here holding her. That way I'll fill his Mana while you run."

Cleon doesn't talk much anymore. He immediately lifted Elysia's body, running back out.

"I wish I had time."


Hestia looked at the sky. There was only one thing on her mind right now, Cleon. He's all she thinks about.

"Cleon. Do you think he's okay?" "You're damn cute, Hestia. Will You Be My wife?" Max suddenly spoke stupidly as he looked at Hestia strangely.

"Go ahead if you want me to kill you. In this world-there is only 1 man who makes my heart melt." She touched her own little shoulder. "He is My Hero. Cleon."