
Conqueror of All

Izan is someone who’s under a lot of pain. Every day he wakes up with pain and late at night, he endures the pain and falls asleep. Izan is someone who wishes for to die as he can’t seem to keep up with the pain he is under. Suicide was an alternative which Izan wouldn’t commit as he knew that it would have pained his family more than he could have imagined. Day after day, Izan tried his best to endure for his family. Izan did also have a wish, a wish that strong which allowed Izan to continue forward until his breaking point. One day, Izan was allowed to seek for his wish in the vast universe. - Disclaimer, I do not own this picture. - I do not own One Piece, nor any of the upcoming series I will be visiting in this novel. - This is just a fan-fiction which I thought of in my mind, therefore, I will not always follow certain 'plot'.

iMiH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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174 Chs


After having eaten something, all of them went into the relaxing room. Izan wanted to play some piano as he had gotten some inspiration earlier. Robin was reading a book about Fishman Island and drinking a glass of red wine. Whereas Nojiko was reading a fictional book about a princess running away from her home and meets a knight.

Hancock and Perona were both sitting near Izan with their eyes closed as they enjoyed listening to the songs Izan was playing. Even when what Izan was playing had a dark theme, it was still able to please the listeners.

Jiutian sat on a chair not far away from Izan as she was drinking sake. Jiutian was wondering of what they would do in the future. She did enjoy the calm and relaxing days, but Jiutian knew that it would end sooner than later. The opponents of this world might be stronger than Izan for now, but there were still four other worlds to visit and finally the Real Universe. Yet, when she was watching the peaceful room, she couldn't help but to smile and close her eyes as she enjoyed the music.

Time passed by, the sun went down from the horizon and darkness arrived. Defying was sailing towards Sabaody without anyone hindering it.

Izan had a smile on his face as he went out of his bedroom and walked through the corridors. The bedrooms for everyone wasn't that far away, so it didn't take long before Izan neared a bright red door. He opened it slowly and entered.

What Izan saw inside was Hancock sitting on the edge of the bed, her fingers were fiddling around as she shyly gazed back at Izan.

Izan's smile managed to calm down Hancock, Izan slowly closed the door and walked towards Hancock. Before Hancock was able to speak, Izan sealed her lips with his own.

Their tongues met and intertwined, both Hancock and Izan seemed to love the taste of each other. They continued kissing for a while, only after being not able to breathe any longer did the two of them return their tongues back in their mouths. Hancock's face was red, she was breathing heavily, "… Izan… I love you." Hancock whispered in a low voice.

"Hancock, I love you too." Izan replied as he slowly undressed his clothes. When Izan had taken off his clothes, Hancock did also undress her dress. Both of them were naked, staring at each other's bare body.

Izan gazed at Hancock's seemingly perfect body, her large chest and her pure white skin. Izan finally stared deeply into Hancock's eyes. Izan reached his hand towards Hancock's hair and stroked it before he leaned forward and begun kissing her once again.

Hancock and Izan laid on the bed, fiercely kissing each other. Hancock was a very pure lady in a true sense, her first kiss was taken from Izan and she would give Izan her first in everything.

A moan sounded out from Hancock's mouth while kissing Izan. Izan had used his left hand to touch her tits. Izan couldn't help but to stroke her tits, caress them, pinch her nipples and form it under his hand. Moans continued sounding out from Hancock's mouth, which ended up being muffled by the kiss. Hancock's body started heating up as she stared at Izan lovingly.

Izan started kissing Hancock's face, downwards to her neck, shoulders, tits and stomach. For every kiss Izan gave, a shiver ran through Hancock's body. Izan lowered his head even deeper downwards, until he reached a black bush.

Hancock couldn't help but feel ashamed as she tried to hold Izan's head.

But Izan smiled in return as he kissed her bush before lowering his head towards her forbidden zone. Izan kissed the little peak which ended up making Hancock squirm in pleasure. Izan started kissing and licking, it didn't take long before Hancock was deep in pleasure and her breathing was hurried.

Hancock laid there in pleasure, she couldn't help but feel happy that Izan would go this far just to pleasure her. Hancock made up her mind, Hancock pushed Izan under her body and she lowered her body towards his member.

Izan didn't resist as it was the first time one of his wives did something like this.

Hancock blushed as she started licking Izan's member, which made Izan groan and moan from times. Hancock smiled happily as she continued licking, it didn't take long before Hancock opened her mouth and tried to put the member in her mouth.

"Ahh…" A long moan sounded out from Izan's mouth as he couldn't help but feel pleasure from Hancock's mouth.

Hancock continued sucking and kissing for several minutes before Izan pushed her body beneath him.

Izan and Hancock both breathed heavily as their bodies felt warmer as they were holding each other. Izan gazed into Hancock's eyes. "Are you ready…?" Izan asked softly. When he saw her nodding with a blushed face, a smile appeared on his face as he led his member towards her forbidden zone.

"Nyghh…!" Hancock felt pain, but she couldn't help but to tear up in happiness. She had finally become one with her Husband. "Izan… Husband…" Hancock whispered as she felt all her worries leaving her body as Izan started thrusting forward.

Izan couldn't help but to moan in pleasure too. He was feeling way too much pleasure as his member was inside of Hancock. Izan leaned forward and kissed the tears of Hancock before he kissed her lips before thrusting deeper. "Hancock, I love you with all my heart…" As Izan was saying this, he reached the deepest part of Hancock.

Hancock could only nod as her eyes was rolling upwards, the physical pleasure and the mental pleasure Hancock was feeling was making her dizzy. Yet she could feel all the pleasure as Izan started moving backwards before pushing in deeply again.

Moans and groans sounded out in the room for a long time. Hancock and Izan were covered in sweat as the two continued for over an hour. Their moans turned weaker and hoarser, yet Izan continued moving faster.

"Hancock… I am going to cum…!" Izan's hoarse voice sounded out as he began pushing forward towards the ending.

"Husband…!" Hancock replied weakly, yet she strongly held Izan and pulled him deeper towards herself. Hancock wanted everything Izan could give her, she would do anything to have Izan continue loving her like this.

It didn't take long before Izan came inside of her, Hancock squirmed in pleasure once again as she fell asleep.

Izan laid down on the bed near Hancock, he held her softly in his embrace. "My little wife is very beautiful…" Izan whispered into her ears as he also slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Deep inside of Izan's soul.

The snake had been travelling very far, but it seemed that the gigantic beast was still near it. It didn't take long before the beast opened its eyes once again, it gazed far away.

Where the beast gazed at, were eight pillars surrounding a sculpture. The eight pillars had different colours, White, Silver, Black, Purple, Grey, Green, Blue, and Bright-Red respectively. These pillars were shining brightly around the sculpture and it seemed that they had a connection with the sculpture in the middle.

The sculpture was of a man, hair covering the right eye, a handsome face, perfect muscles and a perfect body overall. This sculpture was of Izan…

First chapter of the week (1/5).

A late chapter, I wasn't paying attention and forgot to publish the chapter. No harm done hopefully :p.

Weekly goal of rank 100 for a bonus chapter next week.


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