The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here
Vital energy gives a lot of advantages, but whether it can temporarily make the body infertile by acting on it is still a question. I'm still too young to have children, especially since I'm still far from an adult myself. A whole world of people, and the world of spirits are waiting for me, although ... anything can happen, soon the body will ask for intimacy, and without any protection, the appearance of toddlers is only a matter of time. Okay, it's better not to worry about it yet.
First of all, I decided to check if it was so much fun to ride a giant koi fish, as we were shown in the case of Aang. The unoccupied villagers, mostly children, followed me to the beach. Already there, they tried to dissuade me from this venture, they say that I will only provoke Unagi. I didn't tell them that's what I was counting on... I would like to see this representative of sea snakes with my own eyes.
The first minutes of skiing were amazing, although the speed of which was less than the flight of my platform, but it was surprising that their very swimming was more unpredictable, you never know in advance what trick they would pull. Theu could either suddenly go under the water or jump up at all. As soon as the first impressions were gone, I began to track any suspicious movements in the water. I had to make every possible noise for another four minutes in order to absolutely attract the attention of a large snake.
The arrival of Unagi was extremely pretentious, a whole machine emerging from under the water with a multi-decibel roar of the monster itself. Children's screams could be heard from the beach, one of them was especially noticeable and a little familiar.
- It's okay Suki-i-I! – I shouted to the worried girl who was still trying to reach me.
Next, my attention was entirely focused on the king of the local waters, who had already started aiming his(or her) mouth at me. By throwing myself up with water, I was able to cling to his head. Grabbing his antennae, I began to use water magic to guide him away from the shore, there is no need for us to destroy here.
It was hard to keep him moving in one direction, he weighed too much, and his body was too slippery. I had to freeze my hands to his mustache.
At a closer distance, it was possible to probe him with blood magic. The result was expected, if Unagi uses water magic, then only very little, most likely for better movement in the water. His main ability is purely physiological in nature, he just keeps some water in himself, and he releases it under high pressure. It seems to me that once his ancestor was a really strong spirit, but already his descendants, due to the more meager energy of the human world, began to adapt to circumstances. This snake has a lot of stamina, while I was exploring it, it tried in every possible way to get rid of me, even managed to scratch its head on a rock.
As soon as I finished my business, I decided to have some fun, it's good that there is no animal welfare organization here, because riding Unagi was much more fun than riding koi. I let him go only when I realized that he was just standing peacefully in the water. The poor man tired to entertain me.
– Okay, keep defending Kyoshi Island, I won't bother you anymore, – I said, patting him on the head, while feeling his offended look on me, which said: "Get away from me, monster."
When I appeared at the beach, the villagers began to run out, who looked a little depressed, probably – it was a shock for them. Some stranger came here and "abused" their defender. Only the kids looked at me with "stars" in their eyes.
- That's what I want too! Take a ride! – said the little piglet, who did not have all her teeth yet.
- No! – I didn't even have time to answer, as she was forcibly dragged away by an older woman.
- Well, ma-a-a-am, you saw, he was like boom! And Unagi starts to cry, - all this could still be heard while the girl expressed her emotions on the way to the village. At that time, I began to quietly retreat, I don't like the faces of other girls, which is what they said: "we also want a ride!"
The smooth and flowing movements of the young and beautiful warriors created something similar to the style of water magicians. The simple warm-up workout was very mesmerizing. Kyoshi's avatar was a genius, to create such a beautiful style, which at the same time did not lose a drop in lethality.
Now it became clear to me how she lived to be two hundred and thirty years old. If she was able to create this fighting style, in the performance of which vital energy is affected, you can even say the energy behaves more actively and undergoes some kind of purification or improvement, not the point, the main thing is that it has a beneficial effect on the bodies of warriors. Even I was able to learn a lot of new things for myself. She had something more effective in her arsenal anyway. Hm-m, yes, it is clear that this is only a kind of base.
I was allowed to watch their training without any delay. After my enchanting ride on the local horror story, even the most retarded realized that if I really wanted to do something, I would have done it a long time ago. From the strength shown, all sorts of brakes flew off the local girls, even now performing a training complex, some of them tried to bend as openly as possible. I admit, it would be very pleasant to watch if they weren't dressed in thick kimonos with iron armor, but for the effort – I gave them plus. An excellent fanservice!
I even managed to practice under their control. There was nothing difficult about the style itself for a well-trained body, but it was more difficult to get vital energy to move with these movements. They have been learning this since childhood, but here I had to tell my energy where to go. I managed to make only one approach, as my whole back was already soaked. And it wasn't me who was so weak, but the vital energy was breaking through new channels. Truly, the ways of energy are inscrutable, I definitely did not expect to find such a treasure on a small island. There seems to be a small temple of Kyoshi's Avatar left here, where they keep her few belongings... I would like to take a peek at them, maybe there will be something interesting there.
In the evening, Shizuka and Suki came up to the house allocated to me. Judging by their faces, it seems they were a little out of their minds. Mother and daughter just stood for more than five minutes at the door of the house allocated to me, without knocking... I was already wondering what their business was with me.
- Come in, don't just stand there, - my curiosity was beyond my patience, so I attracted their attention first.
A smile of its own appeared on my face. It's just that at my shout, the mother and daughter simultaneously made a cute squeak, it seems they went deep into themselves.
– Yuki, we need to have a serious conversation, – Shizuka immediately took the bull by the horns, showing her determination to go all the way. It's crazy how I want to respond with a stupid joke to her words, but the atmosphere is not conducive.
In response, I made a serious nod of my head, as if inviting her to begin.
– You're a water bender, aren't you? Hehe stupid question, I'm sorry, – she began a little haphazardly, taking a deep breath, but then she continued more calmly. – Can you somehow determine if my girl will be a magician? I know that abilities manifest themselves at a young age, but Suki is growing, and no signs have appeared.
– Suki, come to me, – I held out my hand to her. Suki, on the other hand, looked at her mother and received a slightly nervous but encouraging smile in response.
As soon as I took her hand in my palm, all the secrets of her body were revealed to me! Ahem, ahem, well, this will definitely happen someday, but for now I just scanned her vital energy, and her points of contact with the spiritual part. The gift is, however, dormant, there is a considerable chance to awaken magic in adulthood.
At Shizuka's hopeful look, I only slowly shook my head. It was unpleasant to see such a strong-willed woman sink to the floor in impotence. Suki, on the other hand, was more concerned about her mother's condition than some kind of magic, so she makes the right priorities, her family first!
But judging a person by seeing only one side of him or her is also wrong. The reasons and motives are different, without understanding the situation, I should not put labels in advance. Moreover, it is clear from Shizuka that she really loves Suki.
- Will you tell me? – I asked, supposedly casually, after I brought freshly brewed green tea, but there is one here! It seems that there is another reason to return to the island.
- Yes... what's there to tell, the story, to be honest, is so-so, - she said with a wry smile, - in short, Kyoshi's Avatar is my ancestor.
- "the sounds of my splattered tea" - I almost choked, and they laugh. – Could you not be short then?! – it seems that my actions were able to cheer them up, otherwise they are sitting here like at a funeral.
- Avatar Kyoshi had a daughter, Coco, who ruled the island after her, and then Coco had children. The point is, for me, Coco will be a great-great-grandmother or great-great-great-great, um... you get it, – she finished to Suki's chuckle.
- Okay, that's understandable, but why such a reaction to the lack of magic? – I asked, already guessing what exactly was the matter.
- After Kyoshi, not a single magician appeared in our family, - she continued, already a little saddened, - but every generation sought to regain what was lost, even I myself grew up on stories about the power of my ancestor. It was painful to realize my weakness in front of the rest of the world. After the death of avatar Kyoshi, our island was attacked much more often. Everyone fervently believed that Kyoshi had definitely left something here, so we had to shed our blood. Even my mother dreamed of her granddaughter's talent, – she interrupted in order to make the sleeping Suki more comfortable. – I understood with my mind that Suki would not be a bender, but my heart believed in a miracle, – Shizuka said with some self-reproach.
Checking the area for extra ears or eyes, I began to think hard about whether to help them. Suki has a sleeping gift, under a flimsy lock, and opening the first chakra will break it, but will the baby survive? Even I almost gave up. I am not too worried about the spread of the method of opening the first chakra, at one time it was generally in the public domain, but weak-willed people already at the first chakra began to go crazy. So she did not become famous, and Shizuka does not look like a person who will throw away other people's secrets.
– I know one technique that can help awaken magic, – I said softly, having surrounded Suki with the water's edge in advance, because... One, two, three.
- Are you serious?! – Shizuka asked in a loud whisper, already standing up from the table and looming over me. Because of the movement, her weighty arguments poked me in the face, hmm, the third and a half or still the fourth?
- Yuki, why are you stopped?! And-and you seem to be salivating... – hey, my own body, are you for me or against me?!
- Yes, it's true, but there are serious risks, - then I told her everything that I experienced myself from the opening of the chakra. After the end of my story, she was not so enthusiastic anymore, after all, no mother would want to put her child in danger.
- So, I've decided everything! First, I will open the first chakra myself, I want to feel it for myself. Don't make that look, I believe you, but I'd want to go through with it anyway. The enhancement of all characteristics is an increase in the favorable outcome in a battle with a gifted one. In a collision with a magician, every little thing is important for a simple person, –she said, rubbing the bruised place. Oh, I forgot about it, it's worth healing. – I am sure of my will, but if it happens, as you described, then I will never let Suki go through this, – it seems to be sensible, there is nothing to complain about. Moreover, she is an adult girl, she has her own head on her shoulders.
- Okay, it's late, tomorrow I'll tell you how to prepare for this and how to open them, - I said with a yawn, - and now undress.
The mind, already with one foot in bed, said something stupid. It seemed to me that I had said the sentence in full: "Let's heal the bruise, expose the damaged part", I don't know how such a perverted version turned out, but I liked it too, because Shizuka's reaction was priceless, give me a camera! I want to capture this moment!
She just blushed and started to bare herself...
– Just go in the other room, I don't want to wake Suki up, and please be gentle, I only had one, – she said in a voice like a mosquito, turning away from me and continuing to untie her belt.
- Whoa, whoa, wait, I was kind of speechless, - I said as soon as I came to myself, - I just wanted to treat your bruise. Yep, see it, and for now, let's tell me why such decisive actions.
–... I don't even know, you cured my childhood friends, you help me become stronger, you give my daughter a chance to become a magician, and even now you heal me without asking for anything in return, – she began to list my actions after a full minute of deep breaths and exhalations, while bending her fingers, – this is not just easy enough, you gave a lot more.
- That's it? Are these all the reasons? – I asked, finishing the treatment and running my hand over her graceful neck.
- I like you, and I wanted to be with you! Forced a poor woman to make a confession to you, are you satisfied?! – said the "poor woman" more belligerently.
– I'm very pleased, – I said seriously.
It seems, not knowing what to say in response, she began to quickly, but also carefully pick up Suki, who was having her dreams.
- You are too much! - she left the last word for herself, while in order not to wake Suki, she had to speak directly into my ear, - tomorrow I will come to you at nine in the morning, - then there was a small and quick kiss on the corner of my lips, and a whisper on the verge of audibility, - thank you for everything.