
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Oriental
Pas assez d’évaluations
241 Chs

Chapter 26-The Countdown of Humanity's Last days. ( 1/2 )

"Black Bullet World"

Due to the presence of Xiao Feng, Kisara didn't open Tendo Civil Security after meeting him. So, Rentaro Saotomi has joined Katagiri Civil security.

In past month, Rentaro met Kisara once but she ignored him and left with Xiao Feng.

When Rentaro saw Xiao Feng his reaction was very intense. He accused Xiao Feng what right did he have to decide the life and death of humanity. He didn't have any right to judge humanity.

He used moral values and accused Xiao Feng of having power but not destroying Gastrea for humans and being a psychopath who wants to destroy human civilization.

He even tried take Kisara away by saying that she should not stay with such a dangerous guy who has tendency of killer. But Kisara immediately shook his hands and slapped him in the face then spoke,

"Feng is my lover. You have no right to accuse him about anything. You have no right to use moral laws to press him." Kisara gave dozens of slaps only then did she stop. She turned her face to Xiao Feng and spoke again, "Feng-kun you can deal with him as you like."

The moment Rentaro started accusing and cursing Xiao Feng the impression of Kisara about him changed completely.

She no longer treated him as a friend because Xiao Feng was her everything after she fell in love.

Although she has indeed taken revenge but instead of killing Tendo Kikunojou her grandfather she castrated him and copped his legs and hands.

She made his life worse than death but she did it without telling Xiao Feng because she didnt want him to think that she was vengeful women.

Xiao Feng completely ignored him and didn't pay attention to him. He didn't like Rentaro Saotomi from his previous life because of his double standard behaviour.

In the original book, He didn't like how Rentaro kept saying about protecting cursed son but when a little girl was being beaten on the street he didn't do anything. Only when she was about to die did he send her to hospital.

Xiao Feng didn't like the double standard protagonist like Rentaro even more than Xiao Yan.

Although Xiao Yan abandoned many women who loved him but at least he wasn't hypocritical like Rentaro.

Unlike Rentaro, once Xiao Yan decided to do something, no one could stop him, he wouldn't be like Rentaro even though he wanted to save cursed children but didn't have the guts. At least that's how Xiao Yan in original work was.

Now back to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng's cold eyes swept Rentaro which sent made him chill down to the bones.

Rentaro looked at the cold eyes of Xiao Feng, he couldn't help blaming his stupidity.

The one in front of him could destroy mountain easily, what had gotten into him that he started accusing such a powerful person. Rentaro was constantly blaming his stupidity.

Xiao Feng just looked at him with cold eyes then he took Kisara and walked away. Although Xiao Feng hated Rentaro but it wasn't not to the point of killing him. So, he ignored him like an ant.

When he left, Rentaro was lying on the ground full of sweat dripping from all parts of his body.


A week after Xiao Feng's date with everyone.

9 o'clock at night,

Outside Tokyo Area, in a luxurious mansion.

Koharu, Seitenshi, Kisara, Tina, Enju, Midori and Xiao Feng were sitting in the living room.

"Feng-kun do you really want to do it tomorrow."

"Yes, Onii-chan you still have more than 2 months left do you really want to do it."

The light in the room was quite dim and atmosphere of the room was quite heavy because of what Xiao Feng just told them.

All of them had never thought that the day of extermination will come so soon. They never tried that Xiao Feng will really destroy earth. Now listening to the plan of Xiao Feng, although all the good people will be saved but the earth will indeed be destroyed along with all the wicked people.

"Koharu, Seitenshi all of you guys. I have already made the plan. If you guys want to change decision then don't try it because only in this matter I will not listen to you guys." Xiao Feng pressed his hands on the table and spoke. "Seitenshi the plan will begin from tomorrow when the meeting starts. If you guys feel heavy then I will send you to the small world. You don't have to do anything. You just have to wait for my return." Xiao Feng had already planned that if they didn't want to participate then he will send them to the small world.

"Feng-kun we will witness everything that you will do. We don't want to leave you alone."

"Onii-chan we want to share everything with you."

"So, Brother all of us will stay with you until the end."

Although the girls were quite conflicted at first but their love overcame the hurdle and they decided to stay with Xiao Feng.

Next day,

"What the heck is going on? How come suddenly let me go to the defense province?"

"This is just what I want to know. I just received a message from the door." Katagiri Tamaki reached out and told Rentaro not to worry, and then he turned his eyes to Yuzuki's body.

"Now it seems that more than just "Katagiri Security Company", has received news?"

"Indeed many people are coming to attend the meeting. It seems it is very important." Katagiri Yuzuki had a thoughtful look on her cute face. "Also Mister Pervert pay attention to your manners when we enter the room, you don't even have your own initiator even though you are a police officer."

The corner of Rentaro's mouth twitched. He was hit by the poisonous tongue of Yuzuki.

Tamaki smiled slightly, but did not say anything. He crossed the side of Rentaro, came to the door next to him and pushed it away.

In front of Tamaki, Yuzuki and Rentaro, there is a long, elliptical table in the center, and a conference room with a huge display on the innermost wall.


The dull atmosphere that people couldn't help but breathe was almost in the moment when Tamaki opened the door, and the scenes in the conference room appeared together, making the shoulders of Rentaro and Yuzuki slightly stiff, and even Tamaki frowned slightly.

The culprit in creating this dull and breathless atmosphere is the crowd of people in the conference room.

I have a well-dressed suit, and I know that I am a superior, but I don't think that people who have suffered bitterness sit at the conference table in the middle of the room. The desktop in front of them is also marked with the name of a company. The brand tells the identity of the representatives of these police companies to everyone present.

Around these people, a group of directors of the police companies are obviously not wearing the same, not only have no unity, but also strange things, holding a black metal luster in their hands. People lean against the wall, and they are more or less suffocating.

There is no doubt that they are the police officers of the presidents of the police company sitting at the table, and they are the same promoters as Rentaro.

It can be seen that at the side of these policemen, each one is similar to the age of Yuzuki, and the young girl about ten years old stands there.

Obviously, these little girls are all the "initiators" of the police.

"What happened?" Rentaro unconsciously lowered his voice.

"Why are there so many police company presidents coming over with the company's internal police?"

"And, almost all of them are famous police companies in the Tokyo area." Rentaro became even more nervous.

"It seems that something big is going to happen."

In this regard, Tamaki did not add much comment, but directly opened the opened door and went inside.

When people inside saw that Tamaki came in, they automatically gave way for him. Katagiri Civil Security Company was quite famous in Tokyo so no one came to trouble Tamaki, Yuzuki and Rentaro.

In the original Rentaro was beaten by Shougen Ikoma but due to Tamaki being with him he didn't trouble him like the original.

After Tamaki sat down, Rentaro stood behind him with Yuzuki.

At the same time, a man in uniform and the official position did not seem to be low, went into the room.

At the place, some people suddenly suppressed their voices and gathered their eyes on the coming people.

The person also looked around at the place and immediately nodded.

"Today, let the presidents and police officers of the police companies come over, nothing else, there is a commission that I want to deliver to you!"

Having said that, the expression of the man began to be rigorous.

"However, before explaining the contents of this commission, I will tell you first, if you want to reject this commission, please withdraw now. After you have listened to the commission, this commission can no longer be rejected!"

It was said that the presidents of many police companies frowned at the undetectable, and even the Tamaki exchanged his eyes with Yuzuki and Rentaro

What is the difference between this and mandatory tasks?

However, no one was present at the scene and refused.

The presence of the famous police company is basically impossible. It is naturally impossible to give up before hearing the commission, which will only weaken the company's reputation.

The high-ranking officials dressed in uniforms also seemed to anticipate this. Just wanted to nod.

"Then his highness Seitenshi will tell you about further information."

"Hello everyone. I will explain about your commission."

As long as you are from the Tokyo area, you will not feel unfamiliar voices coming out from the suddenly lit display. The pictures in the display screen are also printed in the place where people are watching, present, everyone has fiercely widened his eyes.

Almost in the next second, all the presidents of the police company sitting at the conference table suddenly got up and stood up in a panic

What appears on the display is a beautiful girl who is covered in a layer of snow, dressed in pure white, with silver hair.

It is the ruler of the Tokyo area - Seitenshi

"Please don't be too cautious."

In the white sanctuary, the Seitenshi, sitting in a white chair, said this in a gentle tone.

"This time I am only your client. If you can listen to me seriously, I will be very grateful."

When I heard the words of the Seitenshi, some people's expressions were relaxed at the place, but no one sat down. Everyone offered the most basic respect to the girl who is the ruler of the Tokyo area, both nominally and truly.

"So, let's explain the commission now!" The face of the Seitenshi was undetectable but their was a trace of anxiety and worry hidden in her eyes.

"This time the commission itself is actually very simple. I hope that you can exclude a gut animal that has sneaked into the Tokyo area and recycle one such box from the body of the gut."

When the words fell, a window appeared on the display screen of the Seitenshi, which showed a lead-silver suitcase, which marked the word "mission target" and a number appeared next to it. Remuneration.

The box itself looks very ordinary, and there is nothing surprising.

However, the value of the rewards marked next to it is a confusion in the surrounding atmosphere.

Of course, it is not because the amount of compensation is too low.

On the contrary, the rewards that can be obtained after completing the task are too high.

It's so high that people can't believe it. It's just a reward for excluding a gut animal and a commission to recycle an ordinary box.

All of a sudden, the scene entered an absolutely silent state.

Except for those police officers who were accompanied by death on weekdays, the rest were all the presidents of the police company.

Being able to mix in this position, even if it is not savvy, is a keen sense of something that is not right at some important time.

This time, the commission is obviously not right.

Just as the room was silent, a burst of footsteps were herad from the table.

Xiao Feng had black eyes, wearing a black suit and black shoes, with his hair scattered like waterfall. He walked on the table and stood in the middle of the table.

All the president and police officer including Tamaki and Rentaro looked towards the source of sound.

When they saw that it was Xiao Feng who was walking on the table their hearts skipped a beat, large amount of sweat started to drip from their back.

They all knew who the guy in front of them was because although the ordinary people may have forgotten him and only remembered the trial but they as civil security officer had the photo of Xiao Feng. They didn't expect that such dangerous guy would come in the meeting.

When the cursed children saw him, their was only grateful look in their eyes, even the usual arrogant Yuzuki had grateful look in her eyes.

When Kayo Senju saw him she had more than just grateful look in her eyes. Their were few other emotions mixed in her eyes.

The reason for them being grateful was because Xiao Feng gave them Chaos refining technique which not only made their strength soar but it also eliminated the danger of them becoming a Gastrea.

Xiao Feng asked everyone of the cursed children whom he gave the cultivation technique that whether they would like to go with him.

Except for a few girls everyone else went with him. He didn't force anyone which made them even more grateful.

He also trained them for a while without the knowledge of their promotors which increased their strength greatly and some other emotions also germinated in their hearts but they didn't show it.

As for why Kayo Senju had different look, it was because Xiao Feng took special care of her during the time he spent with her.

Xiao Feng also liked Kayo a lot in his previous life.

In this life he wanted to know her first then progress in relationship. He took care of everything for Kayo during the time he was with her which made her quite dependent on him. She started having different emotions about Xiao Feng from then on.


Seitenshi looked at Xiao Feng and sighed. She knew that he would come and what would happen next she also knew. So, she signed and spoke in a low tone that no one could hear, "Feng-kun it looks like you are determined. Now, all I can do is to support you."


Silence filled the hall. Everyone looked at Xiao Feng with terrified eyes except for Seitenshi and cursed children.

Rentaro finally couldn't bear it, he gritted his teeth and spoke, "You guy what are you doing here."

"Shut up for me. I am in no mood to talk to you." A terrifying coercion was released from Xiao Feng, it quickly pressed Rentaro on the ground and made him kneel.

[ Ding! Hostility of the Son of the World for the host has been detected. ]

[ A new Mission is being generated. ]

[ Mission generation 1%, 3% 9%, 20%....100% ]

[ Mission released ]

[ Sideline Mission: Kill the Son of the World.

Mission Reward: Protagonist luck of Low level world, Six path reincarnation fist from "Cover the Sky" World.

( Ps: Using protagonist luck of Low level world, host can replace the protagonist of any low level world and the luck of host will increase greatly. )

Mission Failure: Host cultivation will drop by one level. ]

[ The reward will be settled after Host complete all the mission. ]

[ Host system recommends for you to complete the mission ]

Xiao Feng who had a cold look heard the message of mission being released by the System, he smiled slightly after looking at the reward and looked towards Rentaro Saotomi and thought, "Should I kill him now" , "Forget it let him go. Now, the important thing isn't about killing him" , "he can be killed at anytime."