
Bai Xiaoya

Éditeur: Atlas Studios

"Let me tell you—I, Bai Xiaolong, am known to be righteous, and I hate evildoers with a burning passion. If your porridge is not worth this price, I will definitely tell the entire East Delta County about this, and you can forget about selling another thing in East Delta County!" Bai Xiaolong mocked while watching Su Yu scoop the porridge.

"Are you afraid to speak? Do you have a guilty conscience? Weren't you really arrogant just now? Haha, just you wait, I will expose you!" Seeing that Su Yu had fallen silent, Bai Xiaolong became even more arrogant.

"Please enjoy your porridge." Not bothered to argue with him, Su Yu handed him the bowl of porridge without any expression.

"Let's see for how much longer you can act tough," Bai Xiaolong said as he reached out for the bowl. He first glanced at it in disdain before picking up the bowl to taste the porridge.

When Bai Xiaolong's lips touched the porridge, ripples formed in his heart. Although he only took a small mouthful, the unique fragrance of rice spread in his mouth. He was filled with inexplicable pleasure, as if he had drunk an elixir.

Did I just… drink some porridge?

Bai Xiaolong's face stiffened, and he looked at the bowl in his hand. He finally noticed that the rice was glistening with an extraordinary luster, looking too tempting.

Unable to contain his eagerness, he opened his mouth and took a big mouthful which made him exclaim in bliss. He put everything at the back of his mind and allowed himself to be fully immersed in the plain porridge.

As the scion of a wealthy family who was not talented in martial arts, he naturally led an idle and carefree life and was sloven most of the time. He had tried all sorts of delicacies and had once even spent a fortune on a certain dish.

However, after tasting that bowl of porridge, he immediately felt that he had lived in vain. The bowl of porridge seemed to have opened the door to a new world for him.

"Young Master Su, is the rice for sale too? How much does it cost? I'll take it all!" Han Dapeng said as he snapped back to his senses.

"5 mid-grade spirit stones per 500 grams. There are a total of 10 kilograms here. You may just pay me with 1 superior-grade spirit stone."

"Okay! I—"


Bai Xiaolong almost leaped up, and he could no longer be bothered to finish the porridge. He said anxiously, "I'm offering 10 mid-grade spirit stones for 500 grams. I'm taking all of this rice! Also, I'll pay you another 20 mid-grade spirit stones for this entire pot of porridge!"

He wants the porridge too!? This may be a huge pot, but there must be enough porridge to fill at most eight bowls. 20 mid-grade spirit stones are more than enough.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden and drastic change. Their eyes almost popped out of their heads, and they started to look at Bai Xiaolong in a hostile manner. If not for the coercion of this kid, they might have already gotten to taste the porridge!

They had been staring at the porridge for a long time, but they did not expect Bai Xiaolong to backstab them. At the thought that they had turned down Su Yu's offer to taste the porridge for free, they wished that they could give themselves a tight slap.

"Deal!" Su Yu only cared about money. He happily clinched the deal with Bai Xiaolong as 22,400 gold coins would be deposited in the system. He put away the spirit stones merrily and said to the surrounding people, "My stall will be open for business again tomorrow. The rice will be sold for 10 mid-grade spirit stones per 500 grams."


The people in the market immediately got into an uproar… Initially, the price of 5 mid-grade spirit stones per 500 grams of rice was already extremely high, and they did not expect the prices to increase. They wondered what mystic ability the porridge had to make Bai Xiaolong instantly change his attitude.

The Bai Clan residence was considered one of the upper-middle-tier of forces in East Delta County. However, based on their wealth alone, they were in the top three of East Delta County. They were a classic clan of merchants.

There was an inner courtyard in the residence, with pavilions, rockery, and water features. It was an incredibly elegant environment.

"Sister, sister! Look what I brought you."

Bai Xiaoya was seated in a small pavilion in the center of the lake, looking absolutely gorgeous in white. She was as pretty as a fairy who had descended in the mortal world. She looked so dignified that she seemed inviolable, like a white lotus floating quietly on the lake by the pavilion, pure and flawless.

However, she was frowning a little and looking at Bai Xiaolong, who was scurrying toward her excitedly.

She understood her younger brother very well. He would idle around all day and be extremely condescending, arrogant, and haughty. He was impulsive and would never think twice before doing anything. Fortunately, he was not ill-natured, or else he would be a typical rich man's son.

She could tell that he had either been duped or had gotten into trouble.

As he got closer, Bai Xiaoya's frown grew deeper when she saw him carrying a huge sack on his shoulder and a large pot in his arms. He was running over in a disheveled state and was smiling complacently.

Is there something wrong with his brain? Bai Xiaoya thought worriedly.

"Sister, this is the treasure I found at the market this morning. It will satisfy you!" Bai Xiaolong threw the sack of rice he was carrying onto the ground before carefully placing the pot in front of Bai Xiaoya.

"Porridge? Plain porridge?" Bai Xiaoya looked at Bai Xiaolong with bewilderment and worry in her eyes.

Indeed, his brains are fried. He lacks talent in the first place, and he fails at everything. Has he become a fool now?

"Sister, don't belittle this rice and porridge. I swear you've definitely never eaten something so delicious!" Bai Xiaolong swore.

Bai Xiaoya looked at the way Bai Xiaolong treated the rice and porridge as if they were treasures. She shook her head helplessly and looked away.

Clearly, her younger brother had been duped again, and this time, it was an extremely juvenile sham. He actually brought rice home. Are his brains fried?

"Sister, taste this porridge. I promise you'll like it." Bai Xiaolong promoted enthusiastically while handing the bowl of porridge to Bai Xiaoya.

Bai Xiaoya frowned. The porridge had already cooled down for a long time, and thus no aroma was wafting from it. In addition, the entire pot of porridge had already become thick and viscous, thus looking rather unappetizing.

As the Bai Clan's daughter, Bai Xiaoya had never eaten inferior food. Hence, she did not even bother to take a single glance at it.

Bai Xiaolong discovered the reason and immediately suggested, "Sister, this porridge has turned cold. I'll cook you another pot." He eagerly wanted to see his sister's reaction after tasting the porridge, so he instructed the servants, "Hurry and bring me a pot and a stove!"

Bai Xiaoya finally couldn't stand it and flew into a rage. "Xiaolong, when will you learn to be smarter and stop being so childish!"

He actually wants to bring the pot here too. Does he take this place to be the kitchen? He's even going to such great lengths for a pot of porridge. His brains must be fried.

"Sister, trust me. This porridge is definitely the best in the Five Deltas Continent!" Bai Xiaolong exclaimed with a sincere expression, causing Bai Xiaoya to get a great shock. It was the first time she had ever seen her brother being so serious.

"The best? Where did you get this rice from?" Bai Xiaoya was stunned and asked as she wondered if it had come from an extraordinary source.

"I bought it at the market."

"So it's from the market… huh?" Bai Xiaoya's face turned as red as a tomato.

What kind of superior goods can he get from the market? How dare this rascal tease me!?