
Connecting Unspoken Emotions

Can love be transferred? Or the only we do is develop it in ourselves to make us feel loved? Can bestfriend's be truly trusted? Two besties who planned simple academic life head to NYC to fulfill their childhood dream of becoming detectives about to accomplish but do they know that a life of events, a life of trouble is what waiting for them in NYC. Are they gonna excell it or just gonna be stuck in between a young chiseled sharp jawline and extraordinary looks holder Evan's life tragedy and keeps colliding with Daniel.

Khushi_Singh_2702 · Politique et sciences sociales
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1 Chs

Part 1-Leaving close one's behind

"Order Order silence please" keep calm Krishanthana spoke in a shaky voice.

Your Honor, looking at all the proofs, I would like to say in front of you that Nate had stolen Allora's biscuits.

Nate angrily replied while staring at Twril, when did I do this? Wrapper is found from your house don't lie my friends,

Your Honor one more thing look at this biscuit its rat-like teeth marks are just like him enough evidence i guess now.

Everyone around starts laughing holding their stomach after hearing this.

Silence silence Krishanthana said hiding her smile looking at all the evidence Nate has been declared guilty now, she also started laughing wholeheartedly. The poor Nate gets up and runs away without uttering a word.

Allora asked both of them why did he left with tears in his eyes?

Krishanthana and Twril together said May felt bad, let the child be childish for a while

We are also only 8 years old, if you have forgotten Allora said while staring the soul out of them.

Oh sorry, But he is in the seventh year and eleventh months, he is a child. Let him go, let us play home-home.

"Where is Caleb? do call him, he is gonna be my husband" said Allora

Oho Allora uhm hmm your bestie umhm bet!


Krisha wake-up honey today's your first step towards your career. look who has come out your Twirl.

Goood morningggg fvt lady!! Krisha has packed everything, hasn't she? Oh twril I'm not sure find out yourself she is a sloth don't you know? I agree aunt permissions please . Yeah for sure

When Twril was about to enter the krisha's room. Krisha slams the door on her face leaving her stunned with a bump of her head.

Ughh!! What's wrong with you? Don't expect me to be a candy with you wait for me in the living room I'm coming down. Alright then Twril replied while ruminating all the convo.

30mins later

As a child, I used to stop the bus for you, will not stop the airplane, come down soon Mr Gilbert shouted in a tensed manner.

Krishanthana Gilbert are you alive? Twril asked her while being other side of the door.

No bitc! I'm dead, I'm gonna dissolve into tears. I'm sure i must being crazy but i can't help it krisha replied while opening the door

I'm confused right know whether to hug you or give you a punch on our face but inspite of these all contradictory here is the bear-hug kry baby stay strong don't be a dream chaser be a dream catcher my gurl. Thats it!! grab your stuffs,We need to get into cars in next 15min or else we are gonna miss our flight to NYC Twril continued the convo...

Good enough, spare me 5min lemme fix my shitty puppy face.

Ok agreed said by Twril.

While everyone one was saying goodbye to us krishanthana last brain cells were still processing all those memories spent here.

A black SUV was waiting for us and i was being paranoid.

Krisha where is Nate i haven't seen him like for 2 days.

Me either she replied.

Getting into the car sudden thought strikes to Twril's mind No wonder, we were about to fulfill our childhood dreams but don't know why everyone's eyes were glittering with tears? Is this a moment of grief or a proud I don't know. Why are these depicted by tears? Why do tears have multiple meanings, still a question.

The car was about to move but a sudden loud shouting voice of someone strikes in their ears from behind to stop.

unknown:Stop stop its my request please!!! OH GOD.


Hello peeps!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Please let me know of any grammar mistakes!!

Also do share your review to us as we are two unskilled teen besties writing this story.
