
Conflicted Priorities

Jace and Alec are accidently de-aged and what ensues after

Stormhawk · TV
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5 Chs



It was supposed to be simple. Get the Seelies out and nothing could go wrong, right? WRONG!

Alec and Jace went in to get them, but when the Seelies ran out they were nowhere to be found. The only other people that came out were two children in shirts way to big for them and pants rolled up several times, dragging a pile of. . .something behind them. The slightly taller boy had short dirty blond hair and was urging the smaller one to go faster. The smaller one had short, messy pitch black hair and he was the one dragging the things behind him. Izzy and Clary glanced at each other uncertainly before wandering over to help.

As they neared them they could hear the boys were not running in fright... but excitement! The blondie was chattering excitedly while the smaller boy nodded along, his face had the barest hint of a smile.

"Did you see that thing? It was AWESOME!"

*head nod*

"It was like whoosh and we were like wah! And then you were like bam!"

*another head nod*

"Let's do it again!"

*firm shake of head*

"Awww, why not? It was fun!"


"Ya I guess"

Clary and I made no move to talk to them, too baffled by what just happened. "Uh. . .Alec?" I asked tentatively. The boys stopped and looked over. The blondie replied, "Are you Izzy? You look like Izzy. But Izzy's smaller. This place is cool. Why are we here? How did we get here? Who's the red-head? Wait! Clary right? Ya that's the name. It's pretty. I think it suits you."

I couldn't do anything but nod, surprised that the boy (Jace, it's Jace) could say all that in one breath.

"Let's take them to Magnus" Clary suggested.

I nodded, "good idea."

"Who's Magnus?" Jace asked curiously.

Just as I opened my mouth to to explain, Alec spoke up. (That's my older brother??)

"Magnus is the high-warlock of Brooklyn. Super powerful, but mom doesn't like him. I don't know why."

"Cool! Let's go!"

"Hold on" Clary said, causing the boys to stop walking, "we don't even know for sure who you are!"

"Oh that's easy" giggled blondie, "I'm Jace Wayland and I'm 12. This silent guy is going to become my parabatai! His name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Alec frowned at Jace. "You're not supposed to tell anyone my full name you idiot, what if they're demons pretending to be people?" Jace gasped, "You're right! Well we can just kick their butts, we did it inside anyways."

Alec looked like he would have face-palmed, had he not been dragging something and I almost snorted at how funny his face was. "What are you holding Alec?" I asked, electing to ignore the demon comment. Alec looks up at me skeptically, "show me your runes, both of you, then I'll show you." We easily roll up our sleeves, showing off the numerous runes. Alec then shrugs and crouches down to untie the bundle. Turns out it was the jacket of one of Valentine's men. Inside was Alec's bow and quiver, Jace's seraph blades and leather jacket, and someone's stele.

"Whose stele?" Clary asks and Alec points at Jace. Jace smiles sheepishly, "that's where it went huh?"

Finally I crack a smile and soon I'm outright laughing, this is too good, honestly. They all look at me as if I've gone mad. "Of course, Jace gets turned back into a kid and of course my brother is one as well because he's too stubborn to let Jace face any danger alone." I'm still laughing.

My laughter is cut short when the screech of something breaks the silence. A dark figure flies out from behind the boys and launches a bottle at the boys. I crack my whip at the thing but miss the bottle. Clary as a short-range fighter is no help and instead sprints for the bottle. The figure collapses on the floor, writhing in agony before exploding into flames.

I hear the telltale sign of glass shattering and my head swerves to look at the kids. Clary's hand just inches from the broken glass, the contents start smoking.

"Look out!" I scream, shoving Clary and we roll.

There's a flash of light and then there are two, even smaller kids standing where the almost teenagers once were. I am definitely not laughing anymore.

I stand, pulling Clary to her feet as well. We make it all of 2 steps in the direction of the boys before Jace leaps into action.

Little Alec is suddenly tucked protectively behind Jace as he steps forward, struggling to lift the seraph dagger.

"No huwt my Awec" he states determinedly. "It's ok!" Clary replies kneeling down, "we're just wondering how old you little guys are."

"I fowe"


Oh no. Raziel save them.