
3 : Magician

Exactly why Hisoka sat next to Kira while watching a match between Gon and Riehlvelt was unknown. Maybe it's because Kira was seated at the last row of spectators. Or maybe the person that was seated beside her hasn't come back from his washroom breaks 15 minutes ago, giving the idea of an empty seat.

Or... Was it Hisoka..? Gotten rid of the man? But why?

The situation is very obvious here. But Kira chooses to be in a character.

"Er, excuse me... The seat here was taken-"

"Did you get what you needed while watching Killua's match just now? ♣️"

Hisoka said indifferently. His eyes never leave the match in front of them as Gon lifted a flagstone from the stage.

The action received a thundering ovation from the crowd. Even the man beside Kira too got distracted from their earlier conversation and pays more attention to the match.

Riehlvelt manages to dodge the flagstone that's being thrown at. But his whips from earlier had stopped. This is where Gon's victory is guaranteed.

Hisoka smile amusingly. "In an emergency state, he could only run and didn't have time to change his direction. The only thing he could do was to move forward. ♠️"

"Ah. Because of his sudden propulsion, he lost his balance and had to stop his whipping," said Kira.

Hisoka's attention diverts back to the girl who he has just forgotten amid the fight. His smile is wider now as if he's amused of Kira for having the same thought as him.

Kira turned to face him. Her face was unfazed by the whole situation.

"And to answer your question earlier, Hisoka, I don't know what were you talking about."

"You are one of those bruisers that those gamblers hired, am I right? ❤️"

The white-haired girl blinked in confusion. Hisoka continues.

"I've seen you eyeing and stalking Killua every now and then. Whether it's when he's fighting or when he's one of the spectators. - You were hired by those gamblers to get rid of him, isn't it? ♦️"

Betting on fighters are extremely common in Heaven's Arena. Many would bet a pretty amount of money on one promising fighter and they would do anything to maintain their victories. There's no way dirty work is not involved in any of these. Threatening, murder, blackmailing, you name it. Some hire professionals to get the job done.

Kira isn't surprised that Hisoka found out 'the truth' about her. But then again, she's relieved that her secret still remains intact.

'Tch... This man almost gave me a heart attack.'

Nevertheless, Kira plays along. She gives Hisoka an amused smirk.

"Well done, Hisoka. I guess I'm really bad at doing my job that I've been caught red-handed."

Kira fake sighs.

"Some shady man by the name of Smith approached me one day and offered me a pretty amount if I could make that white-haired boy.. disappears... He's been K.O -ing fighters left and right, he's definitely a threat to those gamblers."

Hisoka side-eyed Kira suspiciously.

"Did they told you to get rid of Gon as well?"

Kira turned her attention to Gon who's still fighting. She couldn't face the man next to her that suddenly has an aura emitting from his body. Plus, His facial expression alone says it all. She has to be cautious of the next word she's about to say to him.

"They did," said Kira, still eyeing Gon. "Since they all were betting on Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt."

Hisoka's bloodlust is becoming stronger.

"However, I was once again approached but by those gamblers who were rooting for Gon. And what they offered me were even better."

By now, the match is over with Gon appears as the winner. The ovation from the crowds erupted once again. Hisoka seems to be satisfied with Kira's answer as he got up from his seat and decided to walk away.

But before that,

"Give up on that, lass. From my assessment of you, you're nowhere near the stage where you can get rid of Killua. No offense. ♠️"

Hook, line, and sinker... Kira smirk inwardly.

"But if I ever find you lay a hand on both of them, I'll end you."

Kira frowns at his words.

'What connection does this psychopath have with Killua?'
