
Condemed To War

Ares has finally had enough of the disrespect from the other gods and has decided that he deserves Hekate as his bride. Hekate disagrees, in order for Hekate to escape him she leaves her immortal body to find a human vessel. Kate loves her cafe, cares about her friends, and lets a goddess live inside of her. Hekate has been with Kate's family since she left her body taking over when necessary to fight against Ares minions. Everything was going well until the day one of Ares son's attacks her outside of her cafe and she discovers that someone has set Ares free.

Bianca_Schreiner · Fantaisie
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98 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four

   Kate sat up quickly and searched around her for Phobos and Deimos reaching for Hekate's magick.

   "Easy Kate," a familiar voice said small hands placed on her shoulders eased her back down onto what Kate realized were the pillows, on her bed, in her apartment. She looked at the person touching her dumbstruck.

   Her laugh filled the room as Persephone helped her to lay back comfortably, "Hello dear friend, welcome back to the waking world."

   Kate scrunched her brows and watched as Persephone placed a straw in a glass of water and held it out to her. She took a sip still so confused, "Any idea why she is here?" she asked Hekate but no answer came from her goddess. She reached for them going deeper into herself until she finally found her nestled in her chest.

   "Hekate used a lot of magick dealing with Ares' sons," Persephone said seeing Kate's sadness, "But she is still there, she only needs time to heal."

   "I know, it's just so weird to not be able to hear her voice," Kate said, "How are you here?" she blurted out.

   Persephone gave her a blank look, "I am not sure what you mean."

   Kate raised a brow, she was pretty sure she did know what she meant but, "How are you here? In my apartment? Shouldn't you be in the Underworld with Hades?" she asked.

   "Oh, I see," Persephone said setting the cup down and folding her hands in her lap, "Cassandra and Aithan." Kate tilted her head waiting for more.

   "Cassandra knows I am more than just a goddess of flowers, so she sent Aithan to bring me to you," she held her hands up and a soft golden glow emanated from her hands, "Being friends with a healing goddess can come in handy," she placed a hand on Kate's head which had started thrumming, the feeling of being held by a loved one engulfed her head and suddenly the thrumming stopped.

   Kate looked at Persephone astonished, she had never considered the Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld would be a healer but it made all kinds of sense. After her mother destroys the earth someone has to heal it so it can bloom anew.

   "Thank you, Percy," Kate said using Hekate's nickname for her.

   "No thanks necessary, you have somehow become very important to me mortal," she said the word teasingly and Kate swiped weakly at her. Persephone giggled easily moving out of the way.

   "Where is Cassandra? Aithan?" she asked looking around the room.

   "They are here Kate, don't worry. Aithan went back into his bracelet and Cassandra is in the kitchen attempting to use your stove to make tea, but between us, I am not too hopeful."

   "I heard that," came Cassandra's voice as she turned and entered the room holding a tray with a teapot, cups, and snacks laid about it. "And you're right, that infernal thing is supposed to be easier than a hearth fire but it is not." She set the tray down on the other nightstand and taking a seat began to make Kate a cup of tea. As she watched the steam rise from the tea Kate eased herself down onto her pillows, Persephone had done a great job healing her physical wounds, she hardly ached anywhere, but she was so exhausted that she wasn't sure she would be able to hold a teacup let alone eat anything.

   "Nuh uh Kate," Cassandra said pulling her out of her daze, "I know you are exhausted but you must eat something you haven't had anything in three days."

   That caught her attention, "Three days?" she asked her eyes going wide, "Has anyone seen or heard from Amanda and Ollie, did anyone tell them I am back?"

   "Calm Kate," Persephone said handing her a teacup and a small grilled cheese sandwich, "Both of the mortals are fine and are at your cafe as we speak."

   Cassandra scrunched her face at the use of the word mortals but shook her head choosing to keep quiet for now, "They know you are home and resting," she added, "They will be here tonight for supper."

   Kate let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and took a small bite from her sandwich. To her surprise it was delicious and she scarfed the entire thing down quicker than she wanted to.

   "I thought you said you couldn't use the stove?" she asked Cassandra.

   "I never said that, I said it wasn't as easy as a hearth, not that I couldn't use it."

   They all chuckled and Kate snagged another sandwich from the tray gobbling it down taking sips of her tea between bites. Eventually, she began yawning and no matter how hard she tried to hide it the girls saw.

   "We will leave you to rest," Persephone said getting to her feet and Cassandra followed her lead grabbing the tray. They walked out of her room closing the door quietly behind them.

   Kate eased back trying to relax, she was so happy that she had been able to save Cassandra but Deimos and Hera had escaped not to mention Ares was still free. She could feel herself start to worry but before it could overtake her she felt so much comfort coming from deep inside her and she knew Hekate was trying to ease her panic. She exhaled slowly and dug herself deeper into her pillows, she knew this wasn't over but for now, all she wanted was sleep.

   She opened her eyes this time finding herself alone in her bedroom. Sitting up she took stock of her body realizing there were no more aches and pains and swung her legs over her bed getting to her feet. The room spun for a few moments and she reached out grasping the nightstand. Someone had changed her into comfortable shorts and a tank top as well as plaiting her hair. She smiled, she had a feeling both Cassandra and Percy had helped. The room finally stood still and she made her way to the living room where she could hear the hushed whispers of her friends. As she walked into the living room she stood and looked at them all sitting and chatting happily.

   "Who would have known Percy would be so happy among mere mortals," the Maiden said softly.

   "Hekate, thank gods, how are you feeling?" she asked turning from her friends to stand in her kitchen.

   "Tired Kate, but we wanted to tell you how amazing you were through all of this," the Mother said lovingly.

   "But this isn't over yet, be on your guard," the Crone added.

   "I will," she looked back into the living room, "For now get some rest and let's just enjoy life while we can."

   "Agreed," all three voices echoed and Kate felt as they faded into the background listening to her and getting rest.

   Kate went back to the living room and plopped down next to Amanda and Percy who were going on and on about the different flowers, Persephone was telling her about a rare flower that only bloomed once a month and Amanda was listening attentively.

   "How are you feeling?" Ollie asked slightly timid, Kate smiled, she knew this had all been a lot for him to swallow.

   "I am much better now."

   "I think that might scar," he said brushing a  finger across a raise on her cheek.

   "I am sorry about that," Persephone said turning her attention to them, "I was able to heal most of the damage from Deimos and Phobos but the latter has a venom in his claws that, though you can heal from it, it will leave a mark no matter how much healing magick is used."

   Kate reached up and felt for the scar they were talking about, she traced the raised skin tentatively, Phobos had managed to mark her, but she wasn't going to let it damage her. They had survived, that was all that mattered, she would wear the mark with pride.

   "It's okay Ollie," she said, "It just proves I am stronger than I look."

   "With that scar, you look pretty strong," he teased and she reached out and smacked him.

   "I am starving," she said, "Pizza anyone?"