
Condemed To War

Ares has finally had enough of the disrespect from the other gods and has decided that he deserves Hekate as his bride. Hekate disagrees, in order for Hekate to escape him she leaves her immortal body to find a human vessel. Kate loves her cafe, cares about her friends, and lets a goddess live inside of her. Hekate has been with Kate's family since she left her body taking over when necessary to fight against Ares minions. Everything was going well until the day one of Ares son's attacks her outside of her cafe and she discovers that someone has set Ares free.

Bianca_Schreiner · Fantaisie
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98 Chs

Chapter Eighty-Three

 "Do not touch that apple," Athena bit out, she hadn't even flinched when the apple landed her eyes staying glued to the cruel smiling goddess. 

 "But it is so much more fun when you do," Eris pretended to pout and looked at Deimos, "Be a dear, make sure one of them touches that apple." At her words, Deimos and Phobos both smiled with pleasure at the group and began to make their way slowly toward them. 

 "Okay Athena, what do we do here?" Ollie held his sword defensively but Kate could tell he knew this was going to be one fight he might not come out of.

 "So long as no one touches that apple Eris will have nothing to use against us," Athena said glaring at her nephews.

 "Don't let Phobos touch you either," Kate warned under her breath as she eyed the ggod'slong, disgusting, and knarled fingers, "He touched me the last time we fought only Hekate was in charge, she never fully told me what happened but whatever it was it wasn't good."