
Concealed: The Hidden Power

"The earth where we live is like an illusion of the real world. You have to travel all way to a parallel world to gather the stone to save this world." She was just an alonely orphan but suddenly she becomes part of the most influential family. When the evil force which her ancestor has surpassed began to raise again a group of teenagers was given a task to defeat it again. All they have to do was find seven stones and unseal the hidden power. However, will they even find the stone, awaken their power and save the world. And mainly will they be able to shut the mouth of people saying. "They are girls, can they even save themselves."

Geniesa · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Real Identity II

"... this is the twin planet made by the great king with no magic."

Kelsie stops talking and looks at Druhi hesitating if she should speak more or not.

"Then what about all this chaos?"

"Before shifting all the living beings to this place, the great king has punished king of Naraka and banish him in his own kingdom. He cannot come out of his Kingdom but what is a tragedy is he kidnapped the king and queen of the Swarga. Since no one can come outside the Kingdom because of the great king curse it was impossible to come out. Moreover, no one can go inside and come out alive because of King's of Naraka black magic."

She then slowly get up on her feet and walk towards the window, if ever one can invade all this and save the majesty of the Swarga is the royal blood of the great king who has the power to merge all the shards to make it a single stone. And that person is.... that person is you my highness."

Druhi fell as she has fallen from a high tower, she doesn't know how to react. She was an orphan who was lonely but in a matter of time she was not only the girl with her parents but her parents are being tortured in some magical worlds.

With the second thought, she looks at Kelsie again.

"How can I believe that whatever things you are telling me are all correct. What if you are just trying to hypnotize me with your words and nonsensical stories. Do you have any proof that you didn't makeup all these lies?"

"I know it's hard.... but you have to. Cause I'm your protector whose duty is to guide you and protect you."

Druhi scoff at her, how can she trust anyone that easily? And the one who is wearing a weird costume ahead knows some of the magic and talk about all the things God knows what.

"You may have lots of things in your mind right now, take some rest I'll leave give so some time to spend alone." With that, she bows her head and walks towards the door.

Druhi eyes never left the retreating figure and before Kelsie leave she turns back and looks at her in her eyes.

"You have to acknowledge all this fact as soon as you can, we don't have much time left." with that she exits the room.

At the headquarter of Kingdom Prithivi...

Kelsie enters the large room where servants were doing their works. Seeing her presence one of the servants comes to welcome her.

"Inform the master, I'm here to report him an important case."

"I'm really sorry miss, master has order not to disturb him. You have to come again at another time or you can wait here," she says with a smile not wanting to offend any of the guests who arrive there because they have a strong aura surrounding them. Which was the complete opposite to their masters who are so kind and soft.

Not wanting to waste time talking with her, she went to sit on the sofa while she tries to talk with the King through telepathy.

Since she was a frequent guest, all the servant knows her for her few words and a straight face. So they didn't feel alert of her sitting inside without the host. They went back to their work without paying too much attention.

The maid from earlier brings her some juice and fruits to have while she waits.

Soon the King of Prithvi come downstairs with the head butler behind him.

"Kelsie you should have come earlier for lunch." He sat down on the sofa with a huge smile.

Kelsie stood up to greet his majesty and sat down when he sat in his place.

"Master I've some important things to inform you." Without any delay, she speaks up.

"Lady, would you like some tea to enjoy while talking?" Head butler says as he saw the fruit plate and juice were left untouched on the table.

She shook her head and look toward the King.

'Majesty, I've found her.'

She was one of the few members of the Royal family who can talk through telepathy with anyone. So she has a quite high rank.

"Let's go to the office to discuss things." with that he went upstairs followed by Kelsie.


Druhi sat on the floor absentmindedly for a long time after Kelsie went out. She was lost in her thoughts and didn't know how to react.

She knew she can't be wrong about the things she saw in her dream. It was the same nightmare that haunts her for almost eight years of her life. It was her in her dream and the person they were calling was her for sure.

But all the information and things about those shards and incident it makes her mind a whole mess. If she was really the one who can save this mess then why not she has any power. She was just a normal human being, but she was not even sure whether she can trust all the information of those stories.

She suddenly feels the massive wave of headache, as if something was hitting her head with great power. She held her head and cries in pain, she feels something rushing through her blood, the wave of energy. Her whole body was burning in pain and she feels an itch in her skin and nails. When she felt a heavy air heating her from the back merging it in her she passed out.