
30. Chapter 30

Jay got up from his desk and slipped on his coat. Erin's watched him. He locked eyes with her for a moment, giving her a quick glance, eyebrows raised and a small smile on his face, as he followed Olinksy out of the room and down the stairs. One of Al's informants had some information about an ex-army buddy that he claims was involved in a major gun deal. Al seemed pretty doubtful about the intel, but with Jay's military background, he wanted him as backup. Erin didn't really like it when Jay went out without her on his six, but it was just something she had to deal with. It wasn't that she didn't trust him to take care of himself, but she just liked knowing she had his back. Erin let her eyes follow his path until he disappeared out of sight. She sighed softly as she watched him go.

It had been an amazing week. Since their first "official" back together date, they'd been inseparable. Long days at work, evenings spent with Daniel, and nights spent reconnecting. Not to mention the impending holiday. They'd managed to squeeze in some last-minute shopping, present wrapping, and even took Daniel to see Santa. She was tired, but she had never been happier. A dreamy smile played on her lips, her eyes still staring aimlessly at the now empty stairwell.

The sound of a throat clearing broke Erin's daydream. She was startled and blinked quickly. Kim's amused face suddenly came into focus. Erin blushed.

"He's been gone for like two minutes, Lindsay." Kim laughed.

Narrowing her eyes, Erin gave Kim a hard look. "I know. I was just thinking about something else. Got lost in thought."

"Yeah, right." Kim shook her head. "Lost in thought about how much you want Halstead is more like it."

Erin just rolled her eyes and turned her head to her computer, where she was working on filling out some paperwork. "I have no idea what you are talking about." She nonchalantly replied, lifting up some papers and double checking the information with what she saw on her screen. She prayed that Kim would decide to change the subject.

It would seem that Erin had no luck, when Kim rolled her chair over until she was right next to Erin's desk. "No, seriously. You two have been adorable all week. Jay staring at you with heart eyes and you batting your eyelashes at him all flirty. The nonstop googly eyed looks have been quite entertaining."

Erin threw down the file she was looking at. "We do not just sit around staring at each other. I've told you this before. Knock it off." She added a bit of sharpness to her voice to hopefully cover the blush she knew was staining her cheeks.

Kim leaned back in her chair and eyed Erin knowingly. "Okay, maybe you two didn't in the past too much, but trust me. This week has been so sweet; I've got a toothache. Between the longing stares, the eye sex, and meet ups in the break room for "coffee," it is amazing how either of you two ever gets any work done." Kim smiled at the look of utter embarrassment that flushed Erin's skin. "Oh, and Atwater and I have a bet about who and when someone is going to walk in on you two going at it. I've got $50 bucks it's gonna be Olinksy sometime today, so if you can make that happen for me, I'd totally appreciate it." Deciding she had appropriately embarrassed her friend, she rolled herself back over to her desk.

Erin pretended interest in her case file, even while knowing that her cheeks were flushed with mortification. She'd tried to deny that her and Jay had been acting how Kim had claimed, but the truth was, they were so ridiculously in love, that Kim was probably right. She did make a mental note to tell Jay to knock off the eyes. Erin blamed him after all. He had this manner of looking at her. His blue eyes would just focus on her in a way that just got her all hot and bothered. He didn't even have to say anything. He'd just look at her, and she'd just melt. They had to be careful though. Hank might have given them the green light, even played matchmaker a bit, but he was still their boss. If he thought that their relationship was effecting the job or the squad, he'd probably switch up their partnership or possible even something more drastic like moving one of them out of intelligence.

Kim and Erin both worked silently for another half hour before Kim broke the silence. "You two have big plans for the holiday weekend? I can't believe we have Christmas Eve and Day off. Intelligence is sure better than patrol."

Erin glanced up at Kim, "Well, we've worked holiday's before, and nothing is ever guaranteed. If the shit hits the fan, they will still call us in." Erin gave Kim a cautious look. "Just spending the weekend with family, of course. Doing the Santa thing and all with my nephew."

Kim lowered her voice despite the fact that they were alone in the squad room. "Do you actually do the family thing with Voight? Is that weird, you and Jay, hanging with your boss on the holidays?"

"It's no big deal." Erin shrugged a little bit and thought about how the holiday was going to go. Hank always had cooked a traditional Christmas dinner for as long as she could remember. Of course, once upon a time, their family unit had been larger, and often years had extended to friends of the family. This year, Erin knew it was going to be a hard one for Hank. With Justin gone, and it just being Erin and Daniel, she knew that Christmas morning wasn't going to be an easy time for him. Tomorrow for Christmas Eve, Jay's brother and his girlfriend were coming to dinner to have a little Halstead holiday dinner, but Christmas was going to be a Voight thing. Erin had convinced Jay that it was important for them to be over there all day. Presents and hanging out in the morning and helping with dinner preparations in the afternoon. Jay had been pretty doubtful about the experience, but had agreed that getting past the holidays was going to be group effort.

The afternoon flew by and soon it was evening. The guys had all returned from their different tasks, and Voight had rolled in about a half hour ago. There was a hint of anticipation in the squad room as everyone waited for the signal to go home. Nervous eyes kept glancing at Voight's closed door as files were stacked and put away, and the tops of everyone's desk became more and more empty.

Suddenly, Voight's door sprung open. He took a few steps out into the room, and everyone paused in their movements to direct their attention toward their boss.

"Well, I am surprised all of you are still even here. It's a holiday weekend. Go home, be with your families and celebrate the holiday. Provided this city doesn't fall apart over the next two days, I expect to see all of you here Monday morning at 8 a.m." Ruzek let out a loud whoop and jumped up out of his chair. Everyone else was more discreet, but cheerfully rose from their chairs. Handshakes and hugs passed from team member to team member, as final holiday greetings were given.

Erin lingered, slipping on her jacket, while she waited for Jay. He had gone into the locker room to grab some of his stuff. Hank eyed her while she straightened a few things on her desk. He stuffed his hands into his jean pockets and rocked back on his heels. "You two still planning on heading over on Sunday?" Erin could see some apprehension on his face.

"Of course. We've got Jay's thing with his family tomorrow, but then we will be over Christmas morning." Erin gave him a bright smile, "Do you need us to bring anything?"

"Just yourselves….and of course my amazing grandson." He returned the smile, and Erin could see some of the worry dissipate. Hank wasn't one for revealing his inner pain, but Erin knew that Justin's death was probably in the forefront of his mind. How could it not be? Erin hoped having Daniel to share the holiday with might bring some much-needed joy to the Voight household.

Hank gave a quick nod toward the hallway. "You two all good now? No more drama."

Erin held back the eye roll, but couldn't hide the smirk. "No more drama." She lay her hand on his arm. "A lot to do with you." It was true. Hank's advice of forgiveness and even giving her the responsibility of taking care of Daniel all are what led her back to Jay. Hank shook his head, but Erin could see a bit of pride in his face. She could tell that he was happy that he had a hand in her finding happiness. Impulsively Erin wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug. "Seriously. Thank you." She whispered against his shoulder.

He pulled back a bit to look at her in the eyes. She could see sadness in his eyes. "You deserve happiness, Erin. Take it. Enjoy it. Treasure it because you never know when-"

Both sprang apart as they heard footsteps, and they turned to see Jay emerging from the hallway. He looked uncertain, as if he wasn't quite sure what he had come in on. Despite everyone knowing their connection, it was rare for Hank to show her affection at work. Jay hesitated at the doorway unsure if he was intruding. Hank looked Jay over seriously. His lips formed a tight line, eyes assessing Jay. His voice was gruff when he finally spoke. "Take care of my girl, you hear? You take care of her."

Slightly confused, Jay just nodded. "Yeah, um, of course. Always." He looked to Erin for clarification on what was going on. Aware that something had transpired, but unsure if it was something to be concerned about.

With one more glance between the two of them, Hank disappeared into his office and shut the door behind him, closing the blinds as well. Jay cautiously made his way toward Erin. "What was that about?" He quietly asked as he met Erin in the space between their desks.

Shaking off the moment, she smiled up at Jay. "Nothing. He's just happy we are happy."

Jay frowned. "He didn't look all that happy."

Erin nodded. "It's just hard for him right now, but he's good with us." Trying to lighten the mood, she tapped his chest, "However, I'm not sure how much longer that will last if you keep giving me those eyes at work."

Jay pulled back in confusion, "What eyes? What are you talking about?" Erin pushed off his chest and walked back to her desk to gather her belongings. Jay leaned back against his desk, as Erin grabbed a few things off her desk and threw them into her bag. His brows were furrowed in concern. "I don't give you any looks."

Giving him a knowing look, she laughed, "You so give me a look."

Defensively, Jay crossed his arms, "I seriously do not know what you are talking about. I'm not looking at you any differently than I have always looked at you."

Erin tilted her head a bit, acknowledging that comment. "That's true." She left her bag at her desk and slowly made her way to where he leaned up against his desk. "You have been giving me those eyes since we met." She let a soft smile play against her lips, stopping just inches in front of him and looked up.

Exasperated, Jay shrugged. "Erin, seriously. I don't do any-" He broke off as Erin pushed up on her toes to press her lips against his, her hand snaking around his neck to pull him down to her lips. His arms immediately wrapped around her to hold her tight as he responded to her soft kisses. His warm lips moving against hers in a way that sent the blood pumping through her body. Erin smiled into the kiss, knowing that Jay was clueless to how any look from him could send her heart racing. They always had. He'd never really known the power he had over her heart.

Ending the kiss before they got too carried away, Erin rocked back on her heels and let her hand trail down his neck and chest before letting it rest on the loop of his belt. She felt a bit of possessiveness towards him and wanted to keep the contact. Her eyes looked up at his face as he slowly opened his eyes. His breathing was heavier after their brief kiss and his eyes had already darkened with desire and love. Erin bit her lip, and let out a shaky sigh. "That's the look."

She felt his arms tighten around her and pull her back against his body. "I want you so bad right now." He muttered, his eyes hooded as he ducked down to capture another kiss. This one more urgent than the last. Erin's breath was taken away as his tongue delved deep in her mouth and her hands found their way to grasp his shoulders, needing the support before she melted right in the middle of the squad room. She pressed her body firmly against his, the intimate contact only causing their kisses to deepen with passion.

"Ahem," the sound of a throat clearing caused them to spring apart breathlessly. Heads swinging simultaneously to meet the stoic face of Olinskly. "I, ah, forgot something. Don't mind me. " Erin stumbled back until her legs hit her desk. They both watched mortified as Al made his way to his desk drawer, pull out a wrapped box, and then shut the drawer. He gave them a narrowed eye look as he headed toward the stairs, pausing briefly at the top, he gave them an amused grin over his shoulder. "Merry Christmas," he called out as he descended the stairs.

Erin dropped her head into her hands. "I can't believe that just happened."

Jay chuckled lightly. "It could have been worse. It could have been Ruzek. We'd never hear the end of it. Al won't say anything. He was probably just as embarrassed as we were." He smiled at Erin, "Come on, let's go get Daniel and go home." He grabbed her arm and started propelling her towards the door. "I want to finish what we started later tonight."

Erin just shook her head, and wrapped her hand in Jay's. She couldn't believe they had allowed themselves to get so carried away at work. She blamed the eyes. He'd given her the look and she'd once again lost her mind. Suddenly her phone dinged. She reached in her pocket and pulled it out, noting it was from Kim. She tapped the button to read the message.

Thanks for helping me win the bet, Erin. You're the best. Merry Christmas!

"Crap." Erin murmured.

Jay glanced over her shoulder at the message. "What's that about? What bet?"

Erin shook her head as they walked down the staircase. "Trust me. You don't want to know." Erin couldn't help but smile as she grabbed Jay's hand and they made their way out of the precinct. As much as she could pretend that it bothered her that their friends knew the details of their personal life, the truth was, she didn't care. She was happy and nothing could change that.

Author's Note: I know it has been forever since I wrote. I've gotten all the comments and requests for updates, but sometimes it is not that easy. Life happens. Family happens, and work happens. I'll do my best to get this story finished. I appreciate any and all who still care about this story. Thank you. Reviews do inspire, so let me know if you are still interested in reading the conclusion of this story.