
24. Chapter 24

They took Jay's car to Voight's house. Erin wanted to sit in back with Daniel. She knew it was ridiculous, but she wanted to be as close to him as possible for these last few moments. Maybe nothing would change. It was possible Olive was just going to have a quiet visit with Daniel, and then do what she said she was going to do: enter rehab and get her shit together. Come back and be the mom she really needed to be for her son. Having dealt with so many troubled people in her personal and professional life, Erin knew that you usually couldn't except people to act how you wanted them to. Most people, especially those in highly emotional states and under the influence of drugs and alcohol, usually surprised the hell out of Erin.

Erin wrapped Daniel's hand in hers, smiling fondly at the fact that he was blissfully unaware of what his future might hold. She saw Jay's eyes meet hers in the rearview mirror. She could see tension in his gaze. She nodded at him nervously. He'd been so strong for her the last two days. Erin's confidence in him and his role in her life was stronger than it had ever been. She'd always known he was a great boyfriend. Fun, caring, loving, and thoughtful. But in the last few days, she'd looked at him as more. She knew he would make the best partner in life. She wasn't quite ready to say father and husband, but she knew that they were going to find a way to make things work.

Jay parked his car at Hank's house and they made their way to the steps. Erin let herself in with her key. Hank had left to pick up Olive from a diner downtown. Olive had been evasive about where she was staying and said she just wanted to meet. Since Hank was adamant that the meet would happen at his house, he'd offered to pick her up. This gave Erin a few minutes to get settled in with Daniel before Olive arrived.

Daniel was excited to once again be at the Voight house. While most of his belongings were at Erin's, several favorite toys had been left behind at Hank's. He bee lined it toward a basket of plush toys and push cars. Erin dropped into one of the nearby chairs and just watched him wistfully.

Noticing that Jay was just standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, she looked up at him curiously, "What's wrong?"

Giving the room a cursory look, he shrugged. "It's just weird being here. Voight's home." The look on his face told her he found the location distasteful.

"You've been here tons of times." She argued.

Jay shook his head. "Five. I've been here five times." He held up his fingers. "One when Voight was kidnapped. Two when he dragged my brother and I into his personal mission. Three, I picked you up here for work once when you were staying here. The fourth time was when we stopped by in June to pick up those beach chairs when we went to the lake. Then today."

Erin wrinkled her brow. "So, what's the big deal. It's just his house. I grew up here."

Jay just looked around, noting all the small things that made a house a home. Dozens of picture frames of Voight's family were on the mantle. Jay knew there were a few pictures of Erin in the collection, but knew she would give him a hard time if he ventured over there. There were several vases of artificial flowers around the room. Jay couldn't align flowers with Voight. It must have been touches added by Hank's wife all those years ago. It was odd to him that those touches from his wife were still so clear here. There was a clear women's touch everywhere he looked, and it was hard for Jay to acclimate that with the man he knew. It also made him slightly uncomfortable thinking about this empty house. A house that once house children, a wife, and grandchildren. Now it was empty, save Voight.

Jay nodded at the easy chair that was strategically placed in front of a small television. "It's just weird to think that this is where Voight sits and watches the news, catches the game, and plots shady dealings."

Erin snarled a bit at that last comment. She knew Jay was just teasing, but it still didn't sit well with her. "Well, where would you want him to live?"

Jay didn't have an answer for her. "It's just weird to be here when he's not here."

"Well, I'm here, so relax and sit down." Erin motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite her. Jay dropped Daniel's diaper bag that he had carried from the car onto the floor next to Erin's chair, and looked over at the chair that she had pointed to. It was clear that was Voight's chair. No way he wanted to be sitting in that chair when Voight came home.

"Hmm, maybe I'll stand."

Erin rolled her eyes at him and just decided to ignore him. Maybe it was true that Jay had only been here a few times, but it shouldn't matter. This was her second home, and if she wanted him here, he was welcome here.

Suddenly, Erin heard a car door slam. She stood up quickly, recognizing instinctively, the sound of Hank's car door. She hesitated on whether or not to pick up Daniel and be holding him when Olive and Hank entered, or just let him continue to play. The choice was taken out of her hands when the door swung open. Hank held the door open and Olive took a few hesitant steps through the door. When she saw Daniel, she paused briefly her hand covering her mouth to hold back a gasp. Then she raced forward, dropping to her knees in front of Daniel. She instantly wrapped him up in her arms, rocking him back and forth. Tears flowed from her eyes and she openly cried as she held him in.

"I've missed you, baby. I've missed you so much." She sobbed.

Erin stood uncomfortably above them, not quite sure what she should do. Hank walked into the room, and raised his eyebrows a bit at seeing Jay leaning against the living room wall behind her.

Olive sat on the ground next to Daniel now, pulling him into her lap. "He's gotten so big, Erin." She looked up at Erin with sad eyes. "I've missed so much. I'm so sorry, baby." She kissed his head as clung to her. Then Olive suddenly noticed Jay. Erin saw her tense slightly and hold Daniel a little bit closer to her. Olive eyes darted back and forth from where Hank stood to Jay.

Hank stepped forward, his voice was brisk, "What are you doing here, Halstead?"

Jay seemed startled, "Uh, I brought Erin." He looked confused. Erin didn't understand as well, she had thought it had been clear that her and Daniel had spent the night with Jay. She didn't understand why Hank look so surprised.

"Come outside with me for a minute. I need to talk to you." Hank turned and walked back out the front door, not even waiting for a response.

Jay gave a bewildered look to Erin, but followed Hank outside. Erin was left alone with a still sniffling Olive. Erin slowly lowered herself back to the chair. She watched Olive gently stroke Daniel's hair. While Erin might have been worried about Daniel's response to Olive, she shouldn't have been. He seemed to know exactly that his momma was back and he seemed thrilled to back in her arms.

Erin struggled to smile, but somehow forced one. "He's missed you, Olive." She was going to try and support this meeting. She had so many reservations but she knew that Olive loved her child, even if grief had caused her to be reckless with his well-being.

"I know. I can't believe how big he's gotten." Olive said. Erin watched as Olive chattered at Daniel, marveling over his size and his longish curls that had grown over the last month. Erin had been contemplating getting him a haircut, but hadn't wanted to overstep. Erin's eyes kept drifting to the door, wondering what Hank had wanted to talk to Jay about. He'd seemed surprised to see him, which made no sense to Erin, since she had made it clear that she'd been hiding out at Jay's since the night before. She wished could just go outside and join the conversation, but she did not want to leave Olive alone with Daniel.

Erin continued to watch Olive play with Daniel. It was weird to watch them play together. Olive kept trying to keep Daniel on her lap, while Daniel clearly wanted to escape to his toys. Erin knew at this age, he loved his freedom. Missing his mom or not, he wanted to move around, not sit on someone's lap for more than a minute.

The front door opened again, and Hank walked in, quickly shutting the door behind him as he entered. Erin lifted her chin in surprise. "Where's Jay?" Even as she spoke, she heard a car starting on the street, that she recognized at belonging to Jay. She looked at Hank in astonishment. "Did you kick him out?" Her voice was raised slightly.

Hank gave her a stony stare, "This is a family matter, Erin. He didn't need to be here."

Erin's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"

Hank pursed his lips in irritation. He jerked his chin toward Olive, who was watching their exchange with concern. "He's not a part of this family. This is between us."

Erin narrowed her eyes, and she followed his gaze to Olive. The young woman was nodding in agreement with Hank. "Thanks, Hank." She gave an apologetic look at Erin. "Justin never really cared much for Jay. Sorry, Erin."

Erin bit down hard on her tongue to control the words that she wanted to hurl at Olive. How could Olive dare to speak against Jay. This wonderful man who had done so much for Daniel in last week. Daniel who adored his "Jay, Jay, Jay." Erin didn't want to get in a fight with Olive. She knew the situation was fragile, and she took a steady breath to keep from calling Olive out. Erin knew that Olive's distrust of Jay came from Justin's own jealousy of Jay. As much as Erin had loved Justin like a brother, when he had been released from jail it had been clear to Erin that he no longer saw her as a sister. During those short months in between his release and when he joined the army, he'd made several overtures that let her know he was open to more. Erin had dismissed his attempts playfully, but she'd been able to read between the lines. She'd only seen him a handful of times when he'd been on leave, but he'd still usually made comments about her "boyfriend." Even when Jay and Erin hadn't been dating, Justin had been annoyed at Jay's presence in her life.

Erin stayed quiet and watched as Olive, and then Hank, played with Daniel. She didn't know what to say to Olive. She was afraid that if she spoke, her anger at Olive's abandonment of Daniel and scorn of Jay might cause the meet up to escalate into a confrontation. That was the last thing she wanted, so Erin sat back and let Hank handle this situation.

It wasn't too long before Hank brought up some of the questions that Erin had been wanting to know as well. "Olive, do you know where you are going for help?" Hank asked carefully.

Olive's eyes looked up startled, "Uh, yeah. A friend of mine recommended a place. She had some success there last year."

Hank nodded, "That sounds great. Where is it?"

Olive averted her eyes a bit. "It's a good place. I actually called them this morning. They have a bed for me on Sunday."

"Let me know where, and I can help out." Hank offered up.

Olive shook her head. "Umm, I don't really want you guys involved. If you don't mind, this is something I want to do myself." She focused her attention back on Daniel. "I want to do this for you, baby." She murmured to Daniel. Erin could tell that Olive meant the words that she said, but at the same time Olive didn't look well. Erin recognized the signs, having visited this lifestyle herself last year. Deep purple circles shadowed Olive's eyes. Her curly hair looked dull and her face pale. She appeared sober, but it seemed to be taking its toll on her. She seemed shaky and slightly ill. After weeks of drowning her grief in pills, alcohol, and who knows what else, it wasn't like she could just stop cold turkey and bounce back. Erin knew Olive's body was craving a fix. Anything to help deal with the realities of life.

The visit lasted for another thirty minutes. Hank made some more gentle inquires as to where Olive was staying or how they could get ahold of her, but Olive remained tense and tight-lipped whenever he pressed. Hank finally asked if Olive would stay for dinner. She had reluctantly looked at Daniel, and Erin could tell she wanted to stay, but Olive had stood abruptly and asked If Hank would take her home.

"Is Daniel still staying with you, Erin?" Olive questioned.

Erin started to respond, but Hank spoke quicker. "We share him. It just depends on our schedule. Most the nights we all just hang out together."

Erin kept her shock hidden as she heard the clear lies. Most of the time that Olive had been away, Erin had been on her own. It was just the last few days that Hank had stepped back up. With the exception of Thanksgiving and the night before, they hadn't spent much time together at all in the last month. Hank had been busy doing whatever he'd been doing to clear his name and he hadn't wanted Erin or Daniel around. Erin just inwardly shrugged. Hank usually had a reason for what he said, and at this point, she knew she just wasn't clued in. Hank had run Jay out of here and now was lying to Olive.

Olive excused herself to the restroom, and Erin took the opportunity to give Hank a piece of her mind. She hissed at Hank, "We are going to have words after we drop her off."

Hank shook his head slightly at her, "Stay here."

Erin threw up her arms in frustration. "No! I don't have a ride and I want to go home. Jay brought me, and I-"

"Erin. Just stay. Let me drop off Olive, and then I will come back here. We can talk, then I will take you home." His eyes implored her, and Erin felt like there was something that he was keeping from her. She stared at him for a bit longer until she heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Fine," she spit out, just as Olive reappeared.

Olive's eyes were bright when she reappeared, and Erin prayed that it was just from the emotion of preparing to say good-bye to Daniel, and not from taking something while out of the room. The pessimist in Erin just feared Olive wouldn't make it to rehab. She tried to hope that seeing her happy son would give Olive the strength she needed to get it together, but you never know. Erin thought of her own mom. Bunny never seemed to find that place. Rock bottom never hit for her, and she never could give up the life-style. Not for her kids, nor for her health.

It was a tearful good-bye, and Erin sighed with relief when Hank's car pulled away. Closing the door behind them, Erin almost collapsed on the floor next to Daniel. She had feared and built up this meeting so much that a part of her could only imagine that seeing Olive again would result in the loss of Daniel. The fact that Daniel was still here filled her with relief. She knew that if Olive actually went into recovery, that it meant she'd have one more month to ensure that he would be kept away from that life-style. If Olive finished her treatment, then Erin might be more hopeful for his future. Right now, she was just going to keep doing what she was doing. Protecting and loving her nephew.

Erin almost laughed when she thought about it. That first day when she had Daniel, she had insisted that she could not watch him. At most, a few days. The idea of her alone and taking care of a child had seemed impossible. Now she could barely imagine what her life was like before him.

Erin pulled aside the curtain of Hank's front window. Her eyes scanned up and down the street looking for Jay's car. She still couldn't believe that Hank had made Jay leave, or that Jay had willingly gone! After all Hank's matchmaking on Thanksgiving, it confused her that he would make a point that Jay was not family. Erin was fully aware that Hank thought she had made the wrong decision in not agreeing to marry him. Despite his bluster about Jay, Erin knew that Hank respected him. Maybe he hadn't been on board initially about their relationship, but clearly that had changed. Any reservations he'd had seemed to had faded, or at least she thought they had until this afternoon.

It still surprised Erin that Jay had just walked away. Erin was confused that he wouldn't at least pop his head in and say good-bye. It bothered her a bit. Was it significant? Had Hank made some comment that made Jay want to walk away, or was it just as clear as Hank has said: it was a family matter and Olive didn't want Jay there.

Erin groaned. She really wanted to go home. She glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that Hank had been gone almost a half hour. Erin wasn't sure if Olive would have him drop her off at the same spot or somewhere different. She hoped that Olive would just let them drop her off wherever she was staying. Erin knew that Hank could be convincing, but she also knew they were walking on eggshells. They just didn't want her to run.

Another thirty minutes passed before Erin saw Hank's car pull up. She was ready and had moved from confusion to anger.

"What did you say to Jay, Hank? How could you run him out of here?" Erin yelled the second he walked back through the door.

Hank frowned at her, looking past her to Daniel who was pushing a plastic lawnmower around the living room. "How's Daniel?"

"He's fine!" Erin stated in annoyance. "I'm the one with issues."

"Have you heard from Jay?" Hank asked. He moved around the living room, sitting down into his recliner. Grabbing the remote off the end table he flipped on the television.

Erin couldn't believe Hank was acting so calm. "No! Not since you took him outside and threatened him, or said whatever you said to make him leave!"

Hank frowned at her thoughtfully, as if her words were suddenly sinking in, "He hasn't called you?"

"No!" Erin yelled. "He probably won't either. We had just gotten to a good place, too. Thanks a lot, Hank."

The concerned look on Hank's face confused Erin. She saw him pull out his phone and pull up a number and hit send. "Hey, why aren't you aren't calling Erin back? She's freaking out!" Erin couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, but she saw Hank's eyes fixate on her abruptly. He pulled the phone back a bit and questioned her. "Halstead says you never called him?"

Confused beyond belief, Erin just threw up her arms in frustration. It was true, she hadn't, but still, she had no idea what was going on.

Hank continued his one-sided conversation, "Yeah, I'll tell her. You stay on it… No I agree. She'll stay here until then…. Al and I can watch overnight…What time in the morning?... No, she'll calm down soon. She's mad at me not you." He leveled a look at Erin, who just rolled her eyes. After a few more cryptic comments, Hank hung up. He raised his eyebrows at Erin, "Halstead says you never called, but he will call you in a bit, he's driving right now."

Erin just shook her head, perplexed. She had caught part of what they were talking about, but the tone and casualness of the conversation didn't make sense. It was like Hank knew exactly where and what Jay was doing. "What is going on?" She asked.

Hank sighed. "I know Olive isn't a big fan of Jay." Erin's ire started to flare, but Hank held out his hands in a calming position. "It's not something I agree with, nor do I think he would do anything to hurt Daniel. I wanted to put her at ease, and it was clear his presence upset her." Erin was placated slightly, but still upset about them giving in to Olive, when she was the one who had deserted her child. "Besides, I needed him to help out with surveillance."

Now Erin was really confused, "Surveillance? Did we catch a case?"

Hank shook his head. "No, I was pretty certain that Olive wasn't going to be forthcoming about where she was staying, so I wanted to find out our way. I had Jay tail me to the drop off point, then he was going to wait there to find out where Olive went after. We need to keep tabs on her. No more of this hiding stuff. A van picked her up about ten minutes ago. Jay is following them now. Once they end up somewhere he said he will call you back."

Erin looked at Hank dumbfounded. Not only was Hank not pushing Jay out, he was actually pulling him in. Erin didn't know quite what to say. She was mad, but she knew there was no actual reason to be upset. Whatever conversation Hank had with Jay outside, it had been about helping their family. The fact that Hank had so much trust in Jay actually alarmed her. She could never really see her two world meshing. Her relationship with Hank was rooted in obligation and unwavering loyalty. Something that Jay couldn't always comprehend. Her relationship with Jay was based on love. Hank had always looked at their relationship as a distraction. Was it possible that the two most important people in her life could find common ground? It started to seem like it more and more.

"Can you take me over to Jay's? My car is there, and I want to head home." The last few days had been exhausting, and Erin wanted nothing more than to be home.

She saw Voight immediately tense, and Erin prepared herself for what was to come. "I don't think that is a good idea. Until we know more about where Olive has been holed up and who she has been hanging with, I don't want you alone."

Erin instinctively rebelled, "I can take care of myself." She knew Voight's words made sense. Neither of them could forget when Olive's careless words to acquaintances had resulted in Hank being robbed, chained to a heater, and almost being beaten to death. Part of the reason that Erin had fled to Jay's house late last night had been those memories. She reluctantly agreed, "I see your point." Erin thought for a moment, "So what's the plan then. I stay here until Olive's in rehab?"

Hank looked at her regretfully, "No. I think we already have proven that Olive knows people who know me. I think staying at Jay's for a few more days is best. He's unknown to the neighborhood, and Olive doesn't know much about him as well."

Now Erin knew for sure that her world's had collided in an unbelievable way. Hank requesting that she play house with Jay? Those were words she never thought she'd hear him say. Trusting Jay to not only take care of her, but to also protect and watch over his grandson. Erin looked at Hank in surprise. She felt emotions fighting within her. She wanted to say something. Thank him for his trust in her, and in the man she had chosen to love. She knew Hank didn't like those kind of conversations though. Instead she just looked at him with caring eyes, "Okay." She quietly replied.

Afternoon turned to evening, and despite knowing the situation, Erin started to feel restless. Jay had called her earlier, but their exchange had been brief before Hank had taken the line to get details about where Jay was at. He was hunkered down outside a ramshackle home on the other side of Chicago. The plan for was for Olinsky to relieve Jay about eight. Hank would meet up with Al after Jay picked up Erin. Time seemed to be standing still for Erin though. While she enjoyed watching Hank spend time with her nephew, she still felt claustrophobic. Daniel had napped before dinner, and even Erin had caught about a thirty-minute snooze. For dinner, Hank had done his cooking thing and grilled up some chicken and potatoes, but now Erin just felt like she was on pause. Waiting.

It was almost nine before Jay finally rolled in. He locked eyes with Erin as soon as he entered, but it was all business with Hank first. He gave Voight a rundown of the different people he'd seen come and go from the home where Olive had been taken to. Most were shifty looking, and there was quite a bit of traffic in and out of the place. That usually wasn't a good thing. Jay had a list of license plates as well. He hadn't been sure if Voight wanted him pulling anyone else into this, so he hadn't ran the plates, just jotted down the numbers. Voight pocketed the information and gave Jay a pat on the back in gratitude before heading out to meet Olinsky for their long overnight shift. He gave one more long glance at Erin, Jay, and Daniel before he disappeared into the night.

Finally, alone, Erin wrapped her arms around Jay tightly. She'd missed him today, but her hug was also about thanking him for looking out for her family, "Thank you," she whispered into his jacket.

His hand landed on the back of her head, and he breathed in the scent of her hair. His fingers threading through her curly locks. They just breathed in unison for a few moments.

"Let's get out of here," Erin whispered reluctantly leaving his embrace. She moved around the room picking up all of Daniel's belongings. "We packed up some food from dinner," she mentioned.

Jay grinned, "Good cause I am starved." He played a bit with Daniel, keeping him distracted, while Erin gathered up everything. "So…I got the impression you were a little peeved with Hank over kicking me out earlier."

Erin rolled her eyes. "Well, he didn't say anything obviously, and you just disappeared." Jay just laughed. "It's not like he hasn't made his opinion known in the past about you and I."

His eyes, despite their exhaustion, twinkled a bit. "Oh, I think he's all about Team Jay now."

Erin just grunted a bit. She hated to say it, but she kind of agreed. Hank did seem on Team Jay. Matchmaking on Thanksgiving, and then putting so much trust in him today. If she'd had any doubt before about whether or not Hank approved of her and Jay, it had all vanished now.

Jay pulled a face. "Don't be jealous. It's about time he's on my side. Guy has been against me since the moment he met me." He teased with a huge grin on his face.

"Well, if he knew everything, he'd be on Team Erin." She retorted quickly.

Jay looked up at her sharply, hurt passing through his eyes as he looked at her. Then he quickly looked away.

"Jay," Erin regretted what she had said instantly, "I didn't mean that. I was just teasing." Fear sliced through Erin. She hadn't been thinking of anything bad when she had made the comment. She just meant that Hank was like her dad. If she told him everything she was feeling, he'd support her. She meant about trusting Jay and loving him, and wanting a future with him. She could tell Jay had taken it differently.

Jay's eyes were solemn when he looked back at her, "You're right though. He wouldn't want anything to do with me if you told him the truth." Hank was like a father to her, and if wouldn't matter if they weren't together when he had been with another woman. Hank would most definitely hold it against him.

Erin sighed. How did this conversation take such a quick turn? She had just wanted to go home, crawl into bed with Jay and Daniel and sleep the night away. Instead, Jay was looking at her with self-loathing, and she didn't even know what to say.

Dropping the bags she had just gathered, she walked across the room to him, She lifted her hands to his face, her thumb brushing against his tight-lipped frown. She gently forced his down turned gaze to look at her. The pain in his eyes made her heart ache. She hated that she could so easily cause him pain. All she really wanted to do was find love and joy with him. She looked up with an open heart, and she spoke softly, "I'm on Team Jay, and that's all that matters."

Erin saw doubt in his shadowed blue eyes, but she couldn't think of any more words to erase it. Not when they were standing in Voight's living room with a toddler playing at their feet, both exhausted from the last couple days. She leaned up on her tiptoes and brushed a light kiss on his cheek.

When she pulled back, Jay blinked a few times, and then he gave her a small smile. "Let's get out of here. I'm hungry and this guy is probably ready for bed." Erin could tell that there was sadness hidden behind the smile. It just didn't quite meet his eyes. As they got settled into the car, Erin couldn't help but think that she really put her foot in her mouth. The status of their relationship was still so fragile. There was still so much they needed to discuss, and Erin knew a heart to heart conversation was needed. She was ready to move forward, but their past was still a part of their relationship. It was time they dealt with it openly, so the wounds of their past could finally begin to heal.

Author's Note: Sorry this was a long week in between updates, but things should pick up. I've got nine days off, so I am sure that I will have time for writing. Also, I kind of thought of a few more events that I want to include, so the story might be a few more chapters longer than I had originally intended. I know I did Thanksgiving, but with Christmas just around the corner in my story, I realized that it would be adorable to have some holiday scenes with a Christmas them. Thanks for reading and thank you again to all who review.