
Will there be a chance for me ?-P2

That night, Ryker was called to talk by Jenny. Jenny said, "...mother is dead...what about the baby boy...what is his name ? how old is he ?". Ryker said "1 year old...his name is Mark". Jenny chuckled saying "is this what Helen said to name right ?". Ryker said, "how did you know ?". Jenny said, "...Mark is her father's name. He died accidentally, and that's when she became an orphan...".Helen took the phone and said, "Don't worry too much !!! you have us !!!! we will be there for you !!!". Jenny chuckled and said "Ok...thank you". Daniel came inside with a beer. That night, they both drank beer and got themselves wasted and drunken. Jenny started to cry and shout at her mother's death along with a drunken confession for Ryker saying "Ryker...I know you are married but...I wanna say this...I love you".

After few months, Jenny has been having a lot of one-night stands with many handsome guys. Some go for Daniel too. Helen called Jenny saying "come to Mark's birthday !!". Jenny smiled saying "Ok and Daniel is coming with me". Helen said, "Okay !!! come with a crap book as my baby's gift". Jenny giggled saying "Ok ". In that night, Daniel and Jenny came by bike. Jenny entered inside saying "here...where is the boy ?". Ryker said, "over there". Jenny saw the baby from far and said "he is cute just like Helen". Helen said, "so I am cute ?". Jenny walked away. Helen giggled saying "getting shy ?". Daniel said, "stop teasing her". A photo was taken on that night. Helen was going to kiss Jenny but jenny was pushing her saying "Did give birth to this child made your brain go crazy ?". Ryker was taking a video of this. Daniel gave a book saying "This isn't for the baby. It is for you..".

It was a crap book which was filled with many photos taken at the school along with Jenny. Jenny said while looking at one picture "Hey Ryker do you know your wife is a bad cook ? she burned her hair while cooking and this picture is taken at that time". Helen said, "No I'm a good cook". Daniel said, "I don't think so !". Daniel showed a picture of Jenny eating Helen's cook and vomiting it in the background. Helen said "You Vomitted ?". Jenny gave an awkward smile saying "Yeah...I tried my best to eat to all". Ryker giggled. Jenny gave one crap book to Helen saying "here is this what you asked ?". Helen shouted "Yeah !".

Helen said, "Sit everyone. Time for activity". Jenny said, "Oh hell no. Wait let's have a ride to the beach house and do this". Helen said "Nice idea". Ryker said "Ok".Jenny said "daniel key !". Daniel threw the key saying "What about the others ?". Jenny gave a crow sound. Helen also gave a crow sound. Helen ran and sat on the bike along with Jenny and went away saying "Take the taxi. we will be waiting !!". Ryker said "Wow...". Daniel shouted, "This is the lame side of your wife !!!". They took the taxi to arrive over there. In the beach house, They did activities along with the baby. Ryker was taking the video for the future. Mark fell asleep in Daniel's lap. Daniel's eyes were going to pop out. Daniel whispered, "Get him off me ". Helen giggled and whispered saying "No".Soon any was take by Helen and placed on the bed. Adults were having a chit-chat with some beers.

Everyone was dead drunk. Helen saw a kiss mark on Jenny's neck. Helen gave an evil smile saying "Got a boyfriend ?". Daniel giggled saying "nope. She got that bite from some nightstands. She sleeps with every handsome guy she eyes". Helen said "what ?!!!". Jenny said, "Even if I change guys. My heart belongs to only one guy but he is not with me". Ryker said "dead ?". Jenny said, "Shhh....don't ask anymore. Or else I will cry...I used pleasure to hid my sadness". Daniel giggled saying "I just accompanied her ". Helen started to laugh saying "looks like you both are having fun...".

Ryker said, "how did you two meet ? wait for three". Helen giggled and said "Daniel, I and Jenny studied in the same school from the grade-1. In grade 5, Jenny and Daniel dated but pfft- after 3 days they broke up with each other. And Daniel walked away from us. Jenny and I are volleyball female players from grade 6, Daniel was male. That's when you showed up as a hero saving Jenny from the toy lizard !!. hah hah...Jenny and I are a spiker, Daniel is a setter. You showed up as a setter. You set many balls for me. And we had lunch together. Jenny was in cooking class in 8 grade. I wanted to help her but it looked like cooking is hard for me. Daniel was away from us but at the grade 11-12 he again came close with us but I went away from them. We were pretty famous, you know? That was a great day!!!". They all laughed and giggled.

Many childhood videos were playing on the projector from Daniel's phone while daniel fell asleep while seeing it. Accidently the video which they took when being drunk on mother's death day was played. Jenny ran to stop but the video got over. Helen was quiet. Ryker said, "...You...are such a cruel playgirl...this is not what you are...". Things got worse between them.

Next year, They didn't contact each other again. Soon one message came from Ryker saying "Helen is dead in an accident". Ryker's world was covered with sad clouds. And he never tried to contact Jenny and Daniel again. He ran to the north XX country, to his hometown along with Mark. Jenny also didn't want to disturb him. Ryker hid all of Helen's memory from Mark and he didn't even show Helen's picture to Mark. He lift all the pictures in their old house which was given to Jenny as an act of gratitude. Jenny became a chef and soon became the owner of her own restaurant which is a famous restaurant in XX country. Daniel formed his own bar and it become the most famous bar in the south XX country. Ryker became a photographer.

After 8 years, Mark turned 8 this year. Mark was pretty curious about his mother. Ryker never answered his questions. Mark in the school said to his friend Beth (girl) "father is hiding about mother ! I need to fight it !". Beth made an annoying face saying "you been saying this for 5 years dude". Mark sighed saying "I want to know about my mother too like others". Beth said, "...ok...you ever went to your father's room ?". Mark said "no". Beth said, "let me come today with you to your room. Let's find your mother in your father's room". Mark said "Yeah !". They both sneaked into Ryker's room. Beth said, "where is your father ?". Mark said, "father is at work. He will be back at midnight". Beth said "Great".

They both started to search everyplace. Beth got suspicious of the bed. So she quickly lifted the mattress. One photo was under the mattress. Beth said, "Found one !" Mark ran to her. Behind the photo, it was written as "Helen looks cute". Mark said "Helen ?...Helen is my mother's name !". Beth looked at the picture and said "among this three who is your mother ?". It was the photo taken in the past on Mark's first birthday. In that, Helen was trying to kiss Jenny but jenny was pushing Helen away while Daniel was laughing his ass off evilly in the back. Mark said, "It says pretty..". Beth said "...everyone on this looks pretty ugly...they are making may weird faces !!..that guy in that back is laughing with his weird mouth open...and that lady is being smashed by the other lady's hand...and the other hand is making a very angry face !!". Mark said "Hell no...I don't have any idea...". After some time, Ryker was back. Beth went home. Mark already kept the other photo back after taking a phone copy with him.

The next day, Mark was searching the storeroom along with Beth. They found one school uniform. Beth said, "wait let me search for this school". After some time, Beth found the school. Beth said, "This is a school in south XX country, and the address I sent your phone". Mark said "Good but how are we going to go there ?". Mark gave an evil smile saying "Your father is going to help us. Your father is the principal right ?". Beth said, "Yeah but no-". Mark made a sad face with a sparkle in his eyes. Beth sighed and said "Ok fine".

Beth begged his father to let her and Mark to south XX country to explore along with him. Due to Beth's sad face and sparkled he couldn't disagree with her. He spoke with Ryker and made his agreement to this. But Ryker said he is going on a business trip to Z country on that date. So Mark, Beth, and her father were going to XX country south. Beth said "Poor... your father didn't come". Mark gave a smile saying "I know. That he has a business trip today. Thats' why I planned it today". Beth made an annoying face saying "I feel like this is a trap". Mark said, "Too late to escape dear".

They arrived at the south, Mark winked at Beth. Beth sighed and said, "Papa, I wanna go and visit this school. People say this school is better than our school. How about we go there and see". He said "Nice idea. Come let's go". Mark gave an evil smile. When they entered that school. Beth and Mark ran away to the staff room saying "Sir ! Our sister lost her lunch bag. Her name is Helen. Do you know which class she is in?". One elder man saying "Helen ? she doesn't have young siblings...she is an orphan who are you ?!". Mark said "Thanks !". Mark dragged that elder out saying "I'm mark. Ryker and Helen's son. I want to know about my mother". That elder teacher said, "What ?! I knew she was pregnant while she was in school but how can I believe you ?". Mark showed one picture saying "now ? that child in the back is me...see". Mark showed his face.

The elder teacher said "Ok...what do you want to know ?". Mark said "Everything about my mother". The elder teacher smiled saying "Ok sit there...your mother had two friends. One is Jenny and the other is Daniel. The three studied over here all their school period. This three are trouble makers and always cause trouble. But she never failed on exams and also she was a spot person. They play volleyball. They win many matches for our school. And on 10-12 grade period. Their mind started to get distracted. Daniel turned out to be gay. Helen got pregnant. And Jenny's parents got divorced. And your father is also played volleyball. He was a student council member. That's all I know. You can ask this two for more...how is your mother ?". Beth said "his mother is dead. He never saw her so we are here to see her". Elder teacher patted his head saying "It will be alright...Ryker always runs away from the pain".

Beth and Mark got Daniel's bar address. Beth bribed her father's driver and went to the bar without letting her father know. Beth and Mark saw the bar and Mark said "too much security...what should we do ?". Beth smiled and grabbed the bodyguards outside eth bar saying "My father abandoned me and my brother to our mother. Our mother is dead. I wanna see father !! !". That guy said, "who is your father ?". Mark cried saying "Daniel !". This two started to make a fuzz. This was informed to daniel. Daniel said, "what are the kids saying ?!". Secretary said, "This kid says their mother is Helen". Daniel stood up and ran outside saying "when did Helen give birth to two kids ?!". Daniel came done saying "Helen ?! who the hell are you playing with- ". Daniel saw boys resembling Helen. Daniel fell down saying "Holy cow...he looks exactly like her !!".

Daniel took both of them inside saying "Ryker remarried ?!". Mark said, "No father didn't She is my friend. She is helping me find out about my mother".Daniel said, "Phew I almost freaked out. And where is that guy ?". Mark said "father ?...he didn't know I came to see you". Daniel said, "wow...so you sneaked out ?". Mark said, "maybe...I wanna know about my mother". Daniel said, "looks like that guy didn't tell you...". Mark said "yeah". Daniel sighed and said "Sorry I don't want to recall those days...and don't you dare go to Jenny's place. Just now she is trying to forget those days...and go back to your father". Daniel walked away. Mark and Beth walked back.

Beth's father got some work so he took Beth along with him to the north XX country while Ryker came to south XX country for Mark. Ryker started to show around the south XX country to Mark. Mark said, "Father, you came here before". Ryker was quiet and said while smiling "...No dear. This is my first time. I searched for those on google". Mark smiled said, "...ok". Ryker's purse was stolen. Mark was hungry. Ryker didn't know what to do. Ryker went to Jenny's home. Jenny's maid said, "Ma'am, Ryker is here". Jennys was with a guy half-naked in her room. Jenny stood up and ran outside to the hall with a robe on saying "Ryker ?!". Ryker was surprised and said, "looks like you still doing the one-night thing". Jenny said "Oh ..UH..yeah...what brings you here?". Ryker said, "..uh..this is my son Mark...I lost my purse. I don't have any money and phone. Can you help you this-". Jenny said, "you can stay here !.uh..I mean you can stay here anytime. I have one empty room You can stay there".

One guy who spends time with Jenny came out saying "That's my room". Jenny gave an evil smile saying "Not anymore. Lucas ! take him now !". One butler said, "Yes ma'am". Butler clapped and two guys lifted this guy and went out. Ryker and Mark were surprised. Jenny said, "you can stay here-". Mark was scared of that Butler and Maids who loves a little rough and strong. Jenny noticed it and said, "And everyone servents gets to leave for one month. Now enjoy your vacation-". Everyone giggled and ran outside saying "Freedom". Jenny sighed saying "this little piece of s-". Ryker closed Jenny's mouth saying "what are yous saying before Mark !...watch your words". Jenny blushed to say "oh sorry..what anything ?".

Ryker's stomach and Mark's stomach grumbled together. Jenny giggled and said, "go and take shower. I will prepare some food". Ryker gave an awkward smile saying "...I lost clothes...too...". Jenny started to laugh saying "what do you mean ? did you really lost everything like in the past when you fell asleep along with Daniel and when you woke up those bags were gone". Ryker made a sad face. Jenny said, "Woah you really lost it again just like that !!?". Ryker sighed saying "I was tried". Jenny said, "Ok go and bath I will buy your clothes and what is Mark's size ?". Ryker texted her the size.

Ryker and Mark came back from bathing. And found Daniel on the couch while Jenny was cooking. Daniel glared at them both. Jenny threw one carrot saying "stop that !". Daniel said, "why did you bring this run away to our house ?". Ryker said, "what is he doing over here ?". Daniel smirked saying "I'm her husband . An this is our house". Ryker was surprised. Jenny said, "Eat this ". Mark started to eat and search about this online. Mark said, "you both are really are a couple !!". Ryker was surprised and said, "I thought you were in love with me..". Daniel smirked saying "is she an idiot to be in love with you for a long time ? Even if I'm gay. She loves me and I love her-". Jenny pinched Daniel's cheese saying "stop talking and eat this food. And sleep. You have a lot of work to do". Ryker started to eat quietly.

After eating, Mark and Ryker were sleeping in one room and Daniel and Jenny were sleeping in another room. Ryker mumbled, "you changed again...Helen shouldn't have felt sorry for you...let me leave this letter to you later".

In the morning, Daniel was hugging Jenny while cooking. Ryker saw this and said, "You really are not in love with me ??!". Jenny smiled saying "Why are you asking that ? I love you". Ryker shouted "Helen left you this letter after knowing that you were in love with me. She felt sad. She wanted to apologize for acting as if she didn't know about this. She already knew from school that you were in love with me. She felt miserable until her last date. But you are a cruel lady who is already having a gay husband but also having a night stay with many people. But still, you are saying that you love me". Daniel went to Ryker in rage. Jenny stopped him saying "Wow looks like this is another part of the story. Ok now come and eat-". Ryker slapped her and went away. Daniel was going to slap him but Jenny stopped him by saying "Stop that idiot...go to your work...this is the first touch he did after a long time. So now leave".

Mark saw this and escaped to Daniel's place and said to Daniel "...please I beg you...I wanna know about my mother". Daniel sighed saying "here...use this key to open that room and find it yourself, my dear stubborn child". Daniel threw one key and pointed at a room on the corner. In that room, all the videos and photos which they took were placed. Mark smiled looking at Helen's picture. Mark suddenly got one video call from his father. Mark said "oh no". Mark attend it and said, "I'm in the hotel park daddy". And everything was going smooth until Daniel showed up behind saying "Hey there run away. Now your son ran away from you. Come here to get him before I play those videos". Ryker noticed and shouted, "Don't you dare !!!-". The call was ended. Daniel grabbed his phone saying "Sh*t that was loud".

Mark shouted, "what are you doing ?!". Daniel said, "just going to bring up teh truth which that lady hid". Mark was tied to one chair. Ryker stormed inside Daniel's workplace running past the guards. He finally entered that room shouted "Daniel-". Simeone from the back hit Ryker's head with a chair saying "hey there run away". Ryker lost consciousness. When Ryker woke up. He was tied to the chair along with Mark beside him. And one of his hands was handcuffed to Mark's hand. Daniel said "wanna watch some movie. This is the movie of our life. I mean me and Jenny's life. I have been edited this for a long time. This is a sad movie. Watch and enjoy. I'm gonna go to the same pace you took Helen to propose. My dear friend". Rykwr shouted "Hey !". But Daniel went away.