
My dragon aunt P2

Jake tried to stab her neck. Isabel blocked it and made him drop his weapon. Isabel smirked saying "Game over my dear nephew". Jake said, "Ok one day I am going to win". Isabel said, "I am waiting for that day". Jake said, "Tell me about my father and mother". Isabel smiled saying "I only saw your father's angry face and confused face. So I don't know anything about him. But your mother is sweet and nice..But mostly strong...You always wanted to see your mother..Your mother looks exactly like me but her eyes are ocean blue. Your mother always protects me..but I didn't get to protect her. I am sorry". Jake said "..If you are really sorry...Make me tasty food! you always burn the food! you don't even know how to cook! aunt !". Isabel smiled saying "Sorry my dear cutie pie". Jake said "Stop that pie thing now I am hungry after hearing the pie". Isabel smiled said "Want me to cook". Jake said "No let's buy food". Isabel made a puppy face saying "Ok ".Jake smiled.

In the home, Isabel got a mission from the King saying to train this nephew. Isabel said, "Oh my that child's location is far from our place..I guess I need to take you with me". Jake said, "I am okay with that". Isabel thought to herself said "You are okay but...the king didn't say which nephew ?! he has a lot of nephews ?! what if it is Duke Robert's child ?...what if that nephew is my nephew ?! I should stop fricking out. First, let me do something about our hair...In this kingdom...Black hair rare".

Isabel took a brown dye and gave an evil smile to Jake. Jake said, "W-What are you planning aunt ?!". Isabel said, "My enemy knows my hair and eye colour so let's change it". Jake said, "No I am not doing it..Use the magic !". Isabel said, "Wait that is a nice idea why didn't I think of it ?". Jake said "PFFT- aunt you are weird". Isabel smirked saying "I am born weird". Isabel used her magic and changed their hair to brown hair.

The next morning, They both went on a long journey to the palace. Jake on the way started to sleep. Isabel was also tried. Jake woke up saying "My back hurts come over here let me sleep on you ". Isabel hugged him and made him sleep. Jake said, "Was mother this warm ?". Isabel said, "I don't know..I was not into hugs so I don't know . You are a dragon which is needed to be a secret". Jake said "Ok". In the palace, Jake jumped down saying "Finally ! I want to sleep- want the hell ?! why is this place so huge ?!". Isabel smiled saying "Oh my...you should have seen dragon's palace". Jake have a glare saying "You never took me over there". Isabel said, "Nevermind. Come let's go. I need to go and train the King's nephew". Jake said, "Okay come back soon".

Jake was sent to his room by the guards. Isabel was waiting for the child. One footstep was heard from behind. Isabel thought it is the King's nephew. Isabel turned around saying "welcome master. Hope I am useful to you". Isabel thought to herself "Eww these cheesy lines. This is the only thing I hate about humans. They use cheesy lines. Now I am also using it". Isabel looked at that person. It was duke Robert. Isabel dropped the sword in shock. Isabel saw two children behind him. It was her nephew. Older Daniel and younger Mark. Isabel was very shocked and said "Duke Robert ?!". Robert said, "So it was you !". Isabel thought to herself "Wait he can't notice me because I am using the magic to change the colour".

Isabel saw Jake running to him. Jake shouted, "Aunt ! this place magic doesn't work ! so the hair is back to normal !". Isabel gave an awkward smile saying "Is it so ? so you can see my black eyes ?". Robert said, "Of course I can...I want you to show your dragon state now !". Isabel sighed and turned into a dragon. Jake said, "Aunt wasn't that supposed to be a secret?". Isabel went back to normal saying "My Jake why don't you go to your room". Jake said "No...I want to train. I am going to the lake". Robert said, "...in the lake... there is lake monster..it would be dangerous for kids". Jake said, "Duke I am going over there for the lake monster". Isabel sighed and said, "You can go there afterwards". Jake said "Ok".

Robert said, "So you were the one who tried to save my wife. I sorry for prisoning you". Isabel said, "Wait did you even read the dairy ?!". Robert said, "Diary ?...no I didn't". Isabel said, "Duke read it first ! then try to ask sorry. I should be the one to ask you sorry". Robert said, "What are you saying ?". Isabel said, "Duke let me give you a clue. Look at me. Do I look like someone ?". Robert said, "I don't know".Isabel said "Oh my... never mind Duke. Let me start to train the kids. Isabel looks at the boys. Isabel was having happy tears after looking at Daniela and Mark.

Daniel had sliver hair and blue eyes. Mark had sliver hair and yellow eyes. Isabel said, "then from where can we start ?". Isabel started to teach. Robert went to read the dairy. Isabel looked at Duke's window saying "Looks like am going to die today ?". Mark said "What ?!". Isabel said "Nothing sir". Daniel broke the sword while practising. Isabel saw this and mumbled, "you look exactly like her". Daniel said, "Excuse me ?". Isabel said "Nothing sir...then how about a break for now". Mark said "Okay !!!". Mark ran away. Daniel followed her saying "It is just a break. You need to return !!". Isabel heard a sword's sound. Isabel followed the sound. It was coming from behind the tree.

Isabel sneaked and looked. Isabel saw the Duke's daughter Ella practising swords. Isabel saw that she was good at the swords. Isabel said, "Oh my dear you are good with swords. Why don't you join my class. I will teach few tricks". Ella was shocked. Ella said, "W-When did you come here ?". Isabel said, "Just now ma'am. Join my-". Ella turned to Isabel and looked at her. Duke was watching them from his room. Isabel fell to the ground starting to cry. Ella said, "Lady are you okay ?!". Isabel said, "You look exactly like her". Isabel hugged Ella. Isabel comes to sense and moved away saying "I-I sorry ma'am". Ella said, "It's okay..my father won't allow it". Isabel said, "Don't worry ma'am I will take care of that ". Ella said, "I tried ...it didn't work ...maybe you try".

Isabel smiled and went to the Duke's room. Duke said, "What do you want ?". Isabel said, "Did you read that dairy ?..can I look at it ?". Robert said, "As you wish..looks like you know my wife". Isabel took the dairy and saw it. The book was empty. The book has a stone in it. Robert said, "Only the stone was there ". Isabel laughed saying "she stole this from me while she was young". Robert said, "You are my wife's friend". Isabel smiled saying "Way more than that..the person she wanted to kill the most".Isabel said, "I want everyone to assemble so that we can see want she want to convey..Duke". Robert said "Okay".

Ella, Daniel, Mark, Robert, Jake and Isabel were in the same room. There was an awkward silence. Mark said, "Like in drama...is this lady our lost mother ?!". Isabel said "What ?! my dear". Isabel went to Robert and took a knife to make a small cut in his hands. Daniel shouted, "What are you doing ?!". Isabel used her magic and Robert's blood to unlock the message. Ella said, "What is this ?". Isabel smirked saying "You mother made a huge unlock which needs your father's blood and our family's magic...This stone stores memorise and also her wonderful speech which she records before giving birth..she knew she was going to die". Robert said "What is it has ?". Isabel said, "Let's see".

In the stone, the first scene was the birth of Isabel and Eva. The second scene was the fight for the stone between Isabel and Eva. The third scene was the marriage between Eva and Robert. The fourth scene was the birth of all the children including Jake's birth. The fifth scene was the sweet memories of her own family.

Mark started to cry while seeing in. Daniel wiped his tears saying "Don't cry".Ella said, "So you are our aunt ?". Isabel said, "Yes..I am sorry...and that little guy over there is your child..if you don't believe me I can show you my memories". Isabel showed her most important memory through the stone.

Isabel's was how Eva took care of her, How Eva and Isabel sneaked around the home when she meets Robert while being children, When Eva got kicked out of the house, Eva's wedding, the Birth of the niece and nephew, Eva's death, shouting at father after the death, saving Jake, Having a picnic fight with Jake, Hugging Jake, seeing the niece and nephew.

Robert said, "So you saved him...so you are the girl from the past who confessed love to me in the village festival...and we were in a relationship...that time you had green eyes". James said, "I guess that is a part of the disguise". Isabel said "Yes". Jake said, "So that guy is my father ?!". Isabel said "Yes". Isabel said, "You always wanted to see Eva..look at Ella. Ella look exactly like Eva". Jake smiled. Robert said "I-".Isabel said, "Duke doesn't ask questions ..there is still her speech which she recorded".

The stone showed Eva. Eva said "I don't know why but I feel strange. I know dragon gets strange feeling before their eath..So just in case...If I am dead...I want to confess my sins. I am sorry Robert..I don't have the courage to tell you this. I am a dragon. I fell in love with you. So I married you. We had kids. Soon I noticed..Mark is a dragon just like me..And sister I am sorry...I couldn't help you when you were alone. We both come to this world together but looks like I am going to leave you behind right now. I am sorry. Sister, I wish to see father and mother once again. I know after my death you would be cold to father, mother and everyone ...I know after my death you don't want to cry because you don't want to show your weakness to others...but let me tell you just don't do it...cry as much as you want. Say father that I am sorry..Say mother I love her..kids I miss you..Robert, I am sorry...Isabel...I know Robert is your ex-boyfriend...but I am sorry, I love you, I miss you and hope you always smile...Ella and Isabel, I know you both like to fight. I want to be a knight as you wished for.".

Isabel said, "No my job here is done..I think I have to go out ". Isabel ran away. Jake said, "...she is going to cry". Mark said "What ?!". Jake said, "Aunt always runs away when she is going to cry". Robert followed her. Daniel said, "What is happening over here ?". Jake said "Dragons has the power to store their important memorise. And that stone allows seeing the memory of the black dragons. Our mother and aunt are black dragons..I and Mark are also black dragons. So we can use the stone to see the memory". Ella said "So...you are our lost brother ?". Jakes said "Yes I guess". Daniel hugged Jake saying "Welcome home dear". Mark smiled. Ella hugged them.

Isabel went to the mountain and shouted "So you knew he was my ex-boyfriend and still married him" Isabel started to laugh saying "oh my sister.. hope you had a fun time".

In the past village festival, Isabel was a kid. She confessed to a human called Robert after seeing him fight on the ground. Robert also accepted. After knowing Robert's story Isabel broke up with Robert. Isabel didn't want to hurt him cuz she was a dragon and his parents were killed by the dragons. And she knew he will hate him after knowing the truth.

In the present, Isabel smiled saying "what a small world. Don't worry sister I will tell father and mother about you sorry. I will help to connect both families". Robert hugged her from behind saying "Why did you break up with me ?". Isabel said, "I am a dragon..I know you hate dragons". Robert said, "...so do you hate your sister ?". Isabel said "Yes". Isabel started to cry. Robert patted her head. Isabel gave a sword to Robert saying "Come".

Isabel and Robert started to fight. After some time Isabel felt calm. They stopped fighting. Isabel said, "I love you". Robert said, "I am your brother-in-law". Isabel walked away.

The next morning, Isabel taught Jake, Ella, Mark, and Daniel. Isabel analyzed everyone's strength and recommended some weapons. Jake was given a sword. Mark was given a bow and arrow. Mark was given a magic book. Ella was given two swords. Isabel after teaching found three- two dragons flying to the palace. Isabel turned into a dragon to protect it. Suddenly that dragon stopped and turned into a human form. It was father, crown prince, and mother. Isabel turned into normal and said "Papa ? mama ?". Father said, "I-I came here to see grandchildren. I am not here for your move away".

Father saw the grandchildren and smiled. Father looked at Ella said "My dear look at her". Mother looked at her started to cry saying "She looks like Eva". Father patted her saying "Don't cry before our grandchild". Father gave presents to the children saying "Keep it a secret from your father". Daniel said "ok but our father is looking at you from behind". Mother said, "PFFT- caught red-handed". Fathers aid "Let's just ignore him". Mother said, "But I am getting chills from those glares he is giving".

At the dinner, Isabel, Jake, Robert, Mark, Daniel and Ella was sitting at the same table. Isabel stared at the food. Jakes said, "Aunt this food is tasty". Mark said, "my sweet food never had tasty food before ? did aunt bully you ?!". James said, "PFFT- yes she did it. She tried to cook and made the food burn. And she also tried to blast the kitchen a few days ago". Ella said "PFFT-". Robert started to laugh saying "You still didn't change..remember our first day at your house. You said you know how to cook but you also burnt your hair !". Daniel said "PFFFT-". Isabel gave an awkward smile saying "Father like son. Both of you stop teasing me ! and at that time I tried my best to cook who knew my hairs were in fire". Robert smiled. Ella saw this and said, "Father do you like an aunt. Marry her. I am okay with that. I never seen you smile like this after mother's death".

Isabel was smirked saying "Yes marry me. I am okay with that". Jake smiled saying "Aunt I guess your crown prince is giving you a death glare". No one noticed crown prince, father, and mother were also eating with them at the other end of the table. The Crown prince stood up saying "Isabel marry me. It is a royal order. We made a deal in the past that the general family need to sent a daughter to marry the crown prince. So you need to marry me tomorrow !".

Isabel said "What ?! ". Isabel looked at Robert. Robert said, "Don't look at me..I think you need to marry him...he is good for you...marry him". Isabel said, "You are directly getting rid of me ? fine crown prince let's marry !". Father drank the wine saying "I don't care what you do..I don't want to fight with you just like I did to Eva". Mother sighed. The Crown prince lifted Isabel and took her away to the palace. Isabel saw Robert. Robert also saw her but soon he turned his head away saying "You are my sister-in-law". Isabel said, "I have gifts for you guys in your room". In the room, Isabel bought them their own weapons.

In the night, Daniel went to Robert's room saying "Father I want you to see this page". Daniel handed over a paper. Daniel said "I tore this page from that diary...I didn't want you to marry other people...but after seeing Isabel...I want you to marry her..I know you didn't want to marry her because you wanted to be honest to mother but mother left this for you". Daniel left the room. Robert opened the paper.

In the paper, My dear..I am sorry. I know you loved my sister. And I know she still loves you, And..she left you because she is a dragon. She always reget borning as a dragon. She is a little straightforward. If she likes someone. She used to say it to them directly. If anything like this happens it will be too funny cuz she didn't change. If you love her still... it's okay I wish you both happiness. Live a happy life. That you for keeping me happy".

Robert started to cry. Mark came inside saying "Father...past can't be changed. Present can't be missed. Future can be changed. So take the right choice". Jake said, "Brother it is cheesy lines". Jake dragged Mark outside the room.

In the morning, Robert woke up late. Robert heard this and shouted "Wedding !". Everyone already went to the wedding. And the wedding started. Robert took his horse and started to go to the wedding. In the hall, Robert stormed into the hall shouting "Isabel ! I love you too !". Isabel looked at him saying "I don't like you". Robert made a sad puppy face. Isabel smiled saying "I love you !". Isabel ran to Robert and jumped to him with her huge dress saying "come let's escape".Robert kissed her. Isabel turned to a dragon saying "come kids !". Robert, Ella, Daniel, Mark and Jake climbed to her back. Jake said, "Go !". Isabel started to fly.

Crown prince sighed saying "am I that bad ? King as you said I did but she again escaped so now let me marry my love !". King sighed saying "as you wish ". The Crown prince shouted "My princess !". One human princess came out of nowhere crying "I almost cried".Crown prince patted her saying "Sorry dear. I knew she will escape but not like this. Nevermind. Let's continue". Crown prince and dragon princess got married.

Father ran outside shouting "Isabel ! you brat !". Isabel giggled. Robert smiled saying "Sorry father in law !". Kids shouted "Sorry grandpa !". Father smiled saying "Be happy !". Mother said, "Visit grandma !". The kid said "Ok !".

Soon Isabel gave birth to a female warrior who is best in magic. And their lives filled with happiness and giggles. Eva giggled.









Supporting roles:

crown prince





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