
My dragon aunt P1

Once upon a time where dragons and humans live together after millions of years of war. Dragon general...who is also Isabel's father. Who is being on the holidays which was given to him by the king after a long begging of Isabel's mother?

Father shouted, "Isabel ! where are you ?! don't you dare to seek into that brat's house !". Isabel ran giggling. Isabel said, "You can't catch me, papa". Something huge grabbed Isabel and stopped her. Isabel said, "Papa leave me". It was a dragon. That dragon said, "Didn't I tell you not to go to your sister's house !". Isabel turned into a dragon saying "I won't get caught father. Don't worry. I am just going to see sister's 4 children. Today the 4 children is going to born. Aren't you curious about your grandchildren". Father smirked saying "I don't care. And I don't have a daughter like her. You are my one and only daughter. She is been kicked out of the family a long time ago because of her selfishness". Isabel sighed and threw sand into his eyes and shouted "Mama! papa is again going to the dragon elders!". Mother came out giving Father a death glare saying "You are on holiday don't you dare go there".

Isabel flew away to the human king and turned back to the human form. Isabel sneaked into a Duke palace saying "Sister I am coming to see you". Isabel went to her sister's room and said "Eva ?".Eva saw Isabel and ran to her with a huge baby bump saying "Sister !". Eva had long black hair just like Isabel and her father. But Eva had a red-eye colour just like her mother. Isabel had blue hair just like her father. Eva and Isabel are twins.

Isabel said, "Don't run around sister !". Eva said, "Ok where his father and mother ?". Isabel said, "...they didn't come..Did you tell the brother-in-law about your true self ?". Eva said, "..not yet..I afraid he will stop loving me...He hates dragon. His family died because of the dragons". Isabel shouted "Sister ! you are going to have four children!..what if those children are dragons ?" Eva said, "I don't know what to do...did you find something strange happened in this palace ?". Isabel said, "I don't know. But you need to be careful...Father's enemies are too quiet". Eva said "Ok...your brother-in-law still thinks I am an orphan...if I die during this time...I have a dairy for him to confess all my sins" looking at the garden.

Isabel thought to herself "..dragons knows when they will die using their strange feeling around them...".Eva suddenly felt pain. Eva said, "Baby is going to born". Isabel said, "Oh my ! baby is going to born !". Maids ran inside along with the doctor. Isabel jumped outside saying "I wish I was near sister...wait- if I am correct sister's first son is 14 years old right now.. the second daughter is 13 years old... the third is 4 year old. Oh my, I want to see them !!... I heard Duke has sliver white hair...I am curious how my niece and nephew will look like...wait-".Isabel look at the ground. Isabel saw a huge footprint of a dragon. Isabel said "...It is the dragon queen's foot prnt....no..no..no ". Isabel ran to Eva's room and shouted "Eva! Dragon Queen is here to seek revenge for not marrying the crown prince !".

Eva was laying with her son in her left hand. Eva said, "What are you saying ? are you really sure ?". The maid said, "Who are you ? guards !". Isabel sighed and said, "I am sure I just now saw her huge footprints outside-". The roof of the building was ripped off by the queen dragon. Queen dragon smirked saying "There you are"/. Isabel said, "See she is here !". Eva was feeling weak. Isabel noticed it and said, "Maids go and call the Duke !". Maids didn't listen to her. Queen was going to hurt Eva. Isabel turned into a dragon and started to cover Eva from the queen. The Duke entered. Duke was shocked. Duke saw a black dragon covering his wife and newborn baby. And another huge blue dragon is attacking that black dragon.

Blue dragons represent the royal family. And Black presents the general family. Red, green, yellow and other coloured dragons are the citizens .

Isabel said, "Sis-sister sent a signal to the dragons". Eva said, "I can't...father won't come for my signal". Isabel said, "Duke take Eva away". Duke said "What ?! Guards kill both the dragons". Queen started to laugh saying "Duke you think there are only two dragons over here ?". Isabel said, "What ?! did you bring whole guards of dragons ?!". Queen smirked saying "You wife is also a dragon my dear child". Duke was confused. Isabel took this chance and pushed the queen away from the building. They both fell down. Queen flew away. Isabel lost consciousness.

Duke shouted, "Arrest the dragon right now !". Isabel was put into prison. Eva sighed and said "I guess my end is here". Duke saw Eva. Eva was bleeding. Eva got hurt while the roof was ripped off. Before the Duke, Robert calls the doctor. Eva died. Robert took his newborn baby and gave it to the royal nanny. Duke went to prison and saw Isabel. Isabel was sleeping. Robert looked at her. She looked exactly like Eva. Isabel saw the Duke and said, "Brother in law- oh...Robert...Duke".Robert saw her eyes and thought to himself "But those eyes aren't the same".

Isabel mumbled, "I almost got caught". Robert said, "Why did you attack the duchess Eva ?". Isabel said, "I didn't !..by the way how is Eva and the baby". Robert said, "You are under arrest because you dragons murdered the Duchess". Isabel said "Duchess?...Eva ?...Eva is dead ?!". Robert said, "Yes you killed her !". Isabel was confused that can't be true...where is her body ?! give it to me ?!". Robert said "Why should I? You are going to die now !". Isabel saw the anger in his eyes. Isabel said "Sorry...I will be back". Isabel changed into a dragon and escaped from the prison and took Eva's body to her home. Robert was very angry and searched for her all over the kingdom.

Isabel turned into a human form and shouted before her house saying "Papa !". Father came out and saw Eva who is been dead. Father said, "W-What ? is she dead ?". Isabel said in a cold voice and face "...Yes...you always wanted her to be removed...because she loved a human... she stood up for that human and covered that human...you forced her to marry the crown prince but..she didn't marry..now the queen came and tried to attack her...I tried to save her..but she already got hurt! she even wanted to call you with a signal but..she thought you will ignore her...I don't know what to say !...her two kids are..dragons...Mother what do you want me to do ?".Mother didn't come out. Mother was hiding inside the home crying and not wanting to see her dead daughter.

Isabel buried her sister and didn't cry. She ignored her feeling and started to plan what to do next. A few days later, Isabel got the news saying that the newborn has died due to a carriage accident on the mountain. Duke Robert killed all those maids and guards of the newborn baby. Isabel quickly looked around over the mountain and found the baby beside the mountain river. Isabel took the baby and went to a dragon royal doctor.

The doctor said, "The baby can be saved...but you need to get the royal dragon potion from the king...how are you going to get it ?". Isabel said, "Don't worry..I will get it".Isabel went to the king and said "King..can you please help me save a life ? can you give the royal dragon potion ?". King smirked saying "What makes you think I will give that potion? it has a value of 500 years. And we are on the really bad term". Isabel said, "Please King I will do anything you want". Isabel kneeled down. King said, "Ok..I will give it to you but ask the queen how you are going to repay". Isabel said, "..ok king".

Isabel went to the Queen, Queen said "Oh my you are back!". Isabel said, "How can I repay my queen ?". Queen smirked saying "How about killing my King ?". Isabel was shocked. Queen smiled saying "Don't be a shock. That king isn't allowing my son to rule the Kingdom. So how about kill him ?". Isabel said, "But your son is the crown prince". Queen said, "He is but that King is planning something else. Looks like he is going to change the crown prince. How about this my dear ?". Isabel said, "...I will kill the king". Queen said, "That's a good girl...Do it before this week. Okay ?". Isabel said, "Yes queen".

Isabel went outside. Crown prince blocked her and said, "Are you really going to kill the King ?". Isabel said, "That's what your mother wished for so..I will". Isabel went to her house and started to sharpen her sword.

2 days later, Queen got news from Isabel saying she killed the King. Queen rushed to the place. Queen saw the King sitting on his chair with blood on his neck. And Isabel was standing beside him. Queen smiled and laughed happily saying "You really killed him ? I thought it was going to be hard but you did ! now take the potion and run away from here ! I hate this guy. But finally it is over. Thank you for this Devil". Isabel smirked saying "See what I told was true". Queen said, "Who are you talking to ?". King smiled saying "She is talking to me". Queen said "B-But that blood ?". Isabel smirked saying "paint". A few days ago, Isabel informed the Queen's deal the king. He didn't believe Isabel so Isabel planned on this act to get the truth from the queen. Queen was sent to prison.

Isabel got the potion from the King and the baby was saved. Isabel packed her things and moved into the human kingdom along with that baby and started to live a normal human life. Robert also got the dairy which Eva left for him. But he didn't read it he stored it in the library. Soon Isabel worked in the human royal palace as a female knight. The King knew she was a dragon.

After 5 years, Isabel shouted, "Jack time to eat !". Jack didn't reply. Isabel went to Jake's room. Jake was sleeping. Isabel dragged Jake to eat. Jack said, "I don't want to eat. I am mad at you !". Jack made an angry face. Isabel thought to herself "Oh my he looks exactly like his father..I am starting to get chills". Jack was still angry. Isabel said, "Oh my why is my Jake angry ?". Jack said, "You told me we can go on a picnic but we didn't go !". Isabel said, "I am sorry dear. I was too busy training the guards ". Jack said, "I want to go today !". Isabel said, "Ok let's go get ready". Jack said, "What really ? I thought you were going to reject that aunt". Isabel smiled saying "Get ready". Jack ran to get ready. Isabel took him to the royal ground.

Jack was super angry. Jake saw it in the ground. Someone guards were standing for their training. Isabel gave them a work plan and started to have a picnic with Jake on one side. Jake sighed and said, "I want to kill you, aunt". Isabel smiled saying "So wanna train for that ?". Jake smiled saying "I already trained for that aunt". Jake took a knife from his bag and started to attack, Isabel. Isabel smirked saying " I knew it! This was going to happen! you aren't the type to enjoy a picnic". Jake said, "You are a smart aunt. Why do I have Black hair and yellow eyes ? why isn't it a red-eye just like you ?". Isabel said "Yellow eyes are from your father what can I do about that ?! and who knew you are going to start fighting at the age of 5 ?!.. Now I get it..My perfect past. Your mother and I used to find this is the age of 4. Those are nicely memorized ".


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