
Mission: Suprise

Mr and Mrs.Lee discussed their son's and daughter's marriage in the restaurant.

Mrs.Lee said, "My younger son Jae is a Math teacher and he has an older sister Ba Ra who is a secretary of a boss.We are a normal family".Mrs.Kim said "My older son is Byeong a doctor. And My younger daughter is Baram a sport teacher.We are also a normal family. And our children fell in love.How about a little change in the tradition ?".Mr.Kim stood up saying "What? Why didn't you tell me? I won't accept it". Mr.Lee said, "Sit down sir.I can say 100 percent that you will like my child. Don't worry my child will take care of your child".

Mrs.Kim said "Then.Ok". Mrs.Lee said, "Then. Let us take our kids on a family trip to my countryside. There we can surprise them about their marriage. Let's go there and meet at my guesthouse". Ok?". Mrs. Kim said "Ok Mrs.Lee.Let's meet there".

They all went back to their houses.

In the night, Mrs. Kim asked "Baram . We are going on a family trip. Pack your things. Tomorrow morning. Take a leave from school.Fast". Baram said "Ok But why now?". Mr.Kim said, "Just so. Pack your things. Ok ?". Baram said "Ok".

Baram texted Jae that :

"I will have to go on a family trip tomorrow. So I can't come to school. It's ok or you?".

"Ok. But be quick bae".

"I will honey".

Byeong came inside the house. Mr.Kim said, "Tomorrow we are going on a family trip in the morning. Pack your things. I got permission from the hospital head. Don't worry". Byeong said "Ok. But I will come to the place at the night. Ok? I have to go to the hospital. I will be there. I promise, first you go there and text me the address. Ok?". Mrs.Kim said "Fine. But be there fast".

Byeong went to his room and texted in a game that :

" I can't meet you tomorrow . I have work. Let's meet afterward .Ok ?".

No reply came.

He went to shower.

Mrs.Lee said "Ba Ra, Where are you leaving ?". Ba Ra said, "Boss is calling me. He asked me to come to his home. And he has a problem. I will be back soon". Mr.Lee said "Ok and ask the boss for 3 days leave. We are going to a family trip".Ba Ra said, "Ok.I will be back". Ba Ra ran to the boss's house because his house is only a few houses away from her home.

Ba Ra knocked on his door. Boss opened. Boss said "You are here. I want to eat". Ba Ra said, "So boss jun . What can I do for you ?". Boss Jun said, "Can you prepare some food for me? ". Ba Ra said, "sorry boss I can't cook. Can you order some food?". Boss Jun said, "No.I want house food". Ba Ra said, "Then. and you come to my house for one dinner and I want 3 days to leave sir". Boss Jun said "Ok.To where ?". Ba Ra said, "Sorry.Its my personal life". Boss Jun signed and said, "Ok.Lead the way".

While walking Boss Jun tied to hold Ba Ra's hand. But Ba Ra stopped and said, "Sir. Please don't ". Boss Jun said, "How long are you going to not accept my love ?".Ba Ra said "Sir. I have a boyfriend. She showed something . He laughed. Boss Jun said "Who is he?". Ba Ra said "My boyfriend so please leave". Boos Jun pushed her to a wall and said "Why ?". Ba Ra kicked him and said, "I quit from job".

Ba Ra went to her home. and Boss Jun said, "I will show you who I am".Boss Jun knocked on the house where he was standing. That owner opened the door and Boss Jun requested the CCTV camera's video. That owner also gave him.

Ba Ra went to her home and said "Mom. I am hungry. Please give me the food to eat. Jae comes down !". Jae said, "I am here. Mom ! Can I come after tomorrow ?". Mr.Lee said, "Why ?". Jae said, "I have to collect one file". Ba Ra said, "I will collect the file. You go with mom and dad". Jae said, "I will sis". Ba Ra said, "I have to give a resignation letter to him tomorrow and I will take your file".Jae said "Resignation ?".Ba Ra said "Nothing". Mr.Lee said, "How will you come ?". Ba Ra said, "My friend will come to pick me up". Mrs.Lee said, "Ok.Be safe". Je smiled and said, "Don't kill someone sis ". Ba Ra said, "Shut up".

Ba Ra got a text on a game saying -"I can't meet you tomorrow . I have work. Let's meet afterward .Ok ?".

Ba Ra replied back - "Ok. It's an ok ". And Byeong replied with a heart emoji.

Next morning,

Mr.Lee's family and Mr.Kim family packed their bags and started to travel.Mr.Lee's family started the journey early than Mr. Kim's family.Mr.Lee said, "Ba Ra we will leave now. Come fast". Ba Ra said "Ok". Ba Ra took a bus to Jae's school. Ba Ra took the file and went to her office. But in the office, everyone stared at her weirdly. Her friend took Ba Ra to the bathroom and siad "Why are you ? did you see what you have done ?". Ba Ra sid "What ?". Her friend took her phone showed a video. That video was Ba Ra kicking Boss Jun. Ba Ra sighed and went out. Boss Jun siad "Why are you here?". Ba Ra said, "I am resigning from this job ".Boss Jun said, "Why ?". Ba Ra siad " Boss Jun. Due to hate thoughts you". Ba Ra gave the resignation letter to him and went out.

Ba Ra started to cruise Boss JUn as soon as she came out of the building. One guy recorded the video and posted it online. Ba Ra saw the video and sighed.

Jae in the car started to laugh. Mrs.Lee said, "What happened ?". Jae said, "Mom your daughter becomes an online star.See this ".Jae showed both videos. Mrs.Lee siad "Will she be alright ?". Mr.Lee said, "Nothing will happen to her".

Mr.Kim said, "We need fuel so I will stop in the upcoming petrol pump before going out of the city.Byeong you can sleep now. You didn't sleep for days". Baram and Byeong were seating in the back seat. Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim sat on the front seats.

Ba Ra called her friend to pick her up. Her friend came. They both laughed and went. Her friend said, "We have to stop this petrol pump".She stopped the car and said Ba Ra to go to the restroom if she wants. Ba Ra also went.

Mr.Kim also stopped the car at the same petrol pump. Byeong went to the restroom. Mrs.Kim called Mrs.Lee to say they started the travel.

Mrs.Lee said, "Ok .Mrs.Kim see you soon". Mrs.Kim said, "Will children will like this surprise engagement ?". Mrs.Lee siad "Yes.They will". Baram heard this and thought "Why is she saying surprise engagement ? For my brother ?".

Ba Ra's friend siad "Sorry Ba Ra.I have to go home. My mom is not well. I was sorry". Ba Ra said, "It's ok. You can go ". Ba Ra was standing alone at the petrol pump. Mr.Kim went to Ba Ra and said "Are you Ba Ra ?". Ba Ra said, "Yes.Uncle who are you ?". Mr.Kim said "I your parent's friends. Do you need a lift ?". Ba Ra saw him weirdly. Mr.Kim said, "Let's talk here. Do you want something to eat ?". Ba Ra said "It's ok uncle".Ms.Kim came and asked, "Who is she ?". Mr.Kim said "Ba Ra !". Ms.Kim said, "Ba Ra ? Why Are you here dear. You should be going with your family".

Ba Ra said, "I had some work". Ms.Kim took her to her car and said "Will are also going there.Come with us". They pushed Ba Ra in the back seat with Baram. Baram that she was the one who is going to marry brother. So she kept quiet. Ba Ra thought they are kidnapping her so she tried to go out. Mr.Kim started the car and started to travel. Baram was seating in the middle of Ba Ra and Byeong.

Ba Ra said, "Leave me, uncle".Byeong said, "Who is she ?". Mrs.Kim said "One of friend's daughter". Ba Ra said, "Then who is my mother ?". Mrs.Kim said "Mrs.Lee ". Ba Ra said, "Nope. Her name is Vina.Now drop me". Mr.Kim said, "Why don't you call your parents ?".

Ba Ra got a call. It was Jae. Ba Ra said, "Now I will ask them.If they say no I will bury your family alive ". Baram said, "Brother do you know her ?". Byeong whispered "Nope".

Ba Ra attends the call and put the call in the speaker. Before Ba Ra speaks. Jae laughed and said "Sis. Where are you ?". Ba Ra said, "Did you take some laughing pills? Why are you laughing ?". Jae said "Let me tell you a story Sis. One secretary kicked her boss and in next day she crushed her boss outside his building. Do you know who is that ? It was you ! sis!".Mr.Kim laughed hard and said "Sorry I couldn't stop it".

Ba Ra said, "Why did you call ?". Jae said, "Just to make fun of you. Your video has 1 million views ". Ba Ra said "Shut up" in a silent voice. Jae continuously made fun of her so she lost the temper and shouted "Jae! you are done, idiot. When I come there you will die. I will bury you alive". Jae said, "I also waiting for that sis". Byeong started to laugh. Ba Ra gave a death stare to him. Baram closed Byeong's mouth.

Ba Ra said, "Give the phone to mom". Jae siad "Why ?". Ba Ra said, "Just give the phone before I kill you". Jae gave the phone to Mrs. Lee. Ba Ra said, "Mom.Did you know anyone who named Mr.Kim ? I am traveling in their car". Mrs.ee said, "Yes. Ok travel in their car. But I am sorry to ask ...". Ba Ra said "What mom ?". Mr.Lee said, "You mother what to ask if Boss Jun is alright ?". Ba Ra said, "Am I really you kid? Why aren't you worried about me !". Mrs.Lee hanged the call. Ba Ra saw this and shouted "Mom!".

Mr.Kim said, "Is everything alright Ba Ra ?". Ba Ra said, "Everything is alright uncle you can continue the driving. Thank you for the drive and sorry about the before". Baram was thinking something. Byeong said "What sis ?". Baram said, "I think I heard this voice before". Byeongs aid "Ok.I am going to play". Baram saw Byeong and Ba Ra chatting on the phone. Baram noticed that it is an online relationship.

Baram researched about Ba Ra and found that she is a playgirl by a rumor. And determine to make Ba Ra and Byeong break up.

In the countryside. Mr.Lee cleaned all the place. In that guest house, there were 4 rooms. Jae went and took his phone and called someone and said "Can you delete those 2 videos, please? How...Then....Thank you sir for your kind help. Ba Ra texted "Why did you delete the video ?". Jae texted "Do you want to undelete the videos ?". Ba Ra said "Nope. Thank you, sweet little bro". Jae said "I just did want to lose my face.Ok. I have to go somewhere now. Come fast home to take care of mom. I will leave". Ba Ra siad "Ok". Jae went out.

Mr.Kim also reached the place. Ba Ra said, "You are also going to stay here ?". Mrs.Kim said "Yes". Mrs.Lee came and said "Ba Ra. Go and take the package now". Byeongs aid "How can she it is heavy". Mrs.Lee said, "She will .Dodon't worry about her". Ba Ra took all the three packages and went inside in one go. Mrs.Lee said, "She, Didn't I say ?". Ba Ra siad "Ok.I will leave mom". Mrs.Lee said, "Are you going to pick a fight ?". Ba Ra shouted, "I will be back". And ran away.

Mrs.Lee saw Byeong and said, "Can you keep an eye on her ?". Byeongs aid "yes-". Baram dragged Byeongs aid "We will aunt". Byeongs aid "Why did you drag me ?". Baram said "Bro. Just come. Let's see her real face".

Ba Ra went to a military academy. They both were following a few meters away. Ba Ra ran to one guy. That guy said, "You are here ?". Ba Ra siad "Yes I am here. Where are my babies ?". That guy pointed right. Baram said "Babie. She has kids ?". Byeongs aid "Let's follow her come". Ba Ra went to one room. In that room. Every student was sleeping. Ba Ra shouted "Attention! ". Everyone woke upstanding. Ba Ra laughed. One student said, "You! Everyone catches her ". Ba Ra said, "We are inside the school. Come let's go outside". That guy said, "Just kidding sis".

Everyone hugged her saying "Where did you go, sis ?". Bywong said, "What is happening ?". Baram said, "I think we have to go".One guy said, "Sis go before Beom comes. Or yo...". Ba Ra said, "Ok.Let's see you tomorrow. I am going now". Baram dragged Byeong to that militaries office to ask who is Beom. Baram said to the officer "Please say Beom to some to Ba Ra's house today". Byeong said, "Why are you doing this is? ". Baram said, "Wait and watch". That officer also said it to Beom.

Ba Ra went home. With her Byeong and Baram was also home. Before they were going Beom was sitting in Ba Ra's house. Mrs.Lee siad "Ba Ra your friend is here ". Ba Ra saw him and walked back. And ran away pushing Byeong. Beom got up and ran to Ba Ra. Baram also followed them. Beyond also did. Mr.Lee said "I think we need to close the door. Honey come here". Mrs.Lee closed the door. Both families were decorating to surprise them.

Beom pulled Ba Ra and said, "how long are you going to run? I am sorry ". Baram stoped and took Byoeng into the bushes. Byeong siad "Why are you doing this ?". Beom siad "Mom is going to make you marry her. I am gathering evidence to stop the marriage. Do you want to marry her?". Byeongs aid "Nope". Baram said, "Then stip her bro".

Baram took her phone and started to record. Ba Ra couldn't breathe. She fell to the ground. Beom said, "How long are you going to do like this ?". Ba Ra said, "Go now!". Beom started to kiss her. Jae ran to her and pushed him away from Ba Ra. Jae siad "Are you ok ?".Ba Ra siad "I can't breath". Jae slapped her. Ba Ra said, "Why did you slap? ". Jae said, "I thought it will work". Byeong came out and said to her to breathe slowly. Ba Ra breathed slowly.

Beom said "Jae ! Why are you doing ?". Jae siad "Don't pick a fight". Beom said "Coem here". Jae and Beom started to fight. In the end, Beom won. Ba Ra said, "Why are you here ?". Ba Ra said "You called me. So I am here". Ba Ra said, "I didn't call you". Baram said, "I did". Ba Ra said, "Why did you ?". Baram said, "You are marrying my brother so I tried to stop that calling him". Baram saw Jae and ran to him saying "Baby!".

Jae said, "Why are you here ?". Baram said, "Are you cheating on me with her ?". Jae siad "She is my sister". Baram said "Sorry sister". Ba Ra said, "So sorry about that. You can leave Beom". Beom said, "Am I an idiot ? I missed you". Ba Ra went to Jae and said "You should have said this before you bullied me after break up. I am done with you". Beom said "ok. Just say who you are going to marry ?". Baram said "He. She will marry my brother". Jae said "Your brother ?".

Beom smiled and went to him saying "You ?". Byeong said, "So you bullied her after the breakup. So the breathing differently wasn't any disease. It was her fear for her. Right ?". Beom siad "Fear ?". Ba Ra said "So ?". Byeongs aid "You are still thinking that he will hurt you again .Change your mind it will be alright". Jae said, "Yes.Sis just do it". Ba Ra said, "I can't". Beom was going to punch Byeong saying "Shut your mouth". Ba Ra catched his hands and twisted it to his back and said "You hurt my enough. All the love turned into fear and hate. I don't love you anymore. It sis too late for us. Just live your life. I will live mine. I am begging you". Beom didn't say anything. Ba Ra let go of his hands and said "Come let's go in. We have to go".

Jae siad "Sis are you ok ?". Ba Ra said, "See the blood in your mouth. Mom is going to kill me. Our teacher missed us . Go there is you have time". Jae said, "I already went there".Baram said, "I am sorry sis. I didn't know you were Jae's sister". Ba Ra said, "It's ok. But I will kill you if you do it again". Ba Ra went to Byeong and said "Thank you". Byeong said, "It's not a problem". Ba Ra said, "You have a scar on your face bro". Jae said, "It's ok. This is my 13 scar".Baram said "What ?". Ba Ra said, "Yes. I have 23 scars all over my body. It is all a part of a life".Byeongs aid "Why are you having these scars ?". Beom said while walking "Ba Ra's half scars are caused by my bulling and the other half are from the training ".

Ba Ra said, "Just don't mind him. Come let's go in". When they entered. The place was decorated in red and both parents said "Jae and Baram surprise!". Baram said, "So the engagement is for my and Jae ?". Mrs.Lee said, "Then for who do you think we kept". Jae hugged Baram and also begged for forgiveness for Ba Ra for the trouble his girlfriend caused".

In the night, Mrs.Kim said, "I and my husband will take this room. My both children will take this room".Mrs.Lee agreed. In one room Mr. and Mrs. Kim slept. In another room, Mr. and Mrs. Lee slept. In the other room, Jae and Ba Ra slept. In the last room, Byeong and Baram slept.

Jae woke Ba Ra and said "Sis . Can I go to Baram's room to sleep". Ba Ra nodded in sleepiness. Jae ran to Baram's room. Baram said, "Brother cane you go to Jae's room". Byeong said "Ok. But I need to give your car tomorrow ". Baram said "No". Byeong said, "Then I will not go". Baram said "ok. I will give you now leave". Byeong went to Ba Ra's room to sleep in a corner. Jae went to Baram's room. But also Jae and Baram were sleeping in separate corners.

Byeong and Ba Ra were texting on their phone without even knowing they are texting each other. While texting they found that they both are in the same countryside so they decided to meet each other the next day in a park. Someone knocked her door. She opened and saw who knocked out was her patents. Ba Ra closed the door and said Byeong to hide.

Byeongs aid "Why should I hide ?". Ba Ra said, "Do you want to marry me ?". Byeong said "no.But why ?". Ba Ra said, "My parents will misunderstand. Now go and hide". Byeong went under the bed. Then she opened the door. Mrs.Lees aid "What took you a lot of time ?".Ba Ra said, "Just went to the restroom". Mrs.Lee said, "You should have opened the door. Someone is here to see you". Ba Ra said "Who ? Say that person to come here". Mrs.Lee said, "Why ? Why don't you go to that person". Ba Ra said, "I am too tired".

That person entered saying "Are you the one who said tried ? You never used those words before". Ba Ra stood up saying "Teacher". Mrs.Lees aid "Then I will leave". Teachers aid "Who has to been ? Jae said to me to offer you a job in the military academy you wished for". Ba Ra said, "He did ? I didn't know he cared about me?". The teacher smiled and said, "He also came to a military academy for you. But know he took his path. And won his dream. What about you ?".Ba Ra said, "It is new for me".The teacher said, "Will you be the next instructor for the military academy?". Ba Ra said, "I don't know". The teacher said "Your dream was to be that. But why didn't you get that dream? Was it for your brother. UI know what I said to you about your brother is not new for you. You left the military academy for your brother to get his dream. Right ?".B a Ra said "Teacher who do you always know about me". Teacher said "You are my amazing student. Now you have to get your dream. I will wait for you in the academy".

The teacher went out. Byeong came outside from the bed. Ba Ra went to sleep in a corner of the bed. Byeong also went to the corner of thinking about Ba Ra. The next morning Ba Ra was missing. Jae said, "Where is my sister ?". Byeong noticed what happened. So he said, "She went to get her dreams". Jae said "Dude. I think you need to speak clearly". Jae went out. Mrs. Lee said, "She is in the military academy". Jae ran out saying "Why did you let her ? Beom will be there".

Ba Ra blocked Jae in the door saying "Brother. Enough. You will your life. I will live mine. You did your job as a brother. Now you need to live your life". Jae said, "But-". Ba Ra said "No buts. Just do as I say". Jae nodded and said, "But be careful". Ba Ra smiled.

In the evening, Both Ba Ra and Byeong went to the park. Ba Ra texted "I am wearing a blue clour dress". Byeong texted "I am wearing black dresses". Jae asked, "Where is she going ?". Baram said "Aunt and mom. I think there will another wedding happening with us. It will be....".

Ba Ra saw a guy in a black dress facing the wall. She went to ask him if he the ghost12 user. It was Byeong. Ba Ra said, "Why are you here ? Wait-Are you ghost12 ?". Byeong said "Ae you grimreaper07 ?". Ba Ra said "Yes". Byeong said, "I missed you". Ba Ra said, "Can you give me a hug ?". Byeong gave a hug saying "I promised I will give you a hug while seeing. Now my promise is fulfilled".Ba Ra smiled at him.Byeong said, "I finally found my ghost after 5 years".

Bram said, "Byeong and Ba Ra are in a relationship for ng time without even knowing each other. Online relationship".Mrs.Kim said, "I think we got another mission: surprise ".


Ba Ra x Byeong

Baram x Jae

Mrs. Kim x Mr. Kim

Mrs.Lee x Mr.Lee

Supporting roles :

Boss Jun


Ba Ra's friend


Ame_Vivrecreators' thoughts