
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

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New Fact

 "Om, I'm sure that what Jessi said in anger wasn't the truth, right?"

 Surya chuckled hearing a serious-faced question from Fauzan. The man she once trusted to take care of Jessi at that time.

 "Why? You don't really know me," replied Surya, provoking what the man was thinking.

 "Yes, indeed. But, with the way Om is so gentle with Jessica, I'm sure that Om would never dare to cheat on him," he said, giving Surya the answer that Surya definitely wanted.

 "Then, you never loved my son, did you? You betrayed him very often," Surya said spontaneously, making Fauzan's face change too. Seeing him, he immediately turned to another conversation. "Okay, stop talking about it. Why are you so sure that I will never cheat?"

 "Om, the photo about Alin's mother that was spread out was genuine. It wasn't edited and it was a new photo. I'm sure that Om knows the facts about this, right?"