
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

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226 Chs

Fun Watch

    Cleo invites Rere to go to Jessi's house. The woman felt that her best friend was not okay right now. That's why he forced Rere to accompany him to Jessi's house.

   "Jessi doesn't like us going to his house without telling him first. Are you sure you want to go there?"

   Rere, Cleo, and Jessi were friends not only for a day or two but for years. Of course, they know clearly what each like and dislikes. The thing that Jessi disliked the most was when her friends came without her permission first.

    "I'm very sure, Re. Come on! This is how I feel when Jessi needs us. We have to hurry to her house now," answered Cleo quickly. From the look on his face, he looked panicked and worried.

    However, Rere couldn't fully trust Cleo. However, Jessi would be very angry if they did something she didn't like.

    "But Jessi will be angry, Cle. It's as if you don't even know her," Rere replied, keeping his stance.

    "I'll just ask him to meet him now. But not at his house," continued Rere then reached into his cellphone which was in his pants pocket.

    "No. Don't tell him. He won't be honest if asked on the phone. We have to ask directly," Cleo stopped when Rere was about to press the phone icon.

   "Cle, I asked her to meet outside for us to ask directly as long as it's not at her house. You know that Jessi doesn't like us to go to her house without her knowing. I don't want to risk her getting angry, OK, Cle."

    Regardless of Rere's attitude, he always puts the comfort of his friends first. During this time he always tried not to do things that his best friend did not like. He cares about their feelings and privacy even though they are close friends. Close doesn't mean you have to know everything right?

    Cleo paused to think. What Rere said had some truth as well. Jessi hates it when people violate her.

    "Fine. Just ask him to meet outside," replied Cleo in the end.


    "I met Disha earlier," said Fauzan, starting their conversation.

    Daneo was surprised not to play. While Satria was silent even though he was also surprised.

    "Disha? The Disha we know? Are you serious? So what?" said Daneo curiously.

    "Yeah, it's okay. I'll meet again with Jessi," answered Fauzan wearily. I don't know what made his spirits drop. Afraid that Jessi will be angry, or because of meeting her ex?

   "With Jessi? Then how is he? Are you angry with me? Yes, don't be angry," added Daneo, getting hotter. This kind of talk was all he needed to refresh his head.

   "You know that Jessi can't be angry at least let alone yell at me."

    "That's true too. Even though I immediately imagined if he grabbed your hair until it was bald," Daneo said composing.

    "Your head is bald," Fauzan replied angrily.

    Daneo only gave a grin when he got a sharp glare from Fauzan.

   "I also met Evelyn," said Satria making Fauzan surprised. Daneo must have been surprised too. Even more hyperbole.

   "Se… Seriously? Where? How is he now?" asked Daneo immediately excited.

    "He's fine. I met Rere again," answered Satria, explaining honestly.

    Instead of focusing on the answer to his question, he misfocused on who was with Satria at that time.

    "Are you with Rere? What are you doing?"

  Satria immediately looked at Daneo sharply. Indeed, it seems that man will soon be exterminated from the face of this earth. The longer he lived the more emotion he brought into the lives of his friends.

    "Watch your brain. I met Rere at the mini-market. Evelyn was also there," answered Satria as if he knew what was on Daneo's mind.

    "Yes, my brain failed to travel," he chuckled disappointedly.

    "Last night he called me asking to see him."

    "So? So?"

    "I answered, I have to ask Jessi's permission first. But she immediately said no," answered Fauzan even more sadly. His head seemed to just pop out of its place thinking about all the things that suddenly came.

    Daneo and Satria sighed simultaneously. What's on their minds is the same. Fauzan's problem but both of them are also confused about the solution.

   "I'm the only one who hasn't met Vanesha," said Daneo during their silence. Making Satria and Fauzan instantly glared.


    Jessi and Jeno sat casually on the sofa in the living room. His hands were on his chin to support his head, his legs folded over each other. Meanwhile, Jeno just leaned his body casually next to his sister.

    Before they were the most exciting wrestling show of all time. Their spectacle was noisy but those who watched just sat relaxed like on the beach staring at the vast sea that stretched beautifully.

    "Bun, that's the other flower vase that hasn't been broken yet," Jeno said pointing to the flower vase next to Jessi.

    Ignored it, it just got more fun.

    "I'll give you some time, right. It's a shame if you're left alone," Jessi muttered and then got up from her seat while carrying the flower vase that Jeno had shown earlier.

   "Mom, Dad. Stop fighting first. This is another flower vase that hasn't been broken yet," said Jessi, handing the vase with her innocent face.

   Alin and Surya stopped arguing. He looked at the youngest daughter of the only woman.

   "What are you doing, Jessi? Go to your room over there!" said Alin, snapped at Jessi.

   However, those who were shouted at did not budge in their place. His face was even more innocent as if he did not understand what had just happened.

    "Earlier, I was in your room, and I asked you to come downstairs to watch you guys fight. Now that I'm here, I've been ordered to go back to my room again," Jessi squeaked disappointedly.

    "Well, I'll go back to the room. Here's the flower vase. It's easy if we run out, we'll just buy it later," he continued, then handed the flower vase into Alin's hands. Meanwhile, he turned around to go to his room.

    "Not fun. They were ordered to disperse," Jessi said to Jeno who looked at him and continued walking towards his room.

    "That's your child. So take care of him properly. A mother should be able to be the first school for her children. So that she can know and understand manners." Surya spoke right in front of Alin's face. Makes the atmosphere even hotter. I don't know what triggered them to fight.

    "You also have to be able to be a mobile ATM for your family. Don't just demand others to look perfect if you can't just be good yourself."