
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

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226 Chs


     After a week in the hospital, Jessi was finally allowed to go home. But, to be honest, Jessi was more comfortable in the hospital than at home.

    He returned home accompanied by Fauzan who was always loyal to accompanying him. It's not that Jessi feels uncomfortable if Fauzan is always with her. It's just that he knows what the man ignores just to accompany him while in the hospital. Even dozens of messages have been sent for him from the woman who had given birth to the man. Ordered Jessi to force Fauzan to go home and work and take care of himself, but Fauzan was the only one who didn't want to and listened to him.

   "Now you can go home," said Jessi after sitting herself on her bed.

   Fauzan put the bag and carry-on containing Jessi's equipment on the chest of drawers. Then he looked at his lover with a look that didn't know what he meant.

   "Well, I'm going home! If there's anything, don't hesitate to tell me," answered Fauzan, giving up in the end.

   Jessi nodded then invited Fauzan to leave immediately.


   He leaned his head against the back of the car seat after leaving Jessi's house. Fauzan only started his car a few meters from Jessi's house and then stopped under a shady tree right by the roadside.

   "How do you get Jessi's mood back so it can be like before?" the monologue speaks for itself. He massaged his temples, feeling a little dizzy.

   His head felt like it was going to explode because during that week he'd felt a very noticeable change in Jessi's demeanor. There is no sweet face, Jessi, when asking him something. There was no joke that the woman made first. There is no adorable attitude that makes Fauzan fall in love with him again and again.

    Broken glass will never be perfect again. Likewise with Jessi's trust in him. Although it has been forgiven, sorry does not guarantee the return of trust.

   Fauzan got out of his car to take as much breath as possible. Calming his dizzy mind might be the effect of the hospital as well.

    When he sat on the bumper of the car with his head down, suddenly a car stopped nearby and pulled out a fashionable woman who Fauzan knew.

   He immediately went down when the woman was in front of him.

   "What are you doing?" he asked sarcastically not liking the woman's presence.

   "Fierce, Zan? Just relax when there's no Jessi too," he replied too casually, even chuckling amused at Fauzan's reaction like that.

    Fauzan sighed lazily. Disha Alkana is the chemical element that has become the woman Fauzan hates the most.

   "Do you hate me? It's funny if you do," he said, making Fauzan look at him cynically.

   "Why is it that I hate you?"

   Disha laughs mockingly. Looking at Fauzan's face with a smirk on his lips.

   "Look at it, what's the reason you hate me? I think I should hate you and you hate yourself. But after I realized that, you don't know yourself," answered Disha, making Fauzan silent. Disha's eyes continued to examine every inch of the man.

   "Jessi is stupid. How can you trust a canned crocodile-like you again? You should remember that you are also cheating on me," he said again, pushing Fauzan into a corner. To be honest, Disha is also a victim and a suspect here.

   "Eh, we broke up! I don't have a relationship with you anymore," Fauzan pointed out, feeling disapproved. His biggest regret is being eaten by the trap of this woman he already considers a stranger in front of him. Even though he used to be the one in his heart too.

    "Break up? You never even said that in front of my face. Only in front of Lyn's face, right? You have a lot of girls!" Disha taunts annoyed. Can he be upset even though in Jessi's case, he is the main suspect?

    Fauzan glared sharply. He knew what Disha said was true, but he didn't think he would accept if all those words came out of Disha's mouth. Fauzan feels that it is inappropriate for Disha Alkana to corner him. Because the woman was just as wrong.

   "But, if you want to be the second me again, I can accept you again," said Disha softened and sensually approached Fauzan.

   Fauzan pushed Disha's hand off his chest. He groaned in disgust seeing what Disha did to him. It made him even more regretful because he was tempted by the seduction of this devil's incarnation.

   "Watch your hands. I don't want to be touched by you again," Fauzan snapped.

    "I'm sure it's Lyn who did this again. You don't have to be a hypocrite to be a boy. You've read your movements. Even Jessi, I'm sure of that."

   Disha immediately turned around, leaving after saying that. He never intended to tease Fauzan but only to test again, can't be compared to Jessi, can he be compared to Evelyn? But it can't.

    From the beginning, Disha never really intended to seduce Fauzan, she just wanted to show her love for him. He didn't think that his treatment would be well received by him. Will be replied to and noticed. Everyone at school also knows how Jessi and Fauzan's relationship is, Disha thinks that Fauzan will not be affected by her. But he was wrong. Disha takes advantage of this opportunity to continue to attract Fauzan's attention without knowing that she is not Fauzan's only mistress.

    And well, the stupid thing was that he reported directly to Jessi everything Fauzan did behind that woman's back. And that's what made Fauzan hate him and without saying goodbye he immediately claimed they broke up.


    He plopped down on his soft bed. His head really could explode if it wasn't a god's creation. After getting attacked by Disha and going straight home, he thinks everything is over. But, in fact not at all, until he got home he found his parents fighting and his mother also taking out her anger on him.

   Thinking of Jessi who he couldn't rely on for now to help calm his mind, he instead thought of one woman who had been the object of his mere pranks.

   Fauzan reached into his jeans pocket to reach for his cell phone and quickly searched for the number of the woman who had called him but had not saved it. Once he can directly connect with a video call.

    Not long after the call was received, a cute curve was created on Fauzan's lips just because he looked at the woman's sweet face.

    The woman on the other side just stared at Fauzan's handsome face with a sweet smile on his lips. It felt like she missed him so much that he wanted to hug the man's body. Get rid of all the bitter reality that is constantly present to awaken him. Allowing herself to be a selfish woman.

    Evelyn Tries Byle, the full name of the woman of German descent who was smiling sweetly looking at Fauzan's face. Everyone who knew him used to call him Lyn.

    "How are you?" asked Fauzan starting a conversation between them that is always unknown to others. His voice was so soft that it made Lyn stunned again.

   "I am fine. And you?" Lyn's sweet voice when talking to him made Fauzan more aggressively approach him. It's crazy when other people say.

   "I'm good too. How about you still want to see me?" asked Fauzan without the slightest hesitation. It was as if he was that free. Forgetting what he just said a few days ago to Jessi, his lover.

   Lyn looks surprised there. But the smile never left his lips. Opportunity does not come twice. His heart was more important than anyone's heart, Lyn thought from his selfish side.

   "Did Jessi get permission? I heard she just got home from the hospital, didn't she?" Trust me, Lyn's question is just nonsense. They were friends once, but only ever according to Lyn. Now, he didn't want to know that person again.

    "Yeah, I just left his house. I don't need permission, anyways, where does he give permission when he says it. You just decide where the place is," he said, still looking relaxed. His face was full of light, it was like a promise to meet the idol of the heart. Even Fauzan easily underestimated Jessi's feelings.

    Everything Disha said was not wrong. Such a disease is indeed very difficult to cure, especially if it gets a warm welcome. Fauzan is acting up again?