
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

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You know? When she knew that her lover was playing with fire behind her back, Jessi never felt hurt or betrayed. For what reason he did not know.

 Once he was heartbroken because he found out that Fauzan was having an affair. At that time the woman was Evelyn, her best friend. What broke his heart was not because Fauzan had an affair. But, because Evelyn was the one. His best friend who he always trusted to be with him forever. Because Lyn was the woman who became the third person in the relationship. Because Evelyn was the one who betrayed him. So, at that time he almost wanted to give in if Fauzan didn't break up with Evelyn right away.

 Even when she saw her best friend's face, Jessica felt guilty for dating Fauzan even though Lyn was the one who had an affair. Until in the end Jessi still chose to withdraw in the hope that Fauzan and Lyn would return together with free conditions. But, in fact the man actually chased him back asking for back.